"I Never Back Down From A Game Mr J."

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          (Sorry about the late update and that it's shorter the usual)

Five minutes . . . . . ten minutes. Should I go? No.

     Twenty minutes. . . . . . . . . . Thirty. He's going to be mad if I don't go. We almost kissed! That's inappropriate.

Thirty five minutes late. He's probably annoyed by now. I can't keep doing this. Why am I this worried over a patient!?

         I glance at the clock, anxiety getting the best of me. I got up from my chair and grab my things. I'll just make ground rules. I won't walk on his side and I'll keep my distance. No flirting and no getting in each others faces. Not that that should of been a rule before, which it should of been, I just can't get involved with patients.

I leave the office in a heap and make my way up the stairs. What are you doing!? Part of me screams to run away but I ignore it.

         Eventually, room 58 came into view. There is only two guards and when they see me, one walks away. I stop in front of the one guard; Jordan.

"Why'd he go?" I ask although I think I know the answer.

       "Mrs Allison reduced the amount of guards after reading you report." He states and I nod slowly. Before everything went a little downhill I had given a report on how the Joker was doing. Which says that although aggressive he doesn't try to harm other without reason. If you don't give him a reason he won't hurt you.

Clearing my throat, I nod for him to move so I could go in. He doesn't move.

        "It's my session time with him." I explain and he shakes his head.

"No. Your session ended a minute a-" he starts and I roll my eyes.

         "Is he still in the straight jacket?" I ask and he nods slowly. "But-"

"Excuse me." I roll my eyes and bypass him. He doesn't stop me as I walk into the room and shut the door behind me.

         "You're late." Jokers growl echoes through the name and although it sends shivers down my spine I ignore it. I sick in a deep breath and walk to the table, my eyes on my feet.

"I'm sorry Mr J." I clear my throat and sit down, tucking it in. "Today we will be-"

         "Did the stain wash off easily?" He asked and I immediately look up at him through my lashes, eyes connecting. "I heard red is hard to get off."

"Where?" I laugh awkwardly and his eyes darken. I look at my lap and he doesn't answer me. I look up at him and clear my throat. "Look, about our last session-"

         "Hmm," he hums and smiles at me like a child. "I liked that. But-"

"But nothing." I say sternly.

        "Oh? Didn't like it?" He growls and I find my mouth moving before I could comprehend the honest words I was saying.

"No!" I gasp and freeze. I shake my head as he grins at me. "No, I mean. I . . Look. You are my patient and-"

        He growls, almost moaning in annoyance. He drops his head back, stretching out his neck before rolling his head back to face me. His eyes are lidded and he snarls in annoyance, showing off his metal teeth and growls. "Live a little Amberly."

His stare becomes intense and I can't help but want to keep looking. He leans forward in the chair. "You like the adrenaline right? Live on the wild side Harl, almost get caught."

       "On second thoughts." I break the eye contact and stand up. "I actually missed our session."

I leave the room as quickly as I could. The guard watched me and I wanted to scream at the inner conflict I was fighting.


"Come on," Jason muttered out loud and I laugh awkwardly. "I don't need a guy Cam."

         "Fine." He sighs loudly before glancing around the pub. I lean against the counter and glance sideways at him. He isn't giving up that easily. He turns to me quickly. "But-"

"No buts. My last boyfriend cheated on me, I need time." I sigh and take a swig of my drink. Yeah. He cheated, left me to get raped and bruised me. There is also this weird thing going on with the Joker and I don't know how to explain it. 

         "Sorry," Jason smiles awkwardly and I smile back in thanks before taking another swig from my drink. Jason is a bit buzzed, I could tell because he doesn't have that professional hot smart boy persona up. He's laid back and he's talking loudly.

"Don't worry about it." I shrug and take another drink. When the bartender asks if I want another I say no before turning to Jason.

         "Let's play." I grin and she raises an eyebrow, I put. "Come on, I'm board."

"Okay, that's creepy." He laughs choppily and I roll my eyes. "I didn't mean it that way."

       "Fooled me. I swear, you could be an assassin or something." He laughs and I give him a dumb founded look.

