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As always, there will be spoilers, you've been warned.

You asked for it, and here it is. Our most favorite brothers in the whole world and their neverending adventure. We watched them become men, we watched them laugh and cry, fight and celebrate, die and come back, change in other being entirely, but they are still here.

For those of you who do not know the show, the story revolves around two brothers, Sam and Dean Winchester as they follow their father's footsteps, hunting down evil supernatural creatures such as monsters, demons, and even fallen gods while trying to save innocent people along the way. Continuing the "family business" after their father's death, the brothers soon discovered that the "hunt" doesn't just involve slashing and hacking monsters and demons but also dealing with more powerful creatures such as angels, reapers, and even Death. (Thank you Tilsen K. from imdb for this lovely summary)

The fourteenth season is almost in the middle... I KNOW! Fourteenth season! How crazy is that? So obviously we are not going to talk about every season and every episode because this chapter would never end. I mean, you are welcome to, but I personally am a big fan of the earlier seasons, the very first one in particular, and then we would end up arguing about which season was the best... oh wait, that could be fun.

What season did you like the most and why?

I'll tell you why I love the first season the most.

First of all, I really like that each episode has its own story which is somehow resolved at the end of the episode. I tend to become addicted to a show very easily and when the episode has an open end, I just have to watch the next one, and then I end up watching till 4 am, then I am tired at work...

Anyway, what I also love is that each and every one of those stories is an urban legend. I would be forever happy if they just send the brothers on a road trip around the world to explore all the urban legends out there, then all the 14 seasons would be my favorites.

And last but not least, the earlier seasons are just more goofy and funny. But that's just my humble opinion.

Do tell if you think differently.


Of course, me liking the first season the best doesn't mean I do not love the rest. The whole series is crowded with kick-ass monsters and all kind of supernatural beings. My most favorite is Death.

Who is yours?

No matter which season we like the most, we all love Sam and Dean right? Since we are without html, I decided I will no longer give you links, but I will put the questions directly in the chapter.

So, how well do you know Sam?

1. Before Joining The Family Business, Sam Studied Where?
A) Stanford University
B) Cambridge University
C) University Of Michigan
D) Harvard University

2. Whose Blood Was Sam Fed As A Baby?
A) Lucifer's
B) Azazel's
C) Alastair's
D) Metatron's

3. What Was The Real Name Of The Werewolf Sam Slept With?
A) Anna
B) Madison
C) Ruby
D) Sarah

4. Who Did Sam Marry In The Episode "Season Seven, Time For A Wedding!"?
A) Sarah
B) Jess
C) Amy
D) Becky

5. Sam's Greatest Fear Is...
A) Clowns
B) Spiders
C) Dogs
D) Kites

6. Which Demon Ability Does Sam Have?
A) Healing
B) Telepathy
C) Time Travel
D) Clairvoyance

7. Crowley's Nickname For Sam Was...
A) Giraffe
B) Squirrel
C) Moose
D) Taiga

8. Who Has Kidnapped Dean To Get To Sam?
A) Lucifer
B) Asmodeus
C) Crowley
D) Gordon

9. How Did Sam Kill Gordon?
A) By Scythe
B) By Razor Wire
C) By Devil's Trap
D) By Demon-Killing Knife

10. Sam Served As A Vessel For Who?
A) Castiel
B) Crowley
C) Lucifer
D) Death

How well do you know Dean?

1. Dean Is Allergic To...
A) Dogs
B) Coconut
C) Cats
D) Onion

2. What Make And Model Of Car Does Dean Own?
A) Bentley Mulsanne
B) Chevrolet Impala
C) Bentley Continental
D) Cadillac Ciel

3. Dean's Greatest Fear Is...
A) Flying
B) Driving
C) Cycling
D) Diving

4. Which Historical Figure Has Dean Killed?
A) Adolf Hitler
B) Joseph Stalin
C) Benito Mussolini
D) Mao Zedong

5. What Song Does Dean Sing In Season 4 Episode 6?
A) Survivor - I Can't Hold Back
B) Survivor - Burning Heart
C) Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
D) Survivor - High On You

