Show Rundown

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The camera pans around the James L. Knight Center in Miami, Florida before it cuts to the Analyst Table, where myself, Jonah Shwarts, and Kayla Braxton were sitting.

Kayla: Ladies and Gentlemen, End Of The Line is FINALLY here, our last stop before Wrestlepalooza, joining me is of course Chard Caranto, and "Lucky 7" Jonah Shwarts, guys, this show promises to be very electric!

Jonah: Oh you better believe it Kayla! End of the Line is Stacked! Chard my brotha, you've put together a hell of a show tonight!

Chard: Well, thanks. Anything to make the Road To Wrestlepalooza more exciting.

Kayla: Exciting is right, we've got lots of stuff to cover, so let's get started!

Jonah: Let's point out all the interpromotional matches Chard has got set up for tonight. Starting with one that's completely gone off the rails.

Kayla: That's right, the Beautiful People and FSU have been back and forth leading up all the way to tonight! And now they finally have the chance to face each other tonight as Alexis Rhodes and Asuka Langley Soryu get in the ring with Eddie Dennis and Mark Andrews!

Chard: Honestly, I didn't think they were gonna take it this far, but all I can say is, I bet they'll bring out the best in each other.

Jonah: And another interpromotional match we've got on the card features a star from FXWF. Junko Enoshima has come to make her mark as well, but at the expense of Chris Brookes. And they're gonna throw down in the Asylum Match!

Kayla: That's right, The Calamari catch king and the Ultimate Despair will clash in an Asylum Match! No way out, just pinfalls or submissions count, and both of them can use whatever weapons are hanging from the cage to damage the other.

Chard: That cage should contain those two maniacs, and if it doesn't, what will?

Kayla: I ask that same question, myself. Now also in this show, we're gonna have a match against two former best friends, I'm of course, talking about Chuck Taylor, and Trent!

Chard: A friendship that tragically ended at High Acceleration, and Chuck Taylor looks to seek some revenge on Trent, and possibly, get his old friend back.

Jonah: Former teammates now turned enemies, how will this confrontation turn out? And speaking of Trent, his new friends Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins have a match tonight against the Debuting team of Steve and Big Macintosh, the Workin' Miners.

Kayla: We've seen glimpses of those two hard workers throughout the road to End of the Line, and finally they are ready to debut tonight! Whichever team wins tonight gets next shot at Team Weird N’ Wild for the Tag Team Titles!

Chard: Uh huh, Weird N' Wild get the night off, but they will be defending those titles at Wrestlepalooza, and it'll be either Hawkins and Ryder or The Workin' Miners. Speaking of enemies, what about the rivalry between Adagio Dazzle, and Sonata Dusk?

Jonah: Former Siren Sisters, now turned bitter enemies, Adagio has been trying FOREVER to get Sonata into a rematch and now she's got one! But it's not just any match they're in tonight, it's a Stretcher Match!

Kayla: And I did some research on that match, and I learned that you win by taking the Stretcher, with your opponent on it of course, and fully cross the finish line.

Chard: And like Adagio said, this guarantees no excuses for defeat. But there's a good chance she might eat her words, I mean you saw what Sonata was willing to do last Episode, right?

Jonah: Of course, that jump off the cage she pulled was death-defying! But I think the SCE has their work cut out for them the most. We’ll get to Starlight in a bit, but let's talk Sponegbob. He's gotta defend the Wattpad title against an opponent you, Chard, selected!

Chard: Indeed Spongebob will be putting that Wattpad Championship on the line, and before anyone asks, I DID pick out the perfect opponent, but I will not tell, you will all see soon enough! *winks* And of course, let's not leave out the leader of the SCE. Last Episode, Starlight Glimmer caught a glimpse of what her End Of The Line opponent, Robert Squared, could do! Safe to say, this may be Starlight's toughest challenger to date!

Kayla: But so far whenever Starlights championship has been on the line, she's never been beaten so far! Will she be able to manage a win from Robert Squared, or will he be the one to face Will Ospreay come Wrestlepalooza?

Jonah: If you ask me, it could go either way, considering when they both step through the ropes, they both can go with the best. But it's equal considering Robert has the numbers to complement Starlight's own.

Chard: Yes, with the playing field now even, let's see how Starlight fairs here. Now, there's also this one match that's not even sanctioned, and I can tell you this, this one's gonna be a fight! Bombay vs. Bonifer!

Kayla: Oh what a fight that will be indeed! Bonifer, still looking for that rematch with Kenny Omega, and he's been doing everything to try and get it! Now with this whole thing between Bonifer and Bombay, it all started when Bonifer attacked Bombay after his match with Chris Brookes, and from there, Bombay wanted to get his hands on Bonifer, and now he has the chance in the Unsanctioned Match!

Jonah: No Rules, no approval, or protection by anyone, just a fight! That's gonna be something to see between two extreme brawlers!

Chard: Now that I can agree with, and speaking of "getting their hands on someone", The Hybrid 2 have been wanting to get their hands on Pretty Cure as of late!

Jonah: Yeah, I understand they’ll be competing in a Tornado Tag match coming up on the show, right Kayla?

Kayla: Yes, that is right, The Hybrid 2 have proven time and time again why they belong in the Tag Team division, and so has Pretty Cure, which pretty much angered Jack Evans and Angelico, and now they're gonna settle it in a Tornado Tag Match, where everyone is legal, and all I can say is try and keep up with the action!

Chard: Yeah, that's gonna be a VERY fast paced match, and that, along with Hawkins and Ryder vs. The Workin' Miners aren't the only Tag Team matches happening. There's another Tag Team match as well, a 6 man Tag to exact!

Kayla: Yeah, that's right! Scarlet and Graves bursted into the scene in Episode 11, after Dave Crist appeared under a mask and orchestrated a post match on the Motorcity Machine Guns after Sabin and Shelley took on The Rascalz! The Rascalz would show their allegiance to Crist, and revealed that in Episode 8, they're the guys who attacked Kushida backstage, which then led to this, a 6 man tag match between Kushida and The Guns, and Scarlet and Graves! Y'know that trio, Scarlet and Graves, they're a group of guys I wouldn't wanna mess with!

Jonah: I agree with that, and tensions are high with those six men. We’ll see what happens between Kushida, the Guns, and Scarlet & graves, tonight!

Chard: Uh huh. Man what a show this is gonna be-

Suddenly Snips and Snails barged in 

Chard: What the- Snips and Snails!? What are you doing here!?

Snips: We wanted to be part of the show!

Snails: Yeah, we wanna face someone!

Chard: Oh, well, you guys are in luck, I haven't got a Pre-show match made yet, but… it's gonna be a Singles match so… one of you guys is gonna be up for it.

Snips and Snails look at each other, then they play rock paper scissors to determine who will perform. Snips went with rock, Snails went with scissors, therefore Snips won the spot.

Chard: Alright, that settles it! Snips, you'll be in Singles action, and it's gonna be up against a new signee to LWF-

Kayla: Whoa! You didn't tell anyone you signed a new member to the roster!

Chard: I'm just into keeping things secret. *smiles* Now get along, you two! That match will be on soon!

Snips and Snails then leave the table.

Kayla: Well, with that, that wraps up our show rundown, let's take a quick break. But don't go anywhere. When we come back, you're gonna see some pre-show action!

Jonah: That's right, after the break it's match time! Tell em what's next, Chard!

Chard: All I can say is… enjoy! *Shrugs*

(UP NEXT: Snips vs. A debuting LWF star)

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