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Okay, so firstly, today is a very special day.
(It also happens to be HRH the Queen's day of birth but ya know - prioritising)
I am so, so sorry that I haven't posted an update in agggeeessss but I've been on holiday and had tonnes of homework etc. etc. more excuses etc. etc.
So yeah, I apologise profusely.
However, I am currently working on the next chapter (is it called a chapter? I'm going to call it a chapter) so that should be coming soon-ish. (Fingers crossed)
Thirdly, I'd like to thank you so, so much for almost 2.5k reads and 90 votes! I can't believe it! And thank you to everyone who has commented, reading comments honestly makes my day!
Okay and last but not least -
I'm terribly afraid that Mad for McAvoy is drawing to a close. The end is nigh. Don't worry just yet - there will be a few more chapters (the chapters thing again - it doesn't sound right - installments? Parts? I don't know!) but alas, we are nearing the end of what has been my first ever fanfiction - and most definitely not my last (do check out my Richard Armitage one - shameless self-promotion there I know)
So there we have it Ladies and Gentlemen, one heck of an author's note.
Thank you for reading and/or just skim reading to see if there's any story here.

*Before the pregnancy and whatnot*
"Happy Birthday!" Cara yelled directly into James' face, blowing one of those birthday-kazoo things.
"Ughh it's too early for birthdays -" James groaned as he rolled over and buried his face in his pillow.
"It can never be too early for birthdays!" Cara grinned as she climbed on top of him.
"Yes it can and that time is now." James groaned again and Cara laughed as she climbed into the bed next to James.
"Well when is it an appropriate time to begin one's day of birth?" She grinned, and James lifted his head out of the pillow, turning to face her.
"After a cuddle with one's girlfriend one would suppose," he laughed in his best English accent.
"That can be arranged," Cara chuckled as James opened his arms for her.
"So here's your present!" Cara grinned excitedly as she handed James a wrapped gift.
"I told you not to get me anything -" James began, but Cara interrupted.
"I am well aware of that." She laughed, and James shook his head.
"Then why did you -"
"Because I wanted to - now shut up and open it or I'll take it back -" Cara smacked his arm and he winced before beginning to unwrap his present.
"Okay, okay, I'm opening it thank you,"
James pulled out a framed old football shirt from his favourite club - Celtic. "Wow Cara, this is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much," he grinned, pulling Cara into a hug.
"You haven't even taken all the paper off yet - look-" Cara gestured to the bottom half of the shirt - still covered in wrapping paper.
"Oh right," James grinned, ripping off the rest of the paper to reveal a signature on the shirt.
"No way." He whispered.
"Yes way." Cara laughed, pointing at the signature. "Signed in 2001 by the late great Jimmy Johnstone." Cara bowed.
"How did you even know?" James looked between Cara and the shirt.
"Well a little help from Michael, a little help from Wikipedia." Cara grinned, and James pulled her down into another hug.
"Thank you so, so much! This is just beyond words - who even sells something like this?" He muttered into the top of Cara's head. Cara shrugged her shoulders and laughed.
"Someone who didn't want it,"
"But I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want this!" James chuckled, and Cara shrugged again, still laughing. "Where should I even put this? Wait - I think I should just carry it with me wherever I go."
"What? I can't believe you just suggested that." Cara laughed, and James nodded.
"But I don't want to put it down."
"You sound like a 5 year old boy,"
"Yeah - on Christmas morning!" James grinned, and Cara laughed even louder.
"Well I'm glad you like it." She smiled, and James wrapped his arm around her waist.
"Like is quite the understatement. Seriously, I absolutely love it, and I absolutely love you." James whispered, and Cara smiled up at him before pulling him into a kiss.

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