Mr. J

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I walked down the halls of Arkham, passing the staircase and heading straight to Mrs Allison's office. She had called me, asking me to talk to her. I was a little bit excited at the possibilities. I'm hoping she might have noticed my progress with patients or something along those lines. My patients are doing well. Liz calls me her friend, Nygma likes that I go along with his riddles and Max, likes that I play childish games with him while asking questions. All of them are vary open and relaxed when the guards leave.

   I stopped at the third last door before opening it. Mrs Allison was sitting alone as usual, having just finished a call. Getting up, she gestured to the chair and walked to her and sat down. I sat up as she sat down with a new and vary small file.

"I've seen that you are doing vary well with patients Ms Quinzel." She stated, crossing her arms and looking at me. I nodded once, smiling to cover up my nervs. Why am I nervous? No idea. Maybe I'm in trouble?

    "Yes. I mean, yeah. They cooperate." I stuttered and she nodded, sitting up and licking her lips. A scream ripped through the halls and she glanced sideways to her door then turned to look at me, unfazed.

"Well, seeing as you've done what skilled men and woman in your profession haven't I was hoping you would take a new patient."

     A fourth patient. Jason has told me that the most patients you'll get on your first month is three. But I'm skilled enough that my boss wants to give me a fourth.

"-This man is dangerous, you are vary qualified but-"

    "I'll take it." I told her, excitement taking over as I jumped up. She raised an eyebrow and I quickly sat back down, biting at my lip. "I mean, yeah. Sure."

"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded. She sighed and gave me the creased folder and I held it to my chest. As I got up to leave, she spoke up.

    "This one will be a challenge Amberly. The main reason I asked you is because everyone refuses to take this patient." She told me and I nodded quickly before walking out of the office. Only when I was halfway down the hall did I realize I hadn't even looked at the name. But I shrugged it off although her words finally dawned on me. The main reason I asked you is because everyone refuses to take this patient.

I shoved open my door and throw the small file onto the table. I check my phone for any messages and there is one text from Mason that read; I'll be late tonight. Love you.

     Frowning, I throw my phone into my purse and close the closet door. With a sigh I fell into my seat. He's always late coming home from work and I work mostly almost all day. We rarely see the other person except for in the mornings and that really makes me nervous. His texts telling me he wont be home are actually vary rare now. Usually he just doesn't text me until I'm already going to bed and says he's sorry for not texting me earlier.

I slide the folder in front of me, sighing and flipping it open without checking the name on the front. Maybe this will get everything off my mind.

   "Name is unknown." I mumbled out loud, lifting the paper and reading.

"Preferred name is-" I stopped myself and brought the paper closer. My heart dropping and my lips faltering to a frown. "The Joker."

    I dropped the paper and sat back and I closed my eyes. Why didn't I stop and think? Why was I so eager to take the job? Because it would boost your non existent ego!? I sighed, pulling the elastic from my ponytail. Is it too late to refuse? His laugh still haunts my dreams. I barely saw his face but I can't even sleep with all the lights off because all I hear before I go to sleep is him. His laughter and his muttering of the word pretty.

Yes, it is too late. How pathetic would I look if I went back and said I can't because I'm scared? A scared little girl. Everyone is scared, that's why everyone else refused! I stood up, placing the file in a drawer and grabbing my notes and a pen for Nygma. I wont back out. I'll be the one to break him. I'll be the one to fill the files and the only one to actually accept it. People will think I'm insane, naive, and stupid. No. I'll take it and I'll work with it.

   I left my office and walked to the stair, hearing the voices of the insane as I made it up the flight and turned left. Even after the pep talk I gave myself, I still couldn't get the thought of the Joker out of my head. My patient.


   "So how is working at the Asylum?" Elizabeth smiled at me, brushing back her brown hair and seemingly awkward. Why is she being so stiff and nervous?

"Uh, it's good. But I have a new patient." I told her as I picked at my salad. I wanted to talk about it, but I didn't know how to bring it up.

  "Oh, that's good. Isn't it?" She asked with a smile, laughing bitterly at the thought.

"Well he's my fourth patient now and I-" sighing I took a bite of food. Not sure how to explain my thoughts on the situation. Elizabeth shrugged and ate some of her food as well. We sat in silence and I glance sideways at Mason who didn't talk. Himself and Elizabeth surprised me when I got home. I came expecting I'd be spending the night alone but the two of them were here with a nice meal for three.

  The night went on with nothing else. My boyfriend and best friend talked about their jobs and I wished I had told them about the Joker. I planned to tell Mason but since Elizabeth has no vehicle he ended up driving her home and I'm once again going to bed by myself. I had crawled into bed, trying to sleep but I couldn't.

Read the files. You have to read the files. Don't go in blind Amberly. With a groan I pushed myself out of the bed. Making my way through my apartment, I found myself in the living room with the file. The Joker's.

