Why Would You Pick The Bad Guy?

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I walk down the marble staircase. A pale paint hiding the ink printed on my skin. Johnny is by my side in a nice tailored suit; my brother.

      Oblivious people are walking across the floor and chatting as the music plays softly. I find myself missing the loud music that makes it hard to hear. I don't think I like the sound of chatting as much. I focus my gaze on a woman's bracelet out of boredom.

Blah blah blah          Steal it!          Hehehe        Kill him.

        "Shut up." I hiss, catching Johnny's attention. He places a hand on my shoulder as I close my eyes and try to compose myself.

"Amber? Are you okay?" He whispers and I squeeze my eyes tightly.


"I'm going to get a drink." I mumble, my face placed on his chest, covering the skull jester. My hand is on his stomach as I move my two fingers as if they were a person walking. Slightly entertaining myself.

          "Then go." Jokers deep voice is loud due to the close proximity. I turn my head, resting my chin on his chest and shifting my body so one leg tangles with him. I glare playfully. "Well that is rude."

"Don't make me mad Harl," he growls my nickname's nickname. Although I feel a pinch of nerves due to the light threat I push it away and roll off of him. As I move my legs over the side, blanket held to my chest I hear the sound of him shifting in the bed. I look through my hair at him and see him sitting up against the headboard, he closes his eyes, tilting it back as his green hair is untidy with strands in his face. I smile, a light blush covering my cheeks before I quickly grab his shirt and my lace grey panties from the floor. I pull them on and then after that grab the Arkahm sweatpants from the drawer.

           As I pull them on I can feel Jokers eyes trained on my back. I close my eyes and smile at him before leaving. We'd been in bed since eight and now it's twelve. My body aches in a good way and I'm tired. You would have no idea what six long rounds along with foreplay can do to a girl. To be honest, I never thought I'd have it like that. But Joker had come home pissed after a certain man in a suit spoiled his plans on robbing a bank. He had put out his anger on me, not that I really minded.

I wrap my arms around my chest as I walk into the darkly lit hallway. Soft music is playing downstairs and I hear it along with the soft sound of chatter become louder as I get closer to the stairs. I'm both careful and hesitant as I place my bare foot on the first step, but a voice stopped me.

          It might not be safe down there, they could be dangerous.

"What?" I whisper, whipping my head around only to be meat with nothing.

          There's only men in here. You don't know what they'll do when the boss isn't around.

"Shut up." I hiss. I shut my eyes tightly. The voice is my own.

           Listen to me Amber, it isn't safe here.

"Who are you?" I snap and place my foot away from the step. I look down both hallways.

           I'm you.

I stand in confusion, eyes snapping both ways down the hall.

         My name is Amberly Harleen Quinzell.

My eyes snap to my right where I heard the voice in my ear. It . . sounds like me. But I'm not sure what it means.

         I'm one of the voices. . I'm you. . Just not crazy.

Does that mean I'm not the same? The old me? Not me?

         No.           Hehe.       You're still you, you haven't really changed.      RUN!

I jump, a scream passing through my lips as a scream for me to run ripped loudly at my ears.

        Maybe we're meant for this.              GET OUT!

I scream, falling back as darkness seems to surround me. I hear running and a man running up the stairs.

        We just didn't know it.                   HE'S ATTACKING YOU!

I felt a hand grip each of my shoulders and out of panic I scream. But it dies away as he catches my wrist and tears start streaming down my voices.

          "Are you okay?" A man is crouching in front of me. His hair is black and eyes are dark yet soft and concerned. I stare at him until the people I can't see start talking.

"Make them leave." I whimper.     Let's play a game!        KILL HIM!

          "Leave!" I cry out and I hadn't noticed the other men around me until one of them spoke. Warning the man holding my wrists.

"Brason! Don't touch her!"


"Is she okay?" A deep voice breaks me out of my thoughts and I look up to see a tall man. He has pulled back dark hair and cleanly shaven. He has a nice jawline and a cleft chin.

          "Y-yes." I stammer, composing myself and looking up at him. I smile as best as I can as he looks concerned. I laugh, playing it off. "I'm sorry, I don't do great around a lot of people."

He nods and holds out his hand. "I'm Bruce."

          "I'm A- Andrea." I smile and look back at Johnny. "This is my brother; Christopher."

"Nice to meet you two." He nods at us and I smile at him widely. He chuckles awkwardly and I continue, this might be the guy. Got the first name. What about the last?

          "Do you happen to be the young billionaire? Bruce Wayne?" I ask and he nods. Again awkward at the mentioning of his status. I guess he isn't the stereotypical rich guy.

"Yeah, uh." He looks behind him before turning to me and smiling. "Please excuse me."

