18 ~ Movie night

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"How's baby Michael doing?" Michael laughed as he walked in, giving Cara a hug, patting her small baby-bump and handing James a bottle of wine.
"We are not naming the baby after you. We've been through this." James groaned and Michael winked.
"Sure you won't," he grinned. "So how're you doing then? And what's on the agenda tonight?"
"I'm doing well, but I'm going to have to start buying maternity clothes soon because I've been putting it off for so long already." Cara sighed as James laughed, putting his arm around her shoulder.
"We were going to go out, but it started raining, so we're just going to watch some netflix, if that's okay with you," James said, and Michael grinned.
"Couldn't think of anything better."
Rose knocked on the door and Cara let her in.
"How's my goddaughter?" Rose dropped to her knees and put her ear on Cara's stomach. Cara gave her a look and Rose laughed.
"Don't look at me like that. We all know that I'm going to be the Godmother."
Cara shrugged and laughed.
"I guess so, but goddaughter? We don't know the gender."
"I have a feeling it's a girl. We have a connection." Rose winked at Cara's bump, and James laughed.
"So what are we doing?" Rose asked.
"Netflix." James replied, and Rose grinned.
"Fabulous. But we have to do movie bingo."
"Movie bingo?" Michael asked, and Cara laughed, knowing that Rose was about to introduce someone to her favourite game.
"So say we're going to watch, I don't know, the Lion King. We make bingo cards, and write down certain things that happen frequently in the movie, like 'Mufasa shares wisdom' or 'Nala throws some serious shade'. It's simple, and makes watching movies more competitive. And I don't know about you - but I love movies, and I love competitions." Rose finished, taking a deep breath.
"That. Sounds. Amazing." Michael grinned, and James nodded in agreement.
"Let's do it then - we can find some on the internet anyway, so we don't have to write our own. And I don't know if you can get non-edible pregnancy cravings, but I'm seriously needing some disney right now. And popcorn. And ice cream." Cara said, and James laughed. "Don't judge me - I'm eating for two now," Cara winked, and proceeded to print out bingo cards for a variety disney movies.
"BINGO!" Michael yelled towards the end of Tangled.
"What? No! I only had two left to get!" James moaned and Cara laughed.
"I had at least 4 left!" she groaned, and Rose stood up.
"Well we have to check it - what do you have?"
"1-Frying Pan. 2-Flynn's smouldering look. 3-Glowing hair. 4-Mother Gothel gets pissed. 5-Lanterns. 6-Pascal looks pissed. 7-Flowers in her hair. 8-Reprise, and number 9, Maximus looks happy for once - right there -" Michael pointed to the paused televison, where sure enough, Maximus was smiling.
Rose groaned. "Ugh fine. You win this time Fassbender - but next time - I will beat you."
"You can try," Michael laughed, and they finished watching the film, before putting on another.
After about 10 disney films, everyone was lying on the sofa watching the jungle book. The movie bingo had been abandoned due to complete exhaustion. Rose was slightly annoyed because she had come second to James - by one point, and Michael third and Cara last.
"I think I'm going to get home," Michael said, and Cara reshuffled herself to let him up. "I had a great time, and you can be sure that I will beat all of you the next time we play this. Which won't be long."
Cara laughed and waved goodbye as he left. James had fallen asleep on her shoulder, and Rose was on the verge of snoozing too.
She got up and smiled at James. "You two are very cute."
Cara chuckled, and waved to Rose as she went back to her apartment.
After she had left, Cara tried to get up without waking James, but she managed to put her hand onto an empty packet of popcorn - creating a large crunch. James groaned and stretched his arms before putting his legs up on the sofa, and pulling Cara down next to him.
"James, I'd much rather lie in bed." Cara chuckled, but James shook his head into the crook of her neck, making her laugh a bit more.
"James," Cara began, and James groaned in submission before standing up, scooping Cara into his arms as he did so.
"James! Careful, for God's sake." Cara laughed.
"I am being careful," James said, before putting Cara down on the bed and climbing in next to her. Cara laughed as James put his hand on her stomach. He lowered his head to where he had placed his hand, and put his ear next to it.
"Hello baby, I'm your dad." James began, but Cara interrupted.
"The King of cheese."
"I'm your dad, the King of cheese, and that was your mother - the Queen of interruptions."
"There she goes again!"
Cara mouthed 'sorry'.
"Anyway, as I was saying - before I was rudely interrupted - I'm your dad, and I'm not going to lie to you, you weren't planned." James said and Cara laughed before he continued. "But I can't wait to meet you."
Cara smiled as James lifted his hand and moved back up to face her.
"That was lovely."
"Thank you, your majesty," James grinned, and Cara punched his arm.
"I said it was lovely!"
"And I said thank you your majesty!" James laughed and Cara rolled her eyes.
"You're so annoying. God help me when there's a mini you running around here too."
"Might be a mini you - Rose seems convinced that it's a girl." James laughed, and Cara nodded.
"Yes, but Michael seems convinced it's going to be called Michael."
James laughed "Have you thought of any names?"
"Not really, no. Have you?"
"No, but it can't be that hard - right?"
"Sure. We've got another 7-8 months or so anyways," Cara laughed, and James pulled her into a hug.
"Easy." he chuckled as he gave her a kiss, and she fell asleep in his arms.

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