Introduction + 5-Way match (1/2)

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2016: It all started with a vision, which then became the real deal.

Then on December of that year, LWF was born.

For 2 years, it was slowly becoming the most read Wrestling Fanfic in Wattpad.

But then in mid-2018, it vanished, never to be updated again.

But after 1 year of absence...

It has returned.

Ladies and gentlemen, LWF presents...


The opening pyro goes off inside the Pacific Coliseum in Vancouver.

The camera pans around to view the fans who were chanting "LWF!" Loud and clear as Mauro Ranallo speaks.

Mauro: Ladies and gentlemen, you're not seeing things! LWF is back, baby! After so long, LWF has returned! This is LWF: Resurgence! Hello everyone, I'm Mauro Ranallo, alongside me is Nigel McGuinness, and WWE Hall of Famer, Beth Phoenix!

Nigel: Mauro, words cannot express how much it feels to have LWF back, so much history out of this brand! Some good, some bad, but all in all, I miss this place!

Beth: Unfortunately for me, I didn't get to experience any of what you guys experienced, so hopefully tonight I get to feel what you guys felt.


Out comes Ilja Dragunov, and he orchestrates the crowd when he appeared.

*Bell rings!*

Jeremy Borash: This contest, is a 5 way Elimination Match, to determine one of the 2 contenders for the LWF: Reborn Championship! Introducing competitor number 1, from Moscow, Russia, weighing in at 187 pounds, ILJA DRAGUNOV!!!!

Nigel: The red, intense eyes of Ilja Dragunov, say everything. They say he’s ready to fight! Simple as that!

Beth: This guy looks like the type of guy who will just throw his body at you just to inflict damage, regardless if he gets the worst of it or not!

Dragunov enters the ring, and climbs to the top turnbuckle, and orchestrates the crowd again.

Mauro: An NXT UK upstart, looking to make his claim in LWF! And what better way to do so than to win a shot at the LWF: Reborn Championship!

As Ilja Dragunov got off the turnbuckle, the arena was deafens by a motorcycle engine revving. Then…

And on a Harley Davidson Motorcycle, out came Dennis.

Jremey Borash: Introducing competitor Number 2! DENNIS!!!

Dennis still had his old threads on, but he had a new bandanna that was tightly wrapped around his mouth, and new Aviator Shades.

Beth: Wow... just by his presence alone, I'm afraid of Dennis already, and I have never seen him fight!

Nigel: Dennis the Menace as I like to call him. Probably Bikini Bottoms Version of an American Badass!

Mauro: He rips lips off countrymen, punches thugs into their own bar, and he will show you what a REAL mustache looks like! Trust me, I've seen it before!

Dennis gets off his bike and enters the ring. Afterwards, the next contestant enters.

Darby Allin somberly walks out, skateboard in one hand, and a steel chair in the other. 

He then gets on his board and rides to ring.

Jeremy Borash: Introducing competitor number 3! Skating his way to the ring, from Seattle, Washington, weighing in at 174 pounds, DARBY ALLIN!!!

Mauro: His backstory, is one of tragedy, and is what made Darby the man he is today. 

Nigel: Indeed it was, for those who don't know, when he was 5 years old, he was in a ride with his uncle, little did he know, his uncle was drinking, and he lost control of the wheel and crashed. His uncle died, and 50 percent of Darby went with him.

Beth: Darby Allin may look somber and laid back now, but don't let his looks fool you. He is as quick as they come, and is lethal to the extreme! 

Mauro: To quote Darby Allin in one interview he had, "I don't fly to look pretty, I fly to hurt". How scary is that?

Nigel: What's even scarier than his style is his finisher, the Coffin Drop. It may not be much style wise, but wait until you're on the receiving end of it!

Darby gets in the ring, then, the lights go out.

A spotlight flashed on the center of the stage as the song played, and then…


And there, standing at the top of the ramp, was Ricochet

Jeremey Borash: Competitor number 4, from Paducah, Kentucky, weighing in at 193 pounds, RICOCHET!!!

