Mayhem On Arkham Asylum

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Mrs Allison sits silently in her office. The newspaper that the guards got her sitting untouched on her desk. Her eyes scanning the bold words writing of someone's death.

She didn't believe it. He can't be dead. It's too easy. Dying by his own explosion? Unlikely. It had to be some copycat, a wanna be. The police and the people would just rather believe that the fried black head with his and not some copycat.

There is a knock heard on the door and Mrs Allison glances up tiredly. Even if he was alive, she knew how to put the news to good use.

She calls for them to come in, so both Harold and Alec obliged. Both walk to the desk and stand in front of her. Tall postured and waiting tall postured. But Harold had something crumpled in his fist and Alec held something behind his back.

Mrs Allison gave them her orders. Naming the names; Louis, Damon, Jackson, etc. Mainly the people Amber knew and seemed to trust.

As the two guards went to leave she called them back. Asking what they held. Alec seemed to just remember, quickly placing the letter on her desk. Except it wasn't just a letter. It was a burnt -dead- green snake, the only remaining part being the top of its head. The letter attached saying; I hope that little explosion hasn't ended my threat, you still got my stuff, even if I'm dead.

This was enough for Mrs Allison to know. She needed to send it out to Batman, have him keep a closer eye on the asylum.

Crumpled in Harold's hands was something entirely different. Divorce papers. His wife had heard why the insane Harley Quinn attacked him, along with the five or so girls he cheated with.

Both guards left. One feeling guilt for doing something so cruel. The other wanting to make her feel alone and suppressed. But they had to. Even if it wasn't really their job. Because that's what they do in Arkahm. They break the insane, in hopes it would cure. But they don't seem to learn. Because that only makes the patient more dangerous, and why would you want to make a cute little clown sad? I've heard clowns can be quite deadly.


I hum, scratching behind Rat Rat's ear. I'm only happy. My smile unfaltering as the cat toy is laid on my chest and Rat Rat rolled in a ball beside me.

When the door opens Rat Rat hides under my legs. I look up to see Alec, who crosses his arms. Raining an eyebrow I sit up. "What do you want?"

"Time for you to join the other patients Harley." He tells me and I sigh, picking up Rat Rat and my toy.

I smile at him, big and real. For some reason this makes him look away but I don't care. I'm happy. Extremely happy.

He leads me through the halls until we are at the doors. I do t pay much attention but when they got to take Rat Rat I jump back.

"I'll put him in your room." Alec tells me and I'm a little reluctant. I don't want to lose Rat Rat. He's the first thing I got from Joker in a while and it's all I got. Even if he groaned me out at first I found him out to be a real good pet. He's adorable and loves cuddles.

I give him a sceptical look before nodding. A guard takes a firm hold of my arm and as he walks away I call out his name. He turns to look at me. "If he isn't there I'll hurt yuh. . Bye!"

I giggle as the guard jerks my arm and opens my door. Alec stands frozen before quickly walking away. I'm pushed into the room where the familiar music of Dominique plays in the background.

This time Andrea is dancing with two different people near the record player. An woman who thought like a child and a African American man with a personality disorder.

I sigh, walking to my table. The guys are sat talking and when I sit down they all look up at me as if I were mad. I raise an eyebrow and laugh. "What's got your panties in a twists?"

Justin opens his mouth to speak but Jackson hits the back of his head. As Justin rubs the back of his head I give him a small smile and he smiles back.

"So. . Did you think about it?" Louis asks and I nod. When I don't say anything, only a smile plastered on my lips he edges on. "And?"

"And I'm stayin'." I grin and stretch out my arms. I'm all excitement at the thought. Maybe a few days, a couple weeks, but not a month. He's coming to get me and I'm not leaving here only for him to come.

"Why?" Jackson asks. I lean forward and grin at them. "Mr J's comin'. Just like you said Lou!"

They didn't react as happy for me as I had hoped. Instead they exchanged worried glances, causing me to pout. "What? What aren't you tellin' me?"

Louis starts to speak but was quickly interrupted. Andrea jumps up and grabs my arm. "Dance! Dance!"

I glance at Louis and give him a pointed look. "You better tell me later."

As I'm pulled away by Andrea I hear them talk. Jackson asking, "are we really doing this?" Louis then saying. "Yes. It's for - own good."

Who's own good? I soon forget what they were speaking about as I'm pulled into the group of girls dancing. I take Andreas hands and began to dance with her. Twirling her around and doing so myself.

