The Workin' Miners vs. Hawkins and Ryder (For a shot at Tag Team Championships)

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In the SCE Locker Room, the entire SCE was seen preparing Spongebob and Starlight for their matches as Ricochet was looking on.

Nigel: There you see the SCE preparing for their defenses. Spongebob getting ready for his defense against an opponent chard picked himself, and Starlight to be in our main event against Robert Squared! Will the SCE leave tonight with both their championships still claimed?

Nigel: Well when you have numbers in your favor, you're pretty much unstoppable. 

The camera then cuts back to ringside, and…

The crowd boos, as Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder made their entrance.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a Tag Team contest, set for one fall, where the winner of this match will earn an opportunity at Wrestlepalooza, for LWF: Reborn Tag Team Championships! Introducing first, at a combined weight of 447 pounds, Curt Hawkins, and ZACK RYDER!!!

Mauro: You heard it from our ring announcer himself! This is for a shot at the Tag Team Championships at Wrestlepalooza, and Hawkins and Ryder look to earn it at the expense of the debuting Workin' Miners!

Nigel: The last time these two men had a shot at the Tag Team title was at Resurgence, where they entered the Tag Team gauntlet match, only to come up short, and they haven't had an opportunity since!

Beth: Well a win here could definitely put them much closer!

Hawkins and Ryder entered the ring, and awaited their opponents.

Then, after several seconds of silence, a steam whistle was heard, then…

(Start at 0:02)

The crowd cheered, and out came Big Mac and Steve!

Jeremy Borash: And their opponents, making their LWF debut, Big Mac, and Steve, THE WORKIN' MINERS!!!

Mauro: What a debut this is gonna be for them! Their first ever match in LWF is for a shot at the Tag Team Championships!

Beth: We've witnessed their journey, and now they are here, all they gotta do now is get past Hawkins and Ryder!

Nigel: But Hawkins and Ryder are gonna make sure they won't let it happen!

The Workin' Miners enter the ring, then they hype up the fans, gaining a bigger cheer.

After a few seconds, Big Mac and Curt Hawkins start it off, and the bell rings.

Hawkins and Big Mac lock up in the middle of the ring, Hawkins then gets Mac in a Side Headlock. 

"You are NOT jumping the line!" Hawkins shouts at Mac. Then, Big Mac uses his strength to counter into a Back Suplex, and slams Hawkins down!

Mauro: And Mac with a Back Suplex!

Hawkins sits up, arching his back in pain, Big Mac gets up, then he throws him to the ropes. Hawkins rebounds, then Big Mac flings him up into the air with a Back Body Drop!

Mauro: And again, Big Mac slamming down Hawkins!

Nigel: Curt Hawkins can't get an offensive move going!

Hawkins gets up, then Big Mac lifts Hawkins up onto his shoulders. 

Hawkins then elbows him in the face to escape, once he was free, he began to rain down Forearms on Big Mac.

Hawkins then hits the ropes, but then Big Mac knocks him down with a Shoulder Block!

Beth: Oh! Mac just keeps bulldozing through Hawkins!

Mauro: Well, Big Macintosh has spent his whole life on the farm, Beth. He’s built for bulldozing!

Mac then tags Steve in, and the crowd begins to cheer. 

Nigel: Oh here we go! 

Mauro: Here comes the Super-Survivalist! 

Beth: Steve made his debut at Elimination Enclosure and tonight is his return to the ring as an official LWF Superstar!

Steve closed in on Hawkins, who was ready for Steve as he put him in a front facelock, but was having a hard time gripping his arms around Steve’s large, square head.

Nigel: Well... Not easy to apply a face lock to someone who's got a cube for a head.

Mauro: I’ve seen some strange things before… but I think this makes my top 5.

Hawkins gives up, then goes for a Clothesline but Steve ducks it and delivers a straight right punch right to Hawkins' cheek, sending him crashing to the mat!

Beth: OH! That's gotta hurt!

Mauro: He may be oddly shaped, but Steve can sure throw a jab or two!

Nigel: I mean, this guy punches down TREES for a living! What do you think he’s gonna do to someone’s face?

Hawkins rolls out of the ring, and smacks the apron in frustration. Steve takes this time to pose for the fans, one similar to that of someone flexing their muscles. 

The crowd cheers as Hawkins boils on the outside.

Mauro: And Curt Hawkins, already frustration boiling over!

“C'mon, bro! He's just a block!" Ryder says to Hawkins.

“How is he even qualified to wrestle?!” Hawkins asks in frustration. 

Hawkins then slid back in while Steve was hyping up the fans, then he struck him with a vicious Clothesline the second he turned around which knocked Steve down, getting a loud rally of boos. 

Nigel: Oh, Steve got too focused on the crowd! Hawkins made him pay!

