They're So Fucked

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I stare up at the ceiling. Tilting my head to the side as it felt too numb to even comprehend thoughts properly. Jason is going to do something. It's obvious. But what? Is he going to get me out of here?

       I stretch out my arms over my head. Placing my feet flat on the floor and moving my hips up in the air. One of the worst things about this place is the fact there is nothing to do. Also the food. But your stuck all day doing nothing except the occasional times eating, doing therapy and sitting with the other loonies.

The door opens and the light burns my eyes. I shut them tightly before opening them and allowing them to adjust. I recognize the man as Alec and I let out a small giggle before rolling over onto my stomach.

       "Come on." The guard nods at me before taking my arm and pulling me up. I laugh at him out of annoyance but let him drag me along non the less.

I'm distracted but alert at the same time. Moving away if hands wondered where I didn't want them but still so far gone I couldn't really comprehend words being spoken.

       I was pulled out of my thought when I hear the music. Dominique was playing loudly but sounded muffled from outside the closed doors. It took me a moment to realize I hadn't been allowed in there yesterday.

When the doors were pulled open I was shoved in. I almost fell to the ground but I quickly throw my arms out. When they make contact with the ground I push up into a hand stand. When my hair falls and I can properly see them I stick out my tongue in mocking. They just shut the door and leave.

             I hear a wolf whistle but ignore it, falling to my feet. My dress falling back down with me. I smile and push back my hair before walking to the group. Seeing them reminded me of my new tattoo that I vaguely forgot about. So I brush my hand against the words spelling rotten before stopping in front of them.

"Hi boys!" I grin and take a seat. Andrea wasn't there so I was sat along with them.

            "Those handstands are going to get you in trouble." Damon comments. I give him a light glare. "Why?"

"We'll you do keep flashing your butt and even if the underwear here looks like granny panties it still looks nice. Some guys will take your flashing as a sign to use you." He explains and I fallow his gaze to the guards standing safely behind the glass. One in particular making eye contact with me.

             I quickly turn away and face the boys. I stretch out my arms on the table. "Who says it's not a sign."

Damon sends me a wink and I roll my eyes. "I was obviously joking. I don't cheat."

            "So, Amberly." Louis leans forward on the table and I raise an eyebrow. A teasing grin tugs at my lips. I lean forward enthusiastically and giggle as I talk. "Yes Lou?"

"This is serious Blondie." He says, rolling his eyes. "Oh!" I quickly sit up straight and give him a 'serious' stare. When he laughs a grin breaks across my lips.

              "We've decided, that we could trust you. Obviously, which is why we gave you that." Jackson tells me and points at my tattoo. I nod slowly as he crosses his arm. Justin leans forward. "We're busting out of here and we want you to come with us."

I stare, a little lost for words. Bust out? How? I bite my lip and lean a little closer. Now serious. "How?"

              "In two days. We haven't decided exactly how but there is a way out through the kitchen. Just follow our lead." Jackson tells me and I bite my lip. That doesn't really sound like a plan. But what will they do if we're caught? Put me through the same treatment they already use. Nothing will change, only security.

"I don't know," I mumble. Glancing around the room. What if Joker tries finding me? But I'm not here? It could take forever to find him and I don't want to betray him.

                 "You can go find Joker when we get out, I know the clubs he does negotiations at." Louis tells me and I stare at him for a moment. Comprehending the facts before answering. "I'll think about it. Alright?"

"Not too long. Okay?" Jackson pushes and I nod in agreement. "Of course."

            The day went by slowly. I sat in silence as I thought and Andrea did my hair up in two separate buns that are messy and curly. Reminding me of bows somewhat.

I kept thinking about the proposal the guys gave me. I could leave with them and find Joker. But what if Joker comes while I'm gone? But what if he doesn't?

              Running a hand through my hair, I bite at my lip. Would Joker be mad that I was working with others to get out? But technically, Louis works for him, just not anymore because he's in the crazy bin.

I nibble at my lip, placing my cheek in my hand. My index finger dances across the table, creating invisible drawings. All containing smiles.


I glare. These sessions are old. Boating and extremely unsatisfying. But I guess I can make fun. In my own way.

              I sit up as the door opens and my male therapist from the other day walks in. He takes a seat,clearing his throat awkwardly. When he looks up I'm already smiling and I lean in. "Hello there doc."

"Harley," he stammers and clears his throat again. "How are you?"

             "Great." I giggle and give him a cute smile. I see the small blush on his cheek and my smile only widens.

"That's good. . So I still haven't read through your files but-" he starts and I hold in a giggle. "I will as soon as I get the chance."