   Name: Unknown

   Preferred Name: Joker

   Affiliation/Occupation: unknown

   Crime: murder, bombings, theft, black market, kidnapping, public shootings . . .

Sighing, I blow a strand of hair out of my face. The crimes took most of the dirty page.

   Cooperation: none

   Progress: 0%

   Notes: schizophrenic, try's to manipulate (be careful), loves pain inflicted on others, beat by father. Abandoned by mother.

-9pm, Tuesday-

   I stared at the large double doors with the name Joker written across it. Four guards stood on either side of the doors and they were armed. This sent a whole new round of nervous shivers down my spine and I was rooted to the spot. One minute? thirty seconds? three minutes? Thirty minutes? I have no idea how long I stood there but I was knocked out of my nervous trance when laughter rang out from the room. I collected myself and held the papers to my chest before nodding at the guards. They opened the heavy double doors and I walk in without sparing a glance at the the table the Joker most likely resided in. I turned to the guards and reminded myself; he's one of my patients, it will be okay, same procedure and same mind set.

"I will like to be left alone with my patient." I told them and this time they didn't move. One shook his head as I kept my gaze downcast and walked to the table, placing the notepad down and pen still in hand. I turned back to face them and although my mind screamed at me to keep them in the room, I knew my patient would talk more if it were just him and myself.

   "I don't think so doc, he's-"

"He's my patient and this is how I do my procedures. Is he your patient? No. Now go before I lose my temper." I told him and took a seat. I froze when I heard a deep chuckle from across the small rectangular table, a shiver ran down my spine and I smoothed out my shirt before looking at the guards as they left.

    "Your death wish." One mumbled and walked out. The door shut loudly and I stared at the shut doors. Was this possibly a vary bad idea?

"Regretting your decision doll?"

   I quickly looked and found myself frozen. He wasn't exactly what I expected, but creepy non the less. His skin was bleached white and his eyebrows were missing, he has the word 'damage' tattooed across his forehead along with a J on his left cheekbone and a tiny star between his right ear and where his eyebrow should be. There were small scars scattered on his face and his lips are painted red. Metal-capped teeth glinting in the light as he smiled.

"I am your new psychiatrist. I would like to ask-" I began but stopped when he started making a ticking noise. I raised an eyebrow.

   "You didn't answer my question, doll." He told me, his face serious. I sucked at my lower lip and shuffle my papers before looking up at him. "No, I work better one on one with patients."

"Hmm," he hummed and I sighed before looking at the papers.

    "What is your name?" I asked him and he tilts his head to the side, a frown evident as he expects me like a pray. I instantly felt uncomfortable and clear my throat.


      "J. For Joker." He smiles at me like he had in the Medical Wing, his eyes shut and the smile wide. I bit my lip as he opened his eyes and stretched out his jaw, forming an o with his lips and tilting his head sideways as a smile formed. From the way he moved it shouted out insanity. It was creepy and I was thankful he was in a straight jacket. His lips fell open again and his gaze went downwards to my chest, I stiffened.

"Dr Quinzel. Quinzel. Hmm." He mumbled to himself before looking me in the eyes. I looked away. "What's your first name Mrs Quinzel."

     "Ms, and it's Amberly." I told him and cross my arms over the table. He raised an eyebrow.

"Problems in the love department?" He asked and I sighed.

      "If you must know, I have a boyfriend-" I began and took notice of how he put his head upright. No smile evident as he listened. "-and this is your session Mr. . J."

"Mmmm." He hummed, a wide smile forming on his lips. "I like it when you call me that, doctor."

    "I really think-"

"Amby? No, no, no. Am? Nope. Quinzell. Hmm." He spoke to himself and I wrote down in my notes that he spoke out loud what he was thinking and that he asked questions to try and distract me.

   "What is your middle name? Amberly?" He asked me, I closed my mouth and frowned. "Harlee-"

"Harley Quinn!" He cut me off and a satisfied grin appeared on his lips. He isn't that bad. He's just creepy.

    "Okay. Um, Joker. How was your day?" I asked, trying to ease him. He rolled his eyes and stood up, I heard the sound of the door handle and I held up a hand.

"That won't be needed, leave us." I said and the door shut. The Joker chuckled and sat down roughly, causing the chair to jerk back before he sat up and leaned forward.

   "You know you shouldn't get comfy. False security is often killer." He told me, and chuckled slowly. I frowned in response to his comment. Doesn't seem I'll be getting to grow any 'friendship' with him. I sit back and clear my throat.

"So it says here you were beaten by your father and abandoned by your mother?" I asked and he rested his chin on the table, smiling innocently.

    "And this got you where you are today? A life of crime?" I asked and he nodded, I rolled my eyes and crossed out the two notes.

"We both know that's bullshit." I stated and he gave me a look of surprise before quickly covering it up with a grin.

     "Do tell," he said.

"It's about control." I told him and met his watching eyes, a shiver ran down my spine.

     "Control?" He asked, sitting up.

