5 Way Match (2/2)

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Kayla Braxton was in front of Chris Brookes' locker room, and she knocks.

After a few seconds, Chris Brookes answers the door.

Kayla: Hi, um, Chris Brookes, can you explain what you did to Ilja Dragunov earlier tonight?

Chris: *Scoffs* You want me to explain what I did? Usually I won't, but you know what, I'll explain, in a way, Dragunov will understand. *Looks into the camera* Dragunov, what happened out there, was just pure karma. You see, I had Dennis right there, and I was gonna have my moment, then you took it away from me. And if I wasn't gonna have my moment, then you weren't get yours either. So now, I'm here making a name for myself, and Dragunov, you're in my way now. This is far from over between you and me.

Brookes then shuts the door.

In another part backstage, Damian Priest walked from his locker room after his match, then he was stopped by me.

Me: Good job on your match, Priest. Now all you need to do is beat either Spongebob or Homicide, and that title is all yours.

Priest smirks. Then just as I was gonna add on to that, my friend Jonah Shwarts walked in.

Me: Well what brings you here?

Jonah: Well, I have something to say to Priest after seeing that match.

Priest takes off his shades.

Damian: Hang on, I remember you.

Jonah: Yeah, LWE, first episode. Remember that?

Me: *Jumps into the conversation* Exactly why are you bringing this up?

Damian: No no, Let him speak. I wanna hear what he has to say.

Jonah: *Sighs* You know exactly why im doing this Chard. During the LWE World Heavyweight Championship match, Damian went up against Abyss, and Abyss won. It was the worst call of my life pushing him when I really should've pushed Priest.

All Damian did was nod, as he continued to listen on with his undivided attention.

Jonah: That choice I made in LWE was the biggest mistake of my life. I was new to the fanfic wrestling scene, and I didnt know my way around the leagues outside WWE. But thanks to your rise in NXT, I know more about you now. What Spongebob said about you earlier, I took offense to. You've had some of the most stellar matches in NXT Lately! Hell, you've beaten Pete Dunne.

Damian: That's true. But what exactly is your message here?

Jonah: Well, you're gonna be facing either Homicide, or Spongebob for the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Championship, and I know exactly what you want. And that is to Live Forever. If you win that championship, you'll do just that. What I'm trying to say, is I want to be in your corner when you're in that match. Because I want to support the RIGHT man this time. What do you say?

Damian doesn't give an answer, and just walks away.

Me: Hey, you can't just leave without answering like that! *Turns to Jonah* welp, he's gone. But one way or another, you will get an answer later.

Jonah: I hope so. Because i want to make it up to him. I can't do that if Priest still lives in the past.

Me: If there's one thing I know about Priest, It's that he never dwells in the past, so I'm pretty sure it's behind him now. But if you really want to be in his corner, by all means, I'll let you. But if Damian doesn't want you there, then what can I do?

Jonah and I then part ways, and I continue to walk back to my office.



Mauro: Well that was some turn of events right there, but let's switch gears back to the action, where our second 5-way match is about to take place!

Out comes Brian Kendrick, and he holds out his black Pirate flag as he walks down the ramp.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your second 5-way Elimination match, to determine our next contender, for the LWF: Reborn Championship! Introducing competitor number 1, making his way to the ring, from Venice, California, weighing in at 170 Pounds, "THE" BRIAN KENDRICK!!!

Mauro: A pioneer in the Cruiserweight Division, and probably the most experienced in the match!

Nigel: A former X-division Champion, former Cruiserweight Champion, and a former Tag Team Champion, this man has travelled the globe, so experience is definitely in his favor.

Kendrick enters the ring, and he holds up his flag as he circles around the ring.



Out comes Dezmond Xavier, and the crowd cheers for him.

Jeremy Borash: Competitor number 2, from Dayton, Ohio weighing in at 183 pounds, DEZMOND XAVIER!!!

Mauro: Now this is a man who just wows the crowd every single time! Dezmond's abilities is just beyond human!

Beth: This is who I'm picking to win! This young star is just absolutely incredible, and while he may not have the experience as Kendrick, he's definitely faster!

Nigel: Experience always beats youth, Beth. Just saying.

Dezmond enters the ring, and once he's settled...


Mixed reactions filled the arena as out came Adagio Dazzle, with Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze in tow.

Jeremy Borash: Competitor number 3, accompanied by Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk, representing The Dazzlings, ADAGIO DAZZLE!!!

Mauro: And here's a competitor who has the numbers advantage!

Beth: In this 5 way, I bet you Adagio's Siren Sisters are gonna play a huge role in the match, and will do anything they can to make sure it's Adagio moving on!

