Tag Team Title Gauntlet Match

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Backstage, Starlight Glimmer just exited her locker room, and then Kayla Braxton walked up to her.

Kayla: Starlight, tonight you will be facing Ricochet for the Reborn Championship-

Starlight: Save it! *Snatches microphone* Winning that 5 way is just the beginning of an equal LWF. Winning the title, is gonna prove that my vision of Equality is the way, and Ricochet is gonna learn it firsthand.

She shoves the mic back to Kayla, and walks away.


Back in ringside, I was standing outside the ring, where the Announce Table was, with a small table beside me.

Me: How are you lovely fans doing tonight?

The crowd cheers.

Me: Well, in a matter of moments, you will see 10 tag teams, battling in a single elimination gauntlet match. 10 will enter, but only one will walk out, the Inaugural...

I then unveil the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Championships.

Me: ... LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions!

The crowd cheers loudly.

Mauro: Take a look at those belts, aren't they just beautiful? But before we get on with the match, here are the rules: Two teams will start it off, elimination is done by Pinfall or submission. Another team will come out once an Elimination happens. This will continue, until all 10 teams have entered. The last team to remain will become, the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions.


Out came Crystal Prep's Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest.

They fist bump each other, then casually walk to the ring.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest, is a Tag Team Gauntlet Match, and it is for the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Championships! Introducing team #1, the team of Indigo Zap, and LEMON ZEST!!!

Mauro: It's not usually an enviable spot to be the first team out in a Turmoil Match, but Crystal Prep has a Rep, so Zap and Zest believe that even at number one, they can be the winners!

Nigel: Well isn't that the Shadowbolts' motto? Win at all costs?

Beth: All the Shadowbolts want is to win, and Principal Cinch believes Indigo and Lemon will get the job done.

Zap and Zest slide into the ring, and they await the next team to arrive.

After a few seconds...


Out comes the Grizzled Young Veterans, James Drake and Zack Gibson.

They looked at Zap and Zest in the ring, high five each other then headed to the ring.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing team Number 2! At a combined weight of 358 pounds, James Drake, and "Liverpool's No. 1" Zack Gibson, GRIZZLED YOUNG VETERANS!!!

Mauro: The first ever NXT UK Tag Team Champions, looking to become LWFs Number One!

Beth: Now we have seen what Gibson and Drake can do, but what can Zap and Zest do, and will it be enough to get past them, plus 9 other teams?

Drake slid into the ring as Gibson entered via the side of the apron.

They then take off their jackets, and it's Gibson and Zap starting it off.

The bell rings, Zap and Gibson lock up in the middle of the ring, Gibson gets Zap in a basic wrist lock.

Indigo Zap then reverses, and gets Gibson in a Hammerlock.

Gibson clocks Zap with a Back Elbow, then grabs her arm, and forcefully takes her down, planting Zap face first onto the mat!

Mauro: And Gibson showing that "Scouse" Style, that aggressive brawling style, mixed with Technical skill.

Gibson then drags Zap to his corner, and tags in James Drake.

James Drake enters the ring, then in a fiery fury, he stomps away at Indigo Zap, then hammers away at her back.

Zap, already in a world of hurt from the get go, tries to crawl to Lemon Zest, but Drake, stepped onto her fingers, taunts her, then he slapped her across the face.

Beth: Just blatant disrespect shown by James Drake to Indigo!

But then with her free hand, Indigo hammered at his foot, and Drake had no choice but to get off her hand.

Indigo Zap then got up, charges at Drake, ducks a clothesline, hits the ropes, then hits Drake with a flying Forearm Smash!

Nigel: But look at this! Indigo firing back and makes Drake pay!

Zap goes for the cover, Drake kicks out at 2.

Indigo then tags in Lemon Zest, and she picks Drake up.

She then throws Drake into the corner, and Indigo goes to the apron.

Zap and Zest then signal to each other, and then Zap and Zest start running with a full head of steam, and then Zest connects with a Helluva Kick, and from the apron, Zap connected with a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri to the back of Drake's head!

Mauro: Oh! Zap and Zest playing some Sweet Tunes on his head!

Beth: Excellent teamwork by the Shadowbolts!

Nigel: And you thought Gibson and Drake had good chemistry!

Lemon Zest then followed up with a Snapmare, Zest rolled through, created some distance, then delivered a Leaping Axe Kick!

Mauro: Kick to the head, that could be it!

Zest hooks the leg, Drake kicks out at 2!

Lemon Zest tries to keep the momentum on her side by picking up Drake, and then she whips Drake into the ropes, and catches Drake on the rebound with a Dropkick!

Zest then goes to tag in Zap, but Zack Gibson yanks Zap off the apron, and then throws Indigo onto the side of the announce table, and then onto the steps!

Mauro: Oh no! Zap taken out by Gibson!

Zack then slides back into the ring as Drake catches Lemon Zest from behind in tombstone position.

Mauro: Back in the ring now, Drake has Zest up!

Gibson and Drake then go for "Ticket To Mayhem" but mid-move, Lemon caught Gibson with a Cutter!

Nigel: Ticket To- WHOA OH MY GOD!!!!

Beth: ZEST OUTTA NOWHERE!!! That was incredible!

Mauro: That kinda move would make Randy Orton blush!

Drake then picked up Zest, looking to stop her, but then Zest caught him with a Frankensteiner!

Zest rolled into a pin, but Drake again kicks out at 2!

Zest gets up, so did Drake, Zest charges, but gets hit by a Clothesline by James Drake!

Nigel: Now Lemon Zest is rocking and rolling- no!

James Drake sees Gibson now up on the apron, and he tags him in.

Gibson seeing Lemon Zest down, quickly goes for Shankly Gates, but Zest catches him with a surprise Small Package pin, but Gibson kicks out at 2!

They both get up, Gibson kicks her in the midsection, then Gibson hits the Helter Skelter!

Nigel: Helter Skelter!!!

Gibson goes for the cover, but then Indigo breaks the count at 2 with a Frog Splash!

