The rescue

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Tess's p.o.v.

I look up at the moon as I lay in what is Tog's bed his stench is everywhere, his pets put me here. I focus on breaking the cuffs as my weapons are teasing me form the other side of the room. Bastard had his female pets put a sleezy nightgown on me while I was out.

I can feel my eyes glow yellow as I break them before breaking open the window and knocking out all the glass jumping out receiving a gash on my thigh, and I begin to run as I'm persued I run as fast as I can before I shift. I continue to run occasionally stopping to fend off one of the vamps with my sigh's as I run. I eventually trip as the pureblood appears behind me firing spikes at me as I try to rise only to have them not hit me as a wall of ice has risen between us.

I look ahead to see My father, Kaname and Zero with some other vampires standing there, both my father and Zero have there guns aimed on the pureblood and his minions while Kaname and Ichijou have swords pointed at them. I get up and make a brake for my rescuers to be knocked down by a wolf and held pinned.

He's glaring at me lustfully, when I realize dang I'm in heat on top of things as he's on me snapping at my face as I grab his head trying to keep his teeth away from me. I try to get my legs under me to kick him off when he's yanked an thrown off to reveal Zero standing there.

He yanks me up pulling me close to him and I notice the concern and I sense the confusion to his body as he picks up my pheremones. "Zero you came.", I say my eyes feeling wet. "Tess I'll always come for you.", he says kissing me hard as I sense his worry for me.

The wolves and vampires continue to attack us as Zero shoots vampires while the wolf charges us again jumping at my face only to sink his teeth into Zero's shoulder as her pulls me in to cover me as he grunts from the pain.

Zero no he's mine that wolf bit my mate, he's gonna become a wolf against his will, my eyes turn yellow as I feel my anger taking over me.

"You need to learn your place Mongrel" I say angrily as I shift into my wolf form and increase my size and charge him my eyes still glowing as Zero gasps I let the moon light surge through me plus the tension caused by being in heat I can feel the energy course through me. He's about to learn why attacking an Alpha's mate is a bad idea.

Zero's p.o.v. I wince at the bite as I can hear Tess's heart beat change as I see her eyes change to anger over the bite. She charges him as Kane runs towards me shooting a forgotten wolf causing him to drop dead.

"She may be weakend but she's mad enough with the extra energy she's gonna rip him apart for biting you.", says Kane sternly, "its worse than mad she's in heat so she's got Pms times a thousand and I wouldn't want to be him right now. Nothing more dangerous than a pissed alpha she-wolf on pms."

Kane fires at another vamp while Kaname and Takuma fight the pureblood. The other werewolf is struggling against Tess as she lands blows repeatedly eventually pinning him on his stomach, I watch as she rips his throat out of his body.

Tess reshifts dropping to her knees as I run over to her, with her dad. "Zero she's still weak you need to get her out of here.", Kane says as I lift her up bridal style. She looks like she could pass out any time. I run carrying the injured wolf ignoring my injured shoulder as eventually Kane's wolf form catches up and so do the other vamps.

"Tog's a coward and teleported away.", says Kaname in disgust as Tess leans into me shivering which is when I realize what she's wearing. I hand her to her father a moment taking off my coat wrapping it around her before taking her back in my arms. We walk to a large Suv Kane had and he opens the door so I can get in with Tess. I keep her tight so she stays warm rubbing her arms as the vampires get in too. Kane gets in and drives to the school and I take the half asleep wolf into the infirmary.

I lay her down gently as her mother comes running in to handle her while Kane takes me to the other side of the curtain. "How did Sarah know you had Tess.", I ask as he cleans my shoulder wound. "When she agreed to be my mate she bonded with me, making her a wolf part of the bond is a mental link where in addition to sharing dreams we can now speak mentally and sense each other's emotions or location." he says. "I have a feeling you Zero are going to lose your taste for blood.", he says backing up.

"How long?", I ask "Not long you should feel the changes quick as the wolf kills the vampire sides cells.", he says

Tess's p.o.v.

I wake up on the bed in the infirmary in fresh clothes and with a silver haired hunter's head on the bed as his arms are crossed under his head. I reach over relishing his scent as I run my fingers through his hair, I can sense the wolf in him. I may have to bond him early, so that he stays Zero and can't be made a pet by a vampire. He slowly stirs before looking up at me.

"I worried you again.", I say as I can sense questions in my head. "So I'm your mate.", he says smirking playfully, "so that's why you didn't flirt with the other guys or have a boyfriend." his eyes study my surprised ones at the revelation that he knows about that part now.

Zero's p.o.v.

Her eyes study mine thoughtfully as I realize that all along she's been mine, and to her I was hers. Would I someday share the bond her parents had with each other with Tess.

"Zero I'm so sorry when the wolf attacked I should of protected you, now your going to become a wolf whether you want to or not.", she says looking at my bite as her fingers brush it.

"It's not your fault Tess, you were hurt and I wasn't going to let him hurt you more." I say meeting her sad gaze "Your safe it's a small price to pay." I brush my lips to hers as the door opens and in runs Yuki.