         "Oh of course." I smile as he turns and walks away. He walks toward a man. Well, a boy. A teenager, maybe seventeen at most. He has black hair along with tan skin and what looks like blue eyes. It's kind of strange that someone who looks so young is talking to someone who looks like he is in his early thirties. But it doesn't really matter.

I turn away to look at Johnny as the music plays softly. I look around and notice a back room and gesture to it, covering it up by grabbing a glass of wine from a man walking by. Johnny nods and walks away.


"What are you looking for exactly?" I ask as Joker zips up the back of my dress. I stare into the mirror as he places a hand on each shoulder before slowly sliding them down my arms.

          "I'm suspicious . . also." He trails off, running his thumbs up and down. "He's rich and it's a perfect time to wreak havoc."

"And you want me to . ." I trail of and he chuckles. Looking me in the eyes through the mirror.

          "You will be a guest with Johnny." He explains.

"Find the door with anything resembling a bat. When you find it send me a text."


I stare at the door. It has nothing resembling a bat but no one is going inside. As if it is closed off. I watch as Johnny walks casually until reaching the door and trying the handle when he's sure no one important is looking. But when it doesn't work he turns away.

       I feel the slight buzz of my phone in the handbag so I grab it as causally as I can. I check it and see a text message from J; hurry up.

"Excuse me ms." A voice breaks my thoughts and I jump, holding the screen to my chest and finding an older man in my line of view. His hair is gray and he has a tall stature, a growing mustache and beard along with glasses. He wears a black suit and stands tall.

        "Yes?" I smile as best as I can as he holds out arm, a thick Scottish accent passing his lips. "Coat, please?"

"I'm sorry but I'm quite cold." I lie and he nods.

         "Well then. Good-" as the man -who I resume to be the butler- is about to walk away I glance beside me. Johnny is hurrying towards me with his gaze on the old mans pocket. I glance down and notice what looks like the form of a key in his pocket.

"Wait-" I gasp, placing one hand on his shoulder. When he looks I quickly grab the key with my free hand and smile as best I can when it's safely in my hand and laugh. "Actually. Please do take it. It's warm."

          I pull away, tugging off my jacket. As I do so I ask for his name out of both fake politeness and genuine curiosity. He answers me nicely. "Alfed."

"Nice name. I'm Andrea." I smile as Johnny stops beside me. When Alfred leaves with my jacket, Johnny takes my arm like a gentlemen and walks us to a private spot. As he starts talking we both turn to look at the party.

          "So whats happening?" I ask him quietly and my eyes shift towards the door. It opens and I watch as Bruce Wayne walks out along side the teenager. He locks the door and he seems to tell the boy something before walking away to great guests.

"Butlers have keys to everything. One of those has to open up whatever is in that room." He tells me and I hold it in my hand. It's only one key. I raise an eyebrow at him. "There are keys that open everything Amber."

            I nod slowly while shutting my fist around the small key. My gaze wonders to the door. "How are we suppose to get in without calling attention?"

"Faint." He states bluntly and I look at him blankly. He nods to Bruce Wayne and I suck in a deep breath before safely placing the key in the small handbag. As Johnny goes to 'get a bite to eat' I head towards Bruce. When I find him, he is talking to the butler.

           "I must have misplaced it Mr Wayne, we shouldn't worry yet." Alfred tells him calmly although he has a look of worry in his eyes. I sub-cautiously tighten my grip around my bag as I make my way to them. Bruce starts telling him something but quickly shuts up once noticing me. Both straighten up and Alfred speaks. "Ms Andrea."

"Alfred." I breath and glance between the two. "I'm sorry to be a bother but it is hot in here and the only beverages on display is alcohol. Is there some way I could get water?" 

       "Of course. Alfred?" Bruce smiles and gestures to Alfred. Alfred nods, saying he'll get it right away for me before walking away. I turn to Bruce and smile as best as I can. "Sorry for the inconvenient."

"It's fine. We should be serving water." Bruce smiles politely at me. I smile back as best I can and glance around the room. Johnny is watching and I turn back to Bruce as my phone vibrates. When Bruce goes to mention it I close my eyes, 'stumbling' and placing a hand on his shoulder. "I don't feel good."

            "Do-" Bruce tried being a gentlemen by offering assistance. But I notice the man with the tray of wines walking near and I take my chance. "I- I."

I stammer over my words. Walking back and fanning myself as I feel 'sick'. Bruce makes a move to see me but instead I allow myself to fall. The drinks go everywhere and before my head could hit the ground I was caught. I relax my features as I hear gasps around me.

          There is talking that I ignore until I'm picked up. Groaning I lull my head to the side and rest it on a strong shoulder. I try to hold in a grin as he starts walking, asking people to move until I hear a door open and when it closes it is significantly quieter. Except for the classical music playing softly in the background. 