Nigel: You still rooting for Dezmond?

Beth: Yes, despite Adagio having Aria and Sonata running around I'm sure somehow Dez is gonna find a way.

Adagio enters the ring, and starts eyeing Xavier and Kendrick.



Loud cheers filled the arena as out came Chris Sabin.

Jeremy Borash: Competitor number 4, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 205 pounds, CHRIS SABIN!!!

Mauro: You know, Nigel, when you mentioned Kendrick being a former X-Division Champion, take a look at the 8-Time X-Division Champion!

Nigel: How could I forget? When you mention TNA's X-Division you gotta mention Sabin. He competed in the first Ultimate X match, won gold everywhere he has been, and is looking to add the LWF: Reborn Championship in his list of titles!

Beth: Kendrick and Sabin have went down a somewhat similar path, but looks to me Sabin has him beat experience wise.

Sabin enters the ring, and he does his signature pose where he points to his right hand.

Then the lights go out.


A spotlight shines down, and to mixed reactions, out comes Starlight Glimmer.

Jeremy Borash: And finally, competitor number 5, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!!

Mauro: You know, there is very little we know about Starlight, but the one thing we do know, is her perspective in friendship.

Beth: Yeah, she thinks that the only way true peace and friendship can be achieved is to be equal to one another. No one is superior to one another, no one competes with each other, and no judgement.

Starlight had a mic in her hand, and held up her hand to try and silence the crowd.

Nigel: Looks like Starlight has something to say.

She then begins to speak as she casually makes her way to the ring.

Starlight: So this is the second coming, of Loud Wrestling Federation. Well all I see, is a miserable attempt to revive a dead body.

The crowd boos.

Starlight: You see, the only reason LWF went on hiatus is because LWF had inequality within it. It was just unecessary chaos because everyone was different.

Nigel: I beg to differ.

Starlight: But, you know what, I'm gonna give this company a second chance. You know why, because I'm here, and I'm gonna show everyone here in LWF that equality is the way. Because true friendship comes, from being equal.

She then puts hands the mic to one of the ring crew, and enters the ring.

Mauro: It seems Starlight Glimmer has begun her movement to an equal LWF!

Beth: I guess the saying: "opposites attract", is non-existent to her.



I come out.

Mauro: Well this is a surprise!

Beth: What would Chard be out here for?

I then ask for my music to be cut, then I continue.

Me: Now before the 5 of you start fighting for the 2nd slot in the Championship match, I wanted to say that there has been a change to the match. And that change is that it's not gonna be a 5 way match, but a 6 WAY match!

The crowd cheers.

Mauro: What!?

Nigel: A six way!?

Beth: That's huge! Who's the 6th competitor???

Me: Oh yeah, your 6th competitor is on her way to the ring right now.

I then leave, and as soon as I was gone, the lights went out.


A 10 second countdown started.











The second it hit zero, spotlights shone down on the stage, and began to flash rapidly, and as it did, this appeared on the titantron:

Then the name: TRIXIE LULAMOON popped up on the titantron, and sure enough, to a loud ovation, out came "The Great and Powerful" Trixie Lulamoon!



Beth: What an ovation for Trixie!

Mauro: The roof of the Pacific Coliseum damn near blew off from that loud crowd pop! LWF is known to have an association with Rick C's RCCW, and over there Trixie is a big star, so what a moment we are having right now!

Trixie enters the ring, and the crowd begins to chant her name.

The bell rings, the match is officially underway, and both Kendrick and Trixie exited the ring!

Mauro: And it looks like both Trixie and Kendrick doing the wisest thing!

Nigel: Exactly, let everyone else fight each other, and pick up what's left!

The other 4 competitors looked at Trixie and Kendrick, but after a couple seconds, they all started going at each other. Starlight going after Sabin, and Adagio going after Dezmond.

The fight between Dezmond and Adagio spills to the outside, while Starlight and Sabin were going at it.

Starlight throws Sabin into a corner, but Sabin leaped onto the second turnbuckle, went for a Springboard Tornado DDT, but Starlight counters with a Dropkick!

Mauro: Oh! Sabin looking for something big, but Starlight had it scouted!

Starlight then flipped him over si that he was face down, dragged him to the middle of the ring, and locked on a Kneebar.

Nigel: Starlight now, looking to tap Sabin out!

Beth: Sabin is so far away, he has to find a way out of it if he wants to have a chance at the LWF: Reborn Championship!

Sabin then rolls over, and manages to break free.

