Chapter Two

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Loud music blasted at the Karaoke Bar the Sons of Garmadon had chosen as their temporary hangout. It wasn't their base but it was somewhere to meet up when doing business in the city. Lloyd had told them they would lay low for a few days after stealing the first mask. Sure they were still allowed to go throughout the city but they weren't allowed to do anything illegal. In order to keep them happy, Lloyd had a party every night at the bar. He didn't care for the parties himself and actually stayed away for the most part.

Tonight however he decided he needed to let loose. The ninja would return tomorrow and that meant the plan would fall in to motion, he could not allow for any distractions. Lloyd was really only here for the alcohol, and this bar was the one place he knew he'd be allowed to get drunk without being carded. He had yet to meet the owner of the bar but apparently he was already scared of Lloyd. Ultraviolet had claimed the owner was a coward and a scaredy cat. But anyone would act like that if they were around her. It was no wonder they'd been allowed to stay after hearing that. Lloyd strolled inside heading straight for the bar. The Sons of Garmadon moved out of his way just like before. When he reached the bar, the bartender was crouched down, clearly not aware of his presence. Lloyd cleared his throat and the bartender stood up. Or more like jumped in fear. Lloyd had to hide his shock when he saw who the owner was, it was Dareth.

"Quiet One…" Dareth whispered. Lloyd was shocked that Dareth knew he was the Quiet One. He must've seen him around before. "What can...What can I get for you?" He asked, nervously. Lloyd touched the side of his mask to make sure the voice scrambler was active. Dareth would definitely recognize his voice and that would spell trouble for him.

"Anything." He mumbled and Dareth quickly put a shot glass on the counter, clearly scared. A moment later he pushed the glass towards Lloyd.

"Here you go." Dareth said. Lloyd took the glass.

"A beer as well." Lloyd demanded. Not even a second later there was a beer in his hand. He made his way upstairs and made sure he was out of view before removing his mask. He took the shot and placed the glass down on the table next to him. It wasn't Lloyd's first time drinking, despite only being seventeen. Most didn't know his age and those who did, well they didn't dare tell him no. Drinking allowed him to relax, though he never allowed himself to drink so much that he got drunk. Lloyd didn't know what he would do while he was drunk and he rather not find out.

He kept an eye on the crowd below. He knew very well that each person here had a reason for wanting to help him bring back his father. The reasons escaped him but in a way he was thankful for them, though he'd never say it to them. Without the Sons of Garmadon, he wouldn't be here today, in more ways than one. He took a sip of his beer before he leaned on the railing. As he did someone caught his eye. A girl walked in, wearing a mask, like most of those here, whether they were painted, tattooed or ones you put on. Lloyd knew everyone here for the most part and he had never seen this girl, mask or not. He slipped his own back on and walked down the stairs, never once taking his eyes off of her. She didn't seem lost, but she definitely didn't seem like she belonged here. Lloyd found her over at the bar, just sitting when he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Well this just isn't right." He said as he sat down next to her. She jumped a little, not having noticed him. "You can't just show up to a Sons of Garmadon party and not dance or drink."

"I planned on dancing, I just wanted to get a feel for the atmosphere." She admitted to him. "I don't think I'll drink though." A song came on that Lloyd found to be upbeat enough to dance to. He stood up, placing his beer down and held his hand out to the girl.

"Join me?" He asked. To his surprise, the girl actually took his hand, so he led her into the middle of the crowd. As he did everyone moved out of his way.

"They're just moving for you?" The girl questioned. Lloyd looked back at her and nodded.

"Yeah, they're afraid of me." Lloyd told her. "They rather not be on my bad side."

"Why?" Well she's curious, Lloyd thought to himself

"Cause I'm crazy, insane, twisted, take your pick. They fear what I'll do to them." He shrugged and stopped moving. He pulled her in front of him. They both started to dance, though the girl danced more than Lloyd did. He watched as she danced, it was memorizing to him.

"You don't seem crazy to me." She confessed and twirled as Lloyd spun her. Lloyd laughed. If only you knew, sweetheart, Lloyd thought to himself.

"You've only just met me though." He reminded her. "But you also don't seem like a Son of Garmadon, especially since you don't seem to recognize me."

