Pretty Cure vs. The Hybrid 2 (TORNADO TAG MATCH)

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Back at ringside...

The crowd boos, then Jack Evans does backflips and Angelico dances his way onto the stage as The Hybrid 2 made their entrance.

*Bell rings*

Jeremy Borash: The Following contest is a Tornado Tag Team Match! It is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first at this time, Jack Evans and Angelico, THE HYBRID 2!!!

Mauro: Tornado Tag Team action heading our way, everyone is legal, high octane action every second, and that's exactly what we're gonna expect!

Nigel: The Hybrid 2 and Pretty Cure have traded jabs leading up to End of the Line, but now they've got a chance to settle the score and see who is the better team!

Beth: The Hybrid 2 have proven time and time again that they're a decorated Tag Team, a win here would solidify that!

Evans and Angelico then enter the ring, then Angelico starts shimmying his jacket off, while Evans break dances on the mat.


The crowd cheers, and then Pretty Cure makes their entrance.

Jeremy Borash: And now introducing their opponents, the team of Nagisa Misumi, and Honoka Yukishiro, PRETTY CURE!!!

Mauro: The Hybrid 2 have been a thorn in Pretty Cure's side as of late, they've been one-upping each other up until this point, and this Tornado Tag match is for all the bragging rights!

Beth: A win over The Hybrid 2 could turn a lot of heads, and maybe put them in talks for a future Tag Team Championship opportunity!

Nigel: But they gotta get past Angelico and Evans first, and they have shown to be a VERY skillful duo when it's time to do business!

Pretty Cure entered the ring, then in an instant, they both hit running Dropkicks on The Hybrid 2!

Beth: Oooh!

Mauro: Pretty Cure IMMEDIATELY out of the gate!

The bell rings, and Pretty Cure continue their onslaught on Evans and Angelico!

Evans and Angelico then begin to fight back, but after a couple of Forearm Smashes, Pretty Cure begin to land Forearms of their own!

Honoka then stunned Angelico with a high Roundhouse Kick, Nagisa stuns Evans with a Spinning Backhand, Honoka then hits the ropes, Nagisa pops her up, and Honoka knocks The Hybrid 2 down with a Dropkick!

Mauro: And the action begins to accelerate! What a double team by Pretty Cure!

Nigel: Pop-up Dropkick by Pretty Cure, The Hybrid 2 is in a predicament quite early in the match!

Evans and Angelico roll out of the ring, then Pretty Cure goes flying with Slingshot Planchas in stereo, knocking Evans and Angelico down again!

Mauro: And Pretty Cure! Pretty Cure taking flight before The Hybrid 2 could do so!

Beth: This strategy just caught Evans and Angelico off guard!

Pretty Cure throws The Hybrid 2 back into the ring, then they both throw Evans and Angelico to the ropes, but then Evans and Angelico blast Pretty Cure with Clotheslines!

Mauro: Oooh! The Hybrid 2, with 2 Clotheslines!

Angelico then throws Nagisa out of the ring, then The Hybrid 2 began to double team on Honoka.

Mauro: Now Evans and Angelico... they've got Honoka all to themselves!

The beat down starts with Evans and Angelico stomping away on her. Then Evans flips her face down, hits the ropes, and rolls into a Muta Lock.

Then, Angelico measures Honoka up for a moment, then delivered a Punt Kick!

Mauro: Oooh! And a kick to the face by Angelico!

Evans flips Honoka over, goes for the cover, but Honoka kicks out at 2.

Evans then goes out of the ring, and he and Nagisa go at it.

Meanwhile back in the ring, Honoka and Angelico were trading holds. It started with Angelico putting Honoka in basic Side Headlock, followed by Honoka escaping and putting Angelico in a Hammerlock. Angelico then countered with a Snapmare, and connects with a swift kick across Honoka's back!

Angelico covers Honoka, but she kicks out at 2!

Evans then slid into the ring, and now he violently stomps and kicks away on Honoka.

Mauro: Jack Evans now, showing a bit of a mean streak!

"You think you can hang with us!?" Evans shouts at Honoka. Nagisa slides into the ring, but Angelico stuns her with a right handed jab, which drops her to one knee. Meanwhile, Jack Evans has picked up Honoka, then slams her down with a Northern Lights Suplex. Evans then rolled through, sat her up and then landed a Basement Dropkick.

Evans covers Honoka, but she kicks out at 2.

Jack Evans then picks up Honoka and then he locks on an Octopus Stretch.

Nigel: Evans now, utilizing his Technical Game...

