For You

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Hear loud hiss outside my door

Sounds like rain .... no .... something more

Walk outside to check it out

Steps crunch as I walk about

Birds are chirping in bare trees

Cold air whipping at my knees

Go inside to get warm coat

Hear loud call from blue jay's throat

Grab a bag of nuts and hat

Lay peanuts on icy mat

Walk back to the door and turn

Birds circle rail, then return

Blue jays swoop and grab peanuts

Cardinal lands and eyes each nut

Picks the ones already shelled

Turn and jumps, red wings propel

Black and white bombshells appear

Chickadees, small balls of cheer

Flits around to find shelled nut

Swoops away with sharp chirp tut

Then two wrens land on porch rail

Sharp loud calls and erect tails

Tiny beaks grab peanut nubs

Launch from rail to hide in shrubs

Gray squirrel pit pats up wood stairs

Hoping for a handout share

Finds peanut that blue jays missed

Quickly flees with sudden twist

Fingers freezing from the cold

Go inside where warmth unfolds

Watch feeder from window view

While I write a poem for you

© Copyright 2018 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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