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        They're going to kill us.       RUN!         Grab the wheel.       Claw his eyes.     KILL HIM!

I close my eyes, clenching my hands as words spiraled in my head. The metal around my wrists pinch my skin and I open my eyes to look to my left. Batman. He drives in silence and I sigh, dropping my head back.

       "Where are we going? I know we had to of passed the prison." I sigh and am met with silence. We already stopped by the station and I had my first mug shot. I glare at him before sitting up and using the accent as I lean closer. "Hey! Mr! You there?"

"Sit down." He states and shoves me in my seat with his free hand. The side of my body hits the door and I wince as a bright light comes across my features and I see green. It goes away just as fast and I blink. What?

          I glare at Batman. Some gentlemen. Fucking asshole. As I turn away he finally speaks, breaking the silence.

"What is your name?" He asks and I can hear the slight guilt. But I ignore it as he speeds up. "Harley. Harley Quinn."

           "Your real name." He corrects and I glare while sitting up. "I'll tell you mine when you tell me yours Bats."

I slump back in the seat and see him look at me from the corner of my eyes. Dropping my head to the side I clench my jaw. I'm going to prison. No freedom. Away from Joker. Would he get me out? Is he looking for me?

            I feel a familiar feeling wash over me. One I felt a lot before I was J's. Depressed. Unhappy. I don't regret shooting at Bats but I don't want to be locked up forever. Whoopty do, I shot Batman. It's not like they know the other things I've done. Or do they?

We go farther in and I see the prison of Gotham, passing a sign warning people not to take hitch hikers. The building is actually nice for a prison. Could be mistaken for a high class business if it weren't for the tall electric wire fences. The prisoners are outside, both the men's and woman's sides that are divided. I'll only be around woman then.

           As we make it to the road turning into the nice looking prison Batman keeps driving. I quickly look at him in confusion. "You just passed it."

"You aren't going there." Batman tells me and I frown. There is only one other prison in Gotham and that's on the complete other side. The only other place near here is. . .

          "You're taking me to Arkahm. . Aren't you?" I ask plainly. I stare blankly ahead of us. Remembering the cruel treatment towards patients and the therapy. How easy it was for patients to kill other patients. I wish I had told someone about how bad the Asylum is.

"Yes." Batman tells me and I feel him looking at me although both of us face forward. I'm lost. Crazy? Huh. Enough to go in the loony bin. I guess I'm more like Joker then I thought. Joker. . After the incident security would have been improved. Meaning it might be longer and harder then it took for Joker to be broken out. Joker was in there for five months and I'm not even sure Joker will help me out or I'll have to figure it out myself. 

           ~Jason's POV~

"Yeah, she's fine." I sigh and the nurse nods sadly before leaving. I had been visiting Camren last night. She is better physically but not much mentally. She can't stop crying. She'd been captured by the Joker and can't remember anything, he had cut her cheeks and now she has scars in the shape of a smile. To add onto it, Amber is still missing.

           My next patient is wheeled in. Alexandra. A woman who had killed a child, she acts like a kid but she's quite deadly. She always says she never did it but she hasn't been deemed sane. As she is carefully placed in the chair and starts crying I grab the cream that numbs the pain. But as I do so, David walks in with a phone, the intern replacing the one who had been killed by the Joker.

"Mr Jackson?" He asks and I close my eyes, sighing. I don't like last names. There is a reason my first name is on my tag. I turn to him and nod for him to continue.

            "We have a new patient coming in, Mrs Allison is asking for you assistance." He states and I sigh, placing my things down. The woman cries out in joy and I take the phone from him.

"Mrs Allison?" I ask, waving for the nurse to do the procedure. I hate it. Hearing them scream. It's giving me depression, especially ever since Amber had been taken. Everything is going to hell. So I'm looking for a new job.

        "Jason, I- we need you to talk to a new patient who isn't cooperating." She tells me and I frown. "Why?"

I've never been asked to help with patients who don't cooperate. I do therapy, that's it. Alexandra's scream suddenly echoes and I have to close my eyes and try to ignore it.

        "The patient is Dr Quinzel." She speaks through the phone and I freeze. Dr Quinzel. . Amberly is the new patient. Amberly? 

