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"Thank you so much Cam." I grin, sitting down beside Sebastian. I glance around the small apartment and turn to her.

"Are you sure though? I don't want to be a bother." I ask and she shakes her head.

"I'm sure." She grins and sits down beside me. Sebastian stretches out his back and lays down beside her.

"He's a beautiful cat." I complimented and she smiles in thanks.

It's been a few days since the Joker became my patient again. The sessions are going well and he's cooperating. I really think I'm getting through to him.

"So you'll be sleeping in the living room, the couch is a pull out. It's the only other room, your okay with that?" She asks while picking up Sebastian who is a purring mess.

"Yeah! It's fine," I smile at her brightly and she nods slowly. I stretch my neck to see her disappear in her room before slumping back.

I'm grateful for her allowing me in her home. I had been in the motel for apparently too long and I was told to leave. Now I'm living with Camren.

Camren is vary kind, she's also really quiet and keeps to herself more.

I push myself off the couch and pull back the table before setting up the bed. Once it's all set up, I lay down and think about recent events.

A lot had happened in the past months. My parents died, my ex boyfriend cheated on me, I was raped, ended up without a home, and now I'm treating a mental patient with an unhealthy habit of killing people who mistreat me. The worse part is that I can't tell if I'm curing the Joker, or he's making me insane. The sad part is that I don't care.

~Next Day~

"Oh please," I scoff as me and Jason walk down the hall. "There is no way you could do that."

      "Yeah I can!" Jason shoots back and I give him a look. He had just finished telling me how he was going to find a hot rich girl, marry her and then quit working here. 

"Yeah, and I'm going to hook up with the hottest guy in town." I roll my eyes and he looks at me from the corner of his eyes. "Really? Who is it?"

      "I don't know dumb ass!" I slap the back of his head and scoff. "I only know like ten people tops by name and I don't have one night stands."

Jason rubs the back of his head and I laugh as we turn down the hall. My laughter falters as we stop at the hall that leads to the therapy room. We both stop and he turns to me and salute.

    "Good luck with the clown, solider." He grins but he also sounds serious. I roll my eyes. 

"Oh he's not that bad," I laugh and he laughs along. Turning away I spot room 58 and bite my lip. Well, he actually isn't that bad. I walk to the room and nod to the two guards before walking in. They stopped having big security during my sessions when they found that the Joker doesn't have the erg to kill me.

     "Harley!" Joker's voice echoes through the room as the doors shut behind me. I smile at him and walk to my seat. "Good evening Mr J."

The Joker hums as I take a seat and when I look up he has that slacked jaw expression again. I smile and he quickly smiles back.

     "I've missed you Amberly," he smiles at me and I laugh lightly as I turn the pages in my notebook.

"Oh really?" I grin.

        "I prefer the view when your around." He grins at me and that feeling runs through me again as he goes on and growls the last word. "Everything else is ugly, dirty and cocky."

"Well aren't you in a mood?" I suck in a deep breath as he grins at me with a dark look in his eyes. 

      "Hmm," he shrugs, "only because your here."

I look up at him confused. Is he trying to flirt or something?

      "That's a lie and stop that." I laugh awkwardly.

"Stop what?" He looks at me lazily and I roll my eyes.

     "I don't like when your trying to compliment me . . it isn't you." I shrug and he leans forward as a grin spreads across his lips. "Okay."

       "Anyways, let's get this over with. Word association . . death?" I ask and look up at him. He grins.

"Fun." He answers and I find myself grinning despite the terrible answer. There he is.  


       "Really Beth, I'm fine." I sigh Elizabeth's nickname as she sits across from me. She nibbles at her lip, noticeably nervous.

"It's just that . . I know it really hurt you and-" she tries saying and I cut her off.

       "It did." I laugh and she looks down at her lap. "But I'm over it. He's an asshole who thinks with his cock rather then his brain."

"Amber!" Elizabeth gasps and I press my eyebrows together. 

      "What!?" I ask causing my accent to slip out a little.

