"Abrasive" Spongebob vs. An Opponent of Chard's choosing (Wattpad Championship)

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Backstage, Bombay Suarez was preparing for his Unsanctioned Match with Bonifer, when Charly Caruso walked up to him.

Charly: Excuse me, Bombay, tonight, you and Bonifer are gonna clash in an Unsanctioned Match, so my question is, why did you pick this fight?

Bombay: See, the reason I picked this fight is because I'm aware of what he's doing, trying to get Kenny Omega's attention, and getting that rematch. What I have a problem with is that Bonifer thinks he can just lay me out, and walk away thinking there's no repercussions. If he really wants to get Omega's attention, he's gonna have to out-fight me!

Charly then thanks him for the time, and leaves him to continue his warmup.

The camera cuts back to ringside, then...


The crowd booed, and the Wattpad Champion, "Abrasive" Spongebob Squarepants made his entrance.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this next contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the LWF Reborn Wattpad championship! Introducing first at this time, representing the Society of Complete Equality, he is the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Champion, the Abrasive...SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!

Mauro: And now we move to our first Championship match of the night, and our Wattpad Champion has quite a challenge!

Nigel: Chard Caranto, our founder of LWF, has stated that Spongebob WILL be defending the Wattpad Championship, and it will be against someone who HE chooses!

Beth: It could be anyone! A debuting star, a returning face, nobody knows, but Chard himself!

Spongebob enters the ring, then holds his Wattpad Championship up high and the crowd booed some more.

Spongebob then paced left and right, looking up at the stage, awaiting his mystery opponent.

And then...


The crowd cheered, and Sami Zayn danced his way onto the stage.

Mauro: Well, well, well! If it ain't the adviser of the Foodie Friends himself!

Nigel: This is an interesting choice by Chard, but a great one nonetheless! Sami Zayn is a former NXT and Intercontinental Champion! He could possibly add Wattpad Champion to that resume!

Spongebob then demanded a mic.

Abrasive Spongebob: Wait… hold on a second. Of all the people Chard could have picked… he chose you??? *Laughs* How desperate is he to take this title off me!?

Sami Zayn: Desperate he is not, oh moldy one! For you see, on the outside you see an affable gingery goofball... but on the inside you got one mean fighting machine who's a former NXT Champion! And tonight, we're cutting the crap, and you're gettin' that Sami who put NXT on his back!

Abrasive Spongebob: Oh, really? Well, hate to break it to you, after this match is done, I'm gonna still be the Wattpad Champion, and THAT is gonna be no conspiracy. 

Sami didn't say anything after that. He then takes his cap and jacket off, and the bell rings.

Sami and Spongebob lock up in the middle of the ring, Spongebob then throws Sami down onto the mat, goes for a stomp but Sami rolls out of the way and gets back up.

Spongebob tries to grab him, but Sami ducked and went behind him, then took him off his feet with a Rear Waistlock Takedown.

He then transitioned into a Front Facelock, but Spongebob quickly got back up and kneed him in the gut.

Mauro: Spongebob and Sami with some back and forth action here in the early part of the match, knees to the midsection now by Spongebob...

Spongebob then followed up with a blow to his back. He then picked him up, and threw him into a corner.

Mauro: Spongebob now, throwing Sami into a corner...

Then Spongebob connects with a running Forearm Smash!

Mauro: And a Forearm right into Sami!

Sami falls over, then Spongebob goes for the cover.

Sami kicked out at 2, then Spongebob picked him up and threw him to the ropes.

Sami then held on, stopping the momentum. Spongebob charges at Sami, but he sends Spongebob out of the ring with a Back Body Drop over the top rope.

Spongebob lands on the apron, Spongebob swings a left hook punch but misses. Sami then connects with a left hook of his own, goes to the apron, and then sets him up for a Brainbuster.

Spongebob reversed out of it, went for a kick in the midsection but Sami caught it! He then spun him around, and shoved him into the ring post!

Nigel: Ooh!

Mauro: And Sami Zayn, the crafty individual that he is, shoves the Champion into the post!