Curt then tagged in Zack, and the two held Steve up, and they did an STO/Side Russian Legsweep combo on him!

Mauro: Ooh, and a double team by Hawkins and Ryder!

Zack then covered Steve, but the survival expert kicked out at 2. 

Ryder gets up, then he viciously stomps away on Steve.

Nigel: Now that they've gotten used to how he looks, Hawkins and Ryder are treating Steve like they would any other wrestler!

Mauro: You also have to wonder if Steve is still getting used to the ring himself! He's not always used to new environments.

Beth: It won't be a problem for him. Steve can adapt to pretty much anywhere he lives. That's not even mentioning all the stuff he builds and how he makes his living!

Ryder then picks him up, and hits Steve with a Short-Arm Clothesline. 

Ryder then tagged Hawkins back in, then Ryder threw Steve into a corner, and connected with a running Forearm Smash. 

Ryder then swept Steve's leg to take him off his feet, then Hawkins came running in, and landed a Hesitation Dropkick!

Mauro: And there's more of that Tag Team offense from the New Yorkers!

Hawkins drags Steve out of the corner, goes for the cover, but Steve kicks out at 2!

Mauro: But Steve kicks out again! 

Nigel: That Blockman's made out of tough stuff!

Beth: He has to be if he wants to fight monsters!

Hawkins then tries to lock on a Grounded Headlock on Steve, and this time he successfully does so.

"We were here before you two idiots!" Hawkins shouts. "That opportunity should've gone to us by default!"

Mauro: And Hawkins now, continuing to state that the opportunity should've just gone to himself and Ryder.

Nigel: Well, their only opportunity was at Resurgence, so they feel that they were more deserving than the Workin' Miners, which I understand!

Big Mac then hypes up the crowd to cheer Steve on, then they start to clap. 

Steve slowly begins to rise, Hawkins tries to bring him back down but Steve elbows Hawkins in the gut!

Hawkins lets go, Steve hits the ropes, ducks a Clothesline from Hawkins, hits the ropes again, then knocks Hawkins down with a Back Elbow!

Mauro: Steve with a Back Elbow!

Both Hawkins and Steve are now down, and the referee begins to count.

1… 2… 3… 4…

Steve and Hawkins begin to crawl to their respective partners, then they both make the tag, Hawkins and Mac rush in, then Mac knocks Ryder down with a Clothesline!

Mauro: And now Big Mac, coming in hot!

Ryder gets up, and Big Mac hits him with another Clothesline!

Ryder gets up for a third time, then Big Mac slams him down with a Spinebuster!

Beth: Ohhh!

Mauro: Spinebuster with authority!

Big Mac tags in Steve, then they pick up Ryder.

Steve and Mac hit the ropes, then Mac hits a Clothesline, while Steve simultaneously hits an Uppercut!

Mauro: And The Workin' Miners showing off some Tag Team offense of their own!

Mac exits the ring, Steve goes for the cover but Hawkins breaks the count at 2!

Big Mac gets back in the ring, tries to take out Hawkins with a Clothesline, but Hawkins ducks it, rebounds off the ropes and knocks Mac down with a flying Forearm Smash!

Hawkins and Ryder then pick Steve up, then they throw him to the ropes, but Steve knocks them both down with a Clothesline!

Hawkins rolls out of the ring, Steve gets up, Big Mac gets on the apron, and Steve tags him in.

Then they hoist up Ryder, and slam him down with a Double Team move they call the "Heavy Load Dropper"!

Nigel: Oooohh!!!

Mauro: That's a move they call the Heavy Load Dropper!

Big Mac covers Ryder, and gets the 3 count!

Mauro: And that's it! The Workin' Miners are heading to Wrestlepalooza!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:02)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, THE WORKIN' MINERS!!!

Mauro: What a debut for Steve and Big Mac! Not only did they win their first match, but they have earned a shot at the Tag Team titles!

Beth: The end of their journey to gold has just gotten more closer! Steve and Big Mac got through their first obstacle, now all they have to do is beat the Champions at Wrestlepalooza!

Nigel: That very win just skyrocketed The Workin' Miners into the Tag Team Title Picture! But Weird N' Wild are an amazing duo, and are Tag Team Champions for a reason! It's gonna take more than whatever they used against Hawkins and Ryder to dethrone Mabel and Star!

The referee raises Steve and Big Mac's hands, then The Workin' Miners continue to celebrate, while Hawkins and Ryder leave, watching on with disgust written on their faces.

Mauro: Well, Hawkins and Ryder back to square one after that loss, but up next, "Abrasive" Spongebob Squarepants of the Society of Complete Equality, is putting his Wattpad Championship on the line, against an opponent of Chard Caranto's choosing!

Beth: Who's the chosen challenger?

(UP NEXT: Spongebob vs. A Mystery Opponent for the Wattpad Championship)

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