Mauro: WOW!!! Zap from the heavens!

James Drake tries to take out Zap, but Zap sidesteps him, and throws him over the top rope, and out of the ring.

Gibson then gets clotheslined over the top rope by Zest, and now the Grizzled Young Veterans are outside.

Zest and Zap look at each other, then they create some distance, while they size up Gibson and Drake.

Once they were on their feet, Indigo and Lemon wipe them out with stereo Triangle Planchas!

Mauro: And now Indigo and Lemon! Taking to the skies, wiping out the Grizzled Young Veterans!

Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest then bring Zack Gibson back into the ring, and Gibson looks to crawl away, but Indigo slid back in, and immediately cuts him off.

Mauro: Gibson looking to get away, but Zap ain't letting him!

Nigel: For the first match of a gauntlet, this is exciting!

Beth: I agree!

Gibson gets back to his feet, then Indigo hits Gibson in the gut with a Spinning Back Kick, then Zest connects with a Superkick!

Gibson now staggering, and then Indigo hits a Step-up Enzuigiri, while simultaneously, Zest hits another Superkick!

Mauro: And now Zap and Zest are rolling!

Indigo then hits Gibson with an Atomic Drop, then Zest the ropes, and hits a Flying Knee!

Beth: OH!

Nigel: Great combination offense!

Zest goes for the cover, Drake comes in, Zap tries to stop him, but Drake pushes Zap onto Zest, breaking the count at 2!

Mauro: Oh and James Drake, shoving Zap onto Zest, breaking the count at the last second!

Nigel: How long can this go?!

Zap gets up, so did Drake, and James Drake clotheslines Zap over the top rope, but he did it so hard, he took himself out as well!

Mauro: And James Drake! Like an out of control rage fueled train!

Back in the ring, Zest got hit from behind by Gibson with a Lariat!

Then without hesitation, Gibson locked on the Shankly Gates!


Mauro: Many have tapped out to this move, will Zest be the next victim?!

Indigo tries to save Zest, but Drake holds her back, and Zest taps out!

Jeremey Borash: Lemon Zest and Indigo Zap have been eliminated!

Mauro: Grizzled Young Veterans advance!

Drake then joined Gibson in the ring as Zack grabbed a mic. The crowd booed and some british faithful chanted "If you hate Gibson, shoes off!", and they waved their shoes in the air.

Zack: You can wave your shoes all you want, but that doesn't change the fact, that WE! are the UK's number one Tag Team! Because-


He was cut off by the Best Friends' theme, and out came Chuck Taylor, and Trent Baretta, with Orange Cassidy in tow.

Mauro: And look who it is!

Beth: We got a couple of Best Friends joining us!

Trent and Chuck did their signature pose before taking their jackets off and running to the ring to meet the awaiting Grizzled Young Veterans. Orange Cassidy meanwhile, casually walks to the ring, hands in his pockets.

Drake and Chuck take each other out, and then Gibson and Trent have a scuffle which ended with Gibson inadvertently knocking Trent into the referee!

Mauro: Oh, and the fight is so intense, the referee gets in the way!

Zack Gibson was showing off to the crowd, and not only was he gloating, but was also berating the crowd for waving their shoes in the air.

He was so focused on the crowd, he didn't notice that Orange Cassidy rolled into the ring, and was locked on Gibson!

Nigel: Oh no, what is this lazy oaf doing?!

Mauro: Standing his ground, that's what!


Gibson turns around, and was taken aback by the presence of Orange Cassidy.

Beth: Gibson finally noticing Orange Cassidy, and he doesn't even know what to make of him!

Nigel: Hit him already!!!

Gibson then gets into his face, and starts berating the man called "Freshly Squeezed".

Then, Cassidy stepped back, and then weakly kicks Gibson in the legs, and the crowd goes nuts over it!

Nigel: Oh, come on, this is just ridiculous!

Mauro: Orange Cassidy! Laying in the heavy leather on Zack Gibson!

Nigel: You're really enjoying this, aren't you?

Beth: Look! Gibson can't even block them!

Orange Cassidy then wound up for a Superkick, but James Drake came out of nowhere with a Dropkick, knocking Cassidy out of the ring, and garnering boos from the crowd.

Nigel: Oh yes, thank you James Drake! Now take out Best Friends so we can forget about all this!

Drake and Gibson were thinking of double teaming on Trent, but then as soon as they turned to where he was, Trent blasted them with a double Sexy Chucky Knee strike!

Nigel: Oh no!

Beth: Orange Cassidy bought Trent the time he needed to regroup!

Mauro: And now Trent has his second wind, and his ready to run over Gibson and drake!

Now with his second wind, Trent took it to both Drake and Gibson, then Chuck Taylor came in, and took out James Drake.

Trent and Gibson then go at it. Gibson hits an uppercut, then Trent answers back with a right jab.

Then Gibson grabs his wrist, and hits a Short-arm Clothesline!

Mauro: Short Arm clothesline by Gibson, and now Gibson...

Zack tries to go for Shankly Gates again, but Trent was able to slip away before he could cinch it in.

While the ref was busy with Zack and Trent, Chuck was fighting with James Drake.

Drake pushed Taylor back. But before he could do anything else, he didn't realize that Orange Cassidy was up on the top turnbuckle!

Beth: Chuck Taylor fighting with James Drake, but look whos up top!

Mauro: Freshly Squeezed, looking to fly!

Orange Cassidy stood tall, then Drake and Taylor turn around, and Cassidy flops down on the two of them!


Nigel didn't say anything and just sighs.

Zack saw it all happen, and then Trent out of nowhere rolled him up!

Nigel: Oh no!

Mauro: Trent with the roll up!

Zack frantically tries to roll through, but Trent got the 1-2-3!


Jeremy Borash: Grizzled Young Veterans have been eliminated!

Zack Gibson was now furious, and in frustration, locked the Shankly Gates on Trent with full force!

Mauro: Oh come on!

Nigel: I don't blame him. They lost to a bunch of buffoons!

