LWF: Reborn Championship Match

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Best Friends are standing by with Kayla Braxton.

Kayla: Trent, Chuck, good effort out there earlier in that Tag Team Gauntlet, but unfortunately you were eliminated. Will LWF still see more of you guys after Resurgence?

Trent: Of course. We're not gonna let this little loss stop us from moving.

Chuck: Trent is right. As long as we're here, we're gonna make the most of this-

They were cut off by Hawkins and Ryder walking in.

Curt: Mind if we have a word with Trent?

Chuck: How about you get out of here and-

Trent: Chuck, let me handle this.

Chuck then lets him deal with it.

Trent: What?

Curt: Well, here's what I saw happen. You got eliminated because *points to Chuck and Orange Cassidy* those two are holding you back, Zack and I got eliminated because we didn't have you. Now, now, yes we did have our differences in the past, but I'm willing to put it behind us. Because guess what, Trent? Your future isn't with these guys you're hanging out with. It's us. We're brothers. Why do you need friends, when you have family?

Chuck: Okay, I think we've heard enough!

Before Chuck could step in, Curt and Zack back up, and they leave.

"Think about it, bro!" Zack says, and Trent looks on in thought.


It's now back to Ringside, where the main event is about to start.


Out comes Ricochet, and his ribs are bandaged from the 5 way match he participated in.

Mauro: Main Event time, and there is participant #1, Ricochet!

Nigel: Ricochet was constantly struck down there, and miraculously survived Dennis to punch his ticket into this match!

Beth: And of course, he is NOT a hundred percent. That match did a number on him, which can be his disadvantage.

Ricochet enters the ring, and awaits his opponent.


Starlight Glimmer somberly walks out, and gets booed.

Mauro: And there's the second participant, the Equality Crusader, Starlight Glimmer!

Beth: In her 5 way match, she picked her spot up until the end, where Starlight had Trixie locked in that Inverted Figure Four.

Nigel: Starlight, more methodical than Ricochet, who has probably more than one target than just his ribs.

Starlight enters the ring, and then the bell rings.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is is your LWF: Resurgence main event, scheduled for one fall, and it us for, the LWF: REBORN CHAMPIONSHIP!!!

The crowd cheers.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing first, from Paducah, Kentucky, weighing in at 193 pounds, RICOCHET!!!

Ricochet does his signature pose in the corner.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!!

The crowd boos.

The referee then holds the LWF: Reborn Championship up high.

The ref then hands the belt to the ring crew, who places it in the Timekeeper's Area.

Then the bell rings, and the match is underway.

Ricochet goes for a lock up, but Starlight goes low, and hits a Basement Dropkick to his left leg!

Mauro: Match is officially underway, and Starlight! Basement Dropkick to the leg!

Nigel: The man can't fly with one good leg! That's smart!

Beth: And that means she can lock in that submission hold sooner!

Starlight now grabbed the leg, and lands a leg drop on it.

She grabs it again, and does a DDT to it, causing more damage.

Starlight then flips him over, and stomps on his leg some more.

Nigel: And Starlight doing some work on that leg, looking to go for that Inverted Figure Four.

Starlight Glimmer then picks up Ricochet, and hits a Snap Suplex.

Mauro: Starlight in full control!

Beth: Starlight is literally destroying what's left of Ricochet right now!

Starlight gets up, then she gets Ricochet in a Bow-and-arrow.

Nigel: Ricochet has gotta be in a world of hurt right now.

Beth: You think?

She digs her knee deep into his spine, and Ricochet cries out in pain.

The crowd begins to cheer him on, and this makes Ricochet slowly rise to his feet.

Mauro: Ricochet, feeding off the crowd here in the Pacific Coliseum!

He manages to turn around, and break free before shoving Starlight off.

Starlight goes to close the distance between her and Ricochet, but Ricochet hits a Standing Dropkick!

Mauro: And now Ricochet getting some offense in!

They both get up, and then Ricochet hits a Kick to the midsection, followed by an Axe kick to the back of the head, and then finally, a kick to the side of the head!

