Exclusive Interviews

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(This interview takes place after the Tag Team Gauntlet match)

Cathy Kelley was standing with Team Weird N' Wild.

Cathy: Team Weird N' Wild congratulations on your big win, first off, what can LWF expect from you two?

Star Butterfly: By now Cathy, you and everyone should already know what to expect from us!

The two look at each other.

Star & Mabel: Make this division Weird N' Wild!

Mabel Pines: Weird N' Wild are finally champions of a tag team division and we intend to make it the most must see division in all of LWF's new era!

Star Butterfly: There is no duo, trio or full on faction we will not take on! We'll fight everyone you throw our way and we will retain and defy the odds like we did tonight to win these beauties! We could talk the talk if we wanted to, but we'd much rather walk the walk!

Mabel Pines: Or in this case, dance the dance!

Mabel and Star then dance away happily.

Another Interview that took place after the Tag Team Gauntlet match, was with Charly Caruso, and she was interviewing Kushida and Alex Shelley.

Charly: Kushida, Alex Shelley, despite not winning the Gold tonight, it doesn't seem like you're not gonna let this keep you down...

Alex: Of course not. You see, as long as there's a chance to climb to the top, Kushida and I, we'll keep climbing until we reach the top. We may not have gotten to the top today, but improving from here will get us back to the-

Suddenly, Sonata Dusk with a scream of rage blasted Alex from behind!

Shortly after Aria and Adagio joined in, and assaulted Kushida!

The Dazzlings continue to beat down the Time Splitters. Then Sonata hits her G.B.2.S Cutter on Shelley, Aria plants Kushida with a Pumphandle Driver, then she sits up Kushida, and Adagio lands a Last Shot!

The Dazzlings then walk away, leaving the Time Spitters to waste.

(This Interview takes place after the Main Event)

Kayla Braxton is standing with Abrasive Spongebob, Dark Danny, and Starlight Glimmer.

Kayla: I'm standing here with this newly formed trio of the Wattpad Champion Spongebob, Dark Danny, and the LWF: Reborn Champion, Starlight Glimmer. First and foremost, this is to Dark Danny. Why did you attack Jonah Shwarts earlier?

Dark Danny: Why? Well that's because Jonah represents EVERYTHING a CAW Owner shouldn't be! He attempts to insert himself into everyone else's business! He attempted to handicap my cohort SpongeBob to "fix a past mistake", when in actuality we ALL know the reason why. That reason, is he wanted to purposely cost SpongeBob the Wattpad Championship because of our former affiliations with the Nick Club. Jonah fails to realize, that IN HERE, it's a different story. There is no Nick Club to hold us back, only this alliance of us three to push us forward.

Spongebob then steps up to speak.

Spongebob: Jonah is an idiot! He's stupid! More importantly, he's predictable! He always wants to make a big scene and announce his big plans rather than have the Element of Surprise! His stupid little Blue Zone is the perfect example of it! He ANNOUNCED he was gonna interfere in Lincoln's match, and try to TRESPASS in a company he has ZERO BUSINESS being involved in to interfere in Loud's business, just because he thinks he's "Haunting the Hex". He's nothing but a fucking joke! He couldn't scare a ladybug, or hell, even beat up a rabbit! He isn't haunting jackshit, and he needs to get over himself enough to realize that no matter how much "heart" he has, he will always be Lincoln's bitch! No ifs, ands or buts about it!

Dark Danny: Jonah needs to learn to stay out of business that does not concern him. It's NEVER done any good for him and it never will. All it has gotten him is hurt.

Kayla: Funny that you mention this trio between you, Danny and Starlight, because that's my next question. Why did you align yourself with Starlight?

Starlight then steps up.

Starlight: We're done here. We will explain that, in a later time.

Then they leave.

And that's all the Exclusives for LWF: Resurgence.

Again, any moment(s)/match(es) you liked let me know in the comments, and with LWF: Reborn in the works, I will see you all there!

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