"I'm not." She answered, confirming his belief that he'd never seen her before. It wasn't often non-members dared to enter the bar.

"Well would you want to be?" He asked her and she stopped dancing, seemingly shocked by his question. And she had every right to be. No one just gets invited into the Sons of Garmadon. There was a whole process to joining which involved a race. But this girl didn't seem like the type to like driving motorcycles.

"Me? Really?" She asked and Lloyd nodded.

"There's a spot open to be my number one girl." He joked a little and the girl laughed.

"What an offer, I'll have to think on it." She said and resumed her dancing. Lloyd nodded. He didn't expect her to say yes right off the bat but he had hoped.

"So what brought you here then?" He figured he might as well find out what he can about her. That is if she would even give up any information.

"I needed to get away from home, too many rules, not enough freedom." The girl sighed. It made him wonder where she came from if this was the place she chose to escape to.

"Well we only have one rule here." He tried to encourage her to join.

"And what's that?"

"Everyone obeys me or faces the consequences." He explained. She might as well know now that he runs this place.

"So you are the leader?" She had so many questions. Lloyd nodded.

"I am the Quiet One."

"Mysterious, but you're not very quiet." She pointed out and Lloyd rolled his eyes but not in an annoyed way.

"I'm quiet except for those who I choose to speak to." He told her. Mr. E tapped Lloyd's shoulder. Lloyd gave him an annoyed look but nodded. He turned back to the girl. "You seem like you'd fit in here, the offer will still stand until you refuse it. Come back whenever you'd like." He leaned in and covered her eyes while at the same time removing his mask. He placed a kiss on her cheek. "See you around." He whispered in her ear so only she could hear his real voice. He placed his mask back on and removed his hand but her eyes stayed closed for a moment longer. By the time she opened them, Lloyd was already walking up the stairs. The girl gave one last look before slipping out the door. Lloyd watched as she left before entering the room and slamming the door shut.

"This better be important." Lloyd demanded. Mr. E spoke but it was robotic and did not sound like actual words. Only Lloyd could understand him. "They added more security at the Palace? And the Emperor plans to give a speech?" Lloyd questioned and then sighed. "That's not going to do. They need to ask the ninja for help." Lloyd the for a moment before turning to Mr. E. "See to it personally that more threats are made toward the Royal family. I need to get into the Palace of Secrets or we'll never find that mask." Lloyd instructed. Mr. E nodded and gave a slight bow before leaving the room. "I will get into that Palace whether I'm invited or not."

It had been three days since the Sons of Garmadon had stolen the Mask of Vengeance and their plan to steal the next one would be put into motion today. The second mask, the Mask of Deception was located in the Palace of Secrets. No one had ever been in there except for the Royal family themselves. In order to get this mask, they would need to know exactly where it is inside. Lloyd was hoping the Royal family would ask for the ninja's protection after the first mask was stolen but he'd still heard nothing. So in order to move things along, he asked Hutchins, the Master at Arms and Counsel to the Royal family, to meet him and the ninja at Borg Industries, which was where he was on his way to right now. If they still weren't asked for help then the Sons of Garmadon would have to go in blind. Either way there would be a full on assault on the Palace, it would just be easier if they knew where the mask was being kept.

Lloyd walked through the door and found the rest of the ninja already waiting for him. Their faces lit up when they saw him.

"There he is, about time you showed up." Kai greeted him and pulled him into a half hug. Lloyd put on a smile as they all ran over to him.

"Thanks for meeting me here, guys." Lloyd said. "I know it's been a while since we were all last together."

"Well not all of us," Nya pointed out. "Your mother, have you heard from her?" Lloyd sighed.

"No, not a word since she went looking for Master Wu." He answered. He had to hide the bitterness behind his words. Not only had his mother abandoned him again, but she had done so in order to find his Uncle who was lost to time. It hurt him greatly to know that she much rather find his uncle than his father. "I don't know where she's gone." He lied and shook his head. Lloyd had located his mother a month ago. He someone from the Sons if Garmadon keeping an eye on her. There was a chance he may need her later. "But that doesn't matter. We have a bigger problem on our hands." He reminded them to the reason hae had called them here. Lloyd pulled out his phone and brought up the symbol for the Sons of Garmadon. He turned it so the ninja could see. They all gasped.

