Spongebob vs. Homicide

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(Start at 0:32)


🎶I have played the part, I have joined the game! I'm falling, you're catching me! (Never second guess!), Pretending you're never there! (Whoa-oh-oh!), I keep trying, and surviving, knowing this could be a curse! If it wasn't for that look in your eyes that brought me Back To Life!🎶

Mauro: We would like to take this moment to thank the band, Paralandra, for their song, "Back To Life". The official theme song for LWF: Resurgence. You can get this song, and their album, "Ascension" which is available now on iTunes, and Spotify. Now back to the show, what an event we have so far!

Nigel: You can say that again! First it was that opening 5 way match, where Ricochet outlasted 4 other men, especially Dennis, to secure his spot for a chance at the LWF: Reborn Championship, then we had Damian Priest who defeated Will Ospreay to punch his ticket to the Wattpad Championship, and then just now, Starlight Glimmer won her 5, or should I say, 6 way match, and now it's Ricochet taking on Starlight Glimmer for the LWF: Reborn Championship in our main event!


Mauro: And right now, we're about to find out who will face Damian Priest!

Out comes "The Notorious 187" himself, Homicide.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York, weighing in at 205 pounds, HOMICIDE!!!

Beth: Where Homicide came from, violence was the norm in his neighborhood. It was a kill or be killed environment. If he did what he had to do to survive, imagine what kind of pain he will inflict on his opponent?

Homicide enters the ring, and he stares down the ramp, waiting for his opponent.


Out comes Abraisive Spongebob.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from Bikini Bottom, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!

Mauro: Spongebob, definitely one of the OG's of LWF, has now come home, and he's changed.

Nigel: Change can be a good thing. Before, Spongebob was one of the members of the notorious Nick Club that stood out among the rest, maybe this change is what he needs to make a name for himself.

Spongebob enters the ring, and he and Homicide begin to stare daggers at one another.

Beth: Oh, and it looks like Homicide and Spongebob can't wait to get their hands at each other!

Mauro: I can guarantee you folks, this will get physical the second the bell rings!

Once the bell rang, Homicide and Spongebob locked up in the middle of the ring, and then Homicide gets Spongebob in a Side Headlock.

Spongebob then pushes Homicide to the ropes, shoving him off. Homicide hits the ropes, Spongebob goes for a Back Elbow to stop Homicide in his tracks, but he ducked it.

Homicide hits the ropes one more time, then knocks down Spongebob with a Shoulder Block.

Homicide hits the ropes again, Spongebob gets up, sidesteps Homicide, he hits the ropes, and Spongebob drops down as he did.

Homicide hops over him, Spongebob gets up, and then knocks him down with a Dropkick!

Mauro: Spongebob dropkicking Homicide!

Spongebob picks up Homicide, hits a Snap Suplex, rolls through to sit Homicide up, and then hits a Pump Kick on the face of Homicide!

Nigel: Oh!

Mauro: And a brutal kick square on the face!

Spongebob goes for a quick cover, Homicide kicks out at 2.

Spongebob gets up, and now just hammers and stomps away on Homicide.

Beth: And now Spongebob unleashing that new aggression!

Spongebob now gets Homicide up, and then hits an Uppercut.

Homicide answers back with a hard Forearm, in which Spongebob responds with a hard forearm of his own, then he takes him down.

He then stomps on his chest, then he picks him up, and then slams him down with a Vertical Suplex.

Spongebob rolls through, sits up Homicide, then slaps him in the face!

Mauro: And- oh! Spongebob definitely showing a meaner side with this Abrasiveness!

Beth: Not a good idea when your opponent is Homicide!

Homicide looks up at Spongebob, and it's as if there was a fire that had ignited in his eyes.

Nigel: I agree with you, Beth! Never provoke a thug!

Spongebob sees Homicide getting angry, and he keeps on pushing his buttons.

Mauro: I don't think he gives a single damn! Spongebob is daring him!

Homicide gets up, goes and swings at Spongebob, misses wildly, and Spongebob hits the ropes.

Homicide goes for a clothesline to try and stop Spongebob in his tracks, Spongebob ducks, hits the ropes again, then hits a flying clothesline!

Mauro: And again, down goes Homicide!

Nigel: It's been all Spongebob in this match.

Spongebob goes for the cover, Homicide kicks out at 2.

Spongebob sits him up again, then locks on a Bow-and-arrow submission hold.

Mauro: Homicide now in a predicament here...

Homicide now tries to reach the bottom rope with his foot, but is unable to get there. So instead, he tries to get back onto his feet, but the second he does, Spongebob shuts him down with a knee to the midsection.

Mauro: Homicide AGAIN is shut down!

Beth: Homicide can't seem to get an offensive move going!

Spongebob then hits the ropes, but then Homicide out of nowhere, spears him!

Nigel: OH!!!

Mauro: WOW!!! You were saying, Beth?

Beth: Just as I say that, Homicide with a desperation move, takes down Spongebob, and now all he needs to do his capitalize!

Homicide gets to his feet, and then grabs Spongebob.

He then tosses him with an Exploder Suplex, bridges into the cover, but Spongebob kicks out at 2!

He then gets up, sizes up Spongebob for a Cutter, but Spongebob had scouted, and when Homicide went for it he pushed him away.

Mauro: Homicide looking for a cutter, but Spongebob sees it coming!

Homicide turns around and Spongebob went for his signature Single Leg Front Dropkick, the Torpedo Kick, but Homicide sidesteps him!

Mauro: Oh! Spongebob looking for a big time kick, Homicide avoids it!

Spongebob turns around, and sees Homicide coming at him, and connecting with his patented running clothesline, the West Brooklyn Lariat!

Nigel: OH!!!


Homicide flips Spongebob onto his back, hooks the leg, but Spongebob kicks out at 2.5!

Mauro: Oh! Homicide so close!

Beth: Just half a second away!

Homicide begins to utter something in Spanish before standing up.

Spongebob was beginning to come to, and Homicide stomps on his hands.

Homicide then hits the ropes for another West Brooklyn Lariat, but Spongebob shot up to his feet, and delivered the Torpedo Kick!

Mauro: OH MY!!! Homicide was going for another West Brooklyn Lariat, but Spongebob kicks his head off before doing so!

Homicide gets up, now dazed, and Spongebob delivered another kick, this time, it was his finishing kick, the Corkscrew Enzuigiri Kick he calls, Hurricane Sandy!

Mauro: And another kick by Spongebob!

Nigel: If that didn't knock Homicide out, that one surely did!

Spongebob hooks the leg, and gets the easy 1-2-3!

Mauro: Spongebob moves on!

*Bell Rings!*


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!!!

Mauro: Later on in Resurgence, Spongebob has a date, with the Archer of Infamy! It's official! Damian Priest, Spongebob Squarepants, Wattpad Championship up for grabs!

Nigel: This is gonna get physical, I can tell you that much!

Beth: That settles it! Our two singles matches are set, and up next, we will crown our inaugural LWF: Reborn Tag Team Champions!

Mauro: That's gonna be good!

(UP NEXT: Tag Team Gauntlet Match for the Tag Team Championships)

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