The time flew by and it was my turn to be called for my session. I give Andrea a fist pump before leaving. I play with my hair, the kitty hanging from my finger and I smile up at the guard. He grabs my arm harshly and I have a fit of giggles.

~3rd Person POV~

The guards watched cautiously as Amberly Quinzell was walked through the halls. Not all of them were naive about her strength. The ones who were would eventually have a rude awakening or were simply new to the job. But everyone was a bit off for a whole new reason. She was happy, but they all knew what was on the news the night before. Not that it was a confirmed death. But convincing non the less.

Mrs Allison was still confused. She wasn't sure if it was there invade he did die, to scare her. To tell her his men would still get Harley even after his death. He could be alive or dead. She wasn't sure. But she was still being cautious.

Harold stands beside Alec, a glare pointed towards Harley as she passed. He still had the bandages from her nearly killing him. Not to mention she was also the reason for his wife discovering his unloyalty. He couldn't wait for her to be back in her room.

Alec made eyes contact with her for a moment and she sends him a wink. He looks down, guilt settling on him. She might be crazy. But that doesn't make any of this right. Alec has been anticipating quoting for weeks now. Even trying to find others who were wanting to quit. But he wanted to bring Arkahm down due to its vary bad treatment. But Gotham always threw the bad guys -or girls- in Arkahm.

Some hours prior to this moment, both guards were in an interviewing room. A patient in front of them. But they were only talking to five different patients. At that moment, Harold had Jackson and Alec had Andrea.

"Poor Harl," Andrea pouts. Her heart aching at the thought. Harley would be heart broken to hear that the Joker had died.

"But they said that they weren't sure if it were a copycat or not." Jackson had his arms crossed with a frown present. He heard the news this morning. "Why are you even telling me this?"

"For the . . benefit of Harley Quinn's health." Harold almost cringes, not liking the way her name tasted in his mouth. Jackson gave him a skeptical look.

Alec was the first to finish his conversations. He had talked to Jackson and Justin. Harold was the second, having talked to Andrea, Damon, and Louis.

Later on, when Amberly was dancing with Andrea they began to speak. All with divided opinions.

"Are we really doing this?" Jackson asks with an evident frown. You sighs. "Yes. It's for her own good."

"How?" Jackson scoffs. Louis sends him a glare. But neither move to fight. "Because."

"I'm not going to stop you but. . Making her think the one thing that matters most to her is gone. That's not going to help her, it'll make her worse." Jackson advices before getting up. Amberly glances at him from her spot with a frown.

~Amberly's POV~

"Where is Jason?" I snap, glaring at the intern. He was acting as if he were the boss.

"He quit." He answers and the sassy smile on my face dropped. Quit? Quit!?

He gives the assistant instruction before grabbing the rods. I laugh. "God you're bad at this. The belt doc."

He frowns and places the rods down. Mumbling something about knowing he forgot something. He grabs the belt and I bite down in it. As he grabs the rods and the assistant turns on the electricity I smile at her. Giggling. But I close my eyes when he places the electricity to my head.

My body jerks up and my eyes squeeze shut tightly. I mumble curse words in my head -fuck, shit- and as soon as the green and purple lights start to show up I tense entirely. But just as it came it left due to the rods being removed.

I sigh into the belt as the doctor mumbles words I could barely understand. The sides of my head hurt and my body is exhausted already. He goes again.

This time the unknown colourful lights show up right away and I recognize the scene as soon as I see it. Joker. I'm in our room and he's walked in, anger evident in his features.

He had gotten back from a bad deal. B-man had ruined his fun and he blew a million dollar deal. That's at least what Johnny told me on there way back over the phone.

J wasn't looking at me. His gaze was settled outside the window with a scowl. I got up slowly, biting my lip. I had placed my hair up into pigtails. Dying one end pink and the other blue. I'm wearing a red and white Jersey shirt I found laying around in the house and had done my nails in numerous colors as well.

      I gasp as the image floats away and I see the same boring ceiling. The belt is pulled from my mouth and the rods thrown to the side. I pay no mind, humming as I'm pulled into the chair and wheeled out.

I hum, tilting my head back. The sides of my vision are still green along with purple. I sigh and begin the mumble lyrics to a song I remember to voices playing in my head.

               "I started a joke which started the whole world crying." I mumble and I grin as the guard looks down at me, visibly disturbed. "But I didn't see that the joke was on me."

