Chapter Three

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Author's note: updated Nov 11, 2018

Colonel Frank Brody sat down hard on his bunk and pulled out his reading glasses. What the fuck was Johnson thinking? He re-read the orders in disbelief. They were very clear and very brief, but the last line was the kicker... 'Give Major Hoffman anything he needs for a successful outcome'.

Brody pulled the large ruggedized cell phone out of his pocket and hit send. There was no need to dial, it could only call one number. Good thing too because the number itself was above his pay grade. A secret service man had flown in just to hand the phone to him after his field promotion and he had used it only twice since then.

There was no ring, instead, he was treated to a high-pitched whistle layered over a cacophony of computerized blips and bloops. He held the phone away from his head in disgust. After the scrambler had completed its work the line was silent for a moment then a male voice answered.

"What is it, Frank?" President William Earle Johnson sounded annoyed at the other end of the line.

'Good,' thought Brody, at least I'm not the only one having a shitty day. "I have a problem, Mr. President."

"I take it Major Hoffman has arrived."

Brody's anger crested. Johnson had obviously been expecting his call. That's why he hadn't given Brody any advanced notice. Will had known exactly what his reaction would be."What kind of bullshit is this, Will? I'm not here to babysit a --"

"Carl Hoffman does not need any babysitting, Frank. He's fully capable of doing his job without any handholding." Johnson took a wheezing asthmatic breath. "Just let him do it!"

"With all due respect, Will. This is crazy... you can't send these people in to take pictures. Do you realize --"

"I realize more than you can imagine... Colonel Brody. The people of this country are frightened. They need to see that we have this situation under control --"

"And it's an election year!" Brody fired back. His hands were shaking so hard he almost dropped the phone. If Will Johnson had been standing in front of him, he may very well have tried to throttle the man.

There was a long pause. Johnson was a master of pauses. He used them all the time in his speeches. As incredible as it seems, not speaking can actually get people to listen harder. Brody fell into the trap and sat seething, waiting for him to reply.

"Major Hoffman is there to document your efforts, Colonel Brody. To show off all the good work you have done over the last few months. All I need to you to do is take him and his team into the city to get a few images and some video that we can use to ensure the people they are safe."

Brody's hand tightened on the cellphone. It was made of reinforced military grade aluminum wrapped in concussion resistant foam-rubber and it still creaked as he squeezed. One of his knuckles made a popping sound and he forced himself to ease up.

"I'm not risking my men taking them into the city and that's that." He growled.

Another pause, but Brody could have sworn he heard Will Johnson wheezing faintly as if his hand were over the mouthpiece but not quite blocking it completely.

Finally, the President spoke. His tone was flat and menacing at the same time. "You will follow your orders, Frank. If you don't, I will have you removed and your next job will be counting quarters at a toll booth. Do you understand... Colonel?"

This time it was Brody's turn to pause. He was seriously considering resigning his commision right then and there. Only one thing stopped him and he didn't want to think about that one thing right now... he could be wrong about it anyway.

In the end, he let out a defeated sigh. "Alright... but you really are an asshole, Will."

Amazingly this prompted a slight chuckle and then a cough. "I know it, Frank. Nice guys don't get to be President."

Before Brody could reply, there was another burst of high-pitched, brain-stabbing static as President William Johnson cut the connection and the line went dead.

Frank pulled the phone away from his head and rubbed his ear. "Asshole."

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