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A/N: I actually thought I wouldn't do ninjago fanfictions again but surprisingly I did! ^^

This time it will be totally different! I have been planning for this fanfic to come out ever since Season 8 ended :D

I'm not going to lie I'm really excited for the one, I've always loved the idea of evil Lloyd. I won't say too much now since I just want to get on with the story. Well anyways let's get on with the prologue!


Once upon a time in a land far away, there lived a little boy and his family. Their story was very much a tragedy from start to finish. It goes like this...

There was a happy family, a mother, a father and a son. This happy family did everything together until one day someone took that from them. The father's brother accused the father of evil, which he was not wrong about. The father was very evil, but neither the son nor the mother minded, for the father had never hurt them. The father and his brother fought and in the end the father was banished to the underworld, never to be seen again. Soon after, the mother brought the son to a boarding school and left him there with no intent of returning. The son, was beyond upset having been abandoned by one parent and having lost the other. A year or so later, he left the boarding school and ran away. He wanted to be evil like his father, because then maybe he'd come back for him. The son at the time didn't understand that his father could not leave the underworld, that he was trapped there. So he did his best to be evil and wreak havoc on Ninjago. But he was just a boy and had no real power. The villagers he had "threatened" laughed at him.

Eventually he was stopped by his Uncle's students, who were ninja. They brought him back to their ship where he stayed only because he believed he'd have a better chance of seeing his father again and he did. But before that could happen, he got himself kidnapped by the serpentine. Weeks went by and after what seemed like eternity for the son, his Uncle and his father, along with the ninja, showed up to rescue him! He was so happy to see his father after years of thinking he never would. His father looked different than he remembered, though he didn't care, he was too happy. However fate seemed to be cruel to the son for after he was rescued and everyone was safe on the ship, he learned of his fate. He was the Green Ninja, destined to fight his father and bring back balance to Ninjago. Just when he'd gotten his father back he lost him again.

So the son began his training, though he hated every minute of it. But who wouldn't hate training to fight their own father? The son continued to live with his Uncle and go on adventures. One of those adventures led to him being aged up to a teenager, that did not sit well with him. Because he aged up it only meant his battle with his father was closer and that his childhood was over. The son, though he hid his true emotions, grew more unhappy with each passing day. He missed out on his childhood, and was forced into a destiny he did not want. He'd lost his father once and now he was going to lose him again. The son did his best continue with the training and tried to think of a way to alter his destiny. One day, while on a mission, the son and the mother were reunited! The mother was overjoyed to see her son but shocked at how much he had grown. The son was quite the opposite. He was not too happy to see his mother, as she had abandoned him. The son would never forgive her for that. He had decided to play nice and showed his mother the same joy she had shown him. The mother decided to stay and help once she learned her son must fight his father. She had been studying the past of Ninjago and knew some useful information on the Green Ninja.

Eventually that fateful day came, the final battle. The son had a plan to join his father and help him take over Ninjago. His father was the only who had never betrayed or abandoned him so why should he have to fight him? But things did not go the son's way when the Overlord possessed his father. That was when he decided he would fight only to save his father or avenge him if was too late. Much to his dismay, the son lost the first fight and thought it was over from there but he gained a second chance. When it came time to fight the Overlord again, he became the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master and unlocked the golden power. With his new power he defeated the Overlord and freed his father from all the evil that was in him. Seeing his father had become good again, the son forgot all his evil intentions that he had. His family was whole again! And someday his heart would be too.

The father and the son spent as much time together as they could. The father helped the son control his ability and taught him how to use it properly. The son could care less for his powers he just loved that his father was back. Though his power attracted the ghost of the Overlord who had somehow survived. He was kidnapped and nearly drained of his golden power. The son managed to escape and regroup with his father and the ninja. He had actually learned to put up with the ninja since his father's return. But unfortunately, he watched one die to stop the Overlord. As a result of the Overlords return, the almost death of his father again and the death of one of the ninja, he gave up his golden power. He didn't need it and it seemed to only bring trouble.

The happy family continued to live together even as the ninja went their separate ways. All was well again. But when the son received word that their fallen ninja was alive, he gathered the others. For the son and other ninja were called upon to join a tournament of elements. The father knew the one holding the tournament and demanded he come too in order to keep his son safe. The tournament ended up being a trap but the son and ninja figured it out soon enough. Everything was going according to plan until it wasn't. There wa a traitor amongst them who warned the man that they knew the truth. The man and his minions running the tournament turned into Anacondrai, using all the elemental master's powers. So the father devised a plan; call upon the true Anacondrai to stop these imposters. But to do that...

A sacrifice would have to be made. Someone would have to be banished to the cursed realm. Someone would have to die.

The father volunteered saying he was the only choice in this case. He helped start this mess it was only fitting he helped to finish it. The son was outraged. How could his father leave him again? He had just gotten him back. The son left to go fight rather than stand and watch his father be sacrificed. But after a moment the son returned and asked that he be the one to read the spell that would banish his father once more. The son and the mother watched as the father was taken from them again. After the fight was won, the son disappeared for a few months. No one knew where he went or what he was doing but no one wanted to ask either.

The son eventually returned but of course a new problem arose. He became possessed by a ghost of one of his Uncle's former students. He understood the anger this ghost felt for he felt the same. He didn't try to fight the ghost majority of the time but he didn't help him either. The son let the ghost use him until the ninja saved him. He knew he'd be forced to fight the ghost now because he was the great and powerful Green Ninja. He had a duty to Ninjago. This ghost summoned the Preeminent which turned out to be the Cursed Realm...where his father was. The son allowed the Preeminent to take him so he could find his father. To say he was filled with joy when he did find him would be an understatement. He promised his father he would get him out of there and the family would be happy together again. The father smiled sadly at the son and told him that whatever happens he will always be with him. The son returned to his realm and fought the ghost that had possessed him. Once he defeated him he was going to stop the Preeminent and save his father. Though things never go to plan for the son. The ghost led the son on a realm hopping trip and trapped him in one before returning to the fight. The son panicked, unable to get back and save his father or know what was happening. He had not even had a chance to tell the ninja about his plan. Eventually a portal opened and he hopped through. When he returned to his own realm his mother hugged him immediately, but he did not hug back. To his horror the Preeminent had been destroyed and his father was gone...this time it was forever.

That day something in the son snapped and he was never the same. For the next two years he put on a smile and helped serve his home without question. But he was numb and empty. So many times he had saved Ninjago but had never received anything in return. There was no mention of his father for the mother, his uncle and the ninja feared they would only upset the son.

And so concluded the story of the happy family...

The father was gone.

The mother had returned.

The son became angry.

That's what happened so far at least, the story has yet to finish. And I should know because I am the son.

Fate will not stand in my way this time, no matter the cost.

A/N: So emo? Sorry, I actually recited this chapter in my mind because it somehow would Lloyd think for me if this wasn't a kids' show, heh. Even my emotions played a part lol XD

I hope you enjoyed the prologue! Bye!

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