Beth: Sami turned the tables into his favor!

Spongebob tumbles to the floor, and staggers away. Then the referee starts the 10 count.

Mauro: And now the referee begins the 10 count. Champion's advantage, Sami can't win the title on a count-out!

Beth: He's gotta get him back in the ring and pin or submit him!

Sami then gets off the apron, and with a running start, he launches himself off the steel steps and wipes out Spongebob with a Clothesline!

Mauro: And Sami with a Clothesline!

Sami throws Spongebob back in the ring, goes for the cover but Spongebob kicks out at 2!

Sami then continued his offense. Stomping away on Spongebob, then he goes to the second turnbuckle in the nearest corner.

Spongebob gets up, then Sami lands a Diving Pointed Elbow Drop right on his head!

Mauro: And now an Elbow to the top of Spongebob's head!

Sami then picked up Spongebob and threw him to the ropes. Spongebob however, was able to turn the momentum around and Sami ended up being the one thrown to the ropes! He rebounds, and Spongebob lands a Calf Kick!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: And Spongebob with a kick right to the face!

Nigel: Just like that, now the Champion is in control!

Spongebob goes for the cover, but Sami kicks out at 2.

Spongebob then flipped him face down off the kick out, and then delivered some Elbow and Knee Strikes.

Mauro: And now the Wattpad Champion, knees and elbows to the challenger!

Spongebob then brought him up to his knees, and delivered Roundhouse Kicks to his chest. 

After delivering 4 kicks, he winds for a fifth, but he fakes Sami out, making him flinch. Sami looks up, and Spongebob clocks him with a straight punch!

Mauro: Oooh, Spongebob with a jab!

Sami falls over, Spongebob goes for the cover, but Sami kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Sami out at 2!

Nigel: That rang Sami's bell for sure, I'm surprised that didn't put him away!

Sami then crawled to the ropes, and used them to pull himself back up.

Spongebob charges at him once more, but Sami catches him with a Back Elbow!

Sami then advances towards him, Spongebob then tries to hit Sami with a Discus Forearm Smash, but Sami ducked, and then scooped him up for a Blue Thunder Bomb, and Sami slams him down!

Mauro: Oh, Spongebob was looking for a Spinning Forearm, but Sami with a Blue Thunder Bomb!

Sami held him down for the cover, but Spongebob kicked out at 2!

Mauro: And Spongebob out at 2!

Beth: Sami was so close there!

Sami gets up, then goes for a Blue Thunder Bomb again, but then Spongebob countered with a Hurricanrana!

Mauro: Oh, Sami went for another Blue Thunder Bomb, Spongebob countered!

Sami gets up, but gets hit by a Bicycle Kick from Spongebob! Sami's now stunned, then Spongebob lifts him up for a Fisherman Buster, but then Spongebob drops him onto his knee!

Mauro: And now Spongebob! Fisherman Buster onto the knee!

Spongebob scrambles into the cover, hooks Sami's leg, but Sami kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And Sami, AGAIN out at 2!

Beth: How is Sami still in this!?

Spongebob then got back to his feet, picked Sami up, went to the nearest corner and placed him on the top turnbuckle. 

Spongebob then climbed up to meet him, and hooks Sami up for his devastating move, "4700 Meters Down"!

Nigel: Oh, he won't be in this match for very long! Spongebob might end it here!

Mauro: Spongebob looking for 4700 Meters Down!

Beth: If this connects, it's for sure over!

Sami then began to fight back, landing punches to Spongebob's gut!

Mauro: And Sami, knowing very well what was about to happen, now begins to fight his way out!

After about 5 punches, Spongebob lets Sami go. Then, Sami pushes him off the top turnbuckle, and Spongebob crashes back down onto the ring canvas!

Mauro: Sami now, sending Spongebob back down!

Spongebob gets up, then Sami leaps off the top turnbuckle, and flattens Spongebob with a Crossbody!

Mauro: And Sami Zayn! Crossbody off the top!

Sami has Spongebob pinned with a Lateral Press, but Spongebob kicks out at 2!