"Boss, she's singing." The guard mumbles no his walky talky and I laugh. My giggles extend into my words. "I started to cry which started the whole world laughing."

           I didn't hear what his boss had to say. Finishing the lyrics I grin. "If I'd only seen that the joke was on me."

"Shut up bitch." He mumbles and I can hear from the way his voice cracked that he was scared, and young. Probably a guy who wanted to be an officer and couldn't cut it. So he's stuck watching the criminally insane. I smile and tilt my head back as he moves down a new hall.

                  Licking my dry lips I finally look up. A frown forming when I both recognize but don't recognize the hall. All I know is that this isn't where my room is.

"Hey? Where you taking me knob?" I sit up as much as my restrains allow. Neither says anything as we stop in front of a door with cameras on either side. I stick out my tongue at it as the guard flashes his card, the door opens and I'm wheeled inside.

                I instantly recognize the hall. It's where they put the patients that need a closer eye kept on them. Max use to be in one if these rooms. Being the iron latched doors is a room with a single camera and across from the door is a bullet proof glass wall. Giving you no privacy and a view of the patient across from you.

As to stop in front of my room I mumbled that they're fucked. The one ignores me as they open the door.

            The room is small. a single cot with blankets and a pillow that more resembled a bolster. The restrains are taken off of me as I take it all in.

The guard shoves me to the ground and I'm in a fit of giggles. They leave, slamming shut the door. My eyes wander up to the camera in the corner of my room and stick my tongue out at it before getting up.

"Yay," I mumble, swinging my feet as I walk. I grab the ends of my hair and spread it out before stopping at the glass. I look up across from me and my gaze lands on the red head.

              Her room is foggy, beads of water dripping on the glass. There are flowers -from what I can tell- scattered in vases and a large vine across the glass as well. I can barely make out the red head but I can tell that her body looks green. Her legs having patterns -tattoos?- that remind me of flowers and vines, all green as well. She herself is in a dress matching to mine, but with a different number on it. Mine being 150 and hers being 90.

When she turns away, her curly thick hair bouncing I do so as well. I look at my own hair and shrug, dropping it and sitting on the small cot. I drop my head back and purse my lips. At a loss of what to do I stand up and grab the small blanket.

             My eyes scan the room and land on the camera. It's sat on a stand. I walk closer and place my chin in my hand, thinking. Maybe if I just. .

I drop my blanket and go to the cot. Grabbing the edges I drag it easily underneath the camera. I climb up and as I'm about to rip it out I decided against it and jump off. Grabbing the blanket I climb back on and hoop it from behind the camera on the stand. I wrap the two ends together tightly and tug hard. A satisfied grin appears on my lips when the stable stand doesn't move an inch. I move the blanket so the knot is at the top and tug again. Nothing.

               I turn around with a satisfied squeak. Jumping off and pulling the cot back in its rightful spot. I walk back, wrap my hands around the fabric and press my foot against the wall before climbing myself. At first it was a struggle but I quickly wrapped my leg through the hoop and in a second I was hanging from the ground. I squeal and clap my hands happily.

That turned out better then I expected. I grab both ends and carefully move my leg so I'm sitting on the blankets like a swing. Slowly I begin to tilt my head back until it taps against the wall. I then move back up and use my strength to switch my position so I'm facing the wall.

              I start tilting back like before but this time I hit no wall. Making sure to wrap my foot around the blanket as secure as I could I let go of the blanket so it is only my feet holding me. I move down until I'm finally hanging upside down. I close my eyes and spread out my hair, this is much more relaxing then it looks.

I hung like that for who knows how long. All I know was that I was getting that tingly feeling and the blood is rushing to my head but I don't care much.

               Only when I hear the mumbling of voices do I reach up. My head tilted back until I was once again sat up right. I open my eyes and am relieved to find no dizziness hit me. My legs feel tingly and warm but I ignore it and look out the glass. My eyes immediately land on Alec and Harold with another guard. Alec with a newspaper rolled up and rested between his arm and armpit.

I move so I have a leg on either side of the blanket. Resting my head on it I listen in. "He really died?"

               The one guard talking to the two seemed skeptical. I grin seeing the scar on Harold's back. I push up as Alec speaks. "They found hid head. Who else has green hair?"

I sit frozen. My stomach dropping and I instantly felt sick at the sound Green hair. Green hair. His head? I look away when Harold's gaze wondered to my room. They continue to talk and I continue to listen.