Mauro: If you have not seen this man in action already, you must be living under a rock! This man has got the in-ring talent, and then some!

Nigel: A former NXT North American Champion, and also former United States champion. He's been a favorite on RAW and NXT, and he wants to be the guy in LWF!

Beth: And if Darby Allin's Coffin Drop is all about inflicting as much damage as possible, check out Ricochet's 630 Senton. That move can do that, while at the same time look breathtaking!

Ricochet then sprints into the ring, and handsprings of the ropes.


Chris Brookes comes out, drinking some water and spitting it out into the air.

Jeremy Borash: Finally competitor number 5, from Tipton, England, weighing in at 187 pounds, the Calamari Catch King, CHRIS BROOKES!!!

Mauro: Guys, THIS is who I see as the wild card in this Elimination Match. Chris Brookes is an amazing athlete, and a tag team specialist!

Nigel: But there will be no partner for him here, so let's see if he can hold his own.

Beth: That's true! Brookes would normally come to the ring with his longtime tag team partner Kid Lykos, but unfortunately Lykos is not here, but maybe we might see him soon!

Chris then slides into the ring as all five competitors get ready.

Mauro: The first fatal 5 way elimination match is ready to kick off! No disqualifications in this type of match, and only one of these men will be going on to later on to vie for the LWF: Reborn Championship!

The bell rings, and immediately everyone goes after Dennis!

Mauro: And look at that! Right at the bell, everyone going after Dennis!

Nigel: Smart strategy by the other four men. Take out the biggest threat, and that happens to be Dennis!

While Chris Brookes pins Dennis in the corner with a shoulder barge, Ricochet, Allin, and Dragunov punch away at him.

Beth: And now they are taking turns! Each of them getting a shot in!

Dennis then began to fight back. He first shoved Brookes off, then he slaps Ricochet with a right hand, and tosses Darby Allin out of the ring.

The only one left was Dragunov, and he stood his ground, fists up, looking at Dennis as if telling him to give him his best shot.

Mauro: Dennis clears the ring, but it looks like Ilja Dragunov wants a piece of him!

Nigel: Either you see it as courage or plain stupidity, you gotta give credit to Dragunov to even have the guts to stand his ground against someone like Dennis!

Dennis and Dragunov then go at it.

Both of them exchanging blows before Dennis throws the Moscow native to the ropes. 

Dragunov slings his way around the middle and bottom ropes and rebounds back to Dennis, hitting him with a Clothesline!

Dennis however, took the hit, and ate it, causing no effect whatsoever. 

Beth: Look at Dennis! Not even fazed by Dragunov's offense!

Dennis then quickly grabbed Dragunov by the throat

Mauro: Uh oh! Dennis has him now!

Dennis then goes for a Chokeslam, but Dragunov escapes, and then hopped onto the second turnbuckle, where he hits a Front Dropkick, finally knocking Dennis off his feet!

Dragunov didn't want to waste this opportunity, and set up quickly for his signature move, the Torpedo Moskau running uppercut.

Nigel: He's calling for it!

Dragunov yells “UNBESIEGBAR!” and then charges at Dennis full speed...

But Dennis had gotten up, and quickly shuts Dragunov down with a big time Uranage Slam!

Mauro: OH! What a Uranage by Dennis!

Dennis then goes for the cover, but Dragunov kicks out at 2.

Then right when Dennis got up, Chris Brookes takes a shot in with a Forearm to the face, then a kick to the midsection. 

He then hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline, and then hits a Bicycle High Knee. 

Dennis was stunned for a moment, but quickly snapped back, and took down Brookes with a boot!

Ricochet then came in with a Springboard Clothesline, but Dennis picked him off the air with a slap!

Nigel: OH-HO-HO!!!

Mauro: Dragunov, Brookes and now Ricochet! Dennis just wiping out everyone!

Then before Dennis knew it, Darby Allin was behind him, holding the steel chair he came out with!

Beth: Oh, not everyone!

Nigel: Darby's back in the ring! Steel char in hand!

