Away From All Mankind

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In a rustic cabin

Away from all mankind

Lives a happy woman

Who left the world behind

A choice made long ago

Because she felt maligned

She grew up on a farm

A strict life made of rules

But love was all around

Until she went to school

Her life began to change

She learned folks could be cruel

She begged to stay at home

And help out on the farm

She wanted to feel safe

And stay away from harm

She pleaded from her heart

And tried to raise alarm

Her parents were quite firm

She must return to school

To learn about the world

And how to deal with fools

For folks are all around

Who enjoy being cruel

So off to school she went

And learned to cope with strife

She also made some friends

Who knew that love made life

She learned to deal with hate

And words that cut like knife

And when the summer came

Farm work was her delight

Each week one day given

And she took off in flight

She hiked the nearby woods

From dawn into the night

Sometimes her grandma came

And taught her about plants

Which ones provide relief

She learned the rules through chants

Rare plants to leave alone

Which ones we can transplant

Her father taught her how

To track and hunt wildlife

How to fish wood streams

Clean fish with hunting knife

She learned to play the tunes

Her father played on fife

Her mother taught her how

To tend a garden well

How to start the mushrooms

That grew on trees that fell

And how to raise chickens

For eggs and meat to sell

She learned to work a loom

Weaved rugs she sold in town

Scenes of farm and forest

Her work brought her renown

And soon her work was sold

Far from her small hometown

Her parents worked long hours

And often went without

Did everything they could

Felt college was her route

To open world for her

Of this they had no doubt

When she went off to school

She came up with a plan

She studied day and night

Learned how the cruel world ran

When cap and gown day came

She was part of the clan

She lived a frugal life

Invested money well

And as her income grew

She watched her nest egg swell

She did all she could do

To leave the corporate spell

Her parents were so proud

At what she had achieved

They did not understand

That corporate life aggrieved

So she kept on working

Illusions she did weave

She planned to go back home

Give parents easy life

Before her plan could fruit

Man stepped in with a knife

Both her parents murdered

Her world was filled with strife

And when the answers came

It turned out to be greed

Farm land a business goal

The reason for cruel deed

No longer could she live

On land where her heart bleeds

She came up with new plan

A way to heal her heart

To give back to the world

Help those who need a start

Those willing to change life

To work hard, do their part

And farm became a place

Where hearts could slowly mend

And with a little luck

Someone could find a friend

Where folks found daily joy

Share love and hope a trend

In a rustic cabin

Away from all mandkind

Lives a happy woman

Who left the world behind......

© Copyright 2018 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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