The referee tries to pull Gibson away, and after a few minutes, Gibson finally lets go.

Then he leaves the ring as he ignored the boos from the crowd.

Chuck Taylor comes in to check on Trent, and fortunately, Trent's arm is not damaged too much.

Mauro: Trent still good to go, but there's no time to rest, the next team is on the way!


Out comes Aria Blaze, with Sonata Dusk not too far behind.

Sonata looks at her, and asks her "why don't we use my theme?"

"Because your theme is the worst!" Aria replies.

Mauro: And here come the other two members of the Dazzlings, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk.

Beth: You have to wonder if Sonata and Aria are feeling a little bit more pressure after Adagio lost in the 5 way earlier tonight.

Nigel: I wasn't there to see it, but I heard from many bystanders backstage, that Adagio was really furious, and they felt the brunt of her wrath!

Mauro: So it comes down to this! Aria and Sonata must win this match tonight, or else the Dazzlings are walking away empty handed. It's time to go for broke for the Dazzlings!

Aria then charged to the ring, right to to the best friends.

Sonata just realizing the match had started, ran after Aria, the latter being faster and took Trent and Taylor on simultaneously!

Mauro: And here we go! The Brawl is on! Aria is in, and taking on both Trent and Chuck!

Nigel: Sonata falling behind, let's hope she gets there in time!

Sonata was almost to the ring, but she suddenly came to a screeching halt, as Orange Cassidy stood in front of her.

Nigel: Oh, not again!

Sonata inspected him, even going as far as to try and pull his hands out of his pockets, but to no avail.

Meanwhile, Trent and Chuck got the upper hand on Aria. Chuck Taylor took her down with a Snapmare, then Trent followed with a Kick to the spine.

Back to Sonata, Sonata manages to get one hand out, and gets a weak chop for it!

Sonata then clutches her chest, and falls over in pain.

Nigel: What?! How can she be that stupid?!

Back in the ring, Chuck went out, and onto the apron, Trent goes to work on Aria, while Orange Cassidy just casually circles around, and Sonata scrambles away, and onto the apron.

Sonata then stares daggers into him, and mouths out "I got my eye on you!"

Beth: Sonata can't be tied up with Orange Cassidy, she's gotta focus on the match!

Aria is slowly rising to her feet, Trent then kicks her down.

Trent hits the ropes, but Aria counters with a Drop Toe Hold, taking Trent down!

She gets up, hits the ropes, and follows up with a Double Foot Stomp to the back!

Aria then flips him over, covers, but Trent kicks out at 2!

Aria then gets up, and tags Sonata in.

However, Sonata was still looking at Orange Cassidy.

"HEY! I TAGGED YOU IN, YOU IDIOT!!!" Aria shouted, and finally Sonata snaps out of it.

Trent recovers and, not realizing Aria made the tag, charges in and blasts Aria From behind!

Mauro: Oh! Aria not liking what Sonata is doing and gets blasted from behind by Trent!

Trent then tags in Chuck Taylor. As they set up For Strong Zero, and hit it on Aria!

Mauro: Trent and Taylor now! Strong! ZERO!

Nigel: Aria isn't the legal competitor however!

Chuck covers Aria, but like Nigel said, she wasn't the legal one in.

"What're you doing?!" the ref asks. "Aria made the tag! Sonata is in the match!" The ref added.

Chuck, realizing that was the case, then charges at Sonata.

Sonata saw him coming, and then caught him with a Slingshot Spear!

Beth: Chuck Taylor now noticing Sonata is the legal-OH!

Mauro: Slingshot Spear by Sonata!

Nigel: And now Sonata's finally gonna pull her weight!

Sonata gets up, so did Chuck, then she throws him into a corner.

Sonata then comes at him with a full head of steam, and then delivers a running Uppercut.

Then she runs back into the corner diagonally across, and then hits a Double Knee Strike, followed by a Bulldog!

Beth: Sonata is rolling!

Mauro: An airhead she may be, but once Sonata is focused, she can really go!

Sonata knocks Trent off the apron, and then measures Chuck, who was getting up.

He didn't have time to react as Sonata grabbed him from behind, locked on a Sleeper Hold, and then planted him with a Sleeper Slam!

Nigel: Oh! Sleeper Slam!

Sonata covers, but Trent breaks the count at 2!

Mauro: Oh, but Trent in to save the day for his partner Chuck Taylor! And now, Sonata finds herself in a two on one handicap!

Beth: With Aria hit by that Strong Zero Maneuver, she has not moved on the outside since!

Trent and Chuck then pick her up, and they whip her to the ropes.

Sonata ducks an incoming Double Clothesline, and then Suicide Dives onto Orange Cassidy!


Beth: She took out the X-Factor for Best Friends, inadvertently or planned, I don't know!

Sonata gets up, and screams at him.

"THAT'S FOR THE CHOP!" She yelled.

Aria slowly gets up, and sees Sonata getting into Cassidy's face.

"Sonata, you have GOT to be joking!" She muttered to herself.

That was when Trent and Chuck took action. Trent Suicied Dived onto Aria, and then Chuck flattened Sonata with a Tope con Hilo.


Chuck then tosses Sonata back into the ring. He then hooks her up and goes for an Asai DDT, but Sonata, through sheer luck, reversed it into a Stunner!

Nigel: Chuck Taylor-wait! WOW! SONATA WITH A STUNNER!

Mauro: Chuck Taylor was not expecting that at all!

Beth: Neither were we!

Sonata didn't hesitate. She picks Taylor up, then gets him in Ripcord Position.

She then spins him out, and drops Chuck with a Cutter!

Nigel: Oh, Ripcord Cutter!

Mauro: Sonata calls that the G.B.2.S, Go Back 2 Sleep!

Sonata then covered Chuck.

Beth: Is there a miracle in order? Is there fortune favoring the Dazzlings?!

Sonata, to everyone's utter shock and surprise, got the 3 count!

Mauro: Holy Guacamole! Sonata Dusk, just eliminated the Best friends, all by herself!?

Nigel: We can't believe it, the crowd can't believe it!