Darby smacks the chair across the back of Dennis, bringing him down to one knee!

Mauro: No disqualification in this 5 way match, and Darby Allin, looking to take advantage of that rule!

Following Darbys lead, Chris Brookes, Ricochet and Dragunov worked together with Darby to take out Dennis. 

After Darby's chair shots, Dragunov then connected with Torpedo Moskau, bringing the bounty hunter down. 

Then Brookes followed up with a Running Senton, Ricochet then came next with a running Shooting Star Press as Darby quickly climbed up top.

Mauro: Everyone working together to bring Dennis down, and now Darby Allin on the top turnbuckle!

Darby Allin, without even looking, leaped off the top rope, but instead of Dennis's body he hit with the Coffin Drop, he got his knees instead!


Dennis then grabs Darby by the arm.

Nigel: Dennis now going to take advantage! 

Dennis then set darby up as if going for a Vertical Suplex, but then he quickly changes direction, and plants Allin with a Side Slam!


Beth: Darby Allin might be out!

And in quick fashion, Dennis goes for the cover, and gets the 1-2-3!

Nigel: And that he is!

Jeremy Borash: Darby Allin has been eliminated!

Mauro: Darby Allin is the first to go, will Dennis keep this up?

Dennis gets up, looks down at Darby, and then turns his attention to Brookes.

Mauro: Dennis now, looking to dispose Chris Brookes next!

Dennis immediately fires away with a right hand, but Brookes answers back with a Downward Chop, followed by a Knife Edge Chop.

Beth: But look at Brookes! Brookes is not going down easy!

Dennis clutches his chest from the two chops he received. Once his back was turned, Brookes gets him in a Full Nelson, quickly transitions it into a Snapmare, and finishes his offense with a Senton!

Mauro: And Brookes with a Senton!

Nigel: He has Dennis in trouble now!

Brookes goes for the cover, Dennis kicks out at 2.

Brookes gets up, and does not give Dennis the chance to do the same. The second Brookes got up, he quickly stomped on Dennis's left hand!

Mauro: Brookes, my god! Stomping hard on Dennis's digits!

Beth: Just CRUSHING his fingers beneath his feet!

Dennis rolls onto his stomach, holding his left hand, and then Brookes stomped on the back of his head!

Dennis gets up onto one knee, and Brookes drops down, digging his knee into his spine.

Brookes then picks him up, and goes for his patented Draping Swinging Neckbreaker.

Nigel: Chris Brookes has Dennis now!

Mauro: Brookes looking for the kill!

But as he was setting Dennis up for it, Dennis tossed him out of the ring with a back body drop before Brookes could lift him up!

Nigel: Oh wait a second!

Mauro: Oh! Dennis dumping Brookes to the outside, and Brookes crashed and burned!

Dennis turns around, to see Ricochet come flying in with a Springboard Uppercut, knocking Dennis back down!

Dennis didn't stay down for long though. He got up, and delivered a Discus Lariat, turning Ricochet inside out!

Nigel: OH!!! Good Lord!

Mauro: Spinning clothesline by Dennis, probably knocking Ricochet into next year!

Beth: Lucky for him, his head didn't come off!

Meanwhile in the outside, Chris Brookes recovered from his fall, and was now looking under the ring for some weapons.

Mauro: And it looks like Brookes is gonna bring this match to the Extreme!

Brookes pulled out everything he could find... including the kitchen sink.

Mauro: Well would you look at that!

Beth: Looks like taking out everything but the kitchen sink isn't the case here!

Dennis sees what Brookes was doing, and he slides out of the ring to grab a weapon.

Dennis picks up a trashcan lid, and Brookes picked up a Kendo Stick.

Dennis then went for an overhead shot, but Brookes gets him with a Kendo Stick to the gut!

Mauro: And now the weapons come into play!

Brookes then whacked him some more, until he was down to one knee.

Brookes then went in front of him, delivered a Knee Strike, but Dennis ate it!

Mauro: Knee Strike by Brookes! But look! Dennis is unfazed!

