Wattpad Championship Match

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Mauro: Wow, Jonah just got attacked by a mysterious assailant! Whoever it is! More on this later, but right now, it's Wattpad Championship match time!

Spongebob comes out, and he somberly walks to the ring.

Mauro: Earlier tonight, Spongebob punched his ticket to this spot by beating Homicide.

Nigel: This new side of Spongebob has worked wonders in that match, will this new side work like a charm again here?

Spongebob enters the ring, and awaits his opponent.


Mauro: And there's the man, Spongebob needs to beat!

Out comes Damian Priest, and he shoots an imaginary arrow onto the titantron, and his name shows up.

Nigel: His match with Will Ospreay was not easy. Ospreay put up a good fight, but un the end, it was the Archer of Infamy who stands victorious!

Beth: Can he do the same with Spongebob?

Priest enters the ring, and then he thrashes about 58 seconds into the song before shooting another imaginary arrow into the air.

Once he settled down, the bell rings.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Championship!

The crowd cheers.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing first, from Bikini Bottom, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!

Mixed reactions came through the crowd.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from New York City, weighing in at 246 pounds, he is the Archer of Infamy... DAMIAN PRIEST!!!

Much like Spongebob, Damian got mixed reactions, but it was mostly cheers.

The referee then holds the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Championship belt up high.

Then the moment the belt is placed in the Timekeeper's Area, the bell rings.

Spongebob and Priest lock up in the center of the ring, and then Spongebob gets Priest in a Wrist Lock.

He then turns it into a Hammerlock, before transitioning into a Side Headlock.

Mauro: Spongebob now, looking to get Technical with Damian Priest in the early going...

Damian Priest then goes for a Saito Suplex, but Spongebob lands on his feet!

Priest turns around, and Spongebob kicks him in the midsection!

He then goes for 47 Meters Down, but a Back Body Drop from Preist stops it from happening!

Mauro: Oh Spongebob looking to end it early, but Damian Priest had Spongebob scouted!

Damian Priest now begins to light Spongebob up with some shoot kicks to the chest, and then he slams him down with a Vertical Suplex.

Priest then sits him up, and kicks Spongebob on the back.

He then picks Spongebob up, sets up for South of Heaven, but Spongebob elbows out of Preist's grasp, then plants Priest with an Arm-trap Neckbreaker!

Mauro: And now Spongebob! Neckbreaker bringing The Archer of Infamy down!

He then gets up, and nails him with a Double Foot Stomp!

Mauro: And a Double Stomp to the ribs!

Spongebob goes for the cover, but Priest kicks out at 2.

Damian Priest starts to slowly get back on his feet, but Spongebob quickly starts kicking his legs.

Nigel: Spongebob now doing the smart thing, taking out the foundation of the bigger man.

Spongebob then takes him down with a Drop Toe Hold, goes for a Kneebar, but Priest manages to scramble to the ropes, and grabs the bottom rope.

Mauro: Spongebob now, looking to do more damage, and Damian Priest does the wisest thing, and gets to the bottom rope!

Spongebob lets go, and both him and Priest get back to their feet.

The two stared each other for a moment, then they lock up once again.

This time, it's Damian Priest who gets Spongebob in a Side Headlock, then he takes him to the mat with a Side Headlock Takedown, and keeps the hold on him.

Mauro: And now Priest getting Spongebob on the canvas...

Spongebob reverses into a Crucifix Pin, Priest kicks out at 2.

Nigel: Oh Spongebob only got 2!

They both get up, and then it's Spongebob doing the Side Headlock Takedown on Priest, and locking on a Lying Headlock.

Mauro: And now Spongebob taking Priest down!

Damian Priest gets to his feet, but Spongebob kept the Headlock on though, but Priest plants him with a Back Suplex!

Beth: Oh!

Mauro: High impact Back Suplex by Damian Priest!

Then Priest picks him up, and just lands some open handed strikes, followed by some MMA style knee strikes.

Damian Priest then goes for a high kick, but Spongebob ducked it, hits the ropes but then Priest landed a Corkscrew Enzuigiri Kick!

Mauro: OH, WOW!

Nigel: If the first kick didn't land, the second one surely will!