Jeremy Borash: Best Friends have been eliminated!

Aria looked at her with amazement. Because for the first time, she was actually shocked Sonata did something without screwing up.

Beth: The entire arena is in total disbelief, even Aria is stunned!

"Did you... just eliminate them on your own?" Aria asked.

Sonata didn't have time to answer as new music hit.


Sonata quickly turned to the entrance way and got ready.

Out comes the Time Splitters, Alex Shelley and Kushida.

Mauro: Sonata may have eliminated Best Friends, but she's got her work cut out for her now, because here comes Alex Shelley and Kushida!

Sonata then Turned to Aria.

"Aria, c'mon!" Sonata called to her.

"I'm coming, you dunce! Wait!" Aria says as she slid in.

Alex Shelley manages to slide into the ring, but Aria manages to stop Kushida, and stomps on him.

She then sized Kushida up who then slowly but surely was getting back on his feet on the apron, and then Aria connects with a Slingshot DDT!

Mauro: Oh! Aria halts Kushidas entry- Slingshot DDT!

Sonata also managed to get the better of Shelley with a Superkick to the face!

Nigel: Superkick by Sonata to Shelley, The Dazzlings working quick!

She then tried the G.B.2.S on Shelley, but Shelley hits a Superkick of his own when she spun him out!

Mauro: Sonata wanting the G.B.2.S, but Shelley had it scouted!

In desperation to get the match over with quick, Alex goes for Sliced Bread#2, but unfortunately for him, he did it in the Dazzlings corner, and Aria, who just laid out Kushida, was lying in wait.

The second he ran up the turnbuckles, Aria picked his feet off the corner, and made him fall!

Nigel: Oh, Aria Blaze says none of that!

Sonata then tags in Aria, who then leaps back into the ring.

Mauro: Two thirds of The Dazzlings now, with full control, tag made!

Aria now works on Shelley by planting him with an Arm-trap Neckbreaker.

Aria then picks him up, kicks Shelley in the midsection, then hits the ropes, and knees Shelley in the face.

Kushida tries to rally on Shelley, but Aria keeps Alex Shelley down with a Camel Clutch.

Shelley reaches out to Kushida, but seeing how far he is, he then switched plans, and slowly rises to his feet, whilst getting a hold of Aria's neck with his free hand.

Mauro: Oh look of the strength of Shelley!

Then with a running start, Shelley planted Aria with a Backpack Stunner!

Mauro: And Shelley! Backpack Stunner gives him an opening!

Shelley slowly gets up, Aria comes to, and gets up as well.

Shelley then delivered an Inverted Atomic Drop, then he hits the ropes, and then Aria connected with a Boot, followed by a Lariat to the back!

Beth: Oh!

Mauro: Just as Shelley looked to capitalize, Aria shuts him down!

Aria then flips him over, goes for the cover, and Shelley kicks out at 2.

Aria drags Shelley to her corner, and tags in Sonata.

Mauro: Tag made! Sonata is back in!

Sonata enters the ring, then both her and Aria pick Shelley up. They whip him to the ropes, then Aria swept him off his feet with a Modified Canadian Trip.

Sonata then hops over the top rope, and onto the apron, where she connects with a Slingshot Corkscrew Splash to the back!

Mauro: And Sonata! Corkscrew Splash to the spine!

Shelley slowly starts to crawl, but then Sonata got onto his back, and then hits a Senton!

And then Sonata hits the ropes, Shelley shot up to his feet, and then connects with a Dropkick!

Nigel: OH!

Mauro: Could THIS be the moment to capitalize for Alex Shelley!?

Shelley slowly makes it to Kushida, and makes the tag!

Mauro: There's the tag! Here comes Kushida!

Sonata gets up, only to get hit by a Springboard Tomahawk Chop by Kushida!

Sonata is dazed, and then Kushida hits a clothesline, then another one.

Sonata goes for a clothesline of her own, but Kushida ducks, and then lands a Péle Kick!

Mauro: And Kushida is rolling!

Shelley reaches for a tag, but Aria Blaze pulls him down from the apron, and slams him onto the barricade!

Nigel: And Aria taking out Shelley!

Aria smirks at her dirty work, but when she turned around, Kushida wiped her out with a Somersault Plancha!

Mauro: Wow!!! What a Tope Con Hilo by Kushida!

Kushida slides back into the ring, and Sonata catches him with a Superkick!

Nigel: Oh Kushida got caught!

Sonata then goes for a clothesline, but Kushida ducks, and plants Sonata with a Reverse STO!

Kushida looks back, and sees that Shelley is still down, therefore no one to tag in.

He then gets up, sees Sonata crawling towards Aria, and kicks her left arm!

Nigel: Oh! Now a shot to the arm! Probably looking to soften her up for a Hoverboard Lock!

Sonata was now clutching her kicked arm, and Kushida quickly grabs it, and cinches in an Arm-bar.

Mauro: And Kushida, doing exactly that!

Kushida now transitions into a Cross Armbreaker, but Sonata rolled over, and into a pin!

Mauro: Oh wait, Sonata!

Kushida kicks out at 2, gets up, and then clocked Sonata with a Wind-up Punch!

Nigel: OH-HO-HO!!!

Mauro: Sonata might be seeing stars!

Sonata falls, then Kushida hooks the leg, but Aria breaks the count at 2!

Mauro: But Aria saving the match!

Then the second Aria got up, Alex Shelley came diving in off the top turnbuckle, and landed a beautiful Diving Superkick!

Mauro: Wow! Shelley taking out Blaze!

Aria Blaze rolls to the outside, then Shelley turns around, and he and Kushida pick Sonata up.

They whip her to the ropes, Shelley throws her down with a Hip Toss, then Kushida follows up with a Cartwheel Basement Dropkick!

Nigel: Time Splitters are rolling now!

Shelley then goes to the apron, Kushida drags Sonata into position, and tags in Shelley.

Shelley goes to the top turnbuckle, and hits a Frog Splash!