"Then you haven't been following my career, doll." He said with a grin and leaned forward. "Pretty, pretty, pretty."

    I swallowed the lump in my throat and sucked in a deep breath. I racked in my mind for information of what Elizabeth told me about villains and tried remembering what she told me about the Joker if she even told me.

"Let me guess then. You cause mayhem so you can be the eyes of the storm." I said, becoming confident and leaning forward. He spontaneously did the same as if in challenge. "Because everything in that storm gets flipped upside down but you."

  He stood up again, causing his chair to screech and I instantly sat back in my chair. I hadn't realized how close I was to him and the adrenaline rush it had given me until now. He whistled, starting to stroll around the table, revealing that he seemed to be tall and lean. I continued with my theory.

"Hiding behind your madness is control." I stated and he was now beside my chair, I turned to face him and he instantly crouched to be at eye level with me. I kept going despite my rapid heart beat. "The way I see it. You're just a control freak with a sense of humor."

   He leaned closer and I refused to show him my fear, but my body betrayed me by jerking away. A smile creeping across his face as he laughed, eyes half closed as he moved his head slowly side to side. He then opened his eyes, a dark shade of gray, and stood up. As he walks around my chair I followed him with my eyes until he walked back to his own chair. How could someone be so intimidating when tied up?

"You know, curiosity often-" he sat down again, stretching his legs out. "-often . . Skins the cat."

    "Kills." I corrected and he smiled.

"That's too easy." He defended teasingly and leaned back. He started muttering non sense as the session went on, his head facing upwards and eyes shut. I could barely catch anything except: acid, burn, fun, and mad.

    I jotted down the words he said and when I found he wouldn't stop I got up. But this caught his attention and his eyes snapped in my direction.

"Going somewhere?" He asked and I hold my papers to my chest.

    "Yes. . I'll be back tomorrow."

As I walked away he chuckled darkly. Quickly, I shoved open the door.

    "And the cat is scared."

~Time Skip~

    "Two girls ate dinner together. They both ordered iced tea. One girl drank them vary fast and had finished five in the time it took the other to drink just one. The girl who drank one died while the other survived. All drinks were poisoned."

I sat back, thinking about it for a moment as Nygma grinned. After a minute, I sat up. "The poison was in the ice. The one girl drank too fast for the ice to melt while the other girls ice melted."

    "Damn it, I though I had you there." He smiled and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed my notes and stood up. At the end of every session, Nygma likes to tell me riddles. I usually get them all correct.

"Well that's the end of our session." I smiled at him. But then it dawned on me who I had next after my break. The Joker. Can I just skip his session?

    "Okay. See you tomorrow?" He asked and I nodded before leaving. I walked down the halls and down the stairs before walking into my room. After locking the door I took a seat and ran a hand through my hair.

Yesterday was my first day with the Joker and it hadn't gone as I had hoped.

  I glanced at the clock and sighed. I'm going to be late for our session. Putting my hair in a ponytail, I grab my notebook and leave my office. I purposely walk slowly up the stairs, so my session will be shorter. Thankfully I ran into Jason.

"Hi." I sighed, leaning against the wall. Jason leaned against it as well and gave me a strained smile. "Good evening."

   "How is work?" I asked, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Good, I guess. You?" He asked and I shrugged.

   "Good." I answered. Silence. Shit, what now?

"I heard you have four patients now? Who's your fourth?" He asked me.

    "Does that matter?" I laugh nervously and he shrugs, raising an eyebrow. Fuck. Fine.

"The . . Uh." I looked up. "The Joker."

     His face fell completely and he stood up a little bit straighter. I quickly followed.

"The Joker?" He asked in a hushed voice. I nodded slowly, gnawing at my lower lip. He sounds like a father scolding his daughter for dating a bad boy.

    "Why did you say yes!?" He asked and I looked down the hall to avoid the question but he grabbed my arm, making a face that told me to tell him.

"I don't know, I didn't know it was him until after!" I snapped back and he covered his face in anguish.

   "You didn't ask?" He gave me a look you'd give someone that just picked at an outlet with with a fork.

"Know what. I actually have a session so-" I began to walk away and he groaned. "Who?"

    I stopped, holding the folders to my chest. I tucked a strand of lose hair behind my hair. "The Joker."


    "You're late!" A guard hissed at me and I raised an eyebrow at him. "And?"

"And the Joker hates waiting!" He snapped, glancing at the door. My blood ran cold and my eyes widened.

    "He doesn't care if the psychiatrist is late," the second guard scoffed and I pressed my eyebrows together. Will he be pissed or not?

As the two argued I sighed and walked past them and opened the door. I'm not scared. He's my patient. I waved for the guards to leave which they do before I take a seat without looking at him.

   "Good evening Ms Harley Quinn." His deep voice chuckled and I looked up to meet his eyes. Quickly I averted eye contact.

"It's Doctor Quinzell. . Good evening Mr J."

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