6. Whose Mark Was Passed To Dean?
A) Lucifer
B) Michael
C) Asmodeus
D) Cain

7. What Was The Name Of The Fallen Angel With Whom Dean Has Made Love?
A) Jo Harvelle
B) Anna Milton
C) Meg Masters
D) Charlie Bradbury

8. By How Many Years Is Dean Older Than Sam?
A) 3
B) 4
C) 5
D) 2

9. Who Makes A Deal With Azazel To Save Dean?
A) Sam
B) Castiel
C) John
D) Mary

10. Who Possessed Dean At The End Of Season 13?
A) Lucifer
B) Crowley
C) Asmodeus
D) Michael

So? How were the tests? Easy? Not so easy?

We'll continue on this fact path. Let's take a look at some of the fun fact that we, superfans, probably know, but it's always fun to read about them. And hey, maybe you learn something new.


Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki have a long history of welcoming newcomers to the show with a proper Supernatural hazing. If you've ever been to a convention or watched a blooper reel, you're well aware of all the shenanigans that go on between them.

Hazing on this show is like a badge of honor - once you've been initiated, it means you're part of the team. Recently, newcomer Alexander Calvert (Jack) has gotten a taste of what life is like on set with this crew. It's likely that's one flip of the coin Collins is happy about.

Bobby Singer

Since we all know just how meta Supernatural can be, it's not hard to imagine that there's a secret meaning behind Bobby Singer's name. Although the character of Bobby is his own entity, he is very much based on someone else closely attached to the show. That would be longtime Supernatural writer, director and executive producer, Robert Singer.

Bobby guided the boys through many seasons of Supernatural, the same way that Robert Singer guided the show itself.

Jansen and Jared are close friends irl

Yes, it's true; Padalecki and Ackles are as close in real life as fans of the show would hope. The two have been married to their significant others for years, but before that, they were indeed roommates.

"The most important thing I've learned from working with Jared is how crucial chemistry is for something to be successful in this industry," Ackles once told . "I think if the two lead actors - whether it's brothers, or a husband and wife - if they don't have chemistry, then it's not going to work. Good friendship and solidarity has been a crucial aspect of our success."

While the roommate life was not long for the pair (both married in 2010), the boys obviously have not skipped a beat through the years. It's nice to know that underneath it all, brotherly love between these two really does exist.

If you thought the real-life friendship between these two couldn't be any more perfect, you would be right. That means you are probably a superfan and know just how many special occasions they have actually shared together since first becoming friends.

Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki have remained so tight they went from being roommates, to groomsmen in each other's weddings. Padalecki said "I Do" in February of 2010 and Ackles was wed several months later, in May of 2010. Both ended up married to former CW actresses.

Dean's iconic leather jacket was stolen

The wardrobe on Supernatural has become a trademark for so many of the show's favorite characters. Early on, things like Dean's leather jacket took on a life of its own, playing an essential part of the Winchester storyline. Dean inherited it from John, turning his staple style into a sentiment of how much he idolized his dad. For the first five seasons, the brown leather jacket (which we first see in the pilot episode) was almost thought of as Dean's superhero attire. Then, in season 6, without even an explanation, the jacket was just gone.

As it turns out, there was a very real reason for this vanishing act. When the cast was in Los Angeles for a photo shoot, their wardrobe was flown over from Vancouver. In the process, a few items were stolen. Among them was Dean's iconic jacket, which was worn in so many memorable scenes.

Who else is missing that old thing? I know I do.

The Supernatural Cast has their own "Harlem Shake" video

Since comedy is their thing, a "Harlem Shake" parody was not too far-fetched for the boys. A year after the viral sensation erupted, Supernatural finally took part in the craze. The idea was reportedly cooked up by Ackles, which, after his "Eye of the Tiger" video, was a welcomed treat. Padalecki initially Tweeted a teaser, leaving fans with bated breath. Once they got clearance from Warner Bros., the dance party was online for all to see. And here it is for you!

Aaaand Eye of the Tiger by Jensen Ackles

Castiel's look is based on a comic book character Constantine

While the khaki trench coat, dark suit, white button-down shirt, and dark tie attire has certainly become synonymous with the character of Castiel, creator Eric Kripke first gave him the look to resemble the DC comic book character of John Constantine. The choice in wardrobe eventually sparked somewhat of a controversy between Supernatural and Hellblazer fans.

