Blood bonds

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Zero's p.o.v

I was passing the gate when I smelt a stench and looked over and it was a vampire. I drew my gun on him and stared. "State your business.", I say. The scent registered as the guy we rescued Tess from recently.

Making me growl more. He then vanished for a second when I felt his prescence behind me as my world goes black.

When I come to I'm in a cell and staring at Tog cuffed to the wall. "You're the wolf's beloved, you know I tasted it in her blood. It was the one thing she couldn't hide as her blood cried out to you while I drank from her., when I'm done with you she'll be distraught, because I'm gonna make you into a weapon. Then I'll bring my pet back and drink her dry while ravishing her and you'll have to watch because you'll only be a puppet." he says viciously.

"You stay away from her you bastard.", I shout as he grins before and unseen force slams me into the wall.

"How's it feel to know I did this when she struggled to stop me from taking her blood, and I'll do it again all she'll be able to do is scream for help when I get my hands on her. "He then sinks in his fangs and I hear him drinking my blood as I try to struggle.

"Interesting did you know your blood calls for her as well.", he grins with my blood on his face.

Tess p.o.v.

The dorm inspections were a bust but I had a feeling something was wrong as I walked to the moon dorms to see Yuki. I go upstairs waving at the other vamps as I reach my cousin hugging her. That's when I smell it as Kaname looks out the window with an angry look on his face. I run out the window jumping off the balcony running for the odor as Kaname is behind me with Yuki. I reach it just as I see him behind Zero and Zero fall as he grabs him before disappearing.

"Zero!", I shout angrily as I can feel the tears in my eyes. I drop to my knees, I'm gonna kill that pureblood next time I see him.

That night when I try to sleep I focus my energy onto him, as I feel him struggling as Tog drains him forming the blood bond. I'm in his dreams watching him try to fight as a glass wall sits between us. I run to the wall trying to break it down ramming it repeatedly. I see him as Tog messes with his head making him think he's hurt me. And I see him break down afterwards when Tog is gone in tears after the illusion fades.

It's now Friday and my mate has been gone a week, and my dreams show him suffering. Yuki and Kaname have invited me to picnic with them by the lake with Juri trying to cheer me up.

"Tess is the food not to your liking?", asks my cousin. "No cuz, I'm sorry I'm just distracted.", I say as she looks at me in understanding.

"You do realize Tog's most likely turned Zero into a servant don't you.", Kaname says as I roll my eye.

"I'm not worried about that Zero will fight till he can't fight any more and when that happens the bond can be broke by killing Tog, or I can bond Zero to me and either way he'll be free of being a pawn.", I say staring across the water.

"But you must be joking, your only able to blood bond your mate how will your future mate feel.", says Kaname. I look at him with a raised eyebrow "Hopefully he'll be relieved I broke a pureblood's bond over him and realize the significance of it. But if I've freed Zero and he hates me for forcing the bond I could live with it knowing he was safe.", I say watching Juri play with her toys.

"What about you Kaname, Tog has threatened your firstborn, and with one on the way any day you must be concerned he'll come for Juri again, except this time he'll use Zero as a weapon, bait or a tool.", I say as I watch the ice in his eyes.

"This time when me and Tog meet he won't escape.", he says watching Juri.

I'm patrolling trying to get my mind off Zero, and hunting. I've been taking on Zero's hunts since he's missing in addition to my own, and I've been looking for leads to the pureblood who stole my mate from me. I'm going to kill him, he likes to use sneak tactics and prey on people when they're unable to get away. I've been dreaming of Zero, he's under a lot of strain as Tog is using mental attacks on him in his dreams.

I'm on the roof looking at the full moon, when I smell Zero he's somewhere nearby. I then hear a scream so I jump down and run after the screams. When I arrive Yuki is pinned by a silver wolf and the pureblood is trying to grab Juri.

"You mean you dumb enough to come back and attack my cousin and her child again.", I say pulling my sighs he's to close to Juri to pull the shot gun. I use my speed this time and grab Juri and put her behind me with a tree to my back so Tog can't teleport there. "Go on my pet attack the she-wolf.",says Tog to the silver wolf. It hesitates like it's trying to fight as I notice the purple eyes and the scent of Zero.

The silver wolf then loses control again and charges at me but a blood whip grabs its legs swinging it around and throwing it. Poor Zero that's going to hurt.

