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"I'm just nervous, that's all." I mumbled, eating my breakfast. I kept glancing at the clock, biting at my lips as the time got closer to me leaving. Today is my first day and I couldn't be more nervous. I glanced at the other people around us in the cafe and decided to change the subject.

"When is your interview?" I asked, running a hand through my hair. This drew him out of a distraction that I hadn't been aware of due to my thoughts. He sat up clearing his throat, pretending as if he were listening. I repeated the question.

"Later tonight, so I might not be home until late." He told me and I couldn't help but frown, but I quickly smiled when he looked up at me. I was hoping he'd be home by the time I got back but if it's for a job than I guess I can over see it. He is applying for a job as a journalist, he's an amazing writer and I support him. I guess it's good for his job to work here, because he'll be able to get a lot to write about. Or would the constant crime make it harder? Competition for the best article and due to it being normal it probably isn't as big a deal. This makes me miss home, back in Brooklun, where my -our- parents are and where crime isn't as constant as it is here.

"Okay," I answered and analyzed the people around us. There is a couple who are holding each other closely in the back corner, a little too close. I looked at the man who seemed strained before looking down, I immediately new the exercise they were participating in under the napkin on his lap. I quickly looked to another could who were whispering sweet nothing to each other, giving Eskimo kisses and in another corner there was an older couple who were smiling at one another. I looked at myself and Mason, imagining what we looked like to others. Friends. No. . . Business partners. Sitting across from each other, barely talking and sitting up straight with our arms folded. I instantly dropped my hands to my lap, relaxing my shoulders and smiling at him. We are just as loving as they are.

"What are you doing today, while I'm gone?" I took a bite of the blueberry pancake on my fork, biting at the tip of the fork after swallowing the deliciousness. Mm, food.

"Elizabeth is coming over to finish unpacking." He responded and I nodded slowly. I couldn't help but feel a little off about it. I feel like unpacking is probably the best part of moving in. Also, isn't Elizabeth my best friend from university? Not Mason's. But I ignored it, they'll bond and be friends. It is better than the hate they felt for each other when we were at school.

"Amberly?" Mason asked and I instantly opened my mouth, moving the fork away. "Hmm?"

"It's 9:20. ." He said slowly and my smile instantly faltered. I looked at the clocked and sighed. It will be fine. I'll love it, I'm helping to understand and hopefully cure the insane. "Oh, uh. Okay."

I got up from my spot on the chair and he did as well. He kissed my cheek and I kissed his.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


"Dr Quinzel." I tried hiding the nervousness in my tone, tugging at the sleeves of my blouse. As the beautiful blonde typed into the computer. I pushed up my glasses and smoothed out my skirt.

"There we are. Here is your ID tag and Mrs. Allison's office is the third door down the hall." She gave me a warm smile and I frowned, glancing at the door. I looked at the ID tag and realized what I was suppose to do. I tapped it against the sensor and it beeped, the light turning green and the door making a noise that showed it unlocked. I pushed open the door and found there were two men standing on either side of it; security.

I gave them a hesitant smile and they responded with smiles as well, smiles of sympathy. I shrugged it off and stopped at the third door. At the top in bold letters was the name 'Allison'. Placing my hand on the handle, I sucked in a deep breath to calm myself. It's okay, she's probably nice. Don't think negative.

I turned the handle and pushed it open, I was faced with a dark room and the blinds were shut. There was a long desk and a cushioned seat in front of it. In the seat was a strong looking woman, her hair a dark shade of red and she radiated beauty from her high cheekbones yet innocent face and her locks of silky hair. I instantly became self cautious about my own appearance.

"Hello? Mrs Allison? I'm-"

"Dr Quinzel." She responded, her face still emotionless. I pressed my lips together and swallowed down my nervs as she gestured to a chair. "Take a seat."

I walked quickly to the seat, smoothing the skirt out again and sitting. I instantly sunk into the cushion as she pulled out a file.

"You start today. Your office is the last room near the stairs, down the hall to the right and your first patients are Edward "E." Nigma and Elizabeth Hallion. Here is all you need to know about them and please sign this."

She placed down the files and I signed without thinking. As she placed it away and turned to me, I instantly regretted not reading it. "What did I just sign?"

"An agreement that you wont report on the facility and we are not held responsible for any injury, physical and mental. Along with death by any inmates." She told me. Well that's nice to hear. "What are the chances of any of that happening?"

"You will be starting now Ms Quinzel. Good day."

I stared in shock and when she raised an eyebrow I quickly grabbed the files she had for me. I left the room as quickly as I could, my mind going wild. Why didn't she answer? Is it frequent? Is it safe to work here? Of course it isn't!

I pushed away any negative thoughts and kept walking down the hall, searching for my own office. The further I went the more nervous I became. I couldn't help but jump at the sound of a scream. "What was that!?"

"Elecoshock Therapy."

I flinch, quickly turning around and finding a handsome man. He had on a white coat and a name tag that read; Jason.

"I wasn't actually asking you." I said quickly and more defensive then I intended. I cringed as he laughed at me, I quickly ran a hand through my hair. "I'm Dr Quinzel."

"I'm Jason. Your must be the new therapist." He stated and I nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Psychiatrist but therapy sometimes. What do you do?"

"I work in the medical wing." He answered and as if on cue, another blood curdling scream screeched through the halls. Laughter could be heard and I couldn't help but flinch at the disturbing sounds. A shiver ran down my spine. I thought you weren't allowed to do electroshock therapy anymore? If anything, doesn't that make the subject even more messed up than before?

"Well, I better go." I say after an awkward ten seconds of silence. He seemed to be pulled out of his thoughts and nodded quickly. "Yes. I'll talk to you another time?"

"Sure." I answered, a small smile appearing on my lips. He smiled back and walked up the stairs where laughter and screaming came from. My smile fell and another shiver ran down my spine before I quickly turned and walked to the end of the hallway which came to a complete stop by the stairs. There were two doors and one was labeled; Dr Quinzel.

I opened the door and frowned, the room was vary small. But I quickly shook it off, turning on the light and closing the door behind me. There was a metal desk in the middle of the room and a closet to the side for what I presume is for your belongings. On the desk is a pair of keys which I grab and I put my purse in the closet.

I take a seat, pushing myself closer to the deck. Slowly I relaxed into the chair and looked at my surroundings a little more. To my right was a small window with the blinds open and I noticed dust from what the sunlight shows. I sighed, feeling a lot more comfortable in the room. It seemed like it's probably the safest doctors room. It's alone while all the others are on the same side, the name on the door is hardly noticeable -I nearly missed it- and looks like a closet door at first glance. I pull the two files given to me and open the one labeled Elizabeth Halliton and start reading the information given.

Name: Elizabeth Johonson Halliton

Preferred Name: Liz

Affilation/Occupation: therapist at Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the criminal insane

Crime: After resigning, came back and killed five employees in attempt to free inmate Killed one former client and kidnapped her daughter. Liz is diagnosed with insanity.

Cooperation: Lacking, dislikes many employees. Attacked one security guard but for the most part keeps to herself and follows rules. She is quiet.

Progress: 15%

Notes: Obsessed with daughter, believes she is a victim, pleads innocents, bad liar.

I stood up from my seat and quickly grabbed the keys, speed walking to the door. I locked it before I sat down again. I pulled the second file closer, the one that was labeled Edward "E." Nigma.

Name: Edward "E." Nygma (Sometimes uses Nygma or Nashton)

Preferred Name: The Riddler

Affiliation/Occupation: Forensic Scientist at Gotham City Police Department

Crime: killed a man by shooting him and then chopping his body, murder, etc.

Cooperation: Vary good. Follows rules but speaks in riddles.

Progress: 80%

Notes: obsessed with riddles and puzzles, accepted that he is insane.

I sat back, tapping my fingers against the table as I thought about my patients. I decide after a moment that I would visit the Riddler first because he is not known for being physical. Elizabeth I would see afterwards. Reaching for the phone on the table, I glanced at the laminate paper tapped to the table. It had a row of numbers and names, I found my bosses number quickly.


Sucking in a deep breath, I opened the door and glanced sideways at the security guard. He gave me a thumbs up and a smile of reassurance before I walked inside. Sitting at the table was an older man with dark hair, he seemed lanky and scrawny but tall.

"Hello, I am Dr Quinzel and I will be your psychiatrist from now on." I said, looking at my papers before taking a seat in front of him. I swallowed the lump in my throat before looking up at him. I looked him in his eyes, they are green.

"Dr Quinzel. I'm Nygma." He held out his hand and I raised an eyebrow, slowly I took it and shook his hand. I noticed the two guards behind me and the way Nygma glanced at them. I quickly wrote a note on my paper; uncomfortable around the guard.

I turned around, looking at the guards. "Could you two please leave myself and my patient, I would like to continue our session alone?"

My patient seemed surprised but said nothing. One of the guards looked at the bigger one who scoffed. "No can do doc. We have orders-"

"My patient is uncomfortable with you and most likely unwilling to talk. I would like to get to know my patient in private. You can watch through the door." I told him sternly and he gave me a look of disbelief before rolling his eyes.

"Fine, but we're cuff-"

"No need for that." I told them and instantly regretted it. This man is a criminal, even if he's cooperating. I really need to get rid of this doctor mind and remember that he is a criminal. I turned to Nygma who held out both hands to the security guard, asking to be cuffed. I was surprised but happy he did so as the guards cuffed him before they left the room. Once the door shut I turned to the man.

"If you don't mind-"

"A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms: the first is full of raging fires; the second, assassins with loaded guns; and the third, lions who haven't eaten in years." He interrupted me with a riddle and I stared in shock as he finished. "Which room is the safest?"

"I'm not here for riddles Nygma." I told him and he raised an eyebrow, frowning. I sighed and sat up, thinking before I responded to the riddle.

"The lions because they would have starved to death." I answered him and he smirked at me.

"You're smart." He complimented and I gave him a genuine smile, chuckling. "Thank you, Nygma."


My session with Nygma went well. I found that getting to know him personally seemed to open him up because after letting him know about me he made it easy to do my job. All I can hope for is that it will be easier with the woman named Liz, who apparently likes no one. I stood outside her door before opening it. Immediately I asked for the guards to leave. They gave me a look as if asking if I were crazy before leaving.

"Hello, I'm Dr Quinzel." I stated and looked up. The woman was tiny, her black hair was in knots and she had her chin rested on the table, her dark skin was smooth and her brown eyes are almost black.

"Hi." She answered me, watching me warily as I adjusted myself in my seat. "Why'd you get rid of the guards?"

"Because I want to talk to you in private."


"I'm home!" I called, opening the door with an excited smile. But my smile dropped when I found the apartment was complete silence. No reply. Not home. I glanced at the clock, wrinkling my nose. It's twelve. He's still at hisinterview?

Throwing my bag to the side and locking the door, I walked to the kitchen where I pulled out left overs from the night before. I ended up sitting at the couch, eating my pizza with a cup of Dr Pepper while watching the news. There is nothing else to do.

In all, the first day went well. My patients were cooperating and seemed to like when I made the security leave. Maybe that isn't good but I'm not sure. I'm actually starting to think I can actually do some help.

-3 Day's Later-

I walked up the steps of Arkham, clenching my clipboard when I heard screams. Turning right this time, I was headed to my new patient. A man named Max.

I didn't have to ask for the security to leave. When I walked in Max was jumping up and down in his seat, but then he saw me. A look of awe came across his features. Max is physically thirty four but had the mind of a nine year old and is vary bi-polar.

"Good morning Max. I am Dr Quinzel but you can call me Amberly." I told him, shuffling my papers and readying my pen. The 'kid' leaned forward.

"You're a pretty lady."


"Patient #138 went well, only made five negative or threatening comments." I mumbled, writing under my notes. Liz is really starting to open up. I had brushed and braided her hair which she really liked. She smiles at me when I walk past the cafeteria and I always wave back when she does. Mrs Allison warned me about this at one point.

"Your tactic is great, but don't get too close to them. Lead them into false security." She told me and I sighed, running a hand through my hair. "I'm not leading them into false security and I am being careful."

I am being careful. I make sure to not tell them anything too personal about myself like where I'm from or my boyfriend. I make sure not to tell them anything that could be used against me or to hurt me. I'm careful.


I jumped, eyes widening as I stared down the hall where the Medical Wing was. Where Jason worked and where they did electroshock therapy. The screams always gave me chills, but this patient was giving me goosebumps. Not because he or she screamed too loud or sobbed. It was laughter. laughter. Stretched out into a scream that eventually ended but started up again. I walked slowly as the laughter died down, legs shaky as I turned into the hall.

"Do it again! I dare yuh!" A chilling voice rang through the room and something kept telling me to move the other way. Don't go any further. But the curiosity got the best of me as my heart hammered and I slowly made my way towards it. I heard a grunt and the sound of two strands of electricity touching. I stopped when I saw the room, the steel doors wide open. My eyes immediately landed on Jason. There was a woman beside him and he moved what looked like two electrodes, a short black rod the transferred the electricity from the machine and into the patient. One in either hand, Jason raised them in the air. I took a few steps closer and my blood ran cold as I saw something all too familiar about the patient. Green hair.

"One more." Jason stated and the girl turned the nob. I closed my eyes when I heard a deep chuckle, dark and menacing. It sounded like what I'd imagine a lions warning before pouncing on the animal that annoyed it. Not caring if it was full or starving. Only that the annoying pest died.

"One day you're gonna get'ch yourself killed!" he laughed hysterically, causing shivers to run down my spine and I found myself glued to the spot. "You know I've gotten out of here before, right? This is no different. I'll- Ahhhhh-HA-HA-HA!"

He turned his yell into laughter immediately, masking his pain with it and you could hear the threat in the laughter. "Then I'll kill yuh!"

"That is it for patient 58 today." Jason said, ignoring the Joker's threats. But I could see the fear in the way his hands shook as he put down the electrodes. He looked up and met my eyes, I swallowed the lump in my throat and Looked at the Joker. He had pushed his head upward on the exam table, eyes shut as he smiled like a child who had been laughing so much to the point it couldn't be heard. I quickly looked away, not taking in the features of his face.

Jason quickly walked over to me and from the corner of my eyes I saw the Joker's eyes snap open, his smile faltering to frown. I instantly looked away, wishing not to have his face in my mind before I went to sleep because I already knew his laughter and words would haunt my dreams.

"You should leave Amberlh."

I quickly looked up at Jason and nodded. I stumbled backwards and I heard a deep chuckle.

"Pretty. Pretty, pretty, pretty. You should leave doc! Heeheeee!" I walked away, breaking into a run to the end of the hall. I turned left and my eyes landed on a door. The only door for a bit and it read; 58.

I quickly made my way down the hall, wanting to ignore the medical wing and that door as I made a b-line for the stairs. I raced down the steps and when I reached the bottom is where I finally slowed down. I pushed my hair back and flattened out my dress before quickly turning right. I opened my door, pulling out the keys to unlock it first. Once I was in, I shut the door and locked it. I leaned back against it and tried breathing as evenly as I could. I repeated memories from back home in my head. Like when Marcus and I first kissed or when I graduated and as much as I could think of. I ended up counting to think of anything else but I eventually had nothing else to think of as I slid down the wall.

Pretty, pretty, pretty.

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