Adagio Dazzle vs. Sonata Dusk (STRETCHER MATCH)

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Kayla Braxton was standing by in the interviewing area.

Kayla: Guys, what a night it has been so far, but there's still more action to come, but right now, please welcome my guest at this time-

She gets cut off with The Hybrid 2 and Ravel Phenex walking in.

Jack Evans: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get the whole shtick! Your guests are the, officially, BEST Tag Team in LWF right now, The Hybrid 2!

Kayla: Um... yeah, first off congratulations on your victory against Pretty Cure in that Tornado Tag Match earlier-

Jack Evans: Pretty WHO? Oh, that's right, it doesn't matter, those two girls can't hold a CANDLE to us! And now with the Ravel-ation by our side, sooner or later, the Tag Team titles will be ours!

Ravel: That's right, now that the Ravel-ation just had a Hybrid upgrade, I'd suggest stay out of our way!

Ravel and The Hybrid 2 then walk off.

The camera then cuts back to ringside, where Nigel McGuinness was standing at the bottom of the ramp in between two Stretchers.

Nigel: Ladies and gentlemen, it will be Adagio Dazzle, versus Sonata Dusk in a Stretcher Match! Now, this is the first ever Stretcher Match in LWF history, so allow me to explain how this match works. The rules are simple, yet at the same time brutal. You must incapacitate your opponent to the point where you can put them on a Stretcher. Once you do so, *Grabs Stretcher and pulls it up the ramp* you take the Stretcher and bring it up the ramp, and across the finish line. Once you cross the finish line, and all four wheels cross the finish line, you'll be declared the winner!


The crowd began to boo loudly once the song began.

8 seconds into the song, Adagio makes her entrance, with mannerisms similar to that of Dr. Britt Baker. She then turned around, and pointed up as pyro went off.

Adagio then turned back around, and continued down the ramp.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is a Stretcher Match! Introducing first, she is the Dirty Siren, ADAGIO DAZZLE!!!

Mauro: You heard it from our colleague, Nigel, himself. Simple, yet brutal rules! No pinfalls, no Submissions, no count-outs, and anything goes. The only way this ends is if either Adagio or Sonata are beaten up so badly, the other puts them on a stretcher, and crosses the finish line up on the stage!

Beth: And the Stretcher must cross the line entirely, in other words, all four wheels on the Stretcher must cross in order for the match to end.

Nigel: *Sits back down and places headset* Yes, that's the basis of the match, and Adagio claims this guarantees zero excuses, but there's a good chance she's gonna eat those words!

Adagio then hops onto the apron, and throws her hand up, pointing to the sky as the "Boom!" Part of the song came. Then she pointed down to herself saying "The only star that matters is right here!" before entering the ring.

She then took her jacket off, and waited for her opponent.

That's when the lights go out, and then...

6 seconds into the song, pyro goes off, and the lights come back on, and Sonata Dusk makes her entrance, rocking out to the beat of her theme song.

Jeremy Borash: And her opponent, SONATA DUSK!!!

Mauro: This all began when Sonata couldn't take anymore of Adagio's verbal abuse, which led to a 6-person Tag Match between Sonata and the Foodie Friends, and Adagio, Aria, and Neo. Sonata would pin Adagio to win, and Adagio has been hell-bent on getting a rematch, but Sonata refused, and after all the persisting, and lows Adagio had to stoop to, Sonata gave in, and now we're here!

Beth: I talked to Sonata earlier today, and she told me that she doesn't care if she wins or loses, she just wants this rivalry to end. She also said she remembered what Alex Shelley told her in their match, and it was Shelley telling her that she had a bright future ahead of her, and it seems like battling with Adagio isn't in that future!

Nigel: Sonata has proven she can beat Adagio, and has. Can she do it again?

Sonata then entered the ring, and she and Adagio met in the middle.

"This is MY time, Sonata! After I beat you,everyone will see you for what you've always been! A talentless, brain-dead, waste of space!" Adagio says to Sonata.

Sonata then proceeded to slap Adagio in the face so hard, it echoed! The bell rings, then Sonata sweeps Adagio off her feet with a Double Leg Takedown, and hammers away on her!

Mauro: And here we go! Stretcher Match is officially underway and Sonata, raining down on Adagio!

Adagio then pushed her off, and scrambled out of the ring.

Adagio then looked up, and Sonata came flying over the top rope with a Slingshot Corkscrew Plancha, flattening Adagio!

Nigel: Look at that!

Mauro: Sonata with a Corkscrew Pescado!

Sonata then pulled a steel chair out from under the ring, then looked over at Adagio, who was beginning to get up.

Mauro: And Sonata now, steel chair in hand, that chair is perfectly legal!

Sonata then held the chair up high, and smacked Adagio across her back with it!

Mauro: And she puts it to good use!

Beth: Steel meets spine, and Adagio learned the hard way, that steel always wins!

Adagio gets up and tries to get away, but Sonata hits her with the chair across her back again!

Adagio then began to crawl under the ring, but Sonata grabbed her ankles and tried to pull her out. But when she did, Adagio clocked her on the head with a Kendo Stick!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: And Adagio gets a weapon of her own in the form of a Kendo Stick!

Sonata lets Adagio go and staggers back, then Adagio drops the stick, and shoves Sonata into the ring post!

Adagio then dragged Sonata towards a stretcher and she laid Sonata on it.

Mauro: Adagio now, attempting to take the stretcher to the finish line...

