21 ~ Showtime

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So the picture isn't really relevant, it just makes me laugh. I hope you enjoy this - because it took a while to write!


"So when you say 'I'm on The Graham Norton Show sometime next week' what you really mean is 'sometime in the next few months'?" Rose laughed as she climbed into the cab before Cara - who was coming up to her ninth month of pregnancy.
"Yep, I don't see how that wasn't clear to you," James grinned sarcastically.
"Well all is forgiven seeing as you are actually taking me with you!" Rose grinned as she settled back into her seat. "You look as though you're about to burst." she said, turning to Cara.
"Gee thanks, you really know how to boost my self-esteem!" Cara replied, rolling her eyes.
"Well I'm sorry for worrying about whether you should be here or in hospital!" Rose spoke sternly, and Cara laughed.
"They aren't due for another two weeks you fool,"
"Fair enough." Rose admitted, and James laughed.
"We're almost there, I would appreciate it if you could stop the meaningless bickering,"
"Sorry." Cara and Rose sighed in unison, as the taxi pulled around the back of the studio - away from the already screaming crowds.
James got out of the car and ran around to open Cara's door for her. She laughed as he did so, then linked arms with him as they walked through the back doors.
As they entered the building, they were greeted with the familiar sound of 'Blurred Lines'. Cara and Jamed shared a glance, and Rose looked completely bewildered.
They were guided through some more doors by a man who kept talking into a walkie-talkie, but Cara couldn't work out a single word of what he was saying.
A few more doors and indecipherable walkie-talkie conversations later, they had reached the source of the horrendous pop song - which was now considerably louder.
As they walked through the final set of doors, Cara cried out as she covered her ears.
"Jackman! Get that racket off! You're infecting my children!"
Hugh turned around, grinning as Michael ran over and picked up Cara in a hug.
"Good to see you too, Fassy," she laughed as he put her back down, then greeted James and Rose in a similar fashion.
Hugh walked over and turned off the music on his phone.
"I'm very sorry, I just had to get Michael pumped up before we go on," he laughed, and Cara nodded, laughing along with him.
"It's okay, I completely understand."
Their conversation was swiftly interrupted by Jennifer Lawrence bursting through the doors.
"Long time, no see - eh?" she laughed as she pulled everyone into a hug. "Cara, oh my God - when are these things due?" she grinned, and Cara rolled her eyes.
"Hopefully sometime soon - because they're getting kind of heavy,"
"I bet! Hey, you know what this place reminds me of?" Jen continued.
"That place where we were before the premiere."
"Oh yeah - it does,"
"I bet we can find some pizza and pringles round here somewhere..." Jennifer whispered, looking under the table.
"Do you seriously remember that?" Cara laughed, and Jeniffer put her hand to her chest.
"I am offended that you asked such a thing! It's one of my fondest memories," she gasped, and Cara laughed again.
"The best bit was when the guy came in afterwards," Hugh added, and Michael and James laughed before attempting to reenact the scene - much to the amusement of everyone else.

Minutes later, Hugh, Jen, Michael and James were called to another room backstage, and Cara and Rose took their seats in the front row of the audience.
Graham welcomed the four of them on stage, and Cara's smile grew wider with each glance for James as they talked about the X-Men.
"Well, speaking of mutations, James, a little birdie told me that your fiancée, who's in this very audience," Graham paused, looking for Cara. "Has two babies inside of her." his eyes finally met Cara's and James grinned as Graham spoke. "Cara! Get up here! That chair can't be very comfortable,"
Cara slowly got up and walked up onto the stage, suddenly glad that there was a stylist who chose what she wore.
She sat down inbetween Michael and James, who put his arm around her and kissed her cheek, whispering into her ear.
"You look great, keep smiling."
Cara smiled, and James winked at her.
"So congratulations on the engagement and the pregnancy! You guys work fast!" Graham and the audience laughed as James nodded.
"Couldn't wait to get started," James winked and Cara punched his arm as the room laughed.
"So, the question everyone wants to know the answer to. What's it like being engaged to James McAvoy?" Graham asked, and Cara laughed.
"I keep thinking that Ant and Dec are going to jump out and say 'It's all a prank! You're part of our new show - So you think you're engaged to Mr Tumnus'," Cara laughed, putting on her best Dec accent.
"She's an actress herself ladies and gentlemen!" Graham laughed, and Cara blushed. "I wouldn't worry, this is the BBC - we don't do Ant and Dec over here,"
"Good, good!" Cara laughed, and James gently pulled her a little closer to him.
"So, any other impressions in there?" Graham asked, but before Cara could answer, Michael was interrupting.
"She does James! Make her do James! Do James!" he turned to Cara, who was shaking her head vigorously.
"Go on! You have to now," Graham persisted, and Cara mouthed an I'm sorry to James, before putting on her Scottish accent.
"Hi, I'm James McAvoy and I play Charles Xavier in X-Men: Days of Future Past. I say fuck a lot to make up for being so tiny. I mean, I don't think it's even possible to grow that much -" Cara gestured to Michael. "I'm pretty sure he injects himself with growth hormones or something." Cara grinned, Michael doubled over in fits of laughter - and soon the whole audience was laughing. Cara looked at Rose - who was giving her the thumbs up.
"That was absolutely amazing!" Graham laughed, and Cara shook her head.
"I can't believe I just did that on national television. I would like to apologise to everyone that witnessed it."


After the show had finished, everyone was sitting backstage, chatting and eating - catching up on what they were up to when they were apart.
The conversation was suddenly interrupted by a crazed-looking blonde woman running through the doors. She stopped and let out a frightening cackle as she realised what room she was in. She glanced around a while, before her eyes finally settled on James.
"Would you look at what the cat dragged in," Michael muttered under his breath.
The woman took a small, wobbly step forward before two security guards burst through the doors behind her, each of them grabbing an arm and pulling her back.
"Hello James," the woman spoke in a nasally voice, and James' arm tightened around Cara's waist as she spoke.
"What are you doing here?" James voice was surprisingly calm, and conveyed no emotion whatsoever.
"I just thought I'd pay you a visit. Say hi to Cara," the woman spat the words out, and shifted her terrifying gaze to Cara - utter hatred in her eyes. If it weren't for the guards wrestling her back, Cara would've feared for her life.
"Don't even look at her," James whispered to Cara, his eyes still firmly locked on the bedraggled woman - who was now squirming where she stood.
"Who is she?" Cara whispered back, and James was about to answer, when the woman spoke again.
"What's the matter Cara? Don't know who I am? Has Jamie not told you?" she laughed, and James' straight face began to show signs of worry.
"Oh my goodness! You haven't told her - have you?" She cackled again, and James virtually growled.
"Get this woman out of our sight." he said to the guards, who immediately began dragging her back towards the doors - despite her efforts to stop them.
"I've got some news for you dearie," she said, her mad, twitching gaze landing on Cara.
"Your lovely little James there," the guards hauled her through the double doors.
"I'm his wife." she cackled, and the doors slammed shut.

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