                   "Could that be a copycat? I doubt that the Joker would die from his own bomb." The unknown guard speaks and I quickly jump from my bundles of blankets. My anger evident  in my step as I walk to the glass. I felt anxious and scared. Repeating the same word in my head. No.

"Nope. It was confirmed." Harold says and their eyes land on me. I press my hands against the glass before I can run into it, long with my body. "He ain't dead."

                   "And how do you know that? Talking to him?" Harold asks snappily and I give him a look. He's being stupid. "Not personally but Mr J's alive. He sent a present yesterday and he isn't stupid enough to die from his own mayhem."

You'd have to be an idiot to believe it. The one guard seemed to be thinking more on my side, he couldn't die from something like that. Joker isn't dead. I continue. "No one can kill the Joker."

               "Then explain this." Harold snaps, grabbing the paper from Alec. He flips it open and presses it against the glass. "Dead."

I stare at it. The picture on the article. It showed the back of a head. One that looked a lot like my puddin's. Green hair and everything. The article saying in bold letter; The Joker Brought Down.

                  Everything slowed down and I share my head. "No. That isn't real. It isn't true."

"It's been confirmed Harley." He growls and pulls it away before I could actually read the article. I glare and smile up at him. "Yeah, and batman's my girlfriend."

                  "He's dead Harley!" He snaps, hitting the glass wall. I jump back. No. He isn't.

"No." I snap like a child. Alec moves to hold Harold back but stops when Harold glares back at him.

               "The Joker is dead Harley, look at how everyone's looking at you. That sympathy? It isn't because you're pretty and stuck in this hell hole."

He walked away with a quick side and I move onto my tiny toes. Eyes angry. "He isn't dead! You'll see! He'll do something big tomorrow!"

                  He walks away and I stay glaring. No, Mr J isn't dead. The two other guards leave and I storm away to my cot. Sitting down I glare at the wall. "He isn't dead."

"He isn't dead." I repeat to myself as the sinking feeling seeps through. He can't be dead right? There can't be a world without Joker. Yeah, he couldn't be dead, it's impossible.

                   I jump as the slide thing for food on the door opens and a newspaper is shoved in. I hear Alec's voice. "I'm sorry Harl."

I stare at the paper. Frozen. My body is tense as a feeling of dread washes over me. Too scared to look. To scared to read the words.


"Did you decide yet?" Louis asks from across the table. I glance up and between them. Andrea is not with us and neither is Justin.

             I look down, biting my lip. I feel so empty, trapped, just like I did the day before yesterday. I look up. "I can't, I'm waiting for J."

They glance between each other and I know what they're thinking. I glare as they exchange glances. "He isn't dead."

               "Amber," Louis starts and I interrupt. "He isn't dead. No one can kill J."

"God damn it Harl!" Damon snaps, standing up and hitting the table. The room goes quiet. "He's dead."

                "Damon!" Jackson snaps at Damon. I stand up in competition. Shaking from anger but also holding in tears. "He isn't dead."

"Get it through your delusional head Amber, the Jokers dead. Your boyfriend is dead and he probably never even felt the same way you felt for him." Damon growls and I tighten my jaw. Stiffening. The room is silent but Jackson grabs Damon's arm, tugging him down.

               I look at all of them. But as my eyes begin to sting and my stomach fills with knots I pull back. Storming away after mumbling that I'm not hungry. But as I move and everyone does their own thing an arm grabs my own.

I snap around, grabbing the arm and twisting it. I shove whoever it is against a wall. Their back to me. I instantly recognize it as Louis. When I speak my voice is strong, but you can hear it breaking. Struggling. "What?"

           Two guards tug me back an I retaliate. Pushing myself up I wrap my leg around his neck and end up on his shoulders. I shove my elbow on the top of his head, causing him to fall. The whole room starts chanting and as I get up something attaches to my back and electricity courses through me.

I gasp falling back. I am caught by a guard and dragged away. The last thing I hear is Louis. "The option to stick with us is still open."

            ~3rd Person~

Late last night the Flugelheim Museum was the victim of yet another robbery of the Joker. But all went wrong for the criminal prince of crime as one of his own bombs went off, rattling the houses nearby at about five pm. At the crime scene bodies burned to crisps were found along with the green haired

               The news paper falls to the floor. Sliding against the concrete before settling, crumpled slightly by being held roughly by people.