When the show Constantine began airing on NBC in 2014, Supernatural fans couldn't help but notice the similarities between the two.

Even though Kripke never kept his inspiration a secret, some viewers hadn't realized the character of John Constantine existed first, so it triggered a slight fandom war.

Although the two shows had other similarities on top of the whole doppelganger thing, they were actually quite different within the genre itself. Unfortunately, there would only be room on TV for one trench coat-wearing demon hunter. Luckily, for Supernatural fans, it would turn out to be Castiel.

Castiel has gone through 3 versions of his trench coat

Yes, just as much as Dean's jacket, Bobby's hat, and the Impala are all inanimate objects fans have grown to love, Castiel's trench coat has become an equally important aspect of the show.

Cas' coat was also stolen during the Supernatural heist, except his was easily replaceable. Over the years, however, Cas has actually gone on to see three completely different trench coats.

The first changeover happened after season 9.

Collins was said to have been tired of wearing the same wardrobe which was what initially prompted the makeover.

The style that followed was a different cut and a shade darker. The third iteration appeared in season 13, and is extremely similar to the first one. Whichever version, that coat has been beaten, shot, bloodied, destroyed, and saved more times than one can count. Luckily, like its owner, it keeps coming back for more.

Who is Clif Kosterman

If you can answer that question then pat yourself on the back for being the ultimate Supernatural fan.

Clif Kosterman is Ackles and Padalecki's longtime bodyguard/driver who has also made appearances as different characters on the show.

Kosterman first played the character of Tiny during season 2, in the episode, "Folsom Prison Blues". It's the one where Sam and Dean orchestrate their own arrest in order to investigate a haunted prison at the behest of John's old Marine buddy, Deacon. While inside, Dean picks a fight with a prisoner named Tiny so that Sam can escape, which inadvertently results in Tiny's death by way of a ghost.

Luckily, that would not be the last we saw of Clif Kosterman. In 2011, he returned to the screen for "The French Mistake" as Sam and Dean's driver in the episode that landed them on the set of the "Supernatural" TV show. He also made an appearance during season 11, as a wrestler named Wrecking Ball Calhoun, in "Beyond the Mat".

Supernatural has produced a couple of bands

Aside from Ackles (who, it's worth noting, not only sings but plays guitar) Supernatural has an extraordinarily high number of cast and crew members who double as extremely talented musicians. Louden Swain, as mentioned above, was first formed in 1997 by God himself, Rob Benedict. In the band's latest album (2017), Jensen is even featured in their song, "Whipping Post".

Saturday Night Special featuring Louden Swain has become a highlight at conventions and often includes a number of SPN favorites. Richard Speight Jr., Mark Sheppard (who plays the drums like nobody's business), Timothy Omundson, Matt Cohen, Ruth Connell, Mark Pellegrino, Kim Rhodes, and (in the past) even Jeffrey Dean Morgan have been known to join in the fun. There's also the Friday Night Karaoke Party for those who like to double up and mix their music with comedy.

If you thought the cast were the only ones who knew how to have a good time in the world of music, you would be missing out on something every superfan should be aware of - The Impalas.

The Impalas are a band made up of the Supernatural crew who are also often joined by, you guessed it, Jensen Ackles. The band features everyone from grips to set dressers. It's headed by co-executive producer Jim Michaels (vocals/guitar) and executive producer Bob Singer (vocals/harp).

Supernatural was supposed to end in season 5

Yes, in a world according to Eric Kripke, Supernatural was set to end in 2010, after only five seasons. As the show's creator, Kripke designed the story arc in such a magnificent way that had it actually wrapped up when it was supposed to, it would have likely concluded with one of the greatest endings the genre had ever seen.

In what would turn out to be a huge surprise for the series' own creator (who didn't even expect the show to make it five years) Supernatural has carried on to see a record-breaking 14 seasons.

Aaaand little bonus for TWD fans among you, John Winchester vs Negan ;)

I hope you had a good time, and see you next time!


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