"That's your father! But it's him as Lord Garmadon." Cole pointed out. Lloyd nodded.

"After the robbery, I did some digging around to find out who they are." Lloyd started. "They call themselves the Sons of Garmadon and they're a rapidly growing criminal gang. Almost seventy-two hours ago, the Sons of Garmadon stole a mask that was kept here in Borg Industries. It's supposedly a powerful relic." Lloyd explained.

"It's not just a mask or supposedly a relic. It is a powerful Oni mask." A new voice spoke. Lloyd turned and saw Mr. Hutchins approaching the group. "There are only three of them here in Ninjago. Each embodying an Oni warlord."

"Everyone," Lloyd grabbed their attention again. "This is Mr. Hutchins. He is the Master at arms and counsel to the Royal family. I asked him to come here, after I tried to find out more about the mask." The ninja gasped and quietly mumbled about someone from the Palace, royalty or not, standing before them.

"So what's the trouble they can cause with one?" Cole asked, once they had all collected themselves.

"The mask they stole is powerful by itself but nowhere near as bad as the other two." Hutchins explained. Lloyd knew everything that he was saying, he had done his own research over the past few years. However he didn't like that the ninja were learning so much about the masks. He hadn't expected Hutchins to provide this much information about them. As long as he didn't say what putting all three masks together would do, his plan would be fine. They didn't need to know that

"Let me guess, something very bad will happen if all three are reunited." Jay asked. Lloyd wanted to groan in annoyance, of course one of them would ask that.

"I, myself, am not sure what will happen if the masks reunited but I do know that whoever wields all three will have immense power." Hutchins admitted. Kai stepped forward.

"That's all I need to hear to know that we can't let the Sons of Garmadon get the other two masks." He stated and the others nodded in agreement.

"Well then you should know that hidden in the Palace is one of the Oni masks, the Mask of Deception to be precise." Hutchins informed them. "The Emperor will be delivering a public speech but I fear the Sons of Garmadon will take that as an opportunity to steal the mask. We could use the protection of the Ninja." Lloyd had to hide his smile. His plan was once again making progress, he may not have been invited into the Palace yet, but he was one step closer. "All you have to do is keep your presence unknown."

"We are ninja, after all." Nya pointed out. "Consider us invisible."

"We'll be there." Lloyd confirmed to Mr. Hutchins. This was the chance Lloyd needed to get into the Palace. He hadn't been invited in to it yet but if things went well during the speech then there was a chance.

The ninja had gotten into their positions for the speech. Nya remained amongst the crowd in civilian attire, while the boys were scattered around in the shadows. So far nothing had seemed out of the ordinary, well to at least five of the ninja. Lloyd knew otherwise. Somewhere in the crowd was a member of the Sons of Garmadon, all they had to do was cause a scene. The plan was rushed and there was no telling if it would work but he was desperate to get into the Palace of Secrets.

The Previous Night, In the Sons of Garmadon's Hideout…

"Quiet One, how do you plan on getting into the Palace?" Ultraviolet questioned as she paced back and forth in front Lloyd. "You know you have my faith but you've simply been invited to be a protection detail, outside the Palace might I add." She said. Lloyd shot her a look.

"I'm very aware," He snapped. "Which is why I've come up with a plan." Lloyd assured her. "You're right I haven't been invited into the Palace but what better way to be invited than by saving the Royal family from a supposed attack."

"I'm listening." She said as she twirled her knife. Lloyd sat forward in his chair.

"Pick out whoever you think can hide in the crowd during the speech," Lloyd began to explain. "Towards the end of the speech, tell them to set off anything that would mimic the sound of an attack and to leave the symbol of the Sons of Garmadon." Ultraviolet nodded. "They have to take it as warning from us that we're watching and we know they have the mask."

"Say this plan works, how does that mean you'll get invited in?" She continued to question him. If she hadn't dedicated the last few years to his service, this conversation would ending very differently because of all her questions.

"I've heard word that a certain Jade Princess has crush on the Green Ninja, why wouldn't she want to invite him in after he saves her life." Lloyd smiled and leaned back in his chair smugly.

"Fair point," Ultraviolet agreed. "I'll make sure everything is ready for tomorrow."

"Good. Don't let me down."