Amberly stands not far from it. Standing still with her hands held out, as if she were still holding the thin paper.

          "No. He isn't dead." Her voice cracks, weak. Dropping her hands. She hears talking from outside her new room.

"Did you hear about the Joker?"

          "Yeah, apparently he-"

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" She screams, running and hitting the door. The slide shutter opens and she screams at him. "Liars!"

           "Quiet patient!" He snaps and it slams shut. Harley screams, hitting the door. Yelling at him to come fight her and see who the real patient is after.

When he doesn't reply she gives up. Dropping my hands that were beginning to hurt. She was never a fighter before, because she didn't know how. But now does and she will fight back.

             Harley falls back onto her bum on the hard floor. Teetering back slightly and having to catch herself from falling.

"Look where we are now," a voice bounces off the walls. Harley freezes because the voice is so familiar. She recognizes it but can't quite grasp it.

              "In a cell of our own, never thought we'd be in one." The voice states. It sounds strong but shy, not sure what to do if someone attacked her. Harley turns around to look and she freezes. In front of her sat a woman, her legs places to the side in a lady like fashion. Her blonde hair is placed in a pony tail over her shoulder and she wears a blue blouse and white doctors coat. A skirt and glasses along with heels. She blinks when Harley does and they stare. Harley knew who was. Herself. The old Harley. Amberly Quinzell.

The other her, the old her. She is sitting right across from Harley. Her gaze falters before meeting Harley's. She laughs weakly. "We were doing so great too."

                    "What are you doing here?" Harley asks, turning around fully. Harley tilts her head and the old her laughs. "Why don't you tell me?"

"I'm crazier then I though, huh." Harley laughs. The old her smiles back at Harley sweetly and Harley  never realized how comforting it was. How she smiled at her patients when they said anything degrading themselves. A smile that made you feel a little better, one a mother would give her child. One a doctor should give.

                   Harley's gaze falls and she bites her lip. It's me. Myself, I can ask what I want, right? Get answers.

"Everyone keeps saying he doesn't care about me, isn't good for me." Harley tells herself. Her hands ball into fists and she looks down. Her eyes stinging. "I miss him and I can't help it doc."

                   "He isn't as bad as Mason was." Herself says. Harley looks up in time to see her own gaze land on her wrist, a bruised hand mark on it. She looks up at Harley and she stare back hopelessly.

"No one is truly good or bad for you. I do believe he wasn't a great influence. Killing, Harley, that isn't us." She tells her and Harley pulls her legs into her chest.

                  "You don't like me calling you Harley." Herself observes and Harley looks away. Her gaze down casting. "How was he good for me?"

"No one suddenly just goes insane Amber, all of us have potential and I won't lie. . We were always a bit crazy, underneath at least. We were sane but unhappy, Joker makes us happy despite what others say and my better judgement." Herself tells Harley. Harley blinks and the older version blinks back, a small and weak smile appearing. "But?"

                 "But nothing Amber." Herself says, leaning forward and brushing back a strand of her hair. "There is no turning back to sanity for us. Our schizophrenia would of came either way. Joker or not. We would of ended up crazy but instead we wouldn't have someone to help us like he did."

Harley's gaze lands on the newspaper. She pulls her legs closer and a sob finally breaks through. She stuffs her face in her knees as the older version continues. "He isn't the best guy, but he is an improvement from Mason. Honestly, we're fucked up Amber. He is too, and sometimes. . It takes two fucked up people to make a relationship normal."

                       Harley -or Amber- whimpers as the older version keeps speaking. "You know. . When we first kissed him. I don't think we've ever felt anything as good as that. He gave us feelings we thought we never needed Amber. It was amazing."

"So I'm not crazy for loving him?" Harley asks. The older version laughs, it's so similar to her own but different. "No, you have to be crazy to love him. But he is to, we make each other complete in a way."

                     Silence follows and Harley looks up. Resting her chin on her knees and looking away. "We still have questions don't we?"

"What do I call you?" Harley asks. She smiles back. "You can call me Dr Quinzell if you like."

                     "I'm a terrible person, aren't I?" Harley asks quietly. Dr Quinzell is silent before answering. "Yes. We've killed Amberly, took people's lives. So we are in that way. But your still me, I'm still you. Just the other is a little more crazy or sane. You're a bad guy now, there was no turning back after you got that machine gun. . After you took that oath."

More silence. "He's dead. . Isn't he?"