Mauro: Ricochet now landing those kicks!

He then hits the ropes, but on the rebound, Starlight went for a clothesline, which Ricochet ducked, connecting with a Tornado Kick!

Mauro: And another kick!

Starlight is now down, Ricochet goes for the cover, but Starlight kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Starlight's shoulders just up!

Ricochet didn't hesitate. He got up, went for a Standing Moonsault, but Starlight got the knees up, and then got him in a Small Package pin!

Nigel: Oh wait a second!

Beth: Starlight caught Ricochet!

Ricochet manages to get out at 2, then they get up, and Starlight drills Ricochet face first with a Jumping Reverse STO!

Mauro: OH! Starlight planting Ricochet with authority!

Starlight rolls him over, hooks the leg, but Ricochet kicks out at 2!

Nigel: But Ricochet is still in this somehow!

Ricochet has not moved, and Starlight took this time to lock in the Inverted Figure Four Leglock, and now Ricochet cries out in pain again!

Beth: There it is!

Mauro: And there's the move that got Starlight the win in her 5 way match! The Inverted Figure Four Leglock, and Ricochet might be the next one to fall to it!

Ricochet is in the dead center of the ring, but that didn't stop him from trying to crawl to the ropes.

Nigel: And there's the determination of Ricochet! He is not gonna let this stop him!

Ricochet is now inches away, and after what felt like hours, he grabs the bottom rope!

Mauro: And that determination gets him to the ropes!

The ref tells Starlight to let go before counting.

Using the count, Starlight holds on for another 4 seconds before letting go.

Nigel: And Starlight uses the 5 count to do more damage.

Ricochet gets up, but is now limping a tad bit.

Starlight advances towards him, Ricochet went for a surprise Recoil, but Starlight saw it coming, and caught him!

She then turns him over, and locks on a Single Leg Boston Crab!

Nigel: Oh wow!

Beth: Starlight catches Ricochet!

Mauro: And into a Single Leg Crab!

Mustering up all the strength he has, he rolls back over, and pushes her off.

Mauro: But Ricochet does stay in it for long! He manages to escape!

Starlight turns around, and then Ricochet does a Forward Roll Front Dropkick!

Ricochet kips up, smacks his left leg a little to regain some feeling, then goes to the apron.

Beth: Ricochet trying to regain some feeling in that leg...

Mauro: And it looks like he's thinking of flying!

Nigel: Can he do it? Bad leg and all?

He then springs off the top rope, and lands a Diving Clothesline!

Mauro: Yes he can!

Ricochet is now beginning to fire up, and the crowd is rallying him.

Starlight gets up, and Ricochet begins to rain down with Forearm Smashes, followed by a Spinning Back Kick to the midsection.

Starlight is down to one knee, Ricochet then grabs her, and throws her down with a Northern Lights Suplex!

He keeps his hold on however. He rolls through, and then deadlifts her into a Vertical Suplex!

Nigel: Wow!

Beth: Look at the power of Ricochet!

Mauro: Super strength shown by the Real-life Superhero!

Ricochet goes for the cover, but Starlight kicks out at 2!

Ricochet picks up Starlight, but then she gets him with a kneeling Jawbreaker!

With some distance now created, Starlight hits the ropes, then hits a Flying Forearm Smash!

Ricochet gets up, and Starlight delivers another one!

Mauro: Starlight now back in control!

Ricochet gets up, swings a right Hook Punch, Starlight dodges, and drops him with a Jumping Neckbreaker!

Mauro: And now Ricochet missing wildly, and Starlight and connects with a Neckbreaker!

Starlight goes for the cover, but Ricochet still kicks out at 2!

Nigel: And again Starlight was so close!

Starlight Glimmer now picks Ricochet up, but this time he successfully catches Starlight with a Surprise Recoil!

Nigel: OH!!!

Mauro: Recoil out of the blue!

Beth: This is exactly what he did to Dennis!

Ricochet now climbs to the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: And this is how he punched his ticket to this match!

Nigel: He's gonna do it!!!

Ricochet goes for the 630 Senton, but Starlight rolled out of the way just in time!