Present time…

Lloyd stood off to the side, behind a pillar. He was somewhat close to the Royal Family but far enough away that they wouldn't notice him. Or so he thought, he happened to see that the Princess was looking directly in his direction, whether she could actually see him or not was a mystery to him. She smiled at him so he guessed she must've seen him. He looked away and hid himself behind the pillar better. The ninja, however, believed it was the other way around, that he was staring at her.

"I think Lloyd has an eye for the Princess." Kai commented over the comms, which grabbed Lloyd's attention. Lloyd rolled his eyes, he didn't have an eye for anyone. He had more important things to deal with.

"You do remember I can hear you, right?" Lloyd asked them. "Let's just focus on our job and less on who's looking at who. Keep your eyes peeled, look for anything out of the ordinary." Lloyd reminded them. He pretended to look around just as the Emperor was finishing up his speech. He had half expected the fake attack to happen by now. If Ultraviolet had let him down, there were going to be serious consequences whether or not he'd blame her would be decided later. People began to cheer signaling the end of the speech. She had never let him down in the past so for her to do so for something like this was surprising. But that's when he saw it and relief flooded through him. A balloon rose up with the symbol for the Sons of Garmadon. "I see something!" Lloyd exclaimed and just as he did, there were several popping noises. The crowd erupted in screams and the people began to run around frantically. Lloyd took this moment to run to the Royal Family and shield them from the "attack".

"Its safe." Nya called over the comms. "Just some firecrackers." She confirmed that there was no real threat. Hutchins escorted the Royal Family back behind the door before turning to Lloyd.

"You and your friends did well protecting the Royal Family, they express their gratitude." He thanked them. "They have also invited you to be their guests inside the Palace." Hutchins then informed them. Next step of the mission; get inside the Palace was a success. Lloyd was one step closer to the second mask. One step closer to his father.

"Are you sure they meant us?" Jay asked. "Because I mean nobody gets invited into the Palace." Lloyd stepped in front of him.

"We'd be honored." Lloyd quickly said. He wasn't going to allow any of them to mess this up. He wouldn't get a second chance to get into the Palace, this was his one shot.

Hutchins led them through the Palaxe tocthe throne. He explained things here and there about the Palace itself. Nya was least impressed of them all. The others were star struck just being inside. Hutchins opened a grand door, leading the ninja inside.

"I present to you the Emperor and Empress of Ninjago and their daughter The Jade Princess, Harumi." He finished and bowed to them. He continued to lead the ninja forward to a certain point. Once they stopped each of them bowed, though Lloyd had to give Nya a nudge in order to get her to bow.

"We are honored to meet you." The Emperor began.

"Please, the honor is ours." Lloyd stated. The Princess stepped forward towards them, a smile present on her face.

"I have read so much about your adventures, I have no doubt, that you will all become legends." She complimented them and walked over to Kai. One by one she expressed how she saw each of them. Nya received the best compliment, she seemed to be the Princess' hero. Then she finally reached Lloyd. "And Lloyd, the Green Ninja, the most powerful protector of Ninjago." Lloyd bowed to her.

"Thank you for inviting us into the Palace." Lloyd said to the Emperor.

"It was actually our daughter who did, she believes we will be safer with you here until the threat is over." The Emperor explained. "As long as we possess an Oni mask we fear that our lives may be in danger."

"We will stay as long as you need us too." Lloyd responded with another bow. The Princess smiled with relief.

"Then Mr. Hutchins will show you the Palace and where you will be staying." She informed them. "We are very greatful you've agreed to stay."

Hutchins gave the ninja a tour of the Palace or at least of what he could show them. Lloyd was trailing behind the others as Mr. Hutchins explained the rules of being the Palace, though he didn't really care to listen. He was more focused on finding any and all access points in the Palace. Lloyd wanted a backup plan incase things went haywire and he had to steal the mask himself. There were several high windows he could definitely use to escape though hehoped everything would go according to the plan this time and he wouldn't need to improvise.

"Psst, Lloyd." Nya whispered to him, he nodded to her. "I get the feeling this guy is hiding something. Please tell me you feel it too."

"He definitely is." Lloyd agreed. And he was being serious, right from the start, something felt off about Hutchins. "We should keep an eye on him." Lloyd cautioned her. Though that was more to protect himself because Hutchins was no Son of Garmadon but whatever he was up to, Lloyd didn't need him interfering with his own plans. They both ran to catch up with the others.