           It's once again silent. She doesn't answer and Harley's fists tighten. Dr Quinzell finally speaks. "I can't answer that Amber."

"Why not?" Harley snaps, glaring at the floor. She doesn't answer.

               "Answer me." Harley whispers. "Answer me!"

Harley look in front of her. Only to see she was gone. Harley was now staring into only a reflection in the glass. No sign of Dr Quinzell. Harley fall back and tug at her hair.

               "Tell me, tell me, tell me. Answer me!" She scream as tears starts falling down her cheeks. She ends up on the floor. Curled in a ball, rocking slightly as she cries. Holding on tightly to her hair. "He isn't dead. He isn't dead."

~Amber's POV~

                "Happy to know you got your facts straight." Damon grins and I look down. Holding in rolling my eyes. Dominique is playing in the back ground, testing my patients.

"Yeah." I mumble, earning a glance from Jackson. I look away again. Unable to push my self to look at everyone happily.


Tonight. Tonight we are getting out. Tonight we escape Arkham.

               There is a movie night for the patients. Something Mrs Allison thinks will be nice for us. But in reality only a selective few actually like it. The movie they are playing is Wizard Of Oz.

I glance at Louis who looks at me. He shakes his head and I look away, staring at the screen.

                 As we sit in silence I have to close my eyes. They are heavy, having grown heavy from the crying of night before. I'd fallen asleep like that and when I woke up the woman with red hair was staring at me, sympathy in her green eyes.

"I need to use the restroom." Louis mumbles and Damon follows as a group of men leave to use it. In the hallway full of guards. I'm still not sure what they're going to do? Kill all of them?

                    My eyes land on the screen. But as they do the green from the emerald city starts oozing to much. Mixing with purple in my vision. I'm brough back to that memory and all Ivan do is sit there. The images no longer making me happy, but making me almost need to cry.

J wasn't looking at me. His gaze was settled outside the window with a scowl. I got up slowly, biting my lip. I had placed my hair up into pigtails. Dying one end pink and the other blue. I'm wearing a red and white Jersey shirt I found laying around in the house and had done my nails in numerous colors as well.

              I get up from the bed. Hesitant at first. When my hand makes contact with his he growls. "Go away Harley."

Standing at a loss of what to do -although he gave me orders- I stand still. My arm outstretched until it falls to my side. He seems to notice I'm not leaving and snaps.

                   "Go!" He yells, turning to face me. His green hair has fallen from its neat do reflecting his anger. His shirt is opened, revealing a bruise on the left side of his ribs and a scar on his chest. Batman?

I stare at it for a moment before taking a step forward. Joker doesn't move away but glares down at me, anger evident. I frown. "That bats is going to see what's coming. Right Mr J?"

              I look up to see confusion in his eyes. My own skimming across the writing on his forehead. Damaged. "He hurt you, that bats is going to pay for what he's onto my Puddin'."

I wrap my arms around him. My hands sliding under his arms and placing themselves flat on his back. Joker stiffens but I don't move, hugging him tightly. But his body then relaxes slightly, arms falling to his side as he finally relaxes.

             "That bats is going to get what he deserves." I whisper, as the images fade away. I'm back in the large room. Full of chairs and patients staring at a screen. Damon and Louis gone.

"I don't think he's dead." Jackson whispers, his hand placing itself on my shoulder. I glance sideways and smile hopelessly. A small chuckle escaping my lips and warm smile appearing. "Well. . You're a first."

                 We move away from each other and then Jackson leaves to the bathrooms. Justin following. I'm sat alone and finally get up, walking to the back. My steps hazy and tired.

"I need to use the restroom." I state and he frowns. "No, there are already-"

                    "I'm on my period." I state. He blinks at me in response and I smile, holding in a giggle. He coughs awkwardly and mumbles and awkward yes.

I walk into the halls. About to walk towards the men's when I see them walking to me. Guards following. Guns held up. I stare in shock for a moment. They got caught.

                   "You guys are in a lot-" one guard is saying when suddenly a loud boom goes off. The room shakes and suddenly the lights go off and the emergency ones turns on. An attack on Arkham.

I grab the closes guard to me, slamming him into the wall. Screams can be heard from various people as patients doors, except the one down my hall, all open.

              A hand grabs my upper arm, pulling me out of my thoughts. I go to grab him only to see Louis. He pulls me down the first hall as other patients do the same. running into the mayhem that broke out in Arkham Asylum.

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