Damian Priest vs. Will Ospreay

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Cathy Kelley was standing by in the interviewing area.

Cathy: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at this time, Spongebob Squarepants.

In walks spongebob, but he was different. This was the Abrasive Side if him.

Cathy: Spongebob, clearly this is a new side of you compared to last time we saw you, so... how will this new attitude help you in your match against Homicide later tonight?

SpongeBob: Aye girly, did I ask for a mic shoved in my face? No, I didn't! But since you want the scoop so bad on my change of heart, allow me to educate you and the bunch of drones watching right now. For the better part of my career, it hasn't been about ME, it's been about Nick Club. People riding on the coattails of Lincoln & Timmy when they SHOULD be paying attention to ME! Ya see, all these mindless fans' concerns are, is style over substance and quantity over quality. And guys like Turner & Loud are all bark but no actual bite, and today I am scrubbing them both, as well as the entire Nick Club off my hands here in the new LWF. I am DONE trying to please other people. I am only in it for MYSELF, from this moment forward! And that starts tonight, where I will make an example of Homicide and show the world why their eyes should have ALWAYS been on ME, and ME alone! Now, beat it! You got your answers and I got a match to get ready for. Scram!

Cathy: Well, there's just one more question. Who do you want to face between Will Ospreay and Damian Priest?

SpongeBob: *Rolls his eyes* I don't give a damn who I face, neither of them are gonna beat me for that title! Will Ospreay is just a bonafide circus performer, and Damian Priest? That jackass gets punked out by Killian Dain in NXT on a weekly basis! Neither of them can stand up to MY wrestling ability and that is a fact! Now are we done here, or we gonna play 20 Questions?

Cathy didn't say anything else, and Spongebob walks away.



The lights go out the second the song hits.

Mauro: Well then, new attitude, new point of view, this Spongebob will definitely give Homicide a run for his money!

14 seconds into the song, a spotlight shines down on the top of the ramp, where Damian Priest was standing.

Then he turns around, and shoots an imaginary Arrow to the mini tron behind him, and his name pops up.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is to determine 1 of the contenders for the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Championship! Introducing first from New York City, weighing in at 249 pounds, DAMIAN PRIEST!!!

Mauro: You heard it from JB, this match is a #1 Contenders match for the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Championship, and that man looks to become champ!

Nigel: The Archer of Infamy, pretty fast for a guy his size, definitely not a person to sleep on!

Then once he enters the ring, he thrashes about 58 seconds into the song before shooting another imaginary arrow into the air.

Then once he was settled...


Out comes Will Ospreay.

Jeremy Borash: And his opponent, from Essex, England, weighing in at 190 pounds, he is the Aerial Assassin, WILL OSPREAY!!!

Mauro: This man has been around the world, won titles everywhere he has gone, and he looks to claim the Wattpad Championship, but he has to get past Damian Priest if he wants to have a chance to.

Nigel: Ospreay has had many spectacular matches. Especially with Ricochet! But I don't think he's ever faced a guy like Damian Priest.

Beth: Priest is a freak of nature. He's big, powerful, and fast! I would say Ospreay should use his speed to his advantage, but I can almost guarantee Priest will be able to catch up to him, and even become faster than him.

Ospreay slides into the ring, and does his signature pose on the top turnbuckle.

Then once he was settled, the bell rings, and the match is underway.

The match started out fast with Ospreay immediately going for an OsCutter, but Priest catches him, goes for a Saito Suplex, but Ospreay lands on his feet.

Priest gets up, Ospreay takes him off his feet with a Headscissors Takedown, Preist gets back up, Ospreay hits a Dropkick, but Preist didn't budge.

Mauro: Action started off hot, and oh boy, Priest didn't go down...

Ospreay looked up at him, and Priest and gave him a little finger wag.

Ospreay gets back up, and fires away with Forearms, but Priest being bigger, easily shoves Ospreay off of him.

Ospreay keeps going at him, but Priest just won't go down. Not even to one knee.

Beth: Will Ospreay is just teeing off on Priest!

Nigel: And Priest is judt eating those shots like it's his breakfast!

Ospreay then connects with a Spinning Back Kick to the midsection, hits the ropes, when suddenly Priest levels him with a Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick to the chest!

Nigel: OH!

Mauro: What a Cyclone Kick, and that shuts down Ospreay in a flash!

Damian goes for the cover, but Ospreay kicks out at 2.

Preist immediately goes right to work on him, locking on a Sleeper Hold to keep Ospreay on the ground.

Mauro: And Damian Priest, not giving Ospreay a chance to gain any momentum whatsoever.

Nigel: It's a good strategy, especially when your opponent is known for taking it to the skies, you have to keep them grounded.

Ospreay desperately tries to reach for the ropes, but Priest applies more pressure.