"We're in a coffee shop!" She hisses and I glance around us. The room is quiet accept for the smooth music and an old couple are looking at me. But they quickly look away when they see my eyes land on them. I drop my hands in my lap. "Sorry."

    "Don't be." She laughs out loud quietly. "You're over Mason, that's all that matters."

I nod and clear my throat before tucking a strand of loose hair from my bun behind my ear. I cross my arms on the table and lean on it. I haven't hung out or really talked to Elizabeth since the club incident. I was mad at her because she didn't help me either, until I realized she probably hadn't heard me. I'm not necessarily close with her because of the fact she just left, but I guess she can't really help me. They probably would of . . done what they did to me to her as well.

     I take a sip of my hot chocolate and glance around the shop. I use to not like coffee, I hated it. But Elizabeth started making me drink it when we were younger and I ended up loving it by the time I turned twenty. Which was five years ago.

Elizabeth continues to talk to me about her job. Explaining the rules and venting about drama. I ended up drowning her out and I glance towards the door when I heard the bell jingle. I hadn't expected who I saw walk in.

     Johnny Frost walked in with a nice suit on. He tugs at his collar and walks to the front before ordering something. I find myself staring at him in almost shock.

"Why are you staring at-" I turn my gaze back to Elizabeth and when she sees him her eyes light up. "Oh! He's cute."

     She winks and I roll my eyes. He is cute, and I'd probably date him, but I get more of a friendship feeling from him. Maybe an older brother feel?

 When he got his coffee he looked like he was just going to leave. But he caught my eyes and stopped in his tracks. he looked conflicted before making his mind and walking to our table. I smile.

    "Hey Frosty." I grin and he raises an eyebrow at me and laughs awkwardly.

"Hello Amberly . . how are you?" He looks genuinely concerned and I smile. Only him, Mason, and the Joker know. "I'm better."

    "Good." He smiles at me and turns to look at Elizabeth who is looking between us suspiciously. I roll my eyes.

"This is Elizabeth," I gesture to my best friend. "Elizabeth, this is Johnny Frost." 

    "Johnny Frost? That sounds familiar." She mumbles but still smiles as he shakes her hand.He shrugs.

"You probably heard it somewhere." He shrugs before looking at me and nodding in acknowledgment. "I'll talk to you another time?"

    "Sure." I smile as he pulls out an almost blank business card. It's white and a number is written down on it and there is a skull with one of those clown hats that stick out in different directions with bells and the face. An image pops in my head and I can't help but remember the day I saw Joker shirtless. On the right side of his chest was the exact same image, but bigger and better designed. 

A shiver runs down my spine and I clear my throat before smiling at Johnny. "I'll talk to you later."

      As Johnny walks out I still have the image in my head. The image of the tattoo's and Joker's chest and torso. I hadn't really comprehended the fact that the Joker actually has a vary attractive body. He's your patient! That doesn't change the fact that he's attractive. But-

"Am?" Elizabeth pulls me out of my thoughts and I quickly clear my throat. "Yeah?"

     "You just zoned out there." She laughs and I smile along with her. But my mind was still on the Joker and that tattoo. Maybe also the rest of him.


    "You look great, don't worry about it." I smile at Cam reassuringly as she stares at herself in the mirror. She sighs loudly before turning to look at me. 

"Why couldn't I have a nicer body." She moans before dropping into the bed. I roll my eyes at her.

    "Get over it Cam, you look amazing and your body rocks." I roll my eyes as she sits up.

"Yeah but it's not what guys like! Why can't I have one like yours!?" She points an accusing finger at me and I give her a look. "Really Cam? Last time I checked, you have the bigger boobs in this relationship."

   "But you have a figure!" She accuses.

"You do too!" I groan and fall back in the bed. There's a buzz heard from the box and she quickly runs to the door. I follow her as she presses the button. "I'm coming."

   She turns to me and smiles as best as she could. "Wish me luck."

"You'll be fine." I grin and give her a quick hug. She tenses up but when I pull away she smiles as best she could. "Thanks."

   She opens the door and I'm about to head to the kitchen for some snacks but she quickly stops, "Oh! I forgot to tell you, someone left a present for you. I put it on your bed."