Brookes gave him another, but Dennis was not going down!

Beth: There's another one, but Dennis just won't go down!

Soon enough, Brookes was giving him Superkicks, Knee Strikes, and even Forearms, but it didn't take long for Dennis to rise back up to his feet.

Nigel: Brookes is giving everything he's got, but it's just not working!

That's when Ilja Dragunov came in, and Suicide Dives onto Dennis, who catches him!

Mauro: Oh Dragunov looking for a Tope Suicida, but gets caught by the bigger Dennis!

Dennis has a good grip on Dragunov, and then he tosses him into the Timekeeper's Area!

Mauro: And into the Timekeeper's Area he goes!

Dennis however wasn't done with him. He goes to pick him up, only to get a Headbutt by Dragunov!

Mauro: OH, WOW! What a Headbutt!

That brought Dennis down to all fours, and Brookes used him as a stepping stone to launch himself into the air, and take out Dragunov with a Flying Clothesline!

Mauro: Oh, but look at Brookes!

Nigel: Brookes flying into the air, hopping off the back of Dennis!

Brookes then climbs on top of the barricade, Dennis slowly rising, still bent over trying to shake off the cobwebs, and Brookes quickly flattens him with a Senton to the back!

Mauro: Senton to the back!

Nigel: Brookes is on fire!

Ricochet then walked up the ropes, went for a Shooting Star Plancha onto Brookes, who picks him off the air with a Bicycle High Knee!

Mauro: OH, MAMMA F'N MIA!!! WOW!!!!

Nigel: What a knee!!!

Beth: Chris Brookes is unstoppable!

Mauro: Cirque Du Ricochet was quickly shut down by the Calamari Catch King, who catches him with the mother of all knee strikes!

Ricochet was out cold, and Brookes throws him back in.

Dennis recovers, and quickly goes to Brookes.

Brookes ducks a clothesline, and connects with a Pump Kick.

Dennis was out on his feet, and Brookes throws him into the ring.

Brookes gets on the apron, sizes him up, and then hits a Slingshot Cutter!

Mauro: Brookes with a cutter!

Then he immediately picks him up, and connects with his signature Draping Swinging Neckbreaker!

Nigel: There it is!

Mauro: The rope hung Swinging Neckbreaker, ending that Double Whammy!

He then throws Dennis into a corner, and then went to the corner diagonally across.

Beth: I think that Double Whammy might become a TRIPLE Whammy, Mauro!

Nigel: If he hits this, Brookes will pull off a big upset!

Brookes then goes for his signature Corner Single Leg Front Dropkick, but Dragunov slid in, and intercepted Brookes with a Torpedo Moskau!



Beth: Where did Dragunov come from!?

Dragunov covers Brookes, and gets the 1-2-3, eliminating him!

Jeremy Borash: Chris Brookes has been eliminated!

Mauro: Like a snake in the grass, Dragunov came out of nowhere, and saved Dennis, I don't know what for!

Nigel: I don't know, either! But I don't care! That was incredible!

The final three men were Dragunov, Dennis, and Ricochet.

Ricochet gets back on his feet, and then looks at Dragunov.

Dragunov looks back at Ricochet, both of them then looked at Dennis, and Dennis told them to take their best shot.

Nigel: Dennis telling Dragunov and Ricochet to bring it on!

Ricochet and Dragunov both go for an attack, Dennis just clotheslines them.

Dennis then picks up Ricochet, and he puts him on his shoulders, and then spins him out into a Cutter!

Mauro: T.K.O! Ricochet has been obliterated this whole match!

Beth: Every time Ricochet tries to get offense, he gets shut down!

He then picks up Dragunov, who then hits a Leaping Enzuigiri!

Mauro: And Dragunov! Dragunov with a kick on the ear!

Dragunov then rains down with some fury swipes before connecting with a DDT!

With Dennis now down, he begins to stalk him, looking for a big Torpedo Moskau.

Dennis gets up, and Dragunov connects with a Torpedo Moskau!

