He Missed Her Crazy Love

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The guards were almost surprised when they walked into the now silent cell. They could hear her whimpers and occasional screams all night. But now the room was so quiet they half expected to walk and see her no where in sight. A room only full of air and the contents left behind from the Joker. The asylums hard comforter and scratchy blankets and covers, along with a rag doll kitten that the guards wondered why and where he got it.

When they walked in at first they thought they saw she was dead. Hanging from the covers from her bed. Opting for suicide. But when she moved they knew she was alive.

Some guards in awe except for the oldest and most stern faced as she moved. Her legs wrapped around the blanket in what looked like an uncomfortable position. Her hair falling around her as she reached out her arms.

It took another moment to realize she was humming. A both sad but joyful tune as she played with something in her hand. The kitten stuffy that resembled something more like a rag then a blush animal toy.

"Should we . . ." One guard trails off. Not sure if they should interior the woman in a completely new mood from the night before. Even if she didn't fight, how would they get her down without getting a reaction?

The top guard clears his throat. Walking forward to show his confidence. She's proven herself dangerous but she is still only a small woman. the guard was new and didn't follow the rules given to him. He was too cocky.

"Amberly Quinzell." He states, then clears his throat. She stops humming but she didn't really respond. Only swinging slightly on the tight knots of covers.

"Harley." He corrects himself. She swings a moment before her hands reach up. Pressing against the wall she swings herself up. Almost falling she wraps her legs around the bundles and holds on like a koala, her clumsiness being mistaken for a graceful loop. She rests her cheek against the blanket and smiles, still holding the kitten toy. She lounged like a cat with her legs dangling. She hums, showing she was listening.

"Get down from there." He says sternly and her only reaction is a grin as she swings. He clears his throat. "Please."

She gives him a look, as if teasing before she squealed happily. Untangling herself, she jumps down to the ground and holds the kitten to her chest. "He kept it."

"Come here." He grabs Amberly's arm and she sticks out her tongue at him. "You have a visitor."

Her heart leaped for a second. Before remembering he couldn't visit her. She gives the guard a quizzed look. "Who?"

"Your sister." He answers and Amber stares blankly. Her eyes not quite showing emotions as she didn't know how to feel about it.  But she let them pull her though the halls non the less.

Far from the asylum was a large house. Beautiful, colored a pale white in the moonlight with a beautiful view of Gotham. Not that Gotham could see it unless you really strained your eyes. It was hidden by trees and if you did notice it, all you could see is what looked like a white house. What they couldn't see was the gates surrounding it and how expensive it looked. Large windows, three stories with a pool and hot tub in the back with lights inside. People surrounding it.

But if someone did try to get a closer look of the home they would stumble upon an abandoned fun house. The large signs and litter on the floor. People would get distracted and after wandering inside the walls of that building would run away. Finding the blood and creepy clown faces too much to deal with. They would forget about the house hidden by trees and leave.

Now you might expect that house to run down as well. But it really wasn't. It looked fit for someone who earned plenty of money. A singer, actor, maybe a model or someone who played sports. Perhaps a business person. Maybe the business one is the closest you'd guess. What the owner did was business. If you called killing people, causing havoc, working in the black market and for the mob as a business.

It is the home of the Joker. A home fit for what people would call a gangster or bad guy. He had a reputation. The villain. A person you feared and didn't mess with unless you wanted to die, or were batman.

The Joker has no emotions. Cares for no one. He doesn't care for others feelings or need anybody. At least that's what people think. What he thought or is trying to think.

Joker growls in annoyance. Crossing his arms as he walks around the room. He couldn't stop thinking about her. He wanted her. Needed her. He'd grown so use to her presence and he craved her so much.

He had planned to find her. Deciding to do it but then talking himself out of it. He doesn't need her, right? He's just obsessed and he needs to end that. He even finds himself thinking he should of just left her at the ace chemical to die in the liquid. Why did he have to become obsessive over a woman rather then a gun or knife? It's driving him crazy. Well, more then he already is.

But he doesn't understand the emotion. He doesn't know what it's called. He could only vaguely recall the emotion from when he was a small child but even that wasn't the same. The dreams of her bothered him. It pissed him off to wake up, moved to make sure he had a hold of her bare hips. But only to find the covers and she was no where in sight.

A growl erupted from the Jokers throat as the door creaks open. Without hesitation he shot the man down. He was becoming reckless and the only other emotion that helped was pain. So when he looked up in the mirror, meeting his own crazed eyes and messy hair. Seeing the desperate and necessitous look in his eyes.