Mauro: And now Shelley off the top with a Frog Splash!

Before Shelley could Hook the leg, Aria dragged Sonata out of the ring.

But then Kushida, off the top turnbuckle, knocked them over with a Diving Senton!

Mauro: Wow!!! Just when Aria and Sonata were safe Kushida takes them out!

Kushida then throws Sonata back into the ring, and Shelley immediately picked her up for an Air Raid Crash.

Sonata manages to wriggle free, and counter into a Sunset Flip!

Shelley rolled through however, and picked her up.

Shelley then planted her with an Asai DDT!

Nigel: Oh!!!

Mauro: Shelley plants Sonata!

Shelley then tags in Kushida, and Kushida quickly locked on the Hoverboard Lock!

Beth: There it is!

Mauro: Hoverboard lock is in!!!

It didn't take long for Sonata to succumb to it. She tapped out almost immediately.

Mauro: And there's the tap!

Jeremy Borash: Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk have been eliminated!

Nigel: Looks like The Dazzlings are leaving Resurgence empty handed.

Beth: I can guarantee you Adagio is probably more furious than before!

Once Sonata left the ring, the next team came out.


Mauro: Well well well! Things are about to get weird and wild!

Out comes Mabel Pines, and Star Butterfly, better known as Team Weird N' Wild!

Nigel: And Team Weird N' Wild, making their LWF debut here in Resurgence!

Beth: Now this should be an interesting encounter!

Star and Mabel slide into the ring, then Star Butterfly and Kushida go at it.

Star Butterfly tees off on Kushida with a series of forearms, then she whips him to the ropes, where Kushida then delivered a Handspring Back Elbow!

Mauro: Handspring Back Elbow by Kushida, paying homage to his mentor, Tajiri!

Star gets up dazed, Kushida tags in Shelley, and Shelley then hits the ropes, and hits a Step-up Enzuigiri!

Shelley then follows up with a Dragon Suplex, bridges into the cover, but Star kicks out at 2.

They both get up, then Shelley delivers a Knife Edge Chop.

That chop brings Star down to one knee, then Shelley stands her up, then delivers another one.

Star is back down to one knee, and he stands her up again to deliver a Forearm Smash.

Star staggers into her corner, and then Mabel tags herself in.

Mauro: Mabel tagging herself in...

She then comes flying in through the ropes, and plants Shelley with a Tornado DDT!

Mauro: Wow! What a way to enter the match! Tornado DDT through the ropes, drilling Shelley headfirst!

Mabel hooks the leg, but Shelley kicks out at 2.

Mabel gets up, Shelley slowly does the same, and Mabel quickly fires away, hitting a right hand jab, then a chop, followed by a Spinning Back Kick to the midsection.

That brings Shelley down to all fours, then Mabel hits the ropes, and connects with a Knee Lift to the face!

Mauro: And Mabel follows up with a knee!

Mabel then drags her into her corner, and tags in Star.

Star then comes through the ropes, and springs off the bottom rope, connecting with a Leg Drop!

Mauro: Star now, beautiful Leg Drop...

Star then hooks the leg, Shelley kicks out at 2.

Shelley rolls out of the ring, looking to regroup.

Nigel: Shelley now, looking to catch a breath.

The ref starts his count, but Star had evil intentions written on her face.

Mauro: And it looks like Star Butterfly has something crazy in mind!

Star then looks to gain momentum by hitting the ropes, goes for a Suicide Dive, but then Shelley caught her square in face with a Superkick!

Beth: OH!!!

Mauro: Tope Suicida averted, and Star Butterfly may be out!

Nigel: That was one hell of a Superkick by Alex Shelley!

Shelley throws her back into the ring, then he throws her into his corner, but then Star sprung off the second rope, and clocked the awaiting Kushida with a Back Elbow!

Mauro: Oh! Star Butterfly, realizing she's heading into the wrong part of town, knocks Kushida with an Elbow!

She then turns back to Shelley, and runs at him, ducks a clothesline, hits the ropes, then drops Shelley with a Wheelbarrow DDT!

Nigel: And look at this!

Mauro: DDT out of the Wheelbarrow position!

Star goes for the cover, but then Kushida breaks the count at 2!

Mauro: But Kushida, just in time, breaking the count at 2!

Mabel comes in, and then connects with a running Front Dropkick to Kushida, knocking him out of the ring!

Mauro: And now Mabel! John Woo Dropkick sends Kushida flying to the outside!

Mabel turns around, and Shelley clotheslines her over the top rope.

Mabel tries to take advantage by hooking him up in Pumphandle Position, but Shelley back elbows her, goes behind, locks her up for a Dragon Suplex, but Star returns a Back Elbow to him, turns around, goes for her signature Spinning Hook Kick she calls the "Mewni Kick", but Shelley evades it by taking a step back.

Nigel: Whoa!

Mauro: Star Butterfly wanted a Mewni Kick, but Shelley luckily dodges it!

Shelley then lands a Superkick, but then Star rebounds, and connects the Mewni Kick!

Mauro: Oh!!! Star Manages to hit it that time!

Star then tags in Mabel, and then Mabel sets Shelley up for an S.O.S she calls the "Mabel-izer", but then Shelley reverses it into a Small Package pin, but Mabel kicks out at 2!

They both get up, but it's Mabel who connects with a Flying Forearm Smash!

Shelley gets up in a daze, and Mabel hits another Flying Forearm Smash!

Shelley then goes for a clothesline, but Mabel ducks it, goes for a Back Suplex, but Shelley lands on his feet, Mabel goes for a wild Backhand strike, but Shelley ducks, and gets to Kushida, making the tag!

Mauro: And there's the tag! In comes Kushida!

Kushida then goes for his patented Springboard Tomahawk Chop on Mabel, but she avoids it!

Kushida lands on his feet, turns around, and Mabel hits a Discus Forearm Smash!

She then sets Kushida up for an Inverted Crush, and plants him with it!

Mauro: Oh! What an Inverted Crush by Mabel Pines...

Nigel: Taking a page out of her brother's textbook!

