26 ~ A Gift

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"Cara open up!"
"I know you can hear me!"
"James? Cara? For Christ's sakes. I come bearing gifts!"
Rose continued to yell various statements from the front door, until James and Cara decided that she wasn't going to leave.
"I'm coming! Calm down child!" Cara yelled, and James winced and rolled over in bed.
Cara gave him a quick shove, and he promptly fell out of the bed. The thud of James hitting the floor was followed by a string of profanities as Cara pulled on her dressing gown - laughing.
"You little fuc-" James began as he got up, rubbing his head - but Cara had already left the room.
James reluctantly truged down the stairs to find Cara opening the door to (still yelling) Rose.
"CARA IT TOOK ME AN HOUR TO DRIV- Oh. Sorry, hello?" Rose laughed as the door opened.
"Was that a question?" James asked, as Rose pushed passed him and Cara and headed to the kitchen.
"You are both so very unorganised. And you my dear, need a shirt." Rose said, gesturing to James' bare chest as she climbed over yet-to-be-unpacked boxes.
"We got here 2 days ago! You expect us to-" Cara began.
"Yes. I do." Rose silenced her by placing an envelope down on the counter.
"And this is?" James asked, reaching for it. Rose batted his hand away.
"Wait! It needs a proper introduction." Rose grinned, picking up the envelope. "This-" she gestured "Is your moving in present. From me and my work, to you."
"You and your work?" Cara raised an eyebrow.
"But you work for a law firm -" Cara said, and shook her head in confusion.
"Just open the damned thing already!" James laughed, drumming his hands on the countertop.
"Well I'd just like you to know that it took me quite a while to sort this out so you should be -"
"Open it! Come on!" Cara groaned, and James nodded.
"The suspense is killing me," he agreed sarcastically, before swiftly grabbing the envelope off Rose. She began to protest, but then decided against it.
"What is it?" Cara peered over James' shoulder as he pulled a file out of the envelope.
"I don't know -" he said, leafing through the pages. "Wait. Oh my God. ROSE?" James put his hand to his mouth and dropped the file.
"What the hell is it?!" Cara yelled, dropping to the floor and thumbing through the papers.
"Rose! How did you even -" James shook his head as Rose grinned.
Cara let out a gasp as she realised what she was holding in her hands.
She looked to the bottom of the divorce papers she was holding, and there it was.
At the end of the page, signed in tiny, cursive writing that was annoying to look at:
Chloe Mitchell.
"She signed it?" Cara asked, standing up and walking over to James.
"She signed it." James nodded, turning to face Cara. She leapt into his open arms and they twirled around the kitchen in a fit of laughter and screams.
"SHE SIGNED IT!" Cara yelled, and Rose laughed as James continued to spin around with Cara wrapped around him.
They eventually came to a stop, and Cara grinned as James kissed her.
"Oh get a room you two," Rose groaned and James and Cara pulled apart, grinning at eachother. "Wait - what? Nononono NO!" But Rose's screams went unheard as James and Cara proeceeded to pull Rose into a group hug, kissing her cheeks from either side.
"How did you even do this?" Cara laughed as she continued to hug Rose.
"I have my ways," Rose smirked as she finally gave in to the attention.
"I've been trying to - how - just - how did you get her to sign it?" James stuttered - still in shock.
"I most definitely did not threaten her life. That is a fact." Rose smiled and Cara laughed as James' eyes widened.
"Seriously though - how did you -" Cara asked and Rose tapped the side of her nose, winking.
"That's for me to know and you to never find out. What can I say? I'm good at my job." she shrugged as James walked over to the fridge - still it seemed, in complete shock.
"Godamn." he muttered as he came to realise that there was nothing in the fridge. "We need some food." he groaned as he walked - avoiding the boxes - back to Cara and Rose, slipping his arms around Cara's waist and pressing his lips to the side of her face - making her blush quite noticeably.
"Well you've got a tomato right here -" Rose gestured to Cara's red face, and she promptly covered it up with her hands.
"Anyways, I will leave you two starving lovebirds to yourselves, and return to my fridge full of food. Enjoy the rest of your day - I would recommend at least starting to unpack perhaps?" Rose said as she clambered over the boxes to get to the door.
"Thank you so much Rose," James laughed as she opened the door.
"You're welcome. But please, put on a shirt." Rose grinned as she stepped over the final box and exited.
"So I don't know about you but I don't really feel like unpacking right now," James sighed, running his hands through his hair.
"Nah, me neither." Cara said as she wrapped her arms around James' waist.
"So, what should we do?" James smirked, and Cara grinned back, placing her chin on his chest and looking up to him.
"I don't know,"
"Well, I have an idea," James smirked again.
"And what's that?"
"How about, I go back to bed." James laughed as he twisted out of Cara's arms and shot upstairs.
"You are an actual idiot." Cara yelled up the stairs, laughing.
"But you love me!" James yelled back down.
"A little. On Tuesdays!" Cara shouted, before bursting into a fit of laughter at the bottom of the stairs.
"I am going to pretend you didn't say that and go back to my sleeping plans." James groaned from upstairs as Cara continued to laugh at her own joke.

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