Meanwhile outside, Adagio and Dezmond Xavier were still going at each other. Well actually, Adagio had been trying to land a shot, but Dezmond somehow manages to dodge every single attack, frustrating her.

Mauro: Meanwhile, Adagio, having a difficult time trying to gain the upper hand with Dez!

Dezmond then goes for a diving offensive move off the apron, but Adagio sidestepped him, and sends Dezmond crashing to the floor!

Nigel: Oh!

Mauro: And Dezmond went to the well one too many times, and Dazzle made him pay for it!

Adagio then starts eyeing Trixie, and Aria and Sonata creep up behind her.

Aria and Sonata then grabbed her arms, Adagio goes to attack, and then Trixie kicks her away, and fights out of Aria and Sonata's grasp!

Mauro: And Trixie now! Fighting out of The Dazzlings' hands!

Trixie slides into the ring, and bumps into Starlight.

Mauro: And- oh! Now this is interesting!

Nigel: If there's anyone who knows Starlight better than anyone, it's Trixie!

Starlight then talks about a small alliance to help lower the numbers in the match

But just as Starlight was about to set her sights on Kendrick, Trixie grabbed her from behind, sets her up for a Killswitch, but Starlight pushes off her. And manages to escape it.

Trixie turns around, and Starlight levels her with a Lariat!

Mauro: And Starlight with a Lariat clocking Trixie!

Starlight goes for the cover, Trixie kicks out at 2.

Meanwhile, Kendrick and Adagio were battling outside. Adagio hits Kendrick with a Forearm to the back, Kendrick responds with a Back Elbow, then goes for a Sliced Bread #2 on the outside, but Adagio escapes mid-move, Kendrick lands on his feet, and Adagio knocks him out with a Superkick!

Nigel: Oh!

Mauro: Adagio with a Superkick to "The Brian Kendrick-

Suddenly, Chris Sabin from out of nowhere took Adagio out with a Triangle Plancha!

Mauro: OH WOW!!! Where did Chris Sabin come from!?

Dezmond Xavier then enters the ring, and begins to size up Sabin.

Beth: Oh but you better keep your eyes on Dezmond Xavier!

Once Sabin got to his feet, Xavier hits the ropes, then connects with a Space Tiger Drop!

Mauro: MAMMA MIA! Dezmond Xavier, showing why he's called the "Kardiak Kid"!

Nigel: Everything he does is just breathtaking!

Back in the ring, Trixie had just brought Kendrick back into the ring, and they went at each other.

Trixie starts with an open handed strike to the face, Kendrick staggers, and Trixie follows up with a Snap Suplex.

Trixie floats over into the cover, Kendrick kicks out at 2.

Mauro: And Trixie almost had Kendrick there!

Trixie gets up, picks up Kendrick, who then pushes away to create some distance, and connects with a Calf Kick!

Mauro: Oh! But it's Kendrick with a perfectly placed Kick that rocks "The Great and Powerful" Trixie!

Nigel: Right on target!

Trixie was now sitting on the mat all dazed, and Kendrick decides to capitalize on it. He picks her up, sets up for a Tiger Suplex, and he hits it, bridges into the cover...

But then Dezmond from the top turnbuckle, broke the count at 2, by flattening Kendrick with his Corkscrew Senton Bomb, the Final Flash!

Mauro: WOW!!!

Nigel: Final Flash!!!

Dezmond then covers Kendrick, and gets the 1-2-3, eliminating Kendrick!

Mauro: Dezmond with the first elimination of the match!

Jeremy Borash: "The" Brian Kendrick jas been eliminated!

Mauro: And Dez with the first elimination in the match, we are down to 5, which is our original number of participants!

Nigel: Kendrick gone, now we have, Dazzle, Glimmer, Lulamoon, Xavier, and Sabin left.

Kendrick leaves, and then Adagio and Sabin went at each other.

Adagio gets Sabin in a Side Headlock, Sabin pushes her off, and into a corner.

Sabin then goes for a Forearm Smash, Adagio gets out of the way, Sabin manages to stop himself by hopping onto the second turnbuckle, but Adagio quickly slipped onto the apron, and then connected with a Rope-assisted Enzuigiri to Sabin!

Mauro: And there's the speed of Adagio Dazzle!

Beth: A conniving she-devil of a siren, but incredibly fast when she wants to be!

She then wedged Sabin's head on the top turnbuckle, entered the ring, and then Superkicks Sabin through his legs!

Adagio then throws Sabin off the second turnbuckle. Then once Sabin was up, Adagio hits a Step-up Enzuigiri.

Sabin then spun back around, and clocked Adagio with a Step-up Enzuigiri of his own!