"And finally the reason you are in the first place," Hutchins gestured to a mask behind glass. "The Mask of Deception." Lloyd pretty much had to stop himself from running to the mask right then and there. To be this close to it and not be able to do anything was practically torture. He took a deep breath and reminded himself that it would soon be in his possession, it was only a matter of time. He would, however have to wait until later to put the tracker on it. He may know where it is but that wouldn't do any good for those on the outside.

"What was the name of the one at Borg Industries?" Nya asked.

"The Mask of Vengeance." Hutchins answered.

"So if Borg had one, and the Royal family has one, then who has the third?" Cole asked. Good question, Lloyd thought. The Sons of Garmadon had still not located it. Well that wasn't entirely true. They knew the general area of where to look but it was extremely dangerous.

"No one knows where the Mask of Hatred is." Zane answered. "Though I doubt that will stop the Sons of Garmadon from trying to find it." Zane was right about that but it wasn't like he could tell him that. Lloyd began to look around the room. He noticed the cameras all looking at the mask, which meant he could not steal the mask without revealing that he was with the Sons of Garmadon, he would have to trust Mr. E to do it. Though he had no problem with that. As he was looking around, he saw an open door nearby. After he made sure Hutchins wasn't looking he snuck away from the group. Taking a quick peek inside, he realized it was the Princess' room. She noticed him in her mirror and gave him a quick smile before looking away, while hiding the fact that she was blushing. Lloyd wanted to roll his eyes but didn't and simply walked back over to the group.

"I expect you to keep eyes on the mask at all times." Hutchins commented, looking between all of them.

"Don't worry, we won't let the mask out of our sight." Lloyd assured him and the others nodded. "It's safe under our protection."

"Very well I'll leave you to it then." Hutchins said and walked away.

"Alright, team, listen up." Lloyd started. "We're going to need eyes everywhere, not just on the mask. Two or three of us need to be outside while the others stay in here and guard the mask." Lloyd explained. "Any volunteers?"

"I'll go outside." Nya answered.

"Me too." Kai said. Lloyd nodded.

"Alright the rest of us will stay here." Lloyd stated. "Remember to stay hidden out there." He reminded Nya and Kai. They gave him a thumbs up as they walked away.

Jay, Cole and Zayn had gone to check out the buffet, leaving Lloyd alone with the mask. This was his only opportunity to put the tracker on it. He circled around behind it and placed the tracker out of view of the cameras and activated it. After that he pressed a button on a hidden device located on his wrist, alerting Mr. E that the tracker had been activated. Soon the Mask of Deception would be his and he would no longer have to look at it behind glass. Once this mask was secure, he could devote his attention to finding the third and final mask.

The sound of something shattering pulled his attention away from the mask though. He walked over to the Princess' room. Maybe she had knocked something over.

"Princess?" He called out before entering the dark room. She was nowhere to be found but the room was a mess. He ran over to the window which was slightly ajar. Lloyd looked around for the any sign of the Princess. He then spotted someone running across the roofs carrying a bad. He knew he'd have to go after the intruder so he jumped off the balcony and ran after them. As he got closer though the intruder seemed to notice they were being followed. They stopped and looked around giving Lloyd a clear view of who they were. To his surprise it was the Princess. "Sneaking out, huh? I wonder where she's going." He mumbled to himself.

He continued to follow after her, keeping his distance. Lloyd would have to make sure she stayed safe especially if he wanted to stay in the Palace. As they kept going, the Princess paused and adjusted the bag she was carrying. It was in that moment that someone attacked her. The Princess let out a scream as she was knocked over. Lloyd wasted no time in rushing to her side. He pulled the attacker off the Princess and threw them against the wall.

"If it's her you're after, then you're going to have to go through me first." Lloyd stated and kept himself between the Princess and attacker. He waited to see if they would make the first move and they did. He was able to counter every punch and kick they threw, he even got a few hits in himself. But then he was caught off guard when he saw the symbol on the attacker's back. They belonged to the…

Sons of Garmadon.

That was all the attacker needed to kick Lloyd. This caused him to stumble backwards and fall off the roof. He reached out for the ledge but missed it. He was falling to his death.

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