                 "We'll that's a bit . . unprofessional." I tell him with a giggle. He chuckles, nodding in agreement. I decided to catch him off guard. "I use to work here you know."

His smile drops and he's suddenly vary interested. Leaning against the counter he frowns. "Really? As what?"

             Oh he must think I'm lying. An insane person making up a story. The less he knows the merrier I guess. I smile flirtatiously and place a finger on the table, talking again like I would when my sisters guy friends came over. Childish and cute. "As one of you."

"Oh, is that so?" He asks and I smile as he writes in his journal. I continue. "I went by Dr Quinzell."

             He frowns, sitting back in thought. "I think I've heard the name before."

"Oh really?" I interfere and sit up. "That is interesting."

              I hum in response, smiling widely. A little giggle lasting a little too long, I knew if I were in his place, a shiver would have ran down my spine at the sound of it. It's the first time I realized how creepy my voice sounded.

A knock on the door pulls me out of my thoughts. Before myself or my doctor could say anything my ex doctor walks in. I grin as my accent comes out thicker in each word I speak. "Hey! We didn't say come in. We could of been talking about something vary important.

                   She rolls her eyes and nods at my new doctor. Both saying the others name in acknowledgement. She places her papers down and I smile at her. "Hey doc"

"I'm sorry to interfere but after speaking with Mrs Allison we agreed I myself should continue as Ms Quinzells doctor. Due to her obvious ability of flirtation." She states aloud and I roll my eyes. New doctor frowns. "But-"

                  "You really don't know how dangerous this patient is, do you?" She asks him and he frowns, standing up. "No. She is too small and childish to be a danger to anyone."

"That is where you are wrong doctor. She has manipulated guards into acting out and nearly killed one and I wouldn't be surprised if she's flirted with you." She tells him and I pout. I speak with a sad childish voice. "That's mean."

                     My ex doctor seemed to notice the skeptic look in his eyes. Folding her arms she turns to me. "Fine I'll show you. Would you like to speak to me about the man who's manipulated you Harley? The Joker? Your patient. Your boyfriend?"

My smile drops and Jason frowns. He looks between myself and her. I barely heard what he mumbled. "Boyfriend? The Joker?"

               "She likes to say that. That he cares for her and protects her. But in reality he was probably so grateful to get the naive little fan girl off his back and in Arkahm."

I glare at her. My glare icy and cold at her accusation. She knows nothing. "Fuck you."

                   She leans against the table and I glare. I'm not sure where her anger came from. But it's vary much getting on my nerves.

"Harley Quinn's real name is Amberly Quinzell and she was a vary skilled doctor who gave it all up because she could keep her skit on."

                I stand up. Anger evident and the doctors reach for their weapons. But I don't move to fight. Only give her an icy. "I don't know who the hell fucked you badly last night but that gives you no reason to talk to me like a little bitch. Get your shit together darling cuz you know nothing about me and my Puddin."

               ~Jason's POV~

We all sat eating. A food break. Myself, Mrs Allison and more. Nog everyone of course but enough.

             "Are you okay Jason?" I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Glenn. The new guy who is Harley's doctor. I nod in response. Stopping my hand from tapping my fork on the table pit of nerves. The plan. The plan.

Turning back to my food Mrs Allison begins to talk. But was quickly interrupted by a knock on the door. She frowns and sits up. "Come in."

               When the door opens revealing an unknown man, everyone stands up or leans away. He is shirtless and has on a black ski mask with exes over the eyes. He is holding something wrapped up ina back silky cloth and guards quickly hold up their guns.

"Who are you?" Allison asks, her voice demanding but shaky. I'm not sure what to do, a frown on my lips as I cross my arms. He walks forwards and you can hear the safety clip off of every gun. He speaks up. "A present addressed to you."

                "From who?" She asks and he drops the wrapped object on the table. He pulls out a gun and everyone starts yelling until he places the gun to the side of his head. "From Mr J."

I flinch, as before he could fire the gun his head exploded from his body. Everyone jumped to the ground and screeches were heard. Mrs Allison slowly pulled herself from the floor, her eyes on the object on the table. "What is it?"

                 A guard moves the fabric and reveals what someone wouldn't expect. A dead pig lay on the table, it's stomach open with no insides except a heart and black rat crawling around inside.

"What the hell?" Allison screeches and there are squeals from employees when they see it. The one guard hesitates before picking up a note stabled to the pig and reading it put loud.
               "Dear Mrs Allison, you are quite fun. But it's been long enough, give me my stuff." The guards frowns and everyone is silent as he finishes reading. "Yours truly, The Joker."

