Quest Twist

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I want to travel far

And find a place of love

A place where there's no war

And joy fits like a glove

Where meanness is extinct

And hate cannot be found

Where everyone is linked

And friends are all around

No jealousy survives

No greed can make one rich

Where everyone can thrive

And everyone finds niche

Opinions have respect

Joy found in compromise

Dialogue helps connect

We learn how to be wise

But there's no special place

On earth that I can find

Where love is commonplace

Where everyone is kind

I need to rethink hope

My crave for lovely place

Choose better way to cope

A different goal to chase

A quest from day to day

To spread kind love around

Will help end someone's fray

And help someone rebound

If they follow my lead

And spread kind love around

There's hope to end world fray

And help our world rebound

© Copyright 2018 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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