Mauro: There it is!

Nigel: Torpedo Mos-

Suddenly Dennis got right back up, shocking Dragunov!


Mauro: Dennis is unaffected, and Dragunov can't believe it!

Dragunov hits the ropes, and hits a second Torpedo Moskau, but the same thing happens again!

Mauro: A second one, but Dennis still gets up!

Dragunov goes to hit the ropes again, but Dennis grabs Dragunov from behind, and drops Dragunov on his head with a Saito Suplex!

Mauro: And now Dennis dropping Dragunov on his head!

But then Dragunov got back up!

Nigel: WHAT!?

Beth: Unbelievable!

Mauro: Dragunov is a machine!

Dennis then throws Dragunov to the ropes, where he Tiger Feints through the ropes, and drops Dennis with a Lariat!

Mauro: Dennis is down once again!

Nigel: This could be what Dragunov needs to eliminate him!

Dragunov hyped up the crowd, then turns around, and went for a third Torpedo Moskau...

But then Chris Brookes came back, and kneed him in the face!

Mauro: OH!!! WHAT THE!?

Nigel: Chris Brookes with the interception!

Beth: But he's eliminated!

Then Brookes picked up Dragunov, and then connected with the Draping Swinging Neckbreaker!

Mauro: And there's that vicious Neckbreaker!

Brookes then leaves, and Dennis picks up Dragunov, and plants him with the Hellavator!

Mauro: And Dennis picking off what's left of Dragunov!

Dennis then covers Dragunov and gets the 1-2-3, eliminating Dragunov!

Mauro: And that's the end for Dragunov!

Jeremy Borash: Ilja Dragunov has been eliminated!

Mauro: And thanks to Brookes, Dennis eliminates the Russian superstar!

Nigel: Brookes gave Dragunov a taste of his own medicine, I have a feeling there's more to this!

With Dragunov gone, it just leaves Ricochet.

Dennis then turns around to finish him off, but then Ricochet caught him with the Recoil!

Mauro: And Ricochet! The Recoil, stunning Dennis for the time being!

Beth: If there is any moment where Ricochet needs to dig deep and survive, that moment is now!

Ricochet then connects with a Dropkick, but Dennis didn't fall.

Ricochet throws some forearms, but then gets a knee to the gut.

Dennis then hits the ropes, and Ricochet did the same.

Dennis stopped, and when he did, Ricochet got him with a running Ace Crusher!

Mauro: And now Ricochet showing life!

Ricochet wastes no time, and delivered a Standing Shooting Star Press to the back!

Nigel: And look at Ricochet go!

Beth: Ricochet may have a chance here!

Ricochet then rolls him over, pins him, Dennis kicks out at 2, and Ricochet didn't hesitate. He immediately went to the apron, and went for a Springboard 450 Splash!

Mauro: 450!!!

Nigel: Come on, Ricochet!

Ricochet hooks the leg, but Dennis still kicks out at 2!

Beth: No! So close!

Nigel: He's gotta keep moving if he wants to eliminate Dennis!

Dennis pulls himself back up, then Ricochet caught him with a Tiger Feint Kick!

Mauro: And Ricochet with a Tiger Feint Kick!

Beth: A little bit of Rey Mysterio there!

With Dennis reeling, Ricochet lands a kick to the gut, then an Axe Kick to the back of the head, followed by a Roundhouse Kick to the side of the head!

Mauro: And Ricochet! Lighting up Dennis with his strikes, and Dennis is Reeling!

Ricochet hits the ropes, ducks a clothesline from Dennis, and connects with a Corkscrew Enzuigiri!

Mauro: What a flurry of offense!

Nigel: Ricochet may do it!

The second Dennis flipped to the mat, Ricochet immediately went for the cover, but Dennis still managed to kick out at 2!

Mauro: WHAT!?

Beth: Ricochet was so close yet again!

Nigel: Dennis can't be put down!

Ricochet slowly begins to get up, but Dennis gets up before he could, yet Ricochet fights him off with some punches to the gut.