Everyone is silent as he reaches into the pig and picks up the rat by its tail. It squeals and he snatches off a note taped to its back and drops the rat back inside. He frowns. "To my dearest Harley, we'll hear them laugh. But until then, have this rat."

              Mrs Allison growls in anger and speed walks out of the room. Everyone curiously follows and I trail behind, trying my best not the seem suspicious in the situation. I notice one man behind me, Glenn, holding the black rat in a box from the room. I frown but ignore it.

Everyone is talking loudly as we walk through the halls. It wasn't a question to know who we were going to. Harley Quinn. Amberly. My best friend.

             We walks through the hall and I heard Mrs Allison mumble something to a guard. Telling him to call the Batman about this. We reached her room, the screams and laughs of the mentally insane surrounding us. Everyone could hear patients beginning to hit their fists against their doors and screaming to be let out. By not Amberly. When we reached her she is singing a nursery rhyme.

""Oranges and lemons" say the bells of St. Clement's, "You owe me five farthings" say the bells of St. Martin's, "When will you pay me?" say the bells of Old Bailey, "When I grow rich" say the bells of Shoreditch, "When will that be?" say the bells of Stepney, "I do not know" say the great bells of Bow.""

          I can hear Amber singing softly and Mrs Allison hesitates for a moment to open the door as Amber finishes the rhyme. A giggle pouring into words as she sings cutely. "Here comes a candle to light you to bed, Here comes a chopper to chop off your head, Chip chop chip chop - the last man's dead."

Mrs Allison slams open the door at the last words and I instantly see Amber. Her hair in pigtails as she quickly turns and holds up her hands. "Hey I did nothing! I've been real good! I'm cooperating."

                 The accent was thick in her words. I've stopped association it as Brooklyn or Jersey, I know associate it as the Harley accent. As it really does only come out when she's outlet Harley.

"Tell me why-" Mrs Allison growls and the guards grab her arms. She glares, sticking her tongue out at them as they walk away from her. Mrs Allison walks to her, trying to be intimidating but Amber just seemed board and everyone around them nervous. "A dead pig and rat were sent to my table."

                  "A new twist on the fall harvest festival, I don't know." She looks at Allison with a look of pure confusion. But Mrs Allison wasn't taking it. I've never seen her this angry.

"You don't know? Then tell me why it was sent by your boyfriend." She snaps and I instantly see any amusement on Amber's face drop. She stares in shock. "Mr . . What did he say?"

              Mrs Allison wasn't here to be asked questions. So you could probably predict the flash of anger in her eyes. So I spoke up, keeping it as civil as I could. "It said  "Dear Mrs Allison, you are quite fun. But it's been long enough, give me my stuff. Yours truly, The Joker."

Amber blinks and everyone is silent. But the anger soon turns to fear as a smile spreads across her lips and she laughs. The first time in weeks I've seen actual happiness in her eyes. Pure happiness.

                   "What's so funny?" Mr Allison snaps and Amber laughs loudly. Talking in the midst of her giggles. She laughs loudly. "You're so fucked!"

Everyone is staring uncomfortablely as she thinks it's hilarious. A mess of giggles and when Mr Allison shoves she gasps and presses her lips together. A smile still evident as her head is tilted downwards but she looks up with a grin. Mrs Allison holding her shoulders tightly.

             "What do you mean?" Mrs Allison demands answers but she just laughs in her face. When Mrs Allison jerks her arm back she is quickly pulled back as Amber stands innocently. Grinning.

She makes eye contact with me and her smile widens into a toothy grin. She giggles. "You guys are so fucked."

         ~The Nigh Before//9pm~

I frown, ignoring the beautiful woman in the club. One thing on my mind. Amber is only happy with him, I have to do this.

         I spot the booths and head straight for it. Keeping to myself and only getting slightly distracted when a stripper asks me if I want a private dance. I continue walking Karol I see the vibrant green hair. Fear washes over me but I push it away and go straight to the secluded area. I come in contact with a man who stands outside the booth, he glares at me. "Leave buddy."

"I need to talk to him." I state and the man glances back at his boss. He shakes his head and turns to me. "Leave."

              "I'm a friend of Amberly Quinze- Harley Quin." I tell him and a look of recognition skims across his eyes. He steps into the booth surrounded by beads and he says something barely audible due to the loud music.

When he walks back to me, opening the bead curtain I feel fear rub through my spine. Like I'm about to walk onto a rollercoaster . . a very psychotic, murdering rollercoaster.

