"This world is hell."

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Name: Rhys Nichol

Nickname(s): None

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Pansexual

Species: Human


Personality: Rhys is an incredibly intelligent individual, who always uses his brain to solve any problems thrown at him. Although Rhys has a vast amount of knowledge, he's very dense and inexperienced when it comes to matters of the heart and emotions. He's mature and responsible, taking anything he cares about very seriously. He is a passionate believer in science and knowledge. Rhys is very hardworking, and always wants to perform the best at tasks. He can be a bit of a perfectionist. Rhys is very realistic. If something isn't proven by knowledge, then he doesn't believe in it. Since Rhys always wants to prove he's capable, he can be extremely strict and bossy at times. Rhys doesn't know how to loosen up, and is very uptight. This causes him to be too stubborn when arguing with others, to the point where it gets unhealthy. Rhys hates being wrong, and he hates failure. He always tries to bend the truth when he messes up. He can get too arrogant about his intelligence at times. However, Rhys is sensitive and empathetic, he's always in tune with others feelings. He's caring towards those he likes, and would do anything for them. Rhys is also very courageous and brave, never backing down from a challenge, no matter what it may be.
Positives - courageous, mature, responsible, intelligent, passionate, empathetic
Neutral - sensitive, a perfectionist
Negatives - strict, uptight, arrogant, bossy

- science
- reading
- being right
- problem solving
- work
- spicy foods

- failure
- being wrong
- most jokes
- fall
- cold weather
- chocolate

- intelligent
- observant
- responsible

- strict
- too wound up

- arrogant
- a perfectionist

- nail biter
- crosses arms when stressed

Backstory: Rhys was an only child, so he didn't have any siblings to teach him to let loose. His dad was strict but Rhys had a good relationship with him. It got somewhat strained after his mom died, and his paranoid dad refused to let Rhys go anywhere or do anything remotely unsafe. His dad cares, but he doesn't know his to show it. Rhys was fed up— and tries to spend as little time as he can at home.

Father - Daniel Nichol (alive)
Mother - Teresa Nichol (deceased)
Siblings - None
Boyfriend/Girlfriend - None
Husband/Wife - None
Children - None

Other: Rhys wears glasses, but he absolutely despises them.


Scenario 1
It's the year 2061 and the planet has become unlivable after a mysterious disease wiped out half the population. Those lucky few were selected to live their lives aboard The Vassal, an elite ship far from the horrors of the Earth.
You're a scavenger living amongst the people left behind, many who have gone insane as a result of the disease. They resent those on The Vassal and their life of comfort, while they're suffering to scrape by.
You've always been curious about the Vassal, but you don't hate them. Luckily, you've managed to remain relatively unaffected by the disease, and one day while you're digging up materials, a pod from the Vassal crashes nearby.

Scenario 2
Make it up!

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