He didn't like that one bit. He didn't like seeing the look of need in his eyes. The overwhelming feeling to squeeze her skin and bite her lip, to touch and hold her. So out of anger he lashed out. His fist making contact with the glass. It shatter the pieces falling and as soon as her saw his reflection a second time he did it again. He loved it. The feeling of the shards piercing his fist and making it bleed. The pain distracted him and it felt good. How funny is it that pain can be the one thing to make you feel good?

Placing his strong hands on the dresser with shards scattered all over he breathed heavily. His teeth bared. Maybe he was just sick. Catching a cold and this resulted in him having false needs. Yes. Maybe it was that.

His gaze danced to his uncovered hand. The right hand that was usually covered by a purple glove. At the tattoo he didn't let others see. Not even her.

A small cursive 'A' inked into his ring finger and a cursive H on the finger beside it. If people did see it they might think it was just the usual 'ha' he would write on his body. But he knew the meaning and only he would ever know it. He had done it on impulse.
His eyes were trained on the simple letters, a Q on the opposite side of his finger, under both the A and H. The black ink covered by blood as he felt the craziest he's ever felt. And he hated not knowing why.

             ~Amberly's POV~

My smile only widened as I stared down at the object in my hand. The kitten toy I had given him. I found it on his old bed, placed underneath the pillow. Out of sight from anyone who could see it.

I had wanted to kill myself. Grab that scalpel and stab myself. Opt out. Rid myself of the torture and pain. But his voice had echoed in my had, and it still does now. 'Would you live for me.'

"Yes." I mumble, a small and faint smile appearing on my lips as I play with the kittens arms.

"Amber?" A vaguely familiar voice pulled me out of my thoughts. When I looked up it didn't take me long to recognize who sat in front of me.

About the same height as me, a slightly tanned girl with eyes matching mine. Her dark genetic black hair falling over her shoulder and an almost perfect body they both inherited. Her one arm covered in meaningful tattoos that catered to other parts of her body.

"Michy?" I questioned like a child. Tilting my head to the side. Michy. My oldest sister.

She breathed out. Maybe relieved. Was she scared I had forgotten who she was? I smile at her and when she gives me an almost identical smile back mine only grows larger.

"Are you okay?" She asks as I stare at her. My smile slightly falters and I stare in amazement. No questions of my insanity. Only if I was okay. If I was doing well.

"Fine. . I guess." I mumble, looking down at the kitty. I always told my sister everything. Although we only got really close when she was older. We were close and I hadn't realized I haven't called her since I left with Joker. She must have been worried sick. I leaned over the table slightly and grinned, saying my words sarcastically while moving my finger in a circular motion at the side of my head. I giggled the last word. "You might not believe it, but the people here are crazy."

I sat back, giggling to myself. I picked up the kitty and petted the top of it's head with my index finger. My grin playful.

"What do you have?" She asks, crossing f her arms over the table. I smile against slightly and glanced between her and the raggy toy. I hold it up by the arms, looking at it as I answer her. "A kitty."

My sister laughs and my smile widens. She leans forward and imitates me. "Kitty."

I laugh and we both have a little fit of giggles. Memories of my childhood cat coming to mind. I had called him kitty although he had a name and I was a teenager. And I would always say it in a childish way. We both sat back, relaxed a little bit. She smiles. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I grin and place my chin on the table with a giggle. Still playing with the toy. When I notice a flicker of 'creeper out' in her eyes I sit up. Clearing my throat. "How are you and the hubby?"

"Good." She smiles a little bit. I sit up and she continues. "Really good actually. Kyle is doing good in his classes and work is good. How is-"

She stops for a moment, not sure if she should ask. She knows me and Mason were over. But not about Joker. I smile slightly. "Mr J."

"What does J stand for?" She asks and I tilt my head go the side. she's as oblivious as I was when I got here. Not knowing who the prince clown of crime is. I answer with a smile. "Joker."

Although confusion flickers in her eyes she doesn't ask further question about the strange name. Only sits up straighter and grins at me, like an older sister should when talking about boys with her younger sister. "How did you guys meet?"

"Here." I answer and she frowns in confusion. "Here?"

I him a yes, giddy about being able to her a normal conversation with someone. So I continued. "He was my patient."

The look in her eyes told me she was weirded out by he information. I'm in a relationship with a former patient and now I'm one myself. A patient. So I continue.

"He's really good to me." I smile and she smiles as best she can. Talking carefully and kindly. "Really? What's he like?"

"He can be a little temperamental but who else isn't? He's really over protective too." I grin at her and she nods. "Have you guys...?"

She trails off and my smile widens. A normal conversation. Girls talk. I nod with a grin and she laughs. "Is it good."