          Their catches my arm as I'm about to enter. He whispers in my ear. "He doesn't do handshakes."

I nod slowly and he let's go of my arm. I walk in and sit down, clearing my throat as I look up at who is in front of me. Not longer safely tied down to a table. Instead he hair is combed back. He has on a stud eating and golden chain necklaces. He is wearing a grey jacket and his red shirt is unbuttoned as he stares to his left. At nothing in particular. Somehow in his own world. I clear my throat again. "Hello. . Mr J."

                Joker moves his head to looks at me. A small grin forming that I soon discovered reminded me of Harley. He laughs. "Fancy seeing you here doc."

"I need your help." I state and he quickly lifts a hand. Holding up a finger and waging it as he tuts and leans forward.

                "You aren't in charge here Jasey, this is my haven. I do the demanding. Got that doc?" He has a serious look on his face and I nod. He slowly raises his hand and covers his mouth with it, laughing behind it as the tattoo on his hand shows off a large smile. I have to tell myself I'm doing this for Harley. For my best friend.

Joker drops his hand while grinning at me. He places his elbows on his knees and wrists his chin in the right hand. He smiles lazily. "Now, what do you need my help with that you would come do the prince crown of crime doc."

         He throws his hands back and leans against the cushioned couch. It was so hard to find him. I've been going places trying to find him for days. Now he's here and I feel like crawling under a rock. But I push through and continue. "It's Harley."

The smile seems to drops on his face as he looks to the side. A shower forms and his words a growl. "What about her?"

                "She's depressed. . Unhappy. You've escaped Arkahm so many times and I need you to get her out. They torture her and all she's hanging onto is that oath of yours." I tells him and he closes his eyes. Shaking his head side to side as he hums annoyed before opening them. He mumbles three words. "Live for me. ."

A growl erupts and he glares. Leaning forward. "She's weak."

                 "No. . She is dangerous. She sent a guard to the hospital, would have killed him if the guards were too late grabbing her." I explain, trying to persuade him. He groans and I hear him mumbling something. It takes me a moment to recognize to words. Pretty Harley.

"If you get her out I'll work for you. Deal?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow. He stands up and looks as big he's in a daze at the dough of my best friend and for the first time I notice something. Amber might be obvious about her obsession over the Joker. Her mad love for him. But the Joker seems to dismiss it and not care. But that's the same look Amber got when she thought of him. Dazed. Joker would kill for Amber. Maybe he's just as madly in love with Amber in his own sick way as she is in love with him. It seemed almost normal for them to be together. Two crazy people make a normal couple.

              He turns to me, a smile forming on his lips. "Deal."

I sit in silence and he seems to stumble in thought, looking up at the ceiling. Laughter begins he escape him, becoming louder. It's not a normal laughter he has. Not the type where he knows something you don't or is laughing at a sick joke. It seems like an insane and obsessed laughter, like he was getting what he wanted. I almost laughed with him.

            ~Present Time~
I blink as Amber is pulled out of her room. Her laugh similar to the Jokers from the night before. Mrs Allison breaths heavily in anger, having sent Amber to solitary. But Amber didn't seem to care much.

           ~Amberly's POV~

I was thrown into the cell. Full of the Jokers writing and this time J didn't cry or scream. I laughed, covering my mouth as my smile was wide.

           He's coming for me. He's coming. I giggle and turn around, meeting Alec's gaze. I giggle. "He's coming for me."

He almost slams shut the door until he hears yelling. I recognize it as the voice of my doctor. He quickly walks up, holding the books. "The Joker. He left this for her."

                       My heart leaps at the sound of it. Joker left something for me. After Alec looks in the box he cinches up his nose but nods anyways. My doctor slides the box I to my cell and I almost squeal as a black rat climbs out and a note falls off it back. I look up in time to see the door shut.

I kneel down slowly, the rat sniffing around and passing me. I pick up the note and read over his note. My smile widens and I giggle, holding the note to my chest. How does it feel being sent a pet rat with a note? It feels like a kiss. A wonderful kiss on the cheek.

                  I giggle loudly as the rat starts crawling up my leg. I almost jumped away squealing but I stopped myself and scratched behind it's ear. I grin happily. "I think I'll name you Rat Rat."

It nibbled at my hand efficiently and my smile broadens. I look towards the door, the shadows passing under the door. I giggle, leaning against my legs as Rat Rat gets comfy. "They're so fucked."

(A pet rat!? Well I'm only following what Margot Robbie did when she got a decent sent to her by the infamous Joker 😉. What do you think of the chapter? Please leave your thoughts. 😊)

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