I give her a confused look as she disappears before I slowly turn to the living room. A present? Who could of possibly gotten me a present. Beth? Jason? Cam?? When I'm in the living room I look at the couch -my bed- and see two things.

    A single black rose is laid down with a note attached to it. Beside it is a small box painted black with a red bow on top. I frown and pick up the rose to read the letter.

   Dear sweet Amberly here are two present. One reminds me of you and the other is long and skinny and easy to take. Your's madly, Mr-

I stare at what it says, my confusion only growing and a feeling of uneasiness. 

   "Mistah J." I whisper out loud and glance down at the flower. How did he even get me this? Is he still in Arkham? Is he out? A million questions run through my mind until my gaze lands on the box. Slowly I reach for it and open the box.

I instantly set it down once seeing what inside. A tiny green snake slithers out and I fall onto the coffee table. How?

   ~Next Day~

"Good morning mistah J." I sigh, walking into the room and brushing a strand of hair back. When I look up he grins at me. I sit down and drop the black rose on the table.

    "Mind telling me how this and a snake ended up on my bed yesterday?" I ask, crossing my arms and leaning back. He smiles.

"That's a secret." He grins and I couldn't help but feel nervous. There is no way he got out just to send me something then went back inside. he has to have people on the outside. But how did he make contact with them?

     Sighing I give him a pointed look. "You do know I have to report this, right?"

"What's stopping you?" He growls low and huskily and I'm at loss for words. Why did I not go to Mrs Allison first? Why did I go to him? Why am I not going to tell anyone?

     "What is your name?" I sigh and he just roll his eyes. I sigh and move onto the next question.

"Okay, what is-" I did the normal procedure of questions. I had eventually reached word association and I was becoming board. Joker answered questions and didn't. Growled like usual and smiles and laughed. 

    "Alright, last one." I turn to a fresh page and write down the word. "love?"

"Madness." He answers and I look up at him, confused. I flip back to his old answer; love. I note this before looking up at him. He is hunched forward and an innocent smile on his face. 

    "Okay. . Well this will be all for-" I trail off when I look at him. He has his chin rested on the table and a strand of hair had fell in between his 'eyebrows'. He has a blank stare and I quickly get up. I glance back at the strand of hair and remember when I wiped off the blood near his lips. Maybe if I just. No. I groan when I realize that I was really tempted.

His eyes are trained on me as I walk around the table and he sits up. I extend my hand and move the hair back. "Sorry," I mumble, "it was annoying me. . OCD." I lie and I know he sees through it.

    A grin spreads across his lips and I'm instantly nervous. He quickly turns in the seat, kicking his leg out and knocking mine from under me. Gasping, I grab the first thing I could.

My hand landing on his shoulder, I fall on his lap rather then over which would have been the case. Slowly I look up, only for my nose to brush with another.

  My mind becomes hazy as I realize the close proximity I had ended up in with my patient. I grip the shoulders of the straight jacket as he turns us in the chair and jerks forward. I quickly moves my hand on the table and I can't breath as he leans closer. 

I couldn't help it. My eyes had shut without my permission and my hand had found it's way to the base of the collar. Slowly I open my eyes to meet blue staring right at me. His eyes are focused on me and when I finally realize what is happening as we get closer, I moved my head to the side and feel his lips graze my cheek. Slowly I slide my head down to his shoulder.

    "I uh-" I begin and hear a low growl emit from his throat. Slowly, I pull back and clear my throat, brushing a strand of hair back. "That will be all for today."

I got up hastily from his lap and grab my things from the table. As I walk quickly to the door he calls out for me.

   "Amberly!" His growl is loud and demanding. I stop and turn my head to look at him.

"You might want to wipe the red of your cheek doll." He smiles proudly and my hand flies to my cheek and I noticed the smeared red lipstick on the corner of his mouth. I quickly pull my hair out of it's bun and leave the room, his satisfied laughter following me.

   The scariest part isn't even the fact I was so close to him. it's the fact that I want it to happen again.

(Shorter chapter then usual but . . . :) ?)

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