Not A Single Person Heard Me

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I followed Mrs Allison hesitantly