"Okay. Okay let me, let me explain. I mean- I. You could do some seduction shit." He butchers his sentence and I give him a weird look. "What!? Weirdos are into that 'play with me' stuff and your pretty good looking."

       "I didn't mean it that way!" I groaned, dropping my head in my hands before looking at him through my fingers.

"I know." He snorts and leans over the table. "But let's play girlfriend." 

      I laugh at the strange way he talks when drunk and turn in my seat to face him.  I glance up at him, biting my lip as I replay his earlier comment. "I'm not 'pretty good looking'."

"Don't turn this conversation into one of those stupid insecure shit. You're pretty sexy Amber, and I'm saying that as your friend. Every guy in here has checked you out." He grins at me before swooping to the side in his chair and pointing an accusing finger at an old man with his wife. "Even him!"

        "Okay," I giggled and grab his arm to pull him in my direction. "Let's play that game Mr. Diva."

"What's the game?" He ask's and leans against the counter. 

       "Uh. . Twenty one questions?" I shrug and he rolls his eyes at me.

"What!?" I ask, the accent slightly showing. He shakes his head and chuckles. "Nothing, let's go. You first."

       "Alright. . Favorite color?" I ask him.

"Boring! But it yellow." He answers with a grin and I laugh. "Okay, favorite. ."

       I raise an eyebrow while grinning. He seemed in thought before he asked his question. "Do you love anyone?"

"No." I laugh and he points and accusing finger. "Bullshit! Everyone loves somethin'."

     "Alright big shot, who do you love?" I grin, leaning forward. This is gunna be juicy.

"Alcohol." He answers seriously and I laugh out loud. He looks offended.

     "Alcohol isn't a person." I laugh and wave off the bartender before he could ask to get Jason another beer. Jason holds up a hand. "Let me explain."

"Please do." I laugh and he grins, adjusting himself before continuing.

      "To love something. To truly love something . . or someone. You have to love and hate it or them. For me, I love alcohol. I like the buzz it gives me but I hate the after effect. "

"Alright there big guy!" I laugh and pulls away the drink. "I don't think anymore of this is a good idea for yuh."

       "Wait, wait, wait. Listen, listen." He leans forward and I snort out loud. "Yeah?"

"I have nothing." He mumbles and I get up. "Know what? I think that's it for tonight."

       "What do you love!? You didn't answer the question! Twenty questions my ass." He mumbles as I wrap his arm around my shoulder. "Heels? I guess."

As we leave the bar there is some guy making out with a girl against the wall. They are obviously grinding against each others pelvis and hands are groping. I was just going to laugh it off, but when I recognized the guy I instantly pulled Jason the other way. 

      "Wait! What are you-" Jason was beginning to say but was cut off.

"Amberly?" Mason's voice bounced off the streets and I was grateful to see a taxi stop in front of us, which is rare. I quickly shove Jason in and follow him. The last thing I see is Jason running for the door.


"You don't know what you want to do?" Cam asks me and I nod slowly. I am still conflicted about my decision of staying permanently as his therapist/psychiatrist or finishing today.

      "Why?" She asks and I bite my lip. It's not like I can tell her the truth.

"I don't know," I shrug. "I just don't think I could get through to him. That I could help him."

      "I think you probably have the best chance actually," Cam laughs and I look at her in confusion. "Why?"

"Well, he kind of has an unhealthy predatory thing going on over you right?" She asks and I look at her in surprise. Predatory!?

      "What are you talking about?" I snap and she bites her lip awkwardly.

"Well, didn't he kill a guy just for. . You know?" She asked and I shake my head although that seemed to be the case. 

    "He also prefers you. He hates everyone else." She shrugs and glances at me sideways as we stop out front of room twenty two.  "Plus."

She turns to look at me. "I think he doesn't like being away from you for too long." 

   Harley Quin. Harley Quin. He said my nickname numerous times during word association. He demanded I come back and that means he was thinking of me, right? No. He's planning something, why would a psychopath give a shit without reason?