"I'm coming, where is she." I don't waste time. Slamming shut my phone and leaving the room. When the nurse calls for me I ignore it.

       ~Amberly's POV~

I wince when he jerks my arm upwards, causing the cuffs to pinch my wrists. I glare up at him as I am yanked out of the vehicle. But I don't say anything when I look at the building.

      A shiver runs down my spine when I hear a scream from the upper levels. Lights are on in certain rooms and I can see figures of people walking. One in particular being one that was standing completely still while starring out the window.

When I don't move, Batman isn't polite. He tugs me along with no regards and I would have snapped at him is it weren't for that fact I shot at him. I glare. "Why are you taking me here?"

       "You work for Joker." He states bluntly and I look at him confused. Because I 'work' for Joker I'm crazy. I scoff although I'm scared. We pass the doors I had entered before and I faintly remember my first day and how nervous I was. But I push the thought away and wince as I am dragged to the set of doors where they bring in the patients.

As soon as the guards at the doors notice Batman, they stand up straighter until we reach the top. They open the doors and I stare at the floor as he walks me inside and walks to the desk. A larger man I do not recognize is sat calmly at the desk until he spots us. He immediately stumbles over himself, sitting up and making things look neater. 

       "H-hello Batman." He says in almost awe. Awkward and nervous.

"I have a patient." Batman states and raises my arm. I glare at him pointedly and the guard looks at me. He freezes, his mouth opening slightly as if he were about to say something but forgot. i glare. I don't look that bad.

         "Tharinn?" Batman asks in a way that makes it sound almost like a warning. Tharinn jumps and looks at Batman, looking between both of us. "Name?"

"Harley Quinn." I grin sheepishly and Batman glares at me. I honestly can't really take him seriously. He's a grown as man in a bat suit who calls himself 'Batman'.

       The man turns to the computer and starts typing. He frowns, staring at the screen in confusion. "Uh, there is no Harley Quinn's. Only Harleen Mackenzie who is already hear and a previous doctor with the last name Quinzell."

"Awe, that sucks. I was really looking forward to this visit. Can I leave now?" I glare up at Batman. 

        "She attacked me today and works for the Joker." Batman states and that simple and pathetic sentence seemed enough for the guy to let Batman in. Any sarcastic comment or humor leaves my system and I'm enveloped with fear. No, no, no, no.

"New patient?" A man I recognize stands up. He shoves open a door and I'm lost mentally as I'm walked into a room. In the corner is a cage like thing and Thomas points to it. A woman who I do not recognize walks in along with two others. "We'll handle it from here. Just give us the key."

         I'm shoved into the spot and the woman walks to me, un-cuffing before continuing. "Please take off your shoes."

I glare. "No."

          "Ma'am, please don't make this more complicated then needed." She says monotone as Batman walks out. I scoff. "I-"

I don't finish my sentence. Shutting my mouth as she holds up a taser. I kick off my heels and glare. She then crosses her arms. "Strip."

            My eyes widen. "What?"

"Procedures ma'am. You need to change and we need to rid any chances of lice." She tells me and I glance at Thomas who doesn't recognize me at all. They seemed to get the message and the woman rolls her eyes as if I'm being a baby before asking him to turn around.

          I'm conscious as I pull out the ponytail from my half up half down hairdo. I feel my heart beat pick up and as if I'm about to have a panic attack. So I close my eyes and picture anything but the barely lit up dingy cold room I'm in. I reach behind me for the zipper of my dress and remind myself I've changed in front of girls before and that they probably won't look.

"Please hurry ma'am." The lady says and I open my eyes and glare. I unzip the dress and remove my arms from it before letting it drop. I am only in my lace bra and underwear and she gestures for me to continue. I'm extremely uncomfortable but do as told, unclasping my bra and allowing it to drop. Quickly I cover my chest and I notice from the corner of my eyes that one of the woman's eyes are glued on me. She can't be older then twenty and she has her hair pulled back in a bun. Her cheeks are red and when she looks up from my body she meets my eyes. She quickly looks away.

        "Ma'am." The woman says more stern and I bite my lip before  bending down to pull off my underwear. I instantly place a hand to cover myself and I feel eyes all over my body. A shiver runs down my spine and a shot of fear travels through my body. 