Mauro: No! The Wattpad Champion kicks out!

Nigel: Another near fall for Sami Zayn! 

Beth: Both competitors are digging deep into their arsenals! 

Spongebob rolls onto the apron, Sami then follows. 

Sami then picked up Spongebob, but then he scooped him up, looking for a Death Valley Driver onto the apron, but Sami elbows out of it!

Sami then tries for the Apron Brainbuster again, this time he connects!

Nigel: Oooh!!!

Mauro: Mamma Mia, Brainbuster off the apron! 

Sami then rolled back into the ring, and measured Spongebob up.

Spongebob gets up in a daze, then Sami hits the ropes and lands on Spongebob with a Tope Con Hilo!

Mauro: And Sami Zayn, launching himself!

Sami then throws Spongebob back into the ring, goes for the cover, but Spongebob was just close enough to get his foot on the bottom rope, breaking the count at 2!

Mauro: And Spongebob! Great ring awareness from the Champion!

Nigel: Had Sami been just a bit more farther away, we would've had a new Wattpad Champion!

Sami then dragged Spongebob to the center of the ring. Spongebob gets up, then Sami hits the ropes, but Spongebob catches him, and slams him down with a Spinebuster!

Mauro: Oooh, Sami got caught with a Spinebuster!

Spongebob goes for the cover, but Sami was still able to kick out at 2!

Spongebob picks him up, and throws him into a corner. He charges, but then Sami catches him, and tosses him into the corner with an Exploder Suplex!

Mauro: And Sami! Exploder Suplex into the corner!

Sami then gets up, and begins to measure up Spongebob once more.

Mauro: And Sami Zayn, looking to close in!

Beth: Could be looking for the Helluva Kick right here!

Sami then goes for the Helluva Kick, but then Spongebob explodes out of the corner, and meets Sami in the middle of the ring, hitting him with the Torpedo Kick!

Beth: OOOH!!!

Mauro: Spongebob blasting out of the corner!

Nigel: And Sami felt all of that Torpedo Kick!

Spongebob then wasted no time, and hooked him up for his Double Underhook Facebuster, "47 Meters Down", and he connected!

Mauro: 47 Meters Down!

But before Spongebob could cover Sami, Sami rolled out of the ring!

Mauro: And Sami Zayn, probably out of instinct, rolls out of the ring!

Nigel: That may have just saved him!

Spongebob slides out of the ring, then throws Sami back into the ring.

Sami gets up, so did Spongebob, but Sami went for a Helluva Kick but Spongebob caught it! 

He then throws his foot down, goes for an Elbow Strike but Sami ducked, hooks him up for another Exploder Suplex, but Spongebob elbows out of it!

Sami then lets go, goes for a Clothesline but Spongebob ducked it!

Sami turned around, and walked right into Hurricane Sandy!

Nigel: Oooh!

Mauro: Hurricane Sandy! Sami walked right into it!

Spongebob then goes for the cover, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And Spongebob retains!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:08)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, and STILL the Wattpad Champion, "Abrasive" SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!

Mauro: A valiant effort from the Foodie Friends' adviser, but it's Abrasive Spongebob who stands tall in the end!

Beth: So many close calls from both Champion and Challenger, but Spongebob was still able to push through, and remain the Wattpad Champion!

The referee raises Spongebob's hand, then Spongebob climbs up a corner and holds the Wattpad Championship up high before exiting the ring. 

Nigel: A hard fought win for the SCE's Wattpad Champion, but still to come, our main event, Starlight Glimmer and Robert Squared, one on one for the LWF: Reborn Championship!

Mauro: That promises to be the clash for the ages, but up next a Siren rivalry has reached a whole new level! Adagio Dazzle, looks to put out the fire of the fast rising star, that is Sonata Dusk, in a Stretcher Match!

Beth: Adagio claimed this match guarantees no excuses for defeat, can she finally do the one thing she said she'll do, and get a win over Sonata? Or will Sonata once again prevail?

(UP NEXT: Adagio Dazzle vs. Sonata Dusk (STRETCHER MATCH))

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