27 ~ Redford

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I am so so unbelievably sorry. I am quite clearly shit at updating and that sucks but I had no idea where I wanted this story to go, and I had a lot of exams and other stuff going on at school and so was very busy but I'm back! Please don't kill me, I promise to update more often from now on, and besides, there isn't much left. Thank you for sticking with me after all this time, and I don't know what else to say. I suppose I should just get on with the story, really.


"James, come on James, we need to unpack." Cara groaned, climbing on top of him as he lay on the bed, fast asleep. "James. James? For Christ's sake James the twins will be back tomorrow!" Cara whined, putting all of her weight on him.
"Get off me," James growled as he attempted to turn over.
"Oh that was a mistake Mr McAvoy, I know that you're awake now," Cara laughed as James groaned.
"Fine." James sat up, Cara letting out a small shriek as he did so. "Let's get on with it then, future Mrs McAvoy." James wiggled his eyebrows and Cara laughed as she climbed off the bed and pulled on a jumper.
"So I think we should start with the kitchen seeing as - James? Oh my goodness I give up." Cara said as she looked over at James, who was once again lying in bed.


"Are we done yet?" Cara groaned as James carried yet another box towards her.
"There's still a shit tonne left through there," James nodded to the adjoining room, sighing.
"I give up." Cara sighed, falling onto the sofa and burying her face in a cushion.
"You're supposed to be the encouraging one!" James groaned, putting down the box he was carrying and climbing on top of Cara.
"Get off me," Cara moaned, her voice muffled. "You're really heavy!"
James was about to speak, but was interrupted by the phone ringing.
"You get it." He said.
"Does it look like I can fucking move?" Cara laughed, and James sighed, getting up.
"You can now," he said, and Cara got up, and walked to the phone, punching James in the side as she did so.
"Hello, is this the McAvoy household?"
"Yes, who's speaking?" Cara asked, looking over to James and shrugging her shoulders.
"My names Dr. Redford and I'm from Kingston Royal Infirmary. I'm calling to speak to a Mr James McAvoy?"
"Yes, I'll just put him on, one second," Cara answered, handing the phone to James. "Dr Redford?" She whispered, and James shrugged. "Put it on speaker!"
"Hello?" James answered the phone, putting it on loudspeaker and placing it on the kitchen counter.
"Hello, this is Dr Redford from the Kingston Royal Infirmary, I'm here to speak to a Mr James McAvoy."
"Miss Chloe Mitchell was admitted to the hospital last night at 8:57pm. She had been in a terrible car accident involving a lorry on the M1. I am calling to regretfully inform you that Miss Mitchell passed at 9:35am this morning, due to serious brain damage. I apologise profusely that you were not previously informed, but we were unable to find any of Miss Mitchell's contacts at the time of the incident. I can inform you that Miss Mitchell died peacefully in her sleep, and I offer my greatest condolences."
Dr Redford had finished speaking but neither James nor Cara managed to reply.
"I was informed that you and Miss Mitchell had recently divorced, but as I mentioned before, we were unable to find any other contacts for Miss Mitchell."
"I understand." James whispered into the phone, running his hands through his hair, his eyes fixed firmly on the floor.
Cara's legs felt weak, and she struggled to breathe. She barely knew the woman who had almost ended her relationship, so why did she feel like this?
"We managed to recover a notebook from Miss Mitchell's car, and in it a not was found adressed to Cara. Do you who this might be?"
Cara's throat closed up as soon as her name echoed over the phone.
James finally looked up from the floor, his eyes wide and staring straight at Cara.
"Mr McAvoy?"
Cara's heartbeat quickened and she walked backwards until she was sitting on one of the dining chairs. She sucked in a breath and her eyes darted around the room, before finally looking back to James, who had sunk down the cupboards and was now sitting on the floor, his hands nervously raking through his hair as he spoke, his voice unsteady.
"Yes. I know Cara."

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