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Hello and welcome to another chapter of #MadHouse. Today with lovely Sabertoothless who is my special guest for this fandom. 

As usual, talking about a fandom brings spoilers, consider yourself warned.

And what fandom are we going to talk about today? Yes, I believe the pictures and title gave us away. It's Elementary.


This time let's try something a little bit different. Sabertoothless and I had a very nice conversation about Elementary, and so this time, I decided to treat this chapter as an interview. You can let me know how you like this concept and tell me if you agree or disagree with what you read and of course, you are welcome to share any additional information you think others should absolutely know. 

Rasha: Hello, and welcome, ready?

Sabertoothless: Of course, shoot your questions. I have seen each episode at least three times. I know it all.

Rasha: True fan! Tell what you as a fan liked about the show, your favorite moments, what you expected vs what happened...

Sabertoothless:  Well, I love everything about it^^ When I first saw it, I was like WHAT?? But then after I decided to give it a shot, I quickly fell in love with the show. The characters in particular. Every major role in this show has a terribly difficult background. And that is what makes them so real to me. Sometimes when they do something stupid, I yell at the TV^^ 

Take Sherlock, for example, He is British and lived in London, where he worked as a consultant to Scotland Yard. After the love of his life was murdered, he became drug addicted. The addiction was so bad that his dad (Who he doesn't like by the way) decided he had to go to rehab in New York. After he finished it, he decided to stay there and work with the NYPD(due to more interesting murders) To ensure that he doesn't use drugs again, he got a sober companion. Her name is Dr. Joan Watson. She is a trained surgeon, but after a patient died under her watch she gave it all up to help addicted people. 

After crossing paths with Sherlock (and his work) she decides she wants to be a professional investigator, moves in with him and from that day on, the perfect Dream Team is formed^^


Rasha: Do you feel the show evolves? Meaning usually shows start with episode to episode set up and then get more and more complicated. Do you feel that's what's happened to this show? Or do they keep it simple?

Sabertoothless: On the contrary^^

Rasha: So it gets more complicated as the show progress?

Sabertoothless: Of course like many crime series it follows the same pattern: Every episode is a case to solve. But also it has a huge percentage of background information, and that part increases as the show goes on. Cross-references to other episodes for example.

Rasha: Did you ever wish for the dream team to hook up? Or do you prefer for them to have a platonic relationship?

Sabertoothless: OWO! Never even thought about it that way*_* But no. I just can't imagine that.

Rasha: So they are keeping it nicely romance free and crime focused?

Sabertoothless: I don't think THEY even thought about it as well:)

Rasha: That's cool, romance has a way of ruining a good detective story.

Sabertoothless: Sherlock claims that he is done with love and I can understand it. At the end of the first (or second I think it's the second) season, it turns out that Irene (the woman who died) is not only alive but the head of an international crime organization. That is a punch in the face, isn't it?


Rasha: Totally is. Poor guy. How come she never looked for him?

Sabertoothless: She was never really in love with him. (I think) He was a threat to her work. So she took care of him in the most despicable way imaginable

Rasha: which season is your favorite?

Sabertoothless: I like all of them. But if I had to choose then 2 and 5.

Rasha: Why those two?

Sabertoothless: Because my suspicions were confirmed. BECAUSE I WAS RIGHT. I had a bad feeling about Irene and I had a bad feeling about Shinwell. Turns out, I am right°=° I sometimes hate it to be right.

Rasha: Do you have a favorite episode or a favorite moment?

Sabertoothless: The episodes don't only have a murder case to solve, but usually a more personal thing too, an argument perhaps or something bigger. My favorite moments are those when these little quarries are solved and it's peaceful towards the end. The total opposite to a cliffhanger, you know?

Rasha: I totally get you. I am not a big fan of cliffhangers either. Thank you for spending time with me, talking about this show. It was awesome! Thank you ❤

For the Elementary lovers among you, here's a little quiz.

1. Who does Sherlock see during his hallucinations?

A. His Mother
B. Joan
C. His drug dealer
D. A giant talking turtle 

2. Who DIDN'T fake his or her death? 

A. Irene
B. Mycroft
C. Sherlock
D. Moriarty

3. Which of these is the last name of the man who once showed up at a funeral with a grenade in his hand? 

A. Lestrade
B. Gregson
C. Bell
D. Rankin 

4. Where was the body in season 1 episode 1? 

A. Buried in the garden
B. In a hidden safe room
C. In the bathroom
D. In the kitchen 

5. Sort these people in order of their appearance in the series.

Captain Gregson

6. Who hides behind the name Everyone? And what does Sherlock have to do to get rid of them?

>>No answer here because we are just curious how many people know this without. So, please, if you know the answer, just PM it to me, do not put it in the comment.<<

7. Which illness does Mycroft have?

A. Epilepsy
B. Kidney failure
C. Cancer
D. Leukemia

8. As what does Hannah Gregson work? 

B. Artist
C.Police officer
D. Architect

9. How many episodes does elementary have? 

A. 124
B. 141
C. 185
D. 210

10. What did Sherlock do when he destroyed his violin?

A. He shot it
B. He chopped it with an axe
C. He put it on Fire
D. He put it in a plastic box with wood-eating beetles

11. What is hidden in the beehive on the rooftop? 

A. Letters
B. Drugs
C. A murder weapon
D. A camera 

12. What did Sherlock name after Joan? 

A. A method of deduction
B. A car
C. A bee
D. A lunchbox

13. What is the name of the gang, that first abducted Sherlock and then offered him a job? (In one episode)

B. Mara Tres
D. Bones and Blood

And here's a little something for all of you Elementary enthusiasts.

13 Facts You Didn't Know About Clyde

Fact #1: Clyde is a Horsfield's tortoise (a.k.a. a Russian or Central Asian tortoise).

Fact #2: When a scene demands specific actions and movements, the show uses an animatronic Clyde.

Fact #3: If allowed to burrow outside, the depth of Clyde's hibernation-hole will accurately predict the duration and severity of winter.

Fact #4: Clyde's first appearance was in Elementary Season 1, Episode 12. He was created by former Executive Producer (and now Showrunner of "Limitless") Craig Sweeny for "The Red Team."

Fact #5: DJ Clyde is very picky about what he's willing to play on his turn tables. This turtle prefers to shell-ebrate good times with instrumental electronica.

Fact #6: Clyde gets in shape for undercover missions by doing extra pushups.

Fact #7: Clyde has been known to spend hours staring at paintings in search of deeper meaning.

Fact #8: Clyde was originally cast in a recreation of a hit TV show involving crime-fighting turtles, but scheduling conflicts forced him to bow out.

Fact #9: Clyde is actually played by two different tortoises.

Fact #10: Clyde dedicates himself to the raw food movement.

Fact #11: After his first payday, Clyde splurged on some fancy new digs. Everyone deserves to treat themselves occasionally, right?

Fact #12: Like rings on a tree, you can tell Clyde's age by simply counting the number of squares on his shell.

Fact #13: Naturally, Clyde's favorite book is "The Tortoise and the Hare."


I hope you all enjoyed Elementary with Sabertoothless. See you next time!

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