"Classy tattoo." The woman comments, looking down at what Joker had permanently scared onto my body. 'Lucky you'.

           "Bite me." I glare and she walks behind a hose. She turns the nob and water shoots out directly. I suck in a deep breath, holding in a small scream when the cold and high pressured water makes contact with my sensitive skin. 

"Turn." The woman demands and my eyes are shut as I quickly turn to face the caged wall. I squeak, pressing my legs together when she sprays me all over. The water then stops and something powdery is thrown on my back. She tells me to turn and I do so, she throws a white powder at me. I have my eyes tightly shut and after what feels like forever I peak. My Brooklyn accent slips out in my exasperation. "Are you just gunna stare?"

            "Two minutes are up." The third woman, looking the oldest states. The first turns the nob and I close my eyes as she sprays me again. My skin is starting to feel numb and she doesn't have to say anything when I turn around again. It stops and I hear heels heading in my direction. "Turn."

It's youngest girl and she has a towel in hand. Her cheeks are rosy red as she begins to quickly dry my skin. I'm instantly uncomfortable and tighten my one arm around my chest. She doesn't touch my hair and the older woman throws a patients dress at me. I hold it to my body, finally having something to cover me up.

              I hadn't realized how fucked up this place is. I don't get a trial. I don't get an interview to find out if I actually ma crazy and they just throw me in because the Batman says so? He's suppose to be a hero? Where's my trial? What is I was perfectly sane?

              There is a knock on the door and when it opened I could hear the screams from further in the asylum. I held the dress closer to my chest and close my eyes as I try to block out the noise. Questions are swarming though my mind and I'm lost. The same questions being repeated in my head. Why is Batman higher then the law? How long will I be here? Will Joker come for me or will I rot in here?

                ~Mrs Allison POV~

I frown deeply, walking through the endless halls. When I turn the corner my eyes land on a familiar tall figure in black. I sigh and walk towards him.

             "Batman." I say out loud and he turns to look at me. I keep the frown present and stop in front of him, crossing my arms. The sound of the water hose going off from the other room telling me the patients is being cleaned.

"Mrs Allison." He nods and I glance towards the door.

             "Who is the patient?" I ask, hoping it's someone worth getting off the streets. I know it's not Joker, I would of been told so and he wouldn't be stupid enough to get caught so soon. Maybe the penguin or possibly Fish.

"She won't reveal her name but she goes by Harley Quinn." He tells me and I cross my arms. Raising an eyebrow for him to continue. "Tonight the Joker attacked Bruce manner. She works for him and I believe he's done something to her."

              "You believe? She might be a criminal but how do you know she's insane?" I ask sternly, fed up. Not all of the Jokers henchmen are crazy. I don't think any of them are. From what I know, they've been thrown in prison if caught. Not my asylum.

"Give it a week. If she isn't crazy then you can throw her in jail and she'll have a trial." He tells me and I sigh, placing a hand to my head. Batman might be a hero but he is not above the law. It's illegal for him to just throw people in here without trial. But we've made a mutual and silent agreement. Neither of us are saying anything. 

                  "Fine." I sigh and drop my hands and wave him off. "You can go now."

I turn towards the door and hear the hose stop. When I look to my right I see Batman is gone. So, being cautious I radio in a few guards to wait outside the door before walking in.

                 ~Amberly's POV~

It is silent until Mrs Allison speaks up, Asking for my name. But I ignore her because something else is jumping in my head. Voices. I clench my hands around the dress, still dripping wet and shivering.

         "Harley?" Mrs Allison asks as the voices bounces around my skull. The other workers are still in the room, including Therinn who is now looking at me. He isn't looking at my face but at the curves the fabric I'm holding isn't covering up. I can feel that one girl still starring as well.

"They aren't stopping." I whisper, lost. 

          "What?" She asks and I close my eyes tightly.     KILL HER! 

"The voices." I whisper and finally look up at her. Something sparks across her eyes, recognition. But she still doesn't know it's me. Maybe it's a feature or my voice that she recognizes.

             "The voices?" She asks. No way of acting like I'm not crazy now. Might as well let them help with these voices. Make them stop. I know what it is but I can't quite pinpoint the source. Is it in my head? But it sounds like it's around me.