Damian Priest goes for the cover, but Spongebob kicks out at 2!

Mauro: Shoulders just up!

Damian Priest now picks him up, and Spongebob delivers a Shoot Kick of his own!

Mauro: Priest picking Spongebob up, but Spongebob is now fighting back!

Spongebob keeps landing the kicks, then he lands a Dropkick, and Damian was reeling!

Nigel: Kick after kick, and now The Archer of Infamy is in trouble!

Spongebob now sees Priest leaning in the ropes, and Spongebob lands his signature Torpedo Kick, but Priest was still on his feet!

Mauro: Torpedo Kick!

Nigel: Priest didn't go down, though!

Spongebob hits the ropes, and lands another one, same result!

He then hits a third Torpedo Kick, and that one sends Damian Priest to the outside!

Mauro: And that one sends Damian Priest out of the ring!

Spongebob doesn't hesitate, and lands a Suicide Dive!

Mauro: Tope Suicida to Priest!

And then he goes for another one, and connects!

Nigel: And there's another one!

He then goes for a third, but this time, Damian caught him, and he Choke Slammed Spongebob on the apron!

Nigel: OH NO!

Mauro: Oh! Spongebob looking for a Trifecta, but Damian Priest brought him to a screeching halt, in the form of a Choke Slam!

Damian Priest then picked him up, and connects with South Of Heaven!

That wasn't the end of it however. He then goes for The Reckoning, but one look to the entrance stopped him from landing the kill shot.

It was a stranger who had snow-white flaming hair with a ponytail, light turquoise skin and red eyes with dark lines around them. He also had pointed ears, fangs and sported a goatee.

This stranger was Dark Danny, and he was also dragging the beaten down Jonah Shwarts across the ground!

Mauro: Oh my god!

Nigel: That's Dark Danny!

Damian didn't know what to make of him, and Dark Danny threw Jonah's carcass in front of him.

Damian turned around, but then got hit with Spongebob's patented Tornado Kick, Hurricane Sandy!

Mauro: OH!!!

Nigel: Hurricane Sandy!

Spongebob goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And thanks to Dark Danny's appearance, Spongebob is the Wattpad Champion!

**Bell Rings**


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, and your Inaugural LWF: Reborn Wattpad Champion, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!

Beth: Give credit where credit is due, if Dark Danny hadn't shown up, Damian Priest would have had Spongebob with The Reckoning!

Nigel: You're right on that one, Beth.

That's when Dark Danny walked to the ring.

Mauro: Oh, and Dark Danny now making his way to the ring!

He enters the ring, Damian Priest was already beginning to come to, and he looks up at Dark Danny.

Dark Danny then grabbed him by the throat, and and then proceeded to turn him upside down, and delivered a Lungblower!

Nigel: OH!!!

Mauro: Dark Danny with a Lungblower!

He then picked Priest up, and Spongebob delivered a Torpedo Kick!

Beth: And now Spongebob lands a shot!

Then Dark Danny lifts Damian Priest up in Pumphandle Position, and drops him with a Shell Shock!

Mauro: And the final nail in the coffin, delivered in the form of a Pumphandle Shell Shock!

He then picked Spongebob up.

Spongebob was now sitting on his shoulders, holding the Wattpad Championship up above his head.

Mauro: It looks like we just saw an allegiance between Spongebob, and Dark Danny!

Nigel: Dark Danny, and this new side of Spongebob, this could be a force to be reckoned with!

Beth: I don't think there's not a single person that could stop Spongebob now.

Mauro: Well now that our Wattpad Champion is crowned, it's time to crown our LWF: Reborn Champion! It's time for our Main Event! Starlight Glimmer! Ricochet! LWF: Reborn Championship is up for grabs!

Nigel: After what Ricochet went through, I think Starlight Glimmer has the advantage!

Beth: But if there is one thing Ricochet is good at, other than the extraordinary stunts, is keep moving forward, no matter how hard you're struck down.

Mauro: But will that be enough to get through a smart player like Starlight?

Nigel: Only one way to find out.

(UP NEXT: Starlight Glimmer vs. Ricochet (FOR THE LWF: REBORN CHAMPIONSHIP))

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