She then flipped him over, and then locked on a Gogoplata and then locked Kushida's legs in a cloverleaf!

Mauro: And there's another move taken from her brother's Textbook! The Cypher Stretch!

Nigel: A Gogoplata combined with a Cloverleaf hold! Kushida now in trouble!

Shelley looks to break the hold, but Star Butterfly comes flying in, and connects with a Diving Cutter from the top turnbuckle!

Beth: And Star Butterfly! What a cutter off the top!

Nigel: Shelley looking to save Kushida, but Star was there to make sure that didn't happen!

Both Star and Shelley roll out of the ring, then after a few minutes in the hold, Kushida manages to slide out of the Gogoplata, and escape.

Both Mabel and Kushida get up, and Kushida lands his signature Wind-up Punch, leveling Mabel!

Mauro: Oh! Kushida with the Wind-up Punch!

Kushida then sets him up for his signature Small Package Driver, "Back To The Future", and he hits it!


Kushida has both her legs hooked, but Mabel somehow kicks out at the very last second!


Kushida then tags in Shelley, who just climbed back up onto the apron.

Mauro: Kushida now tagging in Shelley!

Shelley then gets Mabel up for an Air Raid Crash, and Shelley connects!

Mauro: And Shelley hits an Air Raid Crash!!!

Shelley hooks the leg, but Star breaks the count at 2 with a 450 Splash!

Nigel: OH MY LORD!!!

Beth: Where did Star come from!?

Kushida comes charging in, but Star low bridges him, and Kushida is sent tumbling out of the ring!

Star then hits the ropes, and Star wiped him out with a Somersault Plancha!

Mauro: And a Tope Con Hilo takes out Kushida!

Back in the ring, Shelley picks up Mabel, but then Mabel out of nowhere, hits the Mabel-izer!


Mabel has the legs hooked, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Team Weird N' Wild advance!

Jeremy Borash: Kushida and Alex Shelley have been eliminated!

Mabel uses the ropes to pull herself up, and then the next theme came out.


Out comes The Hybrid 2, Jack Evans and Angelico.

Mauro: From one decorated Tag Team, to another! Take a look at this duo!

Nigel: Jack Evans and Angelico, two high flying, brash, and talented young men, looking to make one hell of an impact by becoming Tag Team Champions!

The Hybrid 2 enter the ring, and Jack Evans is the one starts it off.

He goes after Mabel, but Mabel trips him with a Drop Toe Hold.

Mabel goes to tag in Star, and makes the tag.

Star then hops into the ring, and then hooks her up for her finishing move, her patented Butterfly Piledriver, called the "Butterfly Drive", but Evans counters with a Back Body Drop!

Mauro: Oh Star looking for a Butterfly Drive, but Evans gets out of dodge!

Evans then lights up Star with a series of kicks, then brings her to the mat with a Single Leg Takedown.

Mauro: And now Evans taking Star down!

With the leg still in his grasp, he drags her to his corner, where he tags in Angelico.

Evans picks her up, pushes her into his corner, then Angelico hits a Ninja style Backflip Kick.

But once Angelico stuck the landing, Star charged out of the corner, and clobbered him with a clothesline!

Beth: Oh, wow!

Nigel: Angelico got too pretty there, Star took advantage.

Star Butterfly then hooks him up in Double Underhook position, then hits a series of rolling Butterfly Suplexes.

She then picks him up, and then plants Angelico with an STO!

She tags Mabel back in, then they knock Angelico down with Double Dropkicks, then another set of Double Dropkicks.

Angelico slowly gets up, but then Mabel connects with a Knee Lift, then Star connected with a Jumping Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Now Team Weird N' Wild are rolling!

Mabel goes for the cover, Angelico kicks out at 2.

Mabel then gets up, sees Angelico get back onto his feet in a corner, and delivers a running Forearm Smash.

She then throws him into her corner, and delivers another one before tagging in Star.

Star then sends Angelico flying with a Monkey Flip, goes for the cover, Angelico kicks out at 2.

Angelico begins to crawl to his corner, but Star gets him in an Oklahoma Roll pin, however Angelico still manages to kick out at 2.

They both get up, Star went for a Flying Clothesline, so did Angelico, and the two collided in the middle of the ring!

Mauro: OH, MAN! What a collision!

Nigel: Both thinking the same thing, and now this is the moment where anyone can capitalize!

Angelico makes it to Jack Evans, and tags him in.

Jack Evans hops in, and knocks off Mabel.

Then Evans sets his sights back on Star, and Star suddenly trips him with a sudden Leg Sweep, hooks the legs, but Star only got a 2 count from it.

Evans gets up, so does Star. She then throws Jack Evans into a corner, but he springs off the ropes, and backflips onto the apron!

Beth: Oh, wow!

Nigel: Well that's one way of getting out of a corner!

Star goes up to him, looking to knock him down to the outside floor below, but Evans lands a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri to the ear of Star!

Star staggers backwards in a daze, and this gave Evans enough distance to hit a Springboard Blockbuster!

Evans goes for the cover, Star gets the shoulder up at 2.

They both get up, Star then went for the Mewni Kick, but then Evans caught it, took her down, and locks on an STF!

Mauro: Oh looking for the Mewni Kick! But Jack Evans!

Nigel: STF locked in!!!

Star begins to scream out in pain, reaching out to the ropes, but is nowhere near them.

Star was really close to tapping, when suddenly Mabel came crashing down on Jack Evans with an Elbow Drop!

Mauro: And Mabel saving Star Butterfly from Evans' STF!

Angelico comes in, but Mabel quickly shuts him down with an Inverted Crush!

Star gets up, sets up Evans for the Butterfly Drive, and she manages to connect it!

Nigel: There it is!

Mauro: Butterfly Drive, and Star got 100% of it!

Star hooks the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And there's the emphatic 1-2-3 that advances Team Weird N' Wild!

Jeremy Borash: The Hybrid 2 have been eliminated!

Then once The Hybrid 2 left...


