20 ~ Names

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"Okay, so here's what I'm struggling to believe right now." Rose began. "One - there are two babies in here-" she pointed to Cara's stomach, before continuing. "Two - this guy gets to go on the Graham Norton show before I do-" she sulked, pointing at James - who laughed. "Three -there are two babies in here-" she grinned, putting her hand against Cara's stomach. "And four - both of them are my godchildren."
"I'm pretty sure that one and three were the same, but I couldn't agree more." Cara laughed, sitting down on the sofa and turning on the TV. James flopped down beside her and Rose sat on the armchair opposite.
"So - let's talk baby names." she began, and Cara and James groaned.
"Nooooo! You know how bad I am at decisions. I'm just going to call them 'thing one' and 'thing two'." Cara stated, and James laughed - nodding his head.
"I refuse to let my godchildren be called 'thing one' and 'thing two' - in fact - it should be illegal to call your children that." Rose said, and pulled out her phone. "So I've got some ideas -" she began, but neither Cara nor James were listening.
"Are you listening to what she's saying?" James whispered, but Rose was too engulfed in what she was saying to notice.
"Nope," Cara replied.
"Shit - I was hoping you could tell me what she was saying,"
"I was thinking the same thing,"
"What do we do?"
"Just smile and nod," Cara whispered, and that's what they did.
"So what did you think?" Rose finished her speech, and James glanced at Cara, who shrugged.
"I think I got it, but just incase - tell me again because I wasn't listening." Cara said quickly, and James broke into laughter - shortly followed by Cara.
"Come on guys! You need to at least be considering names!" Rose sounded annoyed.
"Sorry," James and Cara mumbled.
"Well I'll be asking you again soon - and I expect to hear some suggestions."
"Fine," Cara giggled, and leant her head on James' shoulder.
"So when are you filming The Graham Norton Show?" Rose asked.
"Sometime next week - I can't quite remember," James said, and Cara laughed.
"You're so unorganised," she said, and James chuckled.
"That's rich coming from you!" he said, shocked.
"Good point, well made." Cara laughed and Rose shook her head.
"And who else is going to be on the show?" Rose brought the conversation back.
"Erm, well, me - obviously." James said, scrunching his face up in thought. "Michael? Probably Michael. Most likely Michael." he nodded.
"So you and Michael? I'm just checking because you didn't really make that clear." Cara laughed, and James pulled a face.
"Anyone else?" Rose rolled her eyes.
"I'm thinking Jennifer, and I want to say Hugh." James laughed, and Cara groaned.
"Are you sure that you're going on the show next week? Because you seem to know nothing about it!"
James shrugged. "Hmm, come to think of it, it might not be Michael after all,"
"For God's sake James," Cara laughed as James grinned.
"Well after that thrilling installment in the life of Cara and James, I must be leaving you. Whenever we meet again, I want baby names, and genders, and solid info on The Graham Norton Show. Understand?" Rose asked as she stood up.
James nodded and Cara laughed.
"I don't want to know the genders." she said, and Rose groaned.
"Why not? I want to know the genders!"
"Well I'm the mother," Cara folded her arms.
"What does James think?"
"James thinks that the mother should decide." James laughed, and Rose groaned as she walked towards the door.
"Fine. Suit yourselves - but there better be a girl in there -" she pointed to Cara's stomach one last time before leaving, and James chuckled.
"She's always very organised," he said, and Cara nodded.
"Always has been, always will be. Not knowing the genders is killing her." Cara laughed, and James narrowed his eyes.
"You like it - don't you? You like not finding out the genders just to wind her up - don't you?" he questioned, and Cara's eyes widened.
"No! Of course not! How could you suggest such a thing?" she shook her head, and James burst out laughing.
"You are a terrible liar."
"Well so what? I genuinely don't want to find out the genders - and if that happens to irritate my best friend, then it's an added bonus." Cara winked as James continued to laugh. "In all seriousness though, do you want to know the genders?" Cara asked, and James shrugged.
"I want what you want." he said, and Cara smiled. "And if that happens to irritate my best friend, then it's an added bonus." James said, and Cara laughed, before raising an eyebrow.
"Wait - that pisses Michael off too?" she asked, and James nodded.
"What a happy coincidence," Cara smirked and James faked a gasp before laughing and pulling Cara down into a hug.

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