Sonata was able to recover right away, and she kicked Adagio off.

Sonata then got off the stretcher, and climbed onto the apron.

Adagio gets up, Sonata takes a running start and goes for a Diving Clothesline off the apron but when she leapt off, Adagio caught her in midair with a Superkick!

Beth: Oooh, man!!!

Mauro: Sonata flew right into that Superkick!

Nigel: Adagio timed that perfectly!

Adagio then throws Sonata into the ring, and using the post, she contorts Sonata!

Mauro: And now Adagio, contorting Sonata Dusk!

"I SHOULD BE THE ONE EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT! NOT YOU!" Adagio shouts at Sonata while Sonata cries out in pain.

Beth: And she continues to say that she should be the most talked Siren!

Nigel: Sonata is in a lot of pain right now, and the referee can't stop this! The referee is only there to watch a stretcher fully cross the finish line, with either Adagio or Sonata laying on it!

Adagio then releases her after a few minutes, and places Sonata on a stretcher.

Adagio then pushed the stretcher up the ramp, but she only made it halfway when Sonata sat up from the stretcher!

Sonata then headbutts Adagio, and after a couple of headbutts, Adagio staggers back down the ramp.

Mauro: And Adagio, only able to get halfway before Sonata fought back!

Adagio was now at the bottom of the ramp, Sonata got off the stretcher, but then she had an idea. She took it to the top of the ramp, and measured Adagio up.

Mauro: Sonata, up at the stage, but she needs to have Adagio on the stretcher, what does Sonata have in mind!?

Adagio then gets up, Sonata pushes the stretcher down the ramp, and hops on. She rides the stretcher down the ramp before jumping off and wiping Adagio out with a Crossbody!

Mauro: Whoa!!!

Beth: Sonata surfing on the stretcher!

Sonata then threw her back into the ring, and measured her up.

Adagio gets up, then Sonata knocks her back down with a Springboard Front Dropkick!

Mauro: Dropkick off the top rope by Sonata!

Adagio then crawls to a corner and tries to pull herself back up. But Sonata caught up to her, and then she flattened Adagio with a Springboard Double Foot Stomp to her back!

Mauro: And Sonata! Double Foot Stomp to the back!

Nigel: Sonata is climbing back into this match!

Sonata then slid out of the ring, dragged Adagio out, then laid her on the stretcher.

Mauro: And now Sonata, looking to end this match!

Sonata pushed the stretcher up the ramp, but was just a foot away from the finish line before Adagio kicked her in the face!

Beth: Oh, man Sonata was so close!

Mauro: Adagio was just a foot away from suffering another defeat!

Adagio gets off the stretcher, attempts to ram it into Sonata but she jumps out of the way.

The stretcher crashes into the side of the ring, Adagio charges at Sonata, but Sonata sends her flying with a Back Body Drop, and Adagio lands on the metal ramp!

Mauro: And Sonata with a Back Body Drop! Adagio crashes down on the steel ramp!

Nigel: Adagio's spine has met steel twice now in this match!

Adagio rolled down the ramp, then when she reached the bottom, Sonata picked her up, and laid her on the stretcher once more.

Then Sonata pulled a Trash Can out from under the ring, then hopped onto the apron and climbed to the top turnbuckle!

Mauro: Uh oh, Sonata with a Trash Can, looking to make sure Adagio does not get up!

Nigel: Sonata, willing to risk it all!

Sonata then turned around, placed the Trash Can across her own back, then went for her version of a Coffin Drop, but Adagio rolled out of the way, and Sonata crashed hard onto the stretcher!

Mauro: Oh, no!!! Sonata went for a Coffin Drop of her own, but Adagio averted disaster!

Beth: With every high risk move, there's always that chance of connecting, and a chance of a crash and burn! Sonata unfortunately, got the latter!

Adagio then lowered the stretcher, sat Sonata up, and connected with the Blind Kiss!

Mauro: And Adagio with the Blind Kiss!

Adagio then laid Sonata flat on the stretcher, and raised it up before pushing the stretcher up the ramp.

She makes it to the top, then Adagio pushes the stretcher fully across the finish line, ending the match!

Mauro: And Adagio Dazzle wins the Stretcher Match!

*Bell rings!*

Upon hearing the bell, Adagio began to laugh psychotically as she sat on the stage.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, ADAGIO DAZZLE!!!

Mauro: Adagio Dazzle finally ends her obsession with a win over Sonata Dusk!

Nigel: Hopefully this gives Adagio some peace of mind, knowing she had just proved her point!

Adagio then got up, and kicked the stretcher down the ramp!

Beth: Oh come on, now!

Mauro: Adagio with one more nail on the coffin, kicking Sonata down the ramp!

"I'M THE TOP SIREN, AND I PROVED IT!!!" Adagio shouts at the fans. Then she continued to laugh as she looked down at Sonata who was still laying on the stretcher.

"You're a loser, Sonata! Always have been, and I just proved that!!!" Adagio yells.

Mauro: Adagio Dazzle, finally gets rid of that monkey on her back that is Sonata being the better Siren, but there are still more action to go, the much anticipated match for the LWF: Reborn Championship is still to come, but up next, it's the Unsanctioned Match between Charlie Bonifier, and Bombay Suarez!

Beth: These two men are gonna beat each other within an inch of their lives, but which one is gonna still walk out the winner?

Nigel: Who's gonna be walking in general!?

(UP NEXT: Bonifer vs. Bombay (the Unsanctioned Match))

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