15 seconds into the song, the words "WHEELS EXTREME" appeared on the titantron, and Wayside's Jenny and Maurecia came out.

Mauro: Now here's a couple new faces in the wrestling scene! Say hello to Jenny and Maurecia!

Nigel: Team Wheels Extreme, as they like to call themselves, let's see if they have what it takes.

They enter the ring, and Team Wheels Extreme bring the fight to Team Weird N' Wild.

Jenny gets Star in a cravate hold before clocking her with a knee lift.

She then throws Mabel into her corner, tags in Maurecia, and Maurecia lays in some body punches before delivering a blow to the head, and planting Mabel with a Bulldog.

Maurecia then picks her up, and lands a blunt uppercut.

Mauro: And Maurecia laying in the haymakers!

Then she tags Jenny back in, and Jenny goes to the top turnbuckle.

Mabel gets up, turns around, and Maurecia then gets under her and assists Jenny by throwing her off the turnbuckle, and Jenny lands a Crossbody on Mabel!

Jenny gets the legs hooked, but Mabel gets the shoulder up at 2.

Jenny and Mabel get up, then Jenny hits a Sling Blade.

She then hits the ropes, and sends Mabel for a ride with a Hurricanrana.

Mabel was luckily sent flying to her corner, and gave Mabel the chance to tag Star in.

Once tagged in, Star sprung off the top rope looking for a clothesline, but Jenny caught her with a Calf Kick!

Nigel: OH! Good lord!

Beth: Jenny in midair! Catching Star with a beautiful kick!

Jenny then gets her in Wheelbarrow Position, then hits a Wheelbarrow Neckbreaker!

Jenny then tags in Maurecia, and now it's Maurecia who goes to the top.

Mauro: Tag made, now Maurecia wants to take to the skies!

Maurecia measures the distance, then she hits a Heat Seeking Elbow drop!

Mauro: And a Heat Seeking Elbow lands on target!

Maurecia goes for the cover, but Mabel breaks the count at 2!

Jenny tries to get rid of her, but Mabel stops her with a Front Dropkick!

Then she turned around, only to get a Wind-up Punch to the face by Maurecia!

Mauro: Oh! And you think Kushida can do a wicked Wind-up Punch, look at the one done by Maurecia!

Mabel was now staggering, then Maurecia turns around, and delivers another Wind-up Punch to Star!

Maurecia tags Jenny back in, then they stand beside one another, sizing Star up.

Beth: Uh oh! Mabel in a place she shouldn't be in!

Maurecia and Jenny then look at each other, then they shout out "WHEELS EXTREME!!!" before charging.

Once Star was fully on her feet, Jenny went high with a Flying Clothesline, and Maurecia went low with a Spear!

Mauro: Wow! What a combination!

Jenny went for the cover, but Star was able to get her foot on the bottom rope at 2!

Mauro: And Star manages to get her foot on the ropes!

Nigel: If Jenny had hooked both of her legs, it surely would have been it!

Jenny picks up Star, then Lawn Darts her into a corner, but Star manages to Tiger Feint her way around, and back into the ring!

The second Jenny saw Star back in, Star clocked her with the Mewni Kick!

Nigel: OH!!!

Mauro: MEWNI KICK!!!

Star dives into the cover, Mabel in the outside, holds Maurecia back, and Star gets the 1-2-3!

Jeremy Borash: Team Wheels Extreme has been eliminated!

Mauro: And that's another team that has been eliminated by Team Weird N' Wild!

The next team then comes out.


Out comes Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder.

Mauro: And here comes former WWE Tag Team Champions!

Nigel: Held the belts once back in 2008, and then won the RAW Tag Team Championships in Wrestlemania last year, the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Championships could possibly be on their list of titles they have achieved!

Hawkins and Ryder enter the ring and hit Star with a Double Clothesline!

Mauro: Oh! And they go right after Star Butterfly!

Zack Ryder then goes to the outside, and battles with Mabel.

Back in the ring, Curt Hawkins grabs Star by her hair, and then out of desperation, Star lands a Péle Kick!

Nigel: Ooohhh! Nice kick, creating distance...

Hawkins rebounds off the ropes, and then connects with a Single Leg Front Dropkick!

Mauro: Oh! But Hawkins answers back!

In the outside, Zack threw Mabel to the steps, then goes back to the corner Hawkins was waiting for him in, and  Hawkins tags Ryder in.

Ryder quickly gets on the offense, and connects with a Dropkick once Star got up.

Then he picks her up, drops her with a Snap Suplex, floats over into the cover, but Star kicks out at 2.

Before Star could react, Ryder immediately locks in a Lying Headlock.

Mauro: Zack Ryder now doing the wise thing, and keep Star Butterfly grounded.

Mabel at this point, has recovered from the battle with Ryder, and was now rallying Star, and then the crowd began to get behind Team Weird N' Wild.

Star and Ryder eventually got to their feet, Star went for a Back Suplex, but Ryder landed on his feet!

Star turns around, Ryder goes for a Clothesline, but she caught it, and dropped Ryder with an Arm-trap Neckbreaker!

Mauro: And Star again planting Ryder!

Nigel: Star needs to get to Mabel now!

Star tags Mabel in, Ryder gets up, and Mabel hits a Flying Forearm Smash!

Ryder gets up, and Mabel delivers another one!

Mabel goes for a third, but Ryder low bridges her, and Mabel goes tumbling to the outside!

Mauro: Oh and Ryder! Sending Mabel flying to the outside!

Ryder then measures Mabel up, and wipes her out with a Slingshot Plancha!

Mauro: And he follows up with a Slingshot Pescado over the top rope!

Ryder throws Mabel back in, and tags in Hawkins. Hawkins and Ryder then plant Mabel with an STO/Side Russian Legsweep combo!

Nigel: Oh! Great Double Team move there!

Hawkins goes for the cover, Mabel kicks out at 2.

Hawkins quickly gets up, and then delivers an standing Elbow Drop.

He gets up again, then delivers a stomp to her chest.

Mauro: Hawkins now, caving Mabel's chest in!