"See you later." Cam smiles and stand outside of room twenty two with her name on it.  After I say goodbye. With a sigh, I turn down the hall and keep walking. They decided it would be more convenient for sessions to be moves into offices for the therapist. So in this case, we could have all our files and such with us during a session. We wouldn't have to walk to all sessions and worry about being late. Two guards will be stationed outside of the room. 

     "Room nineteen, room eighteen." I count as I walk further away from Cam's room. I stop outside of room seventeen and with a huff I walk inside. Nygma is sat in the chair opposite of a table in the middle of the room. There are two separate carpets, one on the patients side and one on mind. There are carts full of files that are probably for my patients and in the corner of the large room is a coat hanger. In the middle, centered to allow sunlight to shine over the table like a spotlight, is a window with bars.

"Morning Mr Nygma." I smile and take a seat. He is handcuffed and a small smiles forms on his face.

     "Ms Amberly!" He smiles and I grin back at him as I take a seat.

"I see your in a good mood today?" I ask and he nods happily. I grab the notebook left on the table and flip to the seventy sixth page. All my patients are treated differently then the others in the way I do my session. For Nygma, I gave him a notebook -or diary- to write in it -only at the end of session while cuffed- do I can find out about him. It's really effective. He writes many riddles, his feelings and draws this girl with glasses. 

      There are two riddles, one about love and one about depression. I quickly write down in my own notebook that he could be suffering depression and should be put on meds for it if tested positive. In the middle is a heart with the letter K.K inside. "What does K.K stand for?" I ask.

"Kristen Kringle." He smiles and I nods before writing that down as well. I think there is something in his older notes that says something about that being an ex he has.

     "Why is there a cupcake . . with a bullet inside?" I ask and he smiles as best he could.

"A cupcake is sweet and a bullet id deadly." He answers quietly before quickening the pace. "It's a reference for woman. A beautiful woman is dangerous. A cupcake with bullets."

      I nod slowly before we continue with the session.


     Two minutes. In two minutes, Mrs Allison is going to ask for my answer. Why does she need an answer now? As I descend the stairs I groan in annoyance. Why!?

Mr Joker is manipulating you, say no! I scoff at the thought of me considering to still work with him. I stop in my office and quickly grab a brownie from my bag. I take about and get up to leave. But as I'm about to leave, something red catches my eyes.

     I almost forget to breath when I see the small black present with a red ribbon on my desk.A note is sat in front of it and I can't help but wondering how the Joker was doing this. How does he do that!? If he can get me a present then why hasn't he break out of here.

Grabbing the box, I check for air hole like the other one. I didn't bother to check what was inside, throwing it out instead. But the letter almost taunts me so I pick it up and read. 

     "Here is a present to you my Harley Quinn. It's long and thin but dull and fading, please take this as a symbol of my thanking." I read quietly and glance down at the garbage. Slowly, I place the note down and reach into the garbage that is empty except for the present. once in my hands, I open it up and look inside. 

A tag necklace is laid inside, the ones they give prisoners. I take it in my hand and on one side the name letter J is faintly painted black on it and 'Ha' is scratched on it. 

     I think for a moment as I hear the phone ring, I was late for my session so I leave the room with the tag in hand. I made my decision by the time I got to her office.


I chose to stick with him as my patient. Not because of the stupid tag necklace or what my friends said. I had chosen to just answer quickly and not think about the answer. That answer was the Joker.

     I hate him partially, but I also care about him. I think he's the same way. Maybe he is becoming better? I'm helping him? That, or I might be going insane too. But in the end I don't think I care which answer is correct.

"Good evening Mr J." I grin as I walk into the room. The Joker's frown grows into a smile as he leans forward in the chair of my new therapy room.

      "Come back to play?" he grins and I bite my lip before leaning over the table. Closing my eyes, I feel our noses brush and I can't help the jolting feeling that runs through my body at the close proximity. I open my eyes and sit back reluctantly.

"I never back down from a game Mr J."

        Mr J grins at me and I knew that if I were anyone else I would of changed my mind. But I'm comfortable. This is normal now and I think I like it. I think I like it.

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