One Bully's Journey

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Can you feel deep pain

From cruel bully's rain

While we all yell stop

Bully needs to pop

For at home you see

Bully on his knees

Feels sharp sting of strap

For some small mishap

No one understands

Life filled with backhands

No one seems to care

No one hears his prayers

Anger follows him

For his life is grim

We want him to stop

But he needs to pop

One day a small boy

Who is filled with joy

Said, "Come to my house

And see my white mouse"

So the bully came

And both boys played games

Sometimes play was rough

For bully felt tough

Sometimes bully's words

Were laced with cusswords

Small boy's parents heard

Alarmed feelings stirred

Family took a walk

And both parents talk

To their loving boy

Who is filled with joy

Bully is not nice

Please take our advice

Play with him no more

Behavior is poor

With a little sigh

Boy looked at the sky

Gave a little pout

As his words slipped out

Bully's life is bad

It makes me feel sad

And how will we learn

If nice people spurn

If we can be kind

He'll feel less inclined

To act out his pain

And learn to abstain

We have love to share

It only seems fair

To give him love's gift

And help his heart lift

Two faces turn red

At what small boy said

They looked at their son

Knew they were outdone

As the years rolled past

And family steadfast

The bully's life changed

His rage was exchanged

Gave meanness a shove

He soaked up the love

Lefty anger behind

Learned how to be kind

For he found a way

To deal with life's fray

He has a safe place

To change his life's pace

© Copyright 2018 by Cleomez (all rights reserved)

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