19 ~ Feet

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I'm so, so sorry at how long I've left you guys, but I've been really ill the past week or so, and writing was giving me a headache. Hopefully I can get back into my normal routine of a new part every couple of days.
Once again, I apologise profusely. I hope you can forgive me.
P.S. Young James above though, *whistles*


Cara was sitting on the sofa when she felt it.
A small, dull thump from inside of her. Looling down, she placed her hands against her stomach, and felt around for a moment.
She gasped.
There it was again.
But this time, the tiny little outline of a tiny little footprint didn't retract. She traced it with her fingers, grinning.
"James! Get in here!" She whisper-shouted, as if she was afraid the small foot would move if she rose her voice.
James quickly padded in, with a shocked expression on his face.
"What? What is it?" He raised an eyebrow and Cara beckoned him iver to where she was sitting.
"Look, look right here," Cara again traced the outline of a tiny little foot in the centre of her stomach.
"Wow," James whispered, dropping to his knees and staring at the footprint.
"Oh, I can feel more movement," Cara laughed, taking James' hand and placing it against her.
Another foot appeared to the side of the first, and Cara laughed.
"Two little feet. That's a good sign." James laughed, and it was now his turn to trace the toes. "When's the scan?" James asked, and Cara thought for a moment before answering.
"I think it's at 4, or 4:30?" she laughed, and rubbed her hands over her large belly. She was 12 weeks into the pregnancy now, around 6 months to go.
Cara sat up slightly, feeling another wave of movement from within her.
"What? Is something wrong?" James sat up, his eyes suddenly full of worry.
"Nothing silly, just more movement." Cara giggled and James shook his head.
"Sorry, you just looked like you were about to throw up everywhere."
"I think I'm alright,"
"Good, because I was getting ready to run." James laughed and Cara shoved his arm. "Are you sure you're okay? You look a little worried," James asked, and Cara nodded.
"I'm fine, honestly,"
"Cara, I can read you like a book. Somethings up, and I won't drop it until I know what it is." James frowned, and Cara sighed. She knew that he was telling the truth.
"It's stupid," she shook her head.
"If it's making you worry, it's not stupid." he smiled, taking her hands in his.
"Well, it's just that - well - I was googling." Cara began, and James sighed. "Let me finish," Cara protested, and James held up his hands in surrender. "I was googling what happens at 12 weeks, and there were lots of pictures of baby bumps and such - and it's just that, well I don't know, but mine seemed a whole lot bigger." the words poured out of Cara's mouth. It felt good to finally clear her mind. James didn't speak for a moment, he just nodded.
Cara gasped as the baby gave another kick, this time from the other side of her stomach.
Looking down, she felt the small footprints once again.
"James -" she began, but was interrupted.
"I see it." he whispered, placing his hand on the third foot visible.
Cara was confused as James laughed.
"Well that explains why you thought it looked bigger than the pictures," he said, but Cara didn't understand.
"My baby has a third leg? Is that what you are trying to say?" Cara raised her voice, she was angry now, her hormonal state effecting her emotions.
"Woah, no no no, that's not what I'm saying at all." James shook his head, and Cara looked again at the third foot - completely bewildered.
"Then what are you saying? What's wrong with our baby?" Cara was almost shouting now.
"There's nothing wrong with our babies." James said, slowly - making sure Cara understood.
Placing her fingers on each footprint, Cara's breathing slowed.
"There's two?" she whispered.
"There's two." James smiled, and Cara shook her head.
"I'm so sorry James, I got confused - I didn't mean to shout - I -" tears were streaming down her cheeks.
James sat down and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.
"It's okay, it's okay, you've just got a strong case of pregnancy brain at the moment," he laughed, rubbing Cara's back. Cara chuckled, wiping tears from her face.
"Twins James, twins." she smiled, resting her head on his chest. He leant backwards, and continued to rub her shoulder.
"Twins." James repeated.
"Or a three-legged baby," Cara chuckled, and James went into Xavier-mode.
"What a groovy mutation."
"Dammit Charles - you and your weird genes gave my baby a third leg." Cara played along.
James - no, Charles, stood up and ran his fingers through his hair.
"You can walk?" Cara gasped, feigning shock.
"Aren't you the clever one?" the British accent mocked.
"Well I doubt my baby will be able to walk with it's third leg! It'll be falling all over the place!" Cara laughed.
" Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn't mean they're lost forever."
Cara broke down in fits of laughter and James tried - and failed - to keep up his 'Charles' act. He fell back onto the sofa and they both lay for a few minutes, still laughing.
Once Cara got her breath back, she switched on her phone.
It was 4:15.
"Shit! The scan!" She jumped up, and James' eyes widened. He said a bad word and Cara glared at him, before grabbing her keys and bag.
"Come on, for God's sake!" she yelled, before hurrying out the door - a chuckling James following closely behind.

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