Followed by ice shards firing at Tog. "Tess seems I owe you again.", says Kaname. "Just help me kill him and catch his pet and we're even!", I shout as he nods helping Yuki up.

"Kain, Ichijou guard Juri.", shouts Kaname as he swings his sword at the pureblood. Kain comes and scoops up Juri and runs her out of there with Ichijou on his Tail while Kaname and Shiki fight the pureblood. Aido stands guard of Yuki as Zero charges her again and I charge knocking Zero down. "Aido I need a large ice wall to keep him in until I can subdue him!", I shout and he nods as the wall forms around us quickly while the wolf is pinned under my elbow.

I roll off the wolf when the wall is high enough as the wolf charges me and I jump out of the way rolling and hopping to my feet.

Kaname is finally using his powers on the pureblood, guess he decided to get serious about him finally.

Zero's p.o.v.

As much as I tried to fight it the bond forced me to fight Tess. She's got a serious look on her face as she dodges my attacks like she's calculating something.

"Forgive me Zero.", she says quietly as she shifts into a wolf her eyes glowing yellow and he tattoo glowing with the change.

I charge her again as she dodges moving a little quicker than me, she then charges and bites down on the back of my neck holding it and not releasing. I feel a tingle and an instinct saying to do the same as I feel a calming prescence in my head at the same time. "Bite!", shouts Tess's voice in my head loudly as I hear fighting outside the ice wall. I sink my teeth in as control returns to my body, I feel an energy surge through me, as instinct tells me to hold on I can feel my wolf size increase a little.

Tess's hold hurts so I imagine mine hurts her. Then I hear her again, "I give you my bond Zero the bond of an Alpha wolf, to break the hold the vampire has over you. ", she says "It's a bond of blood I can only give once." I can fee my eyes widen as I realize what she did.

"Alpha's only bond their mates and only bond once.", Kane's words echo in my head.

Tess releases me as I release her as she shifts to her human form and for the first time I can control my body since I'd been imprisoned. She's on her feet but she's tired apparently the bond was harder on her than me, but I can feel her absorbing energy from the moon light. A large body flies through the ice in the form of the Pureblood who'd hurt Tess and used me as a tool against her. I grab Tess placing myself between us while drawing the bloody rose and firing at the vampire leaving a hole in his stomach as Kaname enters through the hole pissed at the pureblood, which I'm guessing he threw.

I'm pretty pissed at the pureblood my self. "Tog this is your final stop, you've attacked my family, made my wife cry by attacking people she cares about and used her friend as a puppet to attack her endangering my son. ", says the pureblood king angrily as Tog struggles to get up but Kaname uses his speed to run his sword through his heart biting the pureblood and draining him in the process.

The pureblood turns into the jewels dead pureblood's turn into. I can feel relief from Tess flow through the mental link made by the blood bond, and exaustion like she hadn't slept the whole time I was gone,

She wraps her arms around me as I wrap an arm around her shoulder.

Eventually were back at the headmasters house I enter the living room where Tess is seated with her sketch pad, in pink Minnie mouse pajamas her thoughts are conflicted.

"How's your neck.", she says looking up at me with her concern .

I rub my sore neck the bite marks still open a little. "Sit let me look at them." she says sternly and I comply , and I can feel her guilt.

"I bit you deep.", she says as I feel her fingers around the marks. Next thing I know I feel myself blushing as she licks the marks and I can feel them healing and my face heating up at the intimate contact.

"Um thanks.", I say blushing. "It was the least I could do.", she says," After I forced the bond on you, and it caused you pain doing it." her eyes are moist when I turn to face her.

I take a hand and cup her face wiping the tear away from her eyes I could feel her worry fear I would reject her for forcing the bond on me. I couldn't be mad though because she did it to save me and protect me. It was for me.

"You've done more for me than I could ever ask Tess, I can't be mad about the bond because it wasn't to control me, it was to save me. You sacrifice for me and fight through my walls forcing your way in not letting me shove you away. You draw me and when your gone I yearn to be near you again.", I say as I pull her into my lap wrapping my arms around her keeping her close to me. "We may as well be bonded Tess I can't let you leave my side, when I left you to come back I realized I wasn't that messed up over Yuki anymore and I'd only been with you a little while. Now that you're here I feel like I'm going crazy if your gone a day or I think your out hunting to long. I need you more than anything Tess, and for all these reasons I love you.", I say kissing her and I feel her smiling into it as she returns it wrapping her arms around me.

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