Is she the devil? "Are you the devil?" I ask quietly, repeating one voices question. She stares at me shocked and slowly gets up. 

            "Harley?" She asks and the voices keep going.   Does she remember us?       No she doesn't. Cunt.      What happened to the office?  "What happened to my office?" I ask quietly, not really staring at anything.

"Your office?" She asks me and I blink.

         "Yeah . . down the hall from yours. The broom closet." I mumble. Is our name still on it? "Is my name still on it?"

She stares at me and I blink.  She doesn't remember us.  "You don't remember me."

        She grabs her walkie talky and says something I couldn't quite tell she was saying. But I know what she is doing. telling guards to come in outside. The door opens.

THEY'RE GOING TO KILL US!!  I scream, falling back into the chained cage, still nude. I quickly move across it until I'm out and I back up towards the wall and my wet hair sticks to my face. One man makes a move for me and I hadn't realized I'd hit him until he fell to the ground.

        There are eight men I count as I fall against the wall, covering my face as I cry. I don't want them to see me naked. What will they do?    They'll hurt us.     Mr J isn't here to help us.

"Harley?" Mrs Allison asks quietly and I slowly peak through a finger. She stands calmly as I feel like I'm having a panic attack. I don't want to be here. I don't like it here. I want to go back. With Joker. 

        Mrs Allison walks slowly to me and I drop my hands. But when she gets too close I tense up and she halts to a stop. I hug the dress to my chest and my sex although my butt might be exposed. "What is your name?" She asks. I blink.

I stare at her. I really do look different. No one recognizes me. They can see me but they can't tell it's me. If I wanted I could just go by Harley Quinn the rest of my life. If I wanted I could say a random name and they'd probably believe me.

         Dumby.          Hehehe.         She can't see you . . Like you can't see us.     What a surprise.

"Amberly." I whisper, still in awe. "Amberly Harleen Quinzel."

          When I see the look on Mrs Allison's face I can't help but crack up. Funny. She looks so shocked. Why? Everyone is so put off by the simple act of my giggles. Why is something that is a sign of happiness so creepy? How funny.

I roll onto my side against the wall. Playing with my hair. Everyone too nervous to take a step closer as the first man lays un-cautious on the floor. Funny.

           ~Jason's POV~

I don't bother knocking, shoving open the door. The first thing I see is the guards standing back and the Mr's Allison in the middle. She's starring in horror. Her eyes shift to me and a shiver runs down my spine when I hear giggling. It sounds so innocent, like a beautiful woman laughing at a little joke.

           I stop and I can't help but stare. A woman with pale skin like the Joker and wet blonde hair sit's naked on the floor. There are tattoo's, words written on her chest, something small on her cheek and her wrist has red and black diamonds.

Amberly. Her giggles die down but she still smiles at me. Although she looks crazy. Sitting on the floor in a fit of laughter with a man near her feet. It's still her and it's still her smile. It's still Amber. Just different. Maybe even more beautiful then before.

           So I'm not scared when I walk towards her. Even when she tenses up and frowns, pushing herself closer to the wall. "Amberly, it's me. Jason."

She blinks and I walk past the man and make it in front of her. Her fingers slips from her teeth and she stares at me, her body finally not rocking. "I know."

            "We're going to help you, okay?" I say slowly. I'm not horrified like Mrs Allison. I'm sad. I considered. . No, consider Amber my best friend. 

When she starts laughing I'm put off but I push the nerves away. I pull of my coat and when I put it over her she stops and stares with a look of awe. Slowly I gently pull her towards me and she drops into my chest, quickly I wrap the jacket securely around her. I feel like I'm comforting her after Mason all over again. I pull the needle out of my pocket and stick it in her neck.

              She starts laughing like I just told her a really bad joke. She looks up at me, smiling with her lips and I see Amber immediately. Sane. "You're helping me?"

She sounded like a little girl. I nod. "Yes."

              "Well you aren't." She smiles, before slowly resting in my arms, placing her cheek to my chest. "Isn't that funny?"

(Thinking of doing a Q&A chapter. If you have any questions maybe comment them here and I can answer them? Like three or four questions I'll answer each chapter? Or just do one chapter dedicated to that . . I don't know.)

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