The crowd begins to rally Ospreay, and Ospreay begins to feed off of the crowd, and rises to his feet.

Mauro: Ospreay now, feeding off of the fans here in the Pacific Coliseum!

Ospreay lands a Back Elbow to gut, and another one, before finally creating distance with a Jawbreaker!

Mauro: Ospreay is now free! Time for him to capitalize if he can!

Ospreay goes to the apron, springs off the top rope, and lands a Flying Forearm Smash, knocking Priest down!

Mauro: And Ospreay takes the bigger Damian Priest off his feet!

Nigel: Ospreay is feeling it!

Ospreay goes to the top turnbuckle, goes for a Moonsault, Priest rolls out of the way, but Ospreay lands on his feet, goes for a Standing Moonsault, Priest rolled out of the way again, and still Ospreay lands on his feet, before Ospreay finally caught Pries with a Standing Shooting Star Press!

Mauro: Wow!!! No matter what you do, Ospreay is still gonna get you!

Beth: He may have dodged the two Moonsaults, but he didn't dodge that Shooting Star Press!

Ospreay goes for the cover, Preist kicks out at 2!

Ospreay goes to the top turnbuckle one more time, looking for a Phoenix Splash.

Mauro: And now Ospreay, looking to go big one more time!

Priest however got up, and clubbed Ospreay on the back, stunning him for the time being.

Priest then goes to the apron, and climbs to the top turnbuckle to meet him, and grabs him by the throat.

Mauro: Oh no!

Beth: Don't tell me he's gonna go for it up there!

Nigel: This could be the end for Ospreay if this connects!

Priest then goes for his Sit-out Chokeslam, the South Of Heaven, but Ospreay countered into a Cutter mid-move, and they crash down to the mat hard!


Now both Ospreay and Priest were down, and the referee begins to count.

Beth: Big time desperation move by Ospreay! If he hadn't countered the way he did, Priest probably would have won!

Nigel: And now both men are down, and the referee is counting!

Ospreay uses the ropes to pull himself back up, while Priest still laid there, glass-eyed.

Mauro: Ospreay is back to his feet, Priest hasn't moved!

Ospreay then rolls him over, but then Priest rolls out of the ring.

Mauro: Ospreay now looking to put Priest away, but Priest rolls out!

Nigel: Probably the wisest thing to do right now!

Priest is back on his feet, however he is still feeling the effects of that Cutter.

Meanwhile in the ring, Ospreay was measuring him up, and is looking to take flight!

Mauro: Preist trying to regroup, but it looks the Aerial Assassin has other plans!

Nigel: We're gonna see Ospreay take off!

Ospreay charges with full head of steam, and does a Tope Con Hilo over the corner, but Priest caught him!

Mauro: Tope Con- no! Priest had it scouted!

Priest then held him up high, and Powerbomed Ospreay onto the apron!


Mauro: What a Powerbomb by Damian Priest!

Priest then throws him back into the ring, and then throws him to the ropes.

That's when Ospreay did a Handspring, and then connected with an Enzuigiri to the side of Priest's head!

Mauro: OH!

Nigel: And again Ospreay catches Priest by surprise!

Preist was now down on all fours, and Ospreay connected with his signature 720° Corkscrew Enzuigiri Kick!

Mauro: Priest is now in trouble!

Damian Priest slowly gets to his feet, Ospreay then springs off the second rope, looking for the OsCutter, but Preist caught him again, this time connected with his signature rolling cutter, The Reckoning!

Mauro: OH MY GOD!!!

Nigel: That's The Reckoning!!!

Beth: Preist got ALL of that!

Preist then goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Mauro: And that gives Priest the 1-2-3!

*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:15)


Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, DAMIAN PRIEST!!!

Mauro: All it took was one small opening, and Damian Priest saw that opening, and he capitalized on it!

Nigel: Ospreay had him. All Ospreay needed to do, was land that OsCutter and that would have been the nail in the coffin for Damian Priest, but the Archer of Infamy was just one step ahead of him!

Beth: Damian is just now one more win away to become the LWF: Reborn Wattpad Champion, but he has to go through either Homicide or Spongebob Squarepants, depending on who wins tonight!

Mauro: That's later on, but up next, it's the last 5 way match to determine our 2nd Contender to face Ricochet later on in the Main Event for the LWF: Reborn Championship. It's Starlight Glimmer vs. Chris Sabin vs. Adagio Dazzle vs. Dezmond Xavier vs. "The" Brian Kendrick!

Nigel: After what Ricochet went through, whoever wins this, definitely has an advantage.

UP NEXT: 5-Way match (2/2) Starlight Glimmer vs. "The" Brian Kendrick vs. Adagio Dazzle vs. Chris Sabin vs. Dezmond Xavier

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