I nod. "Really good. ." I trail of and my smile drops. "I think he loves me. Maybe. . He just doesn't understand it but-" I look up and smile faintly. "He loves me better then anyone has. He waited for me to be ready and didn't force anything. I really love him M."

"That's good." She trails off. "As long as he doesn't hurt you I'm happy for you."

I knew she was lying in a way. She was happy for me but I don't think she approves of a sociopath. But then again, she hasn't heard everything about Mr J. Maybe it's better if she doesn't.

"Where is he now?" She asks and I bite my lip. Even if he was coming for me, I can't tell her right? Because then she'll tell a doctor -maybe- and they'll be ready for Joker. So I shrug. "Working."

What does he look like?" She asks and I move the kitty to my lap. Tilting my head to the side and smiling dreamily. "He has beautiful gray eyes. . A strong jaw line and really nice body. Tattoos and slick back green hair."

"Green?" She giggles. I stick out my tongue and continue. "It's strangely vary attractive. Trust me, I tried to convince myself otherwise."

"Huh. He sounds cool. . Do you miss him?" She asks and I'm caught a little off guard. Oh yeah. . He isn't here.

"Yeah." I mumble, tightening my grip on the toy. I pull it closer and Michy bites her lip. "I'm sorry-"

"It's fine." I cut in weakly. I pull my legs up and nibble at my lips. My gaze lands on the raggy kitten and I place it on the table. "I just really miss him."

"Why?" She asks and mom not offended. That question isn't rude, not in a way that she is shocked I would care so much for him. But out of genuine curiosity.

"Because he cares M. The way he holds me and how protective he is. . No ones ever made me feel like I do and he has this way of helping with the voices. This place . . I honestly think it's helping to make my I sanity sky rocket." I tell her and fold my hands on the table. "Just thinking about him and then realizing he isn't here hurts."

"Amber. . Are you okay?" She repeats her earlier question. She reaches out and places a hand over my own. I can't help the emotional build up and I blink away the tears. "If you're curious if I am suicidal. . Don't worry about it."

"I have to worry Am." She tells me and I look up at her. I smile weakly. "You don't have to worry because I promised I would live for him. . I'm not breaking my promise."

She just stared at me. In a shock as I admit that yes, I want to die. But J can't because I made a promise. I'm tired and I don't want to be here.

She changed the subject. To childhood memories and rants about people back home. My first genuine conversation with my sister in a long time. So when she had to leave and gave me a hug I held on tightly. Never wanting to let go. The guards seeing this assumed the worst and barged in. So when I pulled away, holding my hands up in surrender I give my sister a small smile. "I love you."

I was then sent to my room and I found my bed much more comfortable then the last. But once I laid down I realized I didn't fuck up!" A voice yells and I glare at the door. Talking a few steps back my scowl hardens only to weaken to a frown. I lost it, the last thing I had of the Joker, I lost it.

I sigh, sitting on the bed with a pout. My eyes wonder the room as I am engaged by almost complete silence. I tap my fingers against the bed and my gaze shifts around the room as it drags on. I'm board. I almost always have to be moving something, rather it be my eyes, my fingers or my toes. It drives me crazy if I can't move anything.

I sigh, my gaze landing on the barred window. As I sit in silence I finally push myself to get up. Grabbing my sheets I walk to the window and do what I had done the night before. Tying them tightly to the bars.

               -Third Person-

Joker glares at the woman. A frown deeply imprinted on his lips as his business partner flirted shamelessly. Word went around that Joker had been taking in street walkers now. Of course they were false, he took in one woman who most definitely not a street rat. But that didn't stop the rumors from spreading and woman to start wanting to open his legs for him again.

"The deal is done." Joker states with a growl. She took this as an opportunity and leaned in closer as her own henchmen stood outside watching. Joker continues. "You can go now."

"We can go together." She smiles, her light blonde hair falling in her face. Joker had to admit, she was beautiful. But not because of her general appearance. But because it reminded him of Amber. The shape of her face, the pale skin and light hair. But it wasn't exact. The eyes weren't light enough and she wasn't nearly as fair. The woman's tattoos didn't remind him of a rough angel, but more like a prostitute in the way they looked. Her body had no imperfections and her chest and bottom far too large for his liking.

He places his left hand over his mouth and laughs. Squinting his eyes in amusement. The woman bite her lip, aroused and not caring for the passing people who could see it. If she could get the cred the pathetic lunatic in the asylum had then she'd be happy.

But what she didn't realize was that she was testing his patients. The man had no interest on her. Her definition of lust was sexual tension. His was Harley Quin . . or Amberly Quinzell.