I am then placed down on something soft, in a gentle way. I hear him curse and it sounds so unnatural I couldn't help myself. I press my eyebrows together and smile. "Well that sounded weird."

            "You're awake." He states as I open my eyes slowly. I smile as weakly as I could and glance around the room. An office? Across from us is another couch and in front of the door leading to the part is a marble desk with paperwork. Across from that, blocked by the comfortable couches, is a marble fireplace.

"Where am I?" I pretend to be confused, trying to sit up. He gently places a hand on my arms and lays me down. I make eye contact with him, playing innocent. 

          "You fainted for a moment. Please rest here, I'll be back." He gets up hurriedly and I watch as he walks to the door. He stops and turns to me. "Don't touch anything."

He leaves and as soon as the door shuts I scoff. Hasn't he heard that you shouldn't tell people what to do? Curiosity will make them do it. 

        I sit up, pushing my hair back and kicking off my heels. I stand up and glance around the room. Behind the couch I was in is glass double doors obviously leading to a hallway of the house so I cross that out. I check the desk, moving things and even the book shelf. As I do so my phone vibrates again and I quickly check it. Two messages from J. 

1: Check for bats Harley. Bats.        2: I'm coming in.

      I quickly look around the room. Scanning for anything resembling a bat. Just when I was about to give up I notice the little statues on the fireplace. One resembling a bat. I quickly rush to it and try pulling it but nothing happens. I look around it and notice a little tiny hole near the feet of the statue. So I quickly open my handbag and pull out the key, shoving it in the tiny whole. The head suddenly drops back revealing a red button with a black bat symbol on it. I quickly pull out the key and shut the head when suddenly the door opens. I jump and look to see the teenager and as I was about to say something I spot green. I falter, eyes landing on Joker as he walks in calmly with a machine gun in hand and holds it up. She shoots it and everyone screams.


      I gasp as the dark haired man trying to help me crumples down in pain, gargling as he covers the front of his neck that has been grazed with a bullet. Blood spilling out quickly. 

I gasp, my hands flying up against the wall as I'm finally met with complete silence. The voices are gone, but not for long. I hear the sound of a low growls before my wrist is suddenly grabbed and I'm pulled up and off the floor harshly. I gasp for breath as I'm met with Joker's gray eyes.

      "Mis- mistah J!" I gasp as I see the dangerously angry expression on his face, the clenched metal teeth. But before he could say anything, I broke down. Dropping my head as tears streamed down my face. "They wouldn't leave . . I- I'm scared."

J stared at me, unsure of what to do. He let go of my wrists and I fell into his bare chest. I whimpered, saying things I'm not sure I remember. Just babbling about the voices. Until I heard five gun shots ring through the hall.

      "Look what you made me do Harl." He sighs and I look up from his chest. He shot down all the men who came to my rescue. They wouldn't leave.

"Up." Joker demands as I stare blankly at the lifeless bodies. But i didn't seem to care that Joker didn't understand what I had said. All I did was wrap my arms around his shoulders and jump. He grabbed my thighs and wrapped them around his waist and as he walked back to the bedroom I stared at the dead bodies.


I gasp when I'm grabbed and pulled into a corner of the room. I turn to see the teenager and I look at him with wide eyes. "What are you-"

         "The Joker. Come on." He grabs my arms and drags me through the double doors. I stumble, eyes wide.

"Who are-" I began and he cuts me off. 

       "Dick." He states, kneeling down with me and quickly continuing. "Stay here. Don't come out until I tell you."

He pulls out a key from his pocket, similar to my own and runs into the room. I stare is slight shock and confusion as he leaves back to the room. Who is he? 

       Loud laughter cuts off my thoughts and I watch as he runs out. I roll my eyes, getting up and walking down the hall. Towards the shooting and music. I open the door and the sight is magnificent. Everyone is trembling in fear and Joker is in the middle of it all. A man is on the ground bleeds and Joker swings a gun in his hand until his eyes land on me. He points at me. "You."

I watch quietly as he walks to me, a low chuckle passing his lips. But before he could get to me. to my surprise; Bruce Wayne took a step in front of me. Idiot.

        Joker's smile drops and he glares. But he quickly covers it up, taking a step forward.

"The billionaire Bruce Wayne." Joker comments, strolling around him. But Bruce moves again to block his way. I'm not paying much attention to what they are saying. But Joker taunts him and Bruce talks about how 'justice will prevail' and all that shit.

        "Fine then." Joker says, breaking me from my thoughts. "If the girl want's to leave she can go."

I notice Bruce give him a look that says he doesn't believe him. "But. If she wants to stay. . Well." He trails of, taking some steps back and opening up his arms. 

       "Leave Andrea." Bruce tells me but I don't pay attention. My eyes are for Joker. Bruce looks back at me and stare in confusion at my gaze.

"An-" He began but Joker cuts him off. 