Mauro: OH! Nobody home! Starlight gets out of the way!

Starlight now gets in front of him, and quickly hits a Sliding Penalty Kick!

Mauro: And there's a Sliding P.K by Starlight Glimmer!

Starlight hooks the leg, but despite all that, Ricochet manages to still kick out at 2!

Mauro: And AGAIN, Ricochet survives!

Beth: That is how much that title means to Ricochet! Willing to fight despite a broken body, and taking any punishment!

Ricochet is slowly coming to, but Starlight had gotten him up on her shoulders.

She then goes for a Double Knee Gutbuster, but Ricochet countered with a Meteora on the way down!

Nigel: WHOA!!!

Mauro: And again Ricochet countering Starlight's attacks!

Ricochet picks her up, then she puts her on his shoulders, and delivered the Benadryller!

Mauro: And Ricochet with the Benadryller!

Starlight is now down, and Ricochet then lands a Standing Shooting Star Press!

But because his ribs were not 100%, he couldn't get the cover right away. He clutched his taped up midsection, and scooted into a corner to catch his breath.

Mauro: Shooting Star Press, but it looks like Ricochet may have done more damage to himself on that one!

Ricochet catches his breath, gets up, but Starlight got up as well, and she hits a Front Dropkick!

The force of the Dropkick sends Ricochet flying, and he inadvertently crashed into the referee!

Mauro: Oh! What a Dropkick, but that sent Ricochet flying into the referee, and now the ref is down!

Starlight Glimmer saw what happened, but continued to fight Ricochet.

She goes up to him, but Ricochet lands a Superkick!

Mauro: Oh Ricochet! Superkick to the face of Starlight!

Starlight is now dazed again, and Ricochet lands the Recoil!

Nigel: Another Recoil!

Ricochet hooks the leg, but the ref is still down, and the crowd counts.

Mauro: Ricochet in the cover, but there's no referee!

Ricochet finally sees that the referee is down, and starts to show frustration.

In thi midst of his frustration, he didn't see Spongebob and Dark Danny come rushing to the ring!

Mauro: Wait a minute, here comes Spongebob!

Nigel: It's the Wattpad Champion, and Dark Danny in tow!

Spongebob and Dark Danny slide into the ring, and finally Ricochet sees them.

Starlight is now coming to, and Spongebob was now eyeing both of them.

Spongebob holds his Wattpad Title, ready to hit someone with it.

He then looks directly at Starlight, before swiftly turning around, and nailing Ricochet with the belt!

Mauro: OH, MAN!

Nigel: He just decked Ricochet with the Wattpad Championship!

Dark Danny then picks up Ricochet, and slams him down with his patented Pumphandle Shell Shock!

Mauro: And Dark Danny gets a piece!

They then slide out of the ring, and Starlight scrambled into the cover.

Beth: No! Not like this!

The ref comes to just in time to see Starlight hooking the leg, and slowly counts.

1...... 2....... 3! *Bell Rings!*

Mauro: And Starlight wins it thanks to Spongebob and Dark Danny!


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, and you Inaugural LWF: Reborn Champion, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!!

The ref hands her the belt, and Starlight holds it close to her body before holding it up high.

Beth: Give credit where credit is due!

Nigel: Spongebob and Dark Danny literally just handed Starlight the win on a silver platter! What does all of this mean!?

Spongebob and Dark Danny enter the ring again, and confront Starlight.

Then with one evil smirk, Spongebob hugs Starlight, and Dark Danny applauds as he looks on!

Mauro: I think that answers your question, Nigel! Spongebob and Dark Danny have sided themselves with the LWF: Reborn Champion!

Beth: The atmosphere in LWF, has drastically changed.

Nigel: You can say that again!

Dark Danny then grabs Starlight's hand, Spongebob grabbed the other, and they raised her hands up in Victory, all three of them, with evil grins on their faces.

And that has been LWF: RESURGENCE!

What was your highlight of Resurgence? Any favorite moments/matches? Comment below, and with LWF: Reborn in the works, I hope to see you soon!

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