PRE-SHOW MATCH: Snips (W/Snails) vs. A Debuting LWF star

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The camera cuts to ringside, and Mauro Ranallo starts to speak.

Mauro: Well thank you to our Analyst team over at the table for giving us a show rundown, but now it's time for some Pre-show action! Mauro Ranallo here alongside Nigel McGuinness and Beth Phoenix, as always!

Beth: We are just a few moments away from the last event before Wrestlepalooza, but to Kick it off, we got ourselves a special Pre-show match that Chard Caranto just made on the fly!


Then, out came Snips and Snails.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this Pre-show match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, accompanied by Snails, SNIPS!

Mauro: Now, Snips and Snails settled who's gonna be the one to take on the newest signee to LWF over Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Snips won that exchange, but he doesn't know who he's going up against!

Nigel: All we know is that it's a new signee, but even then, you can't prepare for an unknown opponent!

Beth: But on the flipside, this could be an amazing opportunity for Snips! Imagine spoiling the debut of a new LWF signee!

Mauro: I am sure Snips is gonna love every second of that!

Snails stays out at ringside, while Snips enters the ring, all confident.

"Okay, new guy! Come on!" He says as he paces around the ring.

Then, after a few seconds of silence...

The fans that were already in attendance popped as Snips looked on with shock.

The camera cuts to the stage where "THE BRONZE KNEECAP" was written on the titantron, then, out came the Bronze Kneecap himself!

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, making his LWF debut, THE BRONZE KNEECAP!!!

Mauro: Well isn't this a surprise! The man with the deadliest knee, the Bronze Kneecap!

Nigel: What a signee! Snips is gonna be very wary, because this man is called the Bronze Kneecap for a reason!

Beth: I'm afraid Snips is gonna be in for quite a match!

The Bronze Kneecap enters the ring. "Don't make me use this!" He says to Snips as he points to his knee.

The bell rings, and the match is underway.

Snips and Bronze Kneecap lock up in the middle of the ring, but then the Bronze Kneecap shoves Snips down to the mat.

Snips gets up, and then begins to land a series of Forearm Smashes. He then hits the ropes, but the Bronze Kneecap stops him in his tracks with a Back Elbow!

Mauro: Ooh! Bronze Kneecap with a Back Elbow!

The Bronze Kneecap then picked him up, throws him into a corner, then connects with a running Clothesline!

Beth: Oooh, man!

Mauro: And Snips got a taste of a Bronze Clothesline!

Nigel: That one must have felt painful!

He then threw Snips out of the corner, and measured him up.

Mauro: And The Bronze Kneecap, probably now looking to end the match here!

Snips began to get up, then Bronze Kneecap shouts "You made me use this!!!" before running full speed and clocking a running Knee Lift square in his face!

Nigel: Oooooh-ho-ho!

Mauro: Caught him flush on the face!

Beth: That's it right there!

Bronze Kneecap rolls him over, and gets the 3 count.

Mauro: And as quickly as it had begun, it's over!

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner of the match, THE BRONZE KNEECAP!

Mauro: Snips didn't stand a chance! The moment the match began, The Bronze Kneecap made quick work on him!

Nigel: All Snips threw was a couple Forearms, but it wasn't enough to keep the Bronze Kneecap reeling for very long! Before he knew it, Snips was out like a light, did you see that knee!?

Beth: I sure did, and I felt that just by watching it connect!

The referee raises The Bronze Kneecap's hand, and The Bronze Kneecap continues to celebrate in the ring.

Mauro: What a convincing win for The Bronze Kneecap, I think we may be looking at a future threat in this man!


And that was the Pre-show!

What a fast, and emphatic debut of The Bronze Kneecap! The LWF Roster better keep an eye out for him!

Other than that, it's time for the main show!

Stay tuned for that!

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