Chapter One

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In a more forgotten part of Ninjago, two mysterious people were in a room alone. One dressed in red and black and the other dawned a black outfit with a tint of green with a mask. The one dressed in red was standing before the other, awaiting instructions. The one in green sat upon a throne-like seat. The only sound that could be heard was the music from the other room.

"All the ninja, except one are out of town and won't return unless called upon." The one in green informed the other. "This is the perfect opportunity for us to seize the Mask of Vengeance." The one in red said nothing as the green one stood and started to pace. "I discovered its whereabouts while doing some research on the masks themselves. It's located on the top floor of Borg Industries." He continued to explain then stopped, turning to face Red. "But that shouldn't be a problem for you." Red shook his head. "I'll leave the plan to get it up to you. Though I assume you've put together a team like I asked." Green inquired and Red nodded this time and opened the door allowing five more people to enter the room.

"Good. You six are to infiltrate the tower quickly and quietly. Do not set off any alarms." Green stressed the last part. "Do I make myself clear?" He asked sternly. They all nodded. "Should you fail that one part, the Green Ninja will show up and try to stop you, do not let him." He demanded. One of the five snickered and in an instance a blade was at their throat. Green stared down the one who laughed. "If you think this is a joke, I will not hesitate to remove you from this team permanently." He warned.

"He's just one ninja." One muttered and the sword switched to his throat.

"You think you are better than the Green Ninja?" Green retorted and then laughed. "You are not. Just because there are six of you and one of him does not mean you will win." Green sheathed his sword and backed away. "If you do fail, don't return to the Sons of Garmadon. For what I will do to you will be much worse than fleeing like a coward." The six nodded, most too scared to even speak. Green waved his hand and the five additional members left the room. Green peered out the window at the city. "Go now," He ordered Red. "You'll have a perfect distraction," He smirked. "For the celebrations are about to begin."

It was a night of joy for Ninjago. The streets were filled everywhere with people cheering and dancing. It was also the perfect cover for six masked people to use. They began to navigate their way across the roofs of buildings until Borg Industries was in sight. They would have to get closer but they could at least see the building now. The six continued climbing up buildings until they reached a highway. One by one they hurried across it, jumping to the building closest to it. This was the perfect place for the grappling hook. The one in green aimed it as best as he could for the floor they needed.

Once it was secure they climbed the rope up to Borg Industries. The one in green approached the window, peeking inside to make sure it was indeed the right floor and that there were no security guards. He knew what fate awaited them all should they screw this up. He pulled out his swords and cut the glass. Two of the others caught the glass and lowered it carefully, not making a sound. The green one kept watch as the others entered first. What he didn't know was, not too far away someone was keeping watch on them. The one watching them had a perfect view of Borg Industries. The one green entered and they each began looking for the mask. There were many masks in the room but none matched the description of the one they needed. All six gathered, having had no luck. The green one then got an idea and pushed the others out of his way. He made his way over to a picture of Mr. Borg, pulling out his swords again, he sliced it up revealing the mask behind it. Part one of the mission, finding the mask was a success. Getting it back to the boss was next. One of the others, who was dressed in gray, went to reach for it but the green one stopped them, revealing the lasers. Ever so carefully the green one used his swords to block the lasers and retrieved the mask. They silently celebrated, the mission had gone well. Or so they thought because at that same moment, the one in gray removed green's swords, setting off the alarm. One by one the windows started to get blocked off. Green grabbed his swords from Gray and they all ran for the window with the opening. They went for the rope to make a quick escape when a green glow caught their attention.

Lloyd sat atop a building enjoying the nice night air. He had insisted to Pixal on waiting outside in case something were to happen rather than being stuck indoors. Nothing had happened that the police couldn't handle on their own. Lloyd honestly wanted something or anything to happen that would require his help. The one thing he didn't want to hear was that he was needed at Borg Industries. As long as it was anywhere but there he would be satisfied. But no, things were quiet in the city or at least crime was quiet because everyone was too busy celebrating. Lloyd didn't mind partly because it did allow for him to brainstorm on how to proceed with his plan but that could only entertain him for so long. While sitting on top of the building though, he had a clear view of Borg Industries. He watched the team enter the building, without causing any problems. He had yet to see them come out though which worried him.

"Master Lloyd?" Pixal spoke suddenly. Lloyd pulled his attention away from the building.

"Yeah, Pixal?" He answered.

"An alarm has sounded at Borg Industries, the cameras show there are six intruders." Lloyd internally groaned. Speak of the devil. Of course an alarm went off at Borg Industries because nothing ever goes to plan, he thought. He knew something wasn't right when they didn't come back out as quickly.