Mabel starts to crawl to Star, clutching at her chest, but Hawkins then kicked her in the side of the face.

"Come on, she's right there!" Hawkins shouted, and Mabel catches Hawkins by surprise with a sudden Jawbreaker!

She then brings him down to the mat with a Double Leg Takedown, and punches away!

Nigel: Look at this!

Beth: Mabel firing away!

She gets off of him, then Dropkicks Ryder off the apron.

But that gave Hawkins enough time to recover, and the moment she turned around, Hawkins went for a Lariat, but she caught him with an Uppercut!

Mauro: Oh! Hawkins got intercepted!

Mabel makes the tag to Star, and Mabel gets Hawkins in position for a Hangman's Neckbreaker, while Star climbed to the top turnbuckle.

Nigel: Now what do they have in mind!?

Star then goes for a Shooting Star Press, and Team Weird N' Wild hit a Shooting Star Press/Neckbreaker combo!

Mauro: WOW!!!

Nigel: Beautiful combo!

Star hooks both legs, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: Hawkins and Ryder eliminated!

Jeremy Borash: Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder have been eliminated!

Mauro: Just one more team left!

Nigel: If Mabel and Star get through this last team, they'll be the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions!



Mauro: Oh! Look who it is!

16 seconds into the song, Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster come out, and to a huge ovation.

Mauro: Former NXT UK Tag Team Champions, Wales' favorite Sons, Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster!

Nigel: Looks like they wanna add the LWF: Reborn Tag Team Championships to their resumés as well!

Andrews and Webster take off their jackets, and slide into the ring.

Mabel and Webster go at it, but it's Mabel who sends Webster to the outside, and then Mabel goes onto the apron, and dives off it, hitting Webster with a clothesline!

Beth: Mabel Pines taking it to the Modfather!

Back in the ring, Andrews had dodged a Mewni Kick, and then hits an STO Backbreaker.

Andrews then lands a Leaping Enzuigiri on Star, and Star now slumps down to the mat.

Andrews tags in Webster, and goes to the top turnbuckle.

Nigel: Flash Morgan Webster now!

Webster goes for a 630 Senton, but Mabel rolled out of the way!

Mauro: Oh no!

Nigel: Nobody home!

Mabel knocks Andrews off the apron, and then she plants Webster with a Bulldog.

She then goes for the cover, but Webster kicks out at 2!

Mabel then goes for a running attack, but Webster caught her with a Flying Clothesline!

Mauro: Oh! Webster with a clothesline!

He then picks Mabel up, and then Webster hits his patented Destino he calls the "Eton Rifle"!

Nigel: ETON RIFLE!!!

Beth: This could be it!

Morgan Webster hooks the leg, but then Star hits a Running Shooting Star Press, breaking the count at 2!

Mauro: Star Butterfly keeps the dream alive for Team Weird N' Wild!

Andrews comes flying in, hitting Star with a Missile Dropkick!

Mabel gets up, and clotheslines Mark Andrews out of the ring.

When she turned around, Webster rained down with forearms, then lands an uppercut.

Mabel falls out of the ring, and then Webster hits the ropes for momentum.

Nigel: And now Webster looking to fly!

Webster goes for a Suicide Dive, but Star intercepts with a Drive-by Kick!

Beth: OH!!!

Nigel: Drive-by out of nowhere!

Star then enters the ring, and without hesitation, she takes down Andrews with a Slingshot Hurricanrana!

She didn't stop there. She then picked him up, and clocked him with a Mewni Kick!

Mabel then gets Webster up for the Mabel-izer, and she hits it!

Mauro: Mabel-izer to Webster, and a Mewni Kick to Andrews!

She however, didn't go for the pin, she lets go, and tags in Star, who then hits a Shooting Star Press!

Nigel: And Star with what could be the final nail in the coffin!

Mabel stands guard, and Star gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And Team Weird N' Wild are your Tag Team Champions!!!

**Bell rings!**

(Start at 0:43)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen the winners of the match, and your first LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions, TEAM WEIRD N' WILD!!!

Mauro: From Time Splitters, to Andrews and Webster! Mabel and Star pulled through, and are your first LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions!

Beth: Numerous times, they were so close to being eliminated, but through it all, they pulled it off, and got the gold!

Nigel: And I can tell you this, things could get Weird and Wild, from here on out!

Mabel and Star hug each other, then they hold their newly won belts up high.

Mauro: Congratulations to Mabel and Star, and now that we crowned the Tag Team Champions, let's crown our Wattpad Champion! Up next, it's the Abrasive Spongebob vs. "The Archer of Infamy" Damian Priest!

Nigel: I can guarantee both of these fighters will not walk out in one peice.


Jonah walks through the backstage area as he was checking out the place. But he was also looking for Damian Priest.

Jonah: I cant bear to wait on him any longer... I need to help him do this or I cant make the correction I made to my mistake.

Jonah spots him in the catering area. He runs up to see Priest as he looks to see Jonah arriving.

Jonah: I'm sorry to bother you Priest, but I just cant wait any longer. Spongebob looks dangerous with his Abrasive side, and... I really want to make it up to you for what I did in LWE. I see you in NXT all the time, youre an amazing performer. I want to Help you Live Forever. But I guess if you dont want my help because of what I did, thats okay. I guess im just wasting my Time with you. *Turns and walks away.*

Damian: Wait.

Jonah stops as he looks back at Priest.

Damian: *Takes his shades off.* I heard everything you said.

Jonah: You... you really believe me?

Damian: Yes, but I'm more than capable, doing this myself.

Jonah: Oh. Guess thats a no.

Jonah sighs, thinking that he wasn't needed.

Damian: Hey look, at least you're cheering for the right person.

Damian then smiles, puts on his shades, and walks off.

Jonah, then makes his way to the exit.

But then he saw someone run up to him, and the stranger attacks him!

The attack even knocked the cameraman down, and for about 15 seconds, nothing but the sound of clubbing blows was heard, and grunting.

The last thing that was shown, was the attackers white boots.

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