Mauro: And Sabin! Adagio clocked Sabin with a perfectly executed kick, and then Sabin delivered one of his own!

Sabin tries to shake off the effects from the kick, and then gets Adagio hooked up for his Cross-legged Samoan Driver finisher, the Cradle Shock, and he hits it!

Mauro: And there's the Cradle Shock!!!

Sabin got her legs hooked, and gets the 1-2-3, eliminating Adagio!

Jeremy Borash: Adagio Dazzle has been eliminated!

Mauro: And just like that, Adagio's road to the title has come to a dead end! Courtesy of the Cradle Shock from Sabin!

Nigel: And now we are down to 4. Sabin, Xavier, Starlight, and Trixie!

Sabin celebrates, but once he turned around, Dezmond Xavier caught him with a Double Backflip Kick!

Mauro: WOW!!!

Beth: What a kick by Dezmond!

Dezmond then covers Sabin, and gets the 1-2-3!

Nigel: Dezmond got the elimination!

Jeremy Borash: Chris Sabin has been eliminated!

Mauro: That makes 2 eliminations for Dezmond Xavier! Wow!

Nigel: And just like that, we are down to just Trixie, Starlight, and Dez!

Trixie then slides in and immediately goes for an Inverted DDT, but then Dezmond escapes out of it!

Trixie then goes for a Superkick to the midsection, Dezmond caught it, threw her foot down, and Trixie caught him with a Dragon Whip Kick!

Nigel: Oh, look out!

Mauro: If the first kick didn't hit, the second one sure will!

Trixie goes for the cover, Dezmond kicks out at 2.

Starlight Glimmer then comes in, and picks off what's left of Dezmond. She gets him on her shoulders, goes for a Double Knee Gutbuster, but Dezmond escapes, Starlight falls, and then Dezmond crushes her with a Double Foot Stomp!

Mauro: And Dezmond again countering whatever is thrown at him!

Dezmond then sees Trixie in the corner, goes for a big move, but is unable to do so because Trixie gets out of dodge, and Dezmond bounces off the corner.

Mauro: Oh! Dezmond Xavier, looking for something big, but the ever so present-minded Trixie, has him scouted!

Trixie gets on the second turnbuckle, gets Dezmond hooked, and plants him with a Tornado Inverted DDT!

Mauro: And Trixie! Capitalizing on the opportunity she made, and now has Dezmond down!

Nigel: Trixie is gonna do anything to ensure that this chance does not slip through her fingers!

Trixie goes for the cover, and then at 2, Dezmond kicks out, then kips up!

Mauro: Kick out at 2, and Dez is back up!

Trixie gets up, and then Dezmond takes her out with a Pump Kick, then goes after Starlight, who tries to stop him with a clothesline.

Dezmond ducks, goes to the apron, Starlight tries to get him back in, but gets a Shoulder to the gut.

Dezmond then drapes Starlight on the second rope, and then Dezmond gies to the other side, and his his patented Tiger Feint Kick, the X-19!

Mauro: X-19 to Starlight!

Dezmond then enters the ring, looking for that double Backflip Kick, but Starlight gets out of the way, and Dezmond caught Trixie instead!

Mauro: Oh looking to get Starlight with that kick, Starlight got out of the way!

Nigel: And poor Trixie was in the line of fire!

Trixie was out, and down on one knee, Dezmond sees who he just hit, and that gave Starlight the chance to get Dezmond in position for a Straight jacket Neckbreaker, and Starlight hits it!

Mauro: And Dezmond took his eyes off of Starlight Glimmer for a split second, Starlight made him pay for it!

Beth: Come on, Dez!

Starlight then goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3, and eliminated Dezmond!

Beth: Aw, shucks! So close!

Jeremy Borash: Dezmond Xavier has been eliminated!

Mauro: We are now down to just Starlight Glimmer, and "The Great and Powerful" Trixie! Two girls who know each other very well!

Trixie gets up, and Starlight approaches her.

But before she could do anything, Trixie knocks her down with a Wheel Kick!

Mauro: And now Trixie! Trixie not going down!

Trixie then picks her up, throws her onto the ropes with an Irish Whip, then Trixie plants her with a Flapjack!

Trixie was now sitting down on the mat, clutching her chest, and Trixie begins to fire up, feeding off the energy emitting from the fans.

Mauro: Trixie has Starlight in trouble, and now "The Great and Powerful" one, looking to keep her foot on the gas!

Trixie then hits the ropes, and then connects with a Sliding Clothesline!

Nigel: Oh!

Mauro: And now a clothesline to follow up!

Trixie goes for the cover, Starlight Glimmer kicks out at 2.