"Thanks, Pix, heading there now." He replied and looked at the building next to him with a sigh. Lloyd knew he shouldn't have trusted those six to pull this off without messing up somehow. He jumped across the gap and used Spinjitzu to safely land on the balcony. As he did the team was catching their breath. From looks of it they had just barely made it. He knocked one of them out immediately. "If I didn't know any better I'd guess you guys were ninja." He mocked. He was beyond pissed at them for setting an alarm off. The five remaining intruders got into fighting stances. Lloyd was ready to see just how well this team could fight, whether or not they were worthy to stay in the Sons of Garmadon. One by one they each tried to attack him but he was able to strike them down before they could even land a hit. Maybe if they stopped attacking him one at a time they would actually stand a winning chance. He looked around at the four he knocked out, disappointingly, they were way too easy to take down. Lloyd watched as the one in green and another in gray, escaped down the grappling hook with the mask. Four down, two left. He grabbed hold of the rope and went after them. He almost reached the end of it but before he or the gray one made it, the green one cut the rope. Lloyd held on but the other didn't. He rolled his eyes and swung over, catching the thief before placing him on the ground. If he weren't dressed as the Green Ninja right now, he might've just let that one fall. Five down, one left. The one in green hopped on a motorcycle and took off down the street. "Pixal, if you could send my car my way that would be great!" Lloyd requested over the comms as he let go of the rope and began to plummet towards the city street.

"Understood." She responded. The ground grew closer and closer but Lloyd remained calm. Right on cue at the very last moment his car was there and he landed in the driver's seat.

"Perfect timing as always, Pix." He complimented her, before driving after the one in green who had now become the one in red. He had switched his green clothes for red ones apparently. "Who am I up against?" Lloyd asked Pixal. He needed to make sure she didn't recognize the one he was chasing, not that she should be able to. As far as anyone was concerned he didn't exist until a year ago. But if she found any information on him, it would jeopardize the mission.

"I can find no record of the person you are chasing." She informed him. Lloyd sighed with relief but didn't let her hear it. Perfect.

"Well whoever they are, they're good." He lied and continued after them. The chase led to an empty street and just as Lloyd pulled up next to the one in red, he slammed on his breaks. Lloyd followed suit and turned his car around. A moment of nothing went by as they stared at one another. Then they both charged. The one in red hit a switch on his motorcycle that allowed him to launch himself over Lloyd, who then hit the brakes on his car again. Lloyd jumped out his car and ran over to the edge of the street just to see the one in red pull a parachute. The parachute had Garmadon's face and the name 'Sons of Garmadon' written on it. Lloyd smirked, the one in red had pulled the mission off all on his own. He landed in a boat and looked up at Lloyd, who gave him the smallest nod ever. The mission was a success and he was happy. The Mask of Vengeance was now Lloyd's, with only two left to obtain.

"Master Lloyd?" Pixal called over the comms. "Can you hear me?" She worriedly asked. Pixal must've been speaking to him and he hadn't heard her. He was too caught up in the moment, that his goal was one step closer to being complete.

"Yes sorry Pix, I can hear you." Lloyd eventually responded.

"Are you alright?" She asked with concern.

"I'm fine, but contact the others, tell them to return as soon as they can. We may have a new threat on our hands." He instructed, nicely. Lloyd was disappointed that the Sons of Garmadon would be known now, he had hoped to lay low a little longer. It would make getting the second mask a little more difficult but not impossible.

Lloyd returned to his and the ninja's shared apartment in the city. He went straight to his room and switched from his ninja gi to something more comfortable. He had told Pixal he was turning in for the night and to wake him if there was an emergency. So for the rest of the night he was alone. Lloyd was relieved the mission had been a success. If it had not, the mask would be confiscated and locked up somewhere else, delaying their goal. Lloyd moved over to the balcony and overlooked the city. Soon Ninjago would get what it deserved. Lloyd had done so much for Ninjago and received nothing but pain in return. It almost made him want to reveal his identity to the city sooner so they would know that their beloved Green Ninja had betrayed them, but he couldn't or it would just make the mission that much harder.

Sure it wouldn't be impossible but then there would be those trying to stop him, like the ninja. Lloyd believed his father should've taken over the city years ago and he would've, had it not been for the Overlord. Deep down Lloyd knew he wouldn't have fought his father if that were the case. Though that doesn't matter now because it won't be much longer until he can finally have the happy family he deserved. Whether or not his mother would be welcome back in to the family was still undecided. Lloyd had not forgiven her for abandoning him and he didn't think he ever would. He guessed it would depend on what his father wanted, though he had feeling his father would not care for his mother.

With a sigh Lloyd jumped over the balcony side and made his way down. The Sons of Garmadon would be expecting him to come see the mask, or at least two of them would be waiting for him. He pulled out a box he had hidden behind a dumpster which contained a mask and an outfit of black with a hint of green. He made sure no one was around as he changed into the outfit. It was a long black coat with a hood that hung over his black and green shirt. The mask was white and was the shape of a dragon's mouth, though it only covered half his face, allowing his eyes to show. Lloyd pulled the hood on and stuffed his normal clothes into the box, hiding it again. For the final touch, he closed his eyes and focused, when he reopened them, they were a bright red, rather than his normal green. Then he made his way through the alleyways.