Tess's p.o.v.

"Tess I'm so sorry for the way I've treated you, you've been patient with me, even after I strangled you, and then you were gone and came back hurt.", she says crying as I reach over and hug my crying cousin.

"It's ok Cuz, I forgive you we're family and nothing can change that.", I say rubbing a tear from her eyes" Let's just be cousins again we used to have so much fun when we got together."

"Ok Tess", she says hugging me back as Zero looks a little uncomfortable.

"Oh Zero are you ok I heard you got bit.", she says. "Yea I'll be ok, no noticeable changes yet so maybe I won't be turned." he says

"You may not notice the changes at first Zero, as a vampire you've adjusted to heightened senses, so you'll notice slight differences at first in smells and how they affect you. You'll pick up more pheremones around you as well. Then your night vision will work different and you'll crave more meat, and you'll lose the blood cravings. You just have to be careful since your unbonded because pureblood vampires will drink from a wolf to force a blood bond to control them, due to your former existence as a level-e it makes you more vulnerable to this type of bonding.", I say leaving out that as an Alpha I can break the bond with a blood bond of my own.

After a few days I'm able to return to the main house, Zero walks me back and we arrive to my dad cooking burgers as my mom plays interference to let my dad cook. "I still don't see why we need such a big plate of burgers?", says my uncle as I chuckle. I can see Zero eyeing them intently a little confused. "And why the bacon" ..

"Mmmmm bacon.", I say grinning as my dad looks over and winks at me. "Oh Uncle Kai, it's just that the piggies and cows are bff's and we reunite them in our stomachs.", I say giggling as he sweat drops while I lean on Zero as his arm rests on my shoulder. I smile because I know today is a gift and it wasn't a given because I don't know what's to come. I found out after my dad questioned Seth he'd executed him so I was safe from him but Tog was still loose.

While I was with Zero by my side I knew it would all work out in my heart and that made me content.

Eventually we were at the table to eat and my dad smirked as he watched Zero eat. He was gaining a wolve's appetite already.

"Zero I seems your appetite has increased did you need some extra tablets?", Uncle asks as I watch Zero taking in his changes in scent, yes he still smells like Zero, but now he smells wolfish.

"No Kaien, his body is adjusting to it's new situation, he's a wolf now.", says my father wolfishly " and wolves need a lot of meat, because they put out a lot of energy. "

Zero appears to be taking things in as he listens to the exchanges.

Later we're patrolling the grounds and he's still quiet. But thankfully so is the area. "How long?", he says finally speaking up.

I look at him curiously for clarification. "Till I'm a wolf.", he says

"Well I'd say your all wolf now.", I reply "the vampire scents is gone and you smell, well wolfish." I say coming close to his collar making him blush as I take the scent in. "What do you mean you smell human.", he asks.

"I roll up my sleeve showing my crescent tattoo," my breed hides our wolf scent with these, unfortunately the pheremones are still in the air.", I say "however other wolves have a scent." I say.

"What about changing .", he asks. "Well a lot do it the first time out of panic when there noobs.", I say thinking. "I've got an idea.", I say dragging him towards the forest where no one can see.

Zero's p.o.v.

"Ok now focus your energy, and ", she says as her body begins to shimmer as her form changes in what seems like the blink of an eye. And before me is Tess's wolf form seated staring at me expectantly with a cocked head. I feel an energy build up as I focus and I feel my self now on all fours as a snout has appeared on me. I look over myself as my fur is all silver and I look at her in surprise as I swear I see her smile a wolfy grin.

She walks over to me and nuzzles me, and I can sense it as an affection but in this form her scent is intoxicating. She then nod's her head in before running towards the forest, and I follow her running quick and following her lead as she crosses the terrain with ease and I notice it's got some grace to it as well. I feel my heart quickening as I follow her but not from the exertion.

She comes to a clearing and stops staring at me and I swear her eyes have switched to mischief. She charges at me pinning me down easily as I see her eyes dancing in a playful way.

Her eyes they always draw me in, she licks me before letting me up, she then begins to shimmer as she becomes herself again. She sits Indian style in front of my wolf form as she strokes my head in a pleasant way, "Now Zero focus again to shift back.", she says as I'm seated in front of her. I focus and before I know it I'm standing above her as she gives me an encouraging smile.

She stands up wrapping her arms around my neck smiling "And that's how you shift.",she says placing her lips to mine as I'm swept up in the moment and begin to kiss her back.

For the next month she uses part of our patrol time to teach me how to be a wolf, and she play wrestles me, saying that's how wolves learn to fight as a wolf when there cubs. On weekends Kane has me over some of the times also to teach me to track and to hunt in wolf form.

I don't crave blood anymore just meat like Tess and Kane said. It's already easier then the change to level-e. No pain, no blood tablets, and the crazy thing instead of tasting her love in her blood. I can smell it in Tess' scent and her and Kane have been checking on me consistently so I can learn and not cause there afraid I'll kill someone.

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