Trixie then picks up Starlight, who tried to hit her with a right jab.

Trixie blocks it, and then rains down on Starlight with some punches of her own!

With Starlight reeling, Trixie hits the ropes, and then knocks her down with a Running Forearm Smash!

Mauro: Trixie beginning to feel it!

Trixie then picks her up, sets her up for the Killswitch, but then Starlight counters, and connects with a Reverse Twist Of Fate!

Mauro: Oh! Starlight with a unique Neckbreaker stopping Trixie from closing in on a win!

Beth: That looked like an Inverted Twist Of Fate almost!

Nigel: I think that's exactly what it was!

Starlight then goes to the top turnbuckle, takes a second to size Trixie up, then delivers a Diving Double Knee Drop!

Nigel: Oh!

Mauro: Double Knees to the ribs!

Starlight goes for the cover, but Trixie kicks out at 2!

Starlight picks up Trixie, who suddenly catches Starlight off guard with a Jawbreaker, then she got up, and delivered a Running Neckbreaker!

Mauro: Oh! Starlight looking to weaken Trixie more, Trixie had other plans!

Nigel: Desperation move paid off for now, can Trixie capitalize?

Trixie then quickly hopped onto the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Does that answer your question, Nigel?

Nigel: I guess so, but she better not wait too long.

Then without hesitation, Trixie connects with a Frog Splash!

Beth: Oh!!!

Mauro: Frog Splash hits the mark!

Trixie goes for the cover, Starlight kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And- oh! Starlight just barely kicking out!

Trixie looks at the corner she just leapt off of, and then climbs to the top one more time.

Mauro: Trixie now, looking to go for broke one more time...

Trixie sizes up Starlight, Starlight sees this, and meets her up on the top turnbuckle.

Mauro: Oh but this time, Starlight Glimmer sees it coming!

The two began trading blows, but it's Trixie who pushes her off.

Starlight quickly gets up, sprung off the bottom rope, and delivered a swift punch to Trixie's jaw!

Mauro: Oh! What a right hand by Starlight, and Trixie I think Trixie is out!

She then sets Trixie up for a Tower Of London Cutter, and Starlight connects!

Mauro: And OH!!!

Nigel: Tower Of London!!!

Starlight goes for the cover, but Trixie get her foot on the bottom rope, breaking the count at 2!

Mauro: And again! Trixie showing her in-ring awareness!

Beth: If Trixie hadn't known where the ropes were, Starlight would have moved on!

Starlight tried to reason with the referee, saying that it was 3.

Mauro: Starlight, in denial right now...

No matter what she said, the ref was telling her that he saw Trixie's foot on the ropes, which gave Trixie the chance to roll her up into a pin!

Mauro: Oh wait a minute! Ttixie might steal it!

Starlight kicks out at the last moment!

Mauro: Oh! Trixie almost had it!

Then immediately, both of them get up, Starlight rushes towards Trixie, and Trixie plants her with a Michinoku Driver!

Mauro: Oh! Michinoku Driver!

Trixie has both of Starlight's legs hooked, but Starlight STILL kicks out at 2!

Mauro: And STILL! Starlight Glimmer survives!

Trixie gets up, looking to set up for a big move.

Mauro: Trixie now, closing in on a win here...

Then once Trixie sees Starlight is up to her feet, she goes for it, but then Starlight counters with a Drop Toe Hold, and then locked in an Inverted Figure-four Leglock!

Mauro: Oh! Looking for something big, but now Starlight has her on the ground!

Nigel: The ropes are nowhere in Trixie's reach!

Beth: Starlight has it on tight!

Trixie starts to crawl, but then Starlight cinched the hold in more, and it became more difficult for her to crawl.

After what felt like forever, Trixie finally tapped out.

Mauro: And that's it! Trixie had no other choice!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:15)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, STARLIGHT GLIMMER!!!

Mauro: Trixie, despite putting up a good fight in the end, it's Starlight Glimmer who moves on to face Ricochet in the main event!

Nigel: After what Ricochet went through with Dennis, if Starlight cinches in that hold, we may see her, as the Inaugural LWF: Reborn Champion!

Beth: It's official! Starlight Glimmer, Ricochet, LWF: Reborn Championship on the line, later on in Resurgence!

Mauro: With that match all set, it's time to finalize our Wattpad Championship match! Damian Priest moved on, now we'll see who takes that final spot between Spongebob and Homicide.

Nigel: With this new attitude from Spongebob, this could get physical!


(UP NEXT: Spongebob Squarepants vs. Homicide (winner meets Damian Priest in the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Championship match))

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