        "Come on baby!" Joker growls and I waste no time. Shoving past Bruce and going straight for Joker. The room is silent as I wrap my arms around his shoulder and kiss him square on the lips. His arms drop to my waist and he groans before pulling away. A smile forms on his lips as he turns to look at Bruce. Jokers arm is securely on my lower waist while he holds the gun loosely.

Everyone watches in confusion and Joker whispers in my ear. "Take that black car and play along."

        He snatches my hand bag and wraps his arm loosely around my neck, gun to my head. "Funny what a little threat can do to a woman."

"Let her go Joker." Bruce demands and Jokers rolls his eyes. "What about . . no?"

        Joker starts walking, pulling me along. He whispers harshly in my ear to play along and I do so. Closing my eyes as if I'm scared and curling my hands into fists. 

"Let her go Joker." Gasps are heard around the room and I almost roll my eyes when I open them. Joker groans in annoyance as a man in a suit stands in red, with a cape, loose shorts and boots. He has on a black mask and I'm not exactly sure who he suppose to be but I know who it is. That Dick guy.

        "I thought you retired." Joker sighs, rolling his eyes. From the corner of my eyes I notice that Bruce is no longer there. Coward.

"Let the girl go." Dick responds and before I could comprehend it something back sliced through the air, passing mine and Joker's cheek. Joker growls and shoves me away. "Looks like Batsy finally decided to visit."

      I'm shoved towards Johnny who drags me away from the center. Now that he has the key he wants me to leave. But he doesn't know where the key hole is. I quickly whisper to Johnny. "There is a bat statue on the fireplace in that room."

Johnny nods and I catch a glimpse of a man in black walking towards Joker. I have a moment of panic is i realize the situation. Batman. My eyes widen but before anything could happen, Joker started laughing and tosses what looks like a bomb in his hand.

      "Just wanted to check out the mansion Batsy." He says while walking. But then he pulls the pin. "But I guess my welcome is over stayed."

Batman moves forward as Joker throws it. But he quickly jump back as a green like smoke starts oozing out of it. "BYE BYE!" Joker waves jokingly and the lights go out. Screams are heard everywhere as laughter starts to erupt through out the room.

       Johnny tugs me through the darkness until a door is opened and we stumble outside. I stumble down the steps. "Wait! What about Joker?"

"He's coming. Get in the car." He nods towards the parked car before separating from people. A crowd of crying woman in scared men rush through the doors and I stumble trying to get to the dark car. A man I recognize from the house stands there impatiently and I start hurrying.

        "Come on!" The guy waves at me to hurry and I stumble towards the door and climb in. Just as I do so Joker strolls out of the house laughing and at a high. He pushes back his hair and goes straight for his noticeable vehicle. His grin only widens when the man in the car I'm in starts the engine. I jump and as Joker is about to get in his car my blood runs cold at what I see walking through the door.

I panic, grabbing a gun from the glove compartment. "I'm going with J." I snap and jump out. The man protests but when he sees I'm not going in he drives away, blocking the Joker from Batman for a split moment. There is still mayhem as people run away and are shot down by Jokers passing cars. Joker was relishing in it and he hadn't even noticed Batman. So as Joker climbs into the car and Batman pulls something out and aims at the car, I don't waste time holding up the gun and pulling the trigger.


"Who is Batman?" I ask, pulling back my dirty blonde hair. Elizabeth glances at me from on my couch, wearing a pair of my pajamas. We were having a sleepover. Mason is working late so he wouldn't be home until much later.

       "Basically the hero. The good guy." She smiles at me. "No one knows who he is. But everyone thinks the Joker does."

"Huh," I hum. Vaguely remembering the green haired man I saw at my work. He scared me and his mumbling of the word pretty sent shivers. 

       "I bet he's hot. The batman." She grins at me and I roll my eyes. "I have a boyfriend."

"Oh no, you're talking about hot guys." She snickers as I sit down beside her. I face her and grin. "Fine. if you had to pick one, then who?"

      "Maybe the Joker, he's fucking sexy and for all I know. Batman is an ogre." She grins at me. "You?"

"The hero obviously. Why would you pick the bad guy?" I roll my eyes at Elizabeth. She always develops mini crushes on people she shouldn't. She sighs. "True."


The Jokers engine revs and he drives away, a maniac laugh following him. I stare in little shock as Batman along with the guy and red stare at me in shock. The butler stands at the doorway.

       I hold up my hands quickly, dropping the gun. I feel instantly depressed when I realized the stake of my decision. I just showed myself as not a victem of the Joker. I shot him. Joker's gone.

"Sorry?" I as lamely. Batman has a hand over his bicep where I shot him but drops it and walks to me. Police sirens sounds and from the corner of my eyes I see Jokers car driving down the hill. 

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