24 ~ Home again

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"And they're asleep," James whispered to Cara as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Thank the God's!" Cara mouthed back as they crept out of the nursery, slowing shutting the door behind them.
"I didn't think babies were this much hassle -" James sighed as he sank into the sofa.
"Me neither." Cara laughed, flopping down beside him.
"I think we're doing alright," James chuckled, putting an arm around Cara and kissing the top of her head.
"Really? You really think we're doing good?" She laughed, and James nodded.
"Sure we are! Not bad for a first attempt, at least," he smiled, and Cara shrugged.
"I don't know - you did almost drop them on the way back from the hospital -"
"But did I?" James interrupted "No I did not. Let's focus on the positives here." He said, and Cara laughed.
"Okay, positives. Well, we did just get them to sleep."
"Correct. See? Positives."
"Okay, okay, we got this."
"Exactly. We're great parents!" James laughed and Cara pulled a face.
"Speaking of parents..." she began, and James winced. "Yeah, I said they could come over."
"And when would that be exactly?"
"I don't know, round about -" Cara was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Now?" She laughed and James shook his head with a smile.
"Well that's that then," he laughed and got up as Cara walked to the door, stopping before she opened it.
"Oh! Quick prewarning -"
"We will have to make polite conversation." Cara winced and James laughed.
"Right. That's understandable."
"Very good." Cara grinned and James laughed again.
"I'm just mentally preparing myself."
"Oh, okay gotcha," Cara winked, and James wrapped his arm around her waist before opening the door.
"Hello my beautiful child! Now where are my beautiful grandchildren?" Cara's Mum burst in through the door, with her Dad following closly behind.
"I brought some alcohol," he grinned, holding up a bottle of wine.
"That's great Dad," Cara laughed, as she stepped aside to let him in.
"So where are the little angels?" Cara's Mum turned around in the lounge before making her way towards the nursery.
"No Mum, we literally just got them to sleep -" Cara began.
"Oh it'll be fine! I won't wake them," a muffled shout came from the nursery and Cara sighed as James laughed. Cara's Dad settled down in an armchair as Cara poured out some of the wine he had brought.
"Are you not going to see the twins?" Cara asked as her father turned on the TV, changing the channel until he settled on a cricket match of some sort.
"I'm pretty sure that their grandmother will be bringing them down," he laughed and Cara let out another sigh as James wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. Cara chugged her glass of wine before pouring another as James laughed at her again.
"You're such a good mother," he whispered in her ear as she brought the second glass of wine to her mouth.
"I am fully aware of that," she whispered back and handed him a glass, which he gladly took before sitting down next to Cara's Dad.
"What're you watching then?" James asked as he handed Cara's Dad a glass of wine.
"Cricket." He answered, not once taking his eyes off the TV.
"Who's playing?" Cara chimed in as she sat next to James.
"West Indies."
"And what's the score?" James asked.
"We're up by 62." Cara's Dad replied, and James looked over at Cara who simply shrugged.
"It means nothing to me -" she laughed, gesturing to the TV.
"Shall we say hello to Grandad?" Cara's Mum's voice sounded from the top of the nursery.
"Mum I told you we'd only just got them to sleep!" Cara groaned and her Mum chuckled.
"Well I've only just woken them up." She grinned as she carried them into the lounge.
"Here's Grandad," she cooed as she handed Max to Cara's Dad - who managed to take his eyes off the cricket. "And here's Mummy and Daddy," Cara's Mum said as she sat down - turning Lily to face Cara and James. "And I'm Grandma!" She laughed as Cara shook her head.
James put his arm over Cara's shoulder and laughed as she glanced up at him.
"There's no chance they're going back to sleep now," Cara groaned as James nodded.
"James, hold the baby, I'm going to get some more wine," Cara's Dad laughed as he handed Max to James.
"Yes sir," James chuckled as Max wriggled around.
"George. It's George." Cara's Dad laughed as he walked towards the kitchen.
"So how're things going?" Cara's Mum asked.
"Not so bad, just wearing us out." Cara answered and James nodded in agreement.
"It was hard enough for us having just one baby - nevermind two!" Cara's Mum laughed and Cara feigned hurt.
"Hey! That's me you're talking about," she frowned and Cara's Mum nodded.
"You were quite a handful," she laughed, and James chuckled.
"She still is."
"Please for the sake of all things holy - go. To. Sleep." Cara groaned as she rocked Lily in her arms.
"Can we not just crush up a sleeping pill or something?" James asked and Cara shook her head.
"James we are not drugging the children."
"Fine. Just a suggestion -" he shrugged and sat down on the sofa, Max still squirming in his arms.
A loud noise came through the ceiling - music from the apartment upstairs.
"Oh that's just fabulous. Abso-freaking-lutely fabulous." Cara groaned as Lily started to cry.
"Language." James said as Cara sat down next to him.
"Sorry. Swap?" She asked, and James nodded, handing the (now also screaming) Max over, and taking Lily.
"I was thinking," James began and Cara shook her head.
"I've told you we are not drugging the children."
"I wasn't going to suggest we drug the children, I've done that before and as I remember, it didn't go down so well." James laughed and Cara chuckled.
"Well go on then - you were thinking?"
"Yes. I was thinking that we should get a house." James said.
"A house? Like a proper house?"
"Like a proper house."
"A proper house." Cara nodded.
"Well? Yes/no?" James asked, laughing nervously.
"Yes! Of course yes! Why wouldn't I want a proper house?" Cara laughed and James chuckled.
"I don't know, I just figured that we need more space."
"And less noise," Cara grimaced, gesturing to the ceiling.
"Yeah, that too."
"Well I think it's a great idea. I can't wait to leave this place," Cara laughed, and James frowned.
"Aww, I like this place,"
"Well I think I'll like our new place better though."
"Agreed." James laughed.
The music in the apartment upstairs slowly died down, Cara rested her head on James' shoulder and he leant his head on top of hers.
The crying of Max and Lily eventually came to a stop, and pretty soon afterwards, the four of them were fast asleep on the sofa - and they stayed that way for the rest of the night.

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