So when she crawled on his lap and he dropped his hands he wasn't attracted. She grinned, grinding against him only to receive a death glare that she took a sexual tension.

"Cruela, darling, baby." Joker give her a glass smile and she moans. He continues. "What are you doing?"

"What do you think?" She grins and leans in to whisper in his ears. "Come on Mr J."

Joker froze as she imitated an accent. Terribly but obvious the attempt of what it was suppose to be. Harley's. But that wasn't the only thing. It was the words she whispered. "I'm all yours."

Images flashed across his vision. Bringing him back to the room lit by fire. Amberly on his lap with lustful but somehow innocent eyes. Shaky hands as she whispered in his ear that she was his. With a flash of color he saw her everywhere. Beneath him. Beside him. Moaning. Laughing.

As soon as Cruela's lips made contact with his he growled. He moved his face away and shoved her away from his, causing her to fall into the table. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at her and before her henchmen could do anything his own were on them.

With a growl he pulled her up by the throat. Pulling her up until she was at eye level and Continued with a growl. "I'll fucking kill you next time."

He released her and she dropped to the ground. Gasping for air she placed a hand to her throat. He smiled down at her. "Pleasure doing business with you."

He then walked away, patting the top of her head like a father would to a child. He then walked away. A look of anger on his face as she kept flashing across his eyes.


"What is your name?"  Amber stares back innocently at the new guy. Legs crossed with a look that told him she is 'shy' and 'scared'. His white jacket is on nicely and his name tag flashes the name Glenn. Amber sits back, her fingers playing with her pigtails. "Amberly, but people call me Harley."

"Which do you prefer?" He asks and she tilts her head to the side. She answers. "Harley."

"Okay Harley, I'm Glenn and I'll be your new doc-"

"I know." She smiles at him, giving him false security. She notices that he isn't on guard and seems relaxed. Not realizing what she can and could do. Sitting up Amber leans forward. "You're handsome doc."

Clearing his throat awkwardly with a blush forming on his cheeks, Amber smiles. Placing her chin on the table she drops her head to the side and giggles quietly. She smile at him. "You must have a lot of friends."

He chuckles and she instantly know he's a rookie. So she gives him a pout and a defensive tone. "What?"

"I have no friends." He scratches the back of his head awkwardly. She give him a flirtatious smile and reaches over the table, placing her hand over his own. "I can be your friend."

The door is shoved open and Amberly jumps back. Placing an innocent smile on her face. The doctor was a blubbering mess and Jason ignored it. Turning to the doctor he gestures for him to leave. Amberly waves him a polite goodbye before Jason sits in front of her.

"Hey bestie." She grins at him. He rolls his eyes and she let's out a light giggle.

"I need information Harl." He tells me and I gasp in excitement. "Awe! You're callin' me Harl!"

 "Amber." He sighs and I smile at him. "Yes?"

Jason stares at his best friend. his thoughts from the night before running through his head. He hated the look of desperation. Her screams at he was forced to leave work for the night. The way they treated her. He thought long and hard about it and he needed to know.

"You trust him?" Jason asks, referring to the Joker. Amberly's smile drops and she blinks. "Yes."

"And he'll protect you? He won't hurt you?" He presses and Amber nods. She was confused and theories were running wild as her heart beat quickened. "Yes."

Jason takes in his best friends appearance and nods. Standing up he smiles at her. "That's all I need."

"For what?" Amberly presses and when Jason simply starts walking away she panic. "Jason?"

Amberly jumps to her feet. "For what Jason!? Tell me! Jason!"

She screams, running for the door. But before she could reach him the guards grabbed her arms. She watched desperately as her best friend walked away and questions ran through her mind. She screamed. "Jason!"

He looked back, making eye contact. He could see her eyes become glossy in wonder but he couldn't tell her. Not yet at least. So he had to walk away and listen to him yell at her.

Miles away, outside a club sat the Joker. As the car started up his gaze landed on his right hand, not in a purple glove but wrapped. He unwraps it and glares at his cut up fist. He demands Johnny to leave and one last image of Amberly flashed across.

He looks out the window and spots a woman. Fair hair and skin, for a moment he thought it might of been her. But when she turned around he was disappointed.

What was she doing to him? He hates it. He wants it to stop. But he also loves it and never wants it to stop. Why did she have to be so weakening? Addicting. 

His lips curl back in a snarl as he looks away. He bangs the side of his head against the rolled up window out of annoyance.

Even if he wouldn't admit it. He missed her. He missed her so much that it was painful. Just like she missed him. He missed her crazy love.

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