That didn't create any separation however, and Dennis levels him with a hard Elbow Smash to the jaw!

With Ricochet stunned, and down to one knee, Dennis looks to put him down with a Clothesline From Hell.

Mauro: And now Dennis, looking to put away Ricochet...

But the second he hits the ropes, Ricochet struck out of nowhere with a sudden Recoil!


Ricochet stumbles as he was getting to his feet, and with Dennis in the drop zone, and with the crowd rallying him, he goes to the top rope!

Nigel: This could be it!

Beth: Ricochet can see the end from there!

He goes for the 630 Senton, and hits it!

Mauro: THERE'S THE 630!!!

Nigel: It's over!

Ricochet hooks the leg, the crowd counts along...

But Dennis kicks out at the last second!


Nigel: After ALL that, and Dennis STILL survives it!?

Beth: That may have been Ricochet's LAST opportunity to win. From here, I think Ricochet needs to survive Dennis if he wants to fight another day.

Mauro: And can I also mention that this is the FIRST match of Resurgence? What more can we expect later on!?

Ricochet couldn't believe it. But he wasn't gonna let this get to him.

He gets up, measures Dennis, and once Dennis got up, he went for a Springboard Moonsault.

But the second he did, Dennis caught him, and placed Ricochet on his shoulders!

Mauro: Oh Ricochet went for a Moonsault, but Dennis had him scouted!

Ricochet tried to counter out of it with a DDT, but Dennis was too strong, and he was blocked, and back up on his shoulders.

Mauro: Oh Ricochet tried to counter, but Dennis is just too powerful.

Dennis then spun him out into a Cutter, but that's where Ricochet reversed the move, and got Dennis in an Inverted Headlock, and then Ricochet spun out into an Elbow Drop!


Ricochet goes for the cover, but Dennis kicks out at 2!

Ricochet again, did not hesitate. He picked Dennis up, went for a Northern Lights Suplex, connects, but when he went to follow up with a Vertical Suplex, Dennis blocked it, and reversed it into an X-Plex!

Nigel: OH!

Mauro: Dennis with an X-Plex sends Ricochet crashing down!

Dennis then Deadlifts him, and throws him into a corner via a Buckle Bomb, followed by a Big Boot!

Mauro: And now a boot!

Dennis then spots a table laying in the outside, and he goes to grab it.

Mauro: Uh oh, I think Dennis has evil intentions in mind...

Beth: No disqualifications in this match, and Dennis looks to not just eliminate Ricochet, he wants to end him at this point.

Dennis brings the table into the ring, and sets it up into the corner.

Once it was up on the corner, he then gets Ricochet up, and sets up for a Powerslam.

Mauro: Oh this is not good for Ricochet!

Dennis then runs with a full head of steam, but then Ricochet countered into a DDT, sending Dennis headfirst into the table!


Nigel: This could be the moment Ricochet needed!

Ricochet drags Dennis into the drop zone, then goes to the top turnbuckle, and hits his 630 Senton!

Mauro: 630!!!!

Ricochet hooks the leg, and gets the 1-2-3!


*Bell rings!*

(Start at 0:06)

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, RICOCHET!!!

Mauro: And against all odds, Ricochet somehow manages to survive this 5 way match!

Beth: But how much does Ricochet have left? Remember he has to face the winner of the second 5 way match later tonight for the LWF: Reborn Championship!

Nigel: Oh yeah! That's right! Whoever wins that second 5 way, it's virtually easy picking for them!

Mauro: And in that 5-way is Starlight Glimmer, "The" Brian Kendrick, Adagio Dazzle, Chris Sabin, and Dezmond Xavier. But that's later tonight. Coming up next, is 1 of the 2 singles matches to determine the contenders for the LWF: Reborn Championship, and that in that singles match is "The Aerial Assassin" Will Ospreay in one corner, and "The Archer Of Infamy" Damian Priest in the other!

Beth: That should be a match worth watching!

UP NEXT: Damian Priest vs. Will Ospreay

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