As he approached the Sons of Garmadon's temporary hangout, which happened to be a karaoke bar, many of the members hanging outside instantly recognized his mask and got out of the way. It wasn't everyday that the Sons of Garmadon would see their leader. Some uttered greetings and welcome backs, but Lloyd paid no attention to them. All he wanted was to see the mask. Once he saw it with his own eyes and held it, he would feel like they were truly making progress. Lloyd walked through the door and everyone turned to look at him, they grew silent. Ultraviolet, one of the three who were allowed to actually speak with him walked over.

"Quiet One, Mr. E has returned, he's waiting for you upstairs." She informed him. Lloyd nodded and wasted no time in making his way up the stairs. When he reached the top he could still feel everyone's eyes on him. He turned around and with one look everyone went back to what they were doing. He opened the door and found Mr. E with the mask. Lloyd took his own mask off and set it down. Mr. E handed over the mask to Lloyd without any hesitation. Lloyd couldn't believe the mask was finally his. Close to three years of planning and his hard work was finally paying off. The temptation to put on the mask was great but he rather be surprised in battle with what it can do.

"You did well, though I can't say the same for your team." Lloyd commented to Mr. E without taking his eyes off the mask. He walked over to the back of the room and opened a secret compartment on the wall. He placed the mask inside, not shutting it quite yet. "You're next mission you'll be going on alone since you clearly don't need a team. They seemed to only slow you down." Lloyd turned around to face Mr. E and as he did there was a knock at the door. "Come in." Lloyd called out. He knew it could only be one person. Ultraviolet walked in, she leaned against the door after closing it.

"Quiet One?" She questioned.

"Yes?" Lloyd responded. Once she realized Lloyd wasn't going to lash out, she relaxed a little and walked farther into the room.

"I figured I should let you know that many people downstairs are questioning whether the mission was a success." She warned him. "They don't believe you got the mask, since you sent out a team of six and only one returned." Lloyd hummed in response.

"Well they should have more faith in their leader, unless they'd like to find out what happens when they don't." Lloyd cautioned and turned around, revealing the Mask of Deception to her. She walked over and looked at the mask not daring to touch it.

"I have not lost faith in you, Quiet One, so no need to warn me. I knew your mission would succeed." Ultraviolet tried to assure him.

"Maybe I should give them a reason to keep trusting me." Lloyd spoke. He picked up the mask he wore as the Quiet One. "I'll be out in a minute to remind them why I'm in charge." Ultraviolet just nodded and left the room. She may be crazy but even she knew to stay on Lloyd's good side. Or as good of a side he had. Once he heard the door shut, Lloyd threw his mask and yelled in frustration. Mr. E remained unfazed by his outburst. "How could they be losing faith in me already?" Lloyd exclaimed. "A mission we've been working on for almost three years! They all knew what they'd signed up for." Lloyd continued to rant. "This was going to take time and now that we're finally making progress, they choose to question me?" Lloyd thought for a moment. It had to be just one who was feeding them all these uncertainties. They did not belong with the Sons of Garmadon anymore. He took a deep breath and brought his attention to Mr. E. "Clearly there is someone among us who doesn't deserve to be. If you spot them before I do let me know, otherwise I'll point them out to you." Lloyd informed of his plan. "And you'll get rid of them, however you please." He added with smirk. He then moved to pick up his mask and put it on. Once his mask was secure he picked up the Mask of Vengeance. They both exited the room and Mr. E went to join the crowd, keeping an eye out. Lloyd stood above watching as the other members of the Sons of Garmadon continued to party. He held up a hand and the music stopped. Everyone turned to face him.

"My brothers and sisters, as of tonight we are one step closer to our goal!" He announced and the whole room cheered as he showed them the mask. Lloyd kept his eyes trained on the room looking for the odd one out. He noticed one who happened to look surprised that he had the mask. They had to be the one and by the looks of it Mr. E had noticed too and started to close in on him. "The Mask of Vengeance is ours, leaving only two left to collect! We already know where one of them is and it won't take long to find the last." Lloyd grinned, it seemed whatever uncertainty that was among them had disappeared, if there was even much to begin with. Ultraviolet brought him a drink. He took the drink from her hand and raised it. "Tonight we celebrate and tomorrow the next phase of the plan begins!" As he lowered his drink the music started back up again. Lloyd gave Mr. E a slight nod as he had been waiting for approval. The music was loud enough that no one could hear the muffled screams as Mr. E dragged the person out, not that anyone would have intervened. Lloyd could've made an example out of the guy but he seemed to be the only one, so there was no point. Though depending on what Mr E did, they may all get a wake up call either way. Lloyd returned to his private room and locked the Mask of Vengeance up.

Lloyd didn't care what he would have to do to finish it, but nothing was going to stand in his way to complete the mission.

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