After several minutes, Honoka drops down to one knee, and tries to reach for the ropes. She's too far away however, and now she drops down to both knees, and then falls forward, just close enough to grab the bottom rope, forcing a break.

Mauro: And Honoka makes it to the ropes, but what damage has been done?

Nigel: That may have been a short period of time, but that Octopus Stretch can do a LOT in that duration!

Before Honoka could make a move, Angelico picked her up, and hoisted her onto his shoulder for a Back Suplex.

Jack Evans then climbed to the top turnbuckle, but then Nagisa shoved him off, and he crashed down onto the floor below!

Mauro: Oooh! Nagisa pushing Jack Evans off the top!

Beth: That's a VERY long way down!

Honoka was then able to wiggle free, then Nagisa leapt off the top turnbuckle, and took Angelico down with a Missile Dropkick!

Pretty Cure then picked him up, then Honoka lowered the top rope, and Nagisa threw Angelico over and out of the ring.

The Hybrid 2 now regroup, get up, but then Honoka hits the ropes, and with an assist from Nagisa, she wipes them out with a Tope Con Hilo!

Mauro: Honoka taking flight!

Beth: Honoka showing a more High-flying moveset, this is NOT what I expected from her!

Honoka then throws Angelico back into the ring, and Nagisa climbs to the second turnbuckle, measuring Angelico up.

Nigel: And now Nagisa Misumi, sizing up Angelico!

Angelico gets up, then Nagisa goes for a diving Reverse STO, and hits it!

Mauro: Diving Flatliner off the middle turnbuckle! She plants Angelico!

Nagisa immediately goes for the cover, but Angelico kicks out at 2!

Meanwhile outside of the ring, Honoka was trading kicks with Jack Evans. Evans then went for a big kick but she caught it! The she grabbed him, threw him into the barricade, but he leaped over it!

Jack Evans then hopped onto the barricade, and did a Corkscrew Enzuigiri off it, and knocked Honoka down!

Mauro: Wow!!! What agility from Evans!

Evans then pulls out a steel chair from under the ring, and with the intention of hitting Nagisa with it, he slides into the ring, but the referee stops him.

Mauro: And Jack Evans, I think he was thinking of smacking Nagisa with that chair!

Beth: All team members are legal, but weapons are still not!

But while the referee was dealing with Evans, Ravel Phenex had just jumped the barricade, and climbed to the top turnbuckle!

Mauro: Wait a second! It's Ravel Phenex!

Nigel: What on earth is the leader of the Ravel-ation doing here!?

Nagisa then got up, then Ravel connected with the Ravel-ation on her!

Nigel: Oooh!!!

Mauro: Ravel, with the Ravel-ation on Nagisa! What the hell!?

Beth: Well it's no secret her and the Hybrid 2 have had conversations, but I think it's safe to say, it's more than just "Small Talk"!

She then slides out of the ring, Angelico gets back up, then sets her up for his signature Crucifix Powerbomb into the corner, which he calls the "Fall Of The Angels", and connects!

Evans then climbed to the top turnbuckle immediately after, then he landed his signature 630 Senton!

Mauro: 630 after the Fall Of The Angels!

Evans hooks Nagisa's leg, Honoka tries to break up the count, but Angelico was there to stop her, and Evans gets the 3 count!

Mauro: TH2 prevails!

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winners of the match, THE HYBRID 2!!!

Evans and Angelico get out of the ring, then Ravel gets in between the two men, and raises their hands.

Mauro: Ravel Phenex with the assist, The Hybrid 2 pick up a win against a game Pretty Cure!

Nigel: Right at the very moment when it looked like Pretty Cure was about to get a second wind in the match, Ravel swooped in, and made sure that they were not climbing back!

Beth: And it seems that the "secret" is finally out! There was no coincidence after all, Ravel Phenex has officially associated herself with The Hybrid 2!

Nagisa sits up, and looks at them with anger in her eyes as Honoka knelt down, and tries to comfort her. 

Mauro: Not the way Pretty Cure wanted this to go I'm sure, but the Tag Team action continues up next, The Workin' Miners make their debut! With an opportunity at the Tag Team Championships at Wrestlepalooza hanging in the balance, against Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder!

Beth: Hawkins and Ryder look to climb the ladder at the expense of The Workin' Miners, but on the flipside, imagine how big of a win that would feel for Steve and Big Mac!?

Nigel: But the question is, who wants it more?

(UP NEXT: Hawkins and Ryder vs. The Workin' Miners (Winner faces Team Weird N' Wild for the Tag Team Championships at Wrestlepalooza))

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