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(((WARNING: The way I portray patients and mental illness is the way it's portrayed in movies, etc. Mental illness is serious and also, not every mental patient is like this and sometimes you can't event tell a mental patient has something wrong with them. Also, these patients are also CRIMINALS! Not normal patients who just checked in for help. There are people with mental illness who are kind and sweet, not everyone with an illness is dangerous. Please do NOT portray people with mental disorders like some characters in my story. Also, in no way am I saying Joker is someone you WANT to be in a relationship with. This relationship in this story is abusive, that is plain and simple. I just am vary interested in the idea and the craziness behind the relationship and characters and want to portray them in my own way. Enjoy. :) )))

I stared out the window, the sky was dark but the lights of the city shined through it. Pretty lights, beautiful.

"Do you like the view?"

I felt arms wrap around my stomach and I looked up at Mason. He smiled as kindly as he could. I looked out the window again to take in the view of our apartment bedroom.

"Yes." I answer, a small smile painting on my lips before I turned to him. I placed a hand on  either of his cheeks and my smile widened, he gave a halfhearted smile and leaned in. I leaned in too, my eyes landing on his lips. But when we were a breath away he moved his lips to my cheek. I blinked, lips forming into an 'o' shape as my cheeks brushed a shade of pink from embarrassment.

"You're gorgeous," he told me and pulled away to look me in the eyes. He smiled and I smiled back as best I could before he walked away. My smile faltered and I cleared my throat, running a hand through my dirty blonde hair and following him into the kitchen.

Myself and Mason have been together since the eleventh grade and now we've finished university and collage so now we're here. We were, or are the classic love story. We met in high school and he was a football player. I cheered at all of his games and eventually we graduated together, we met one others families and always visited each other at the dorms when I started university and he started collage. Then after we graduated, my best friend told me about a job she thought would be great for me in a place called Gotham City. A therapist at Arkham Asylum, a mental hospital for the insane. It came out of no where, especially since I hadn't seen her in years since she moved. Mason was eager for me to accept although I was nervous but I eventually said yes. The only difference between our relationship and others? We're both virgins. Mason is Christian and wants to wait until marriage. I am not Christian, I have no religion. I respect his beliefs and he respects mine.

"What do you want for dinner?" Mason asked, opening the stainless steal fridge and looking at the little amount of food we bought before officially moving in. I frowned, scanning the food.

"What about pizza? It's been a long day and I have work tomorrow." I said, leaning over the table. He said nothing and grabbed the phone, dialing one of the many numbers Elizabeth gave us for take out.

Work. I would be lying if the thought of working in a place for the criminally insane didn't freak me out. I have no idea if I even have any patients open for me and I've heard about criminals in Gotham. Elizabeth decided not to share the details of crime in this infamous city. Murder and theft is normal. Men and woman with names like Penguin and Crane or Cat Woman. Monsters like a man of scales names Killer Croc and even heroes likes a man with a black cape and suit named Batman.

Knowing this information. That means the criminally insane must be off the rails. They kill for fun and business and are locked away by Batman. Elizabeth told me this over lunch and it honestly makes me scared.

We ate in silence, watching the news. It was boring which I was guessing is abnormal. I began to think that maybe Elizabeth was just overreacting, that it might not be the norm and it isn't as dangerous. But that all changed when the screen changed to a woman, standing out front what looked like an asylum from the movies. The buildings looked like old buildings in Britain, lots of windows and a large black gate that had two words spelt across the top; Arkham Asylum.

I'll be working there? I thought, frowning. Of course you are dummy, look at the name! I bit my lip as a car drove in and the brunette spoke into the camera.

"Batman has caught the Joker after a bombing, he is being put in-"

I stopped listening, my eyes on a man who'd been pulled out of a car. Two officers had him by the shoulders and his back was to the screen, and all I could hear was a haunting laughter. That was all you could hear as the woman's voice faltered and she watched him in fear. His hair was an emerald green that was a dominant color in the dark scene around him. He wore a black tailored suit and his laughter died down as he was lead into the asylum. Mason reached for the remote, as I gazed at the TV with unblinking eyes. I hadn't even noticed he turned it off as the image of the man walking into the asylum was etched in my brain and his laughter echoed in my head sending shivers down my back. "Am-"

"The Joker." I whispered, frowning and looking at Mason. He looked worried and all I felt was fear. Are all the people in there like that? Laughing hysterically? . . Like the Joker.

"I have to work there?" I whispered and he instantly wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "Don't worry Amberly, I doubt you'll have criminals like that as your first patient."

Mason lead me to our bedroom, kissing my lips once as I laid in the bed. He eventually laid beside me after locking the doors and windows, he held my hands and I finally shut my eyes. I desperately wanted to fall asleep to the sweet and loving words of Mason, his voice etched in my brain. But I couldn't, the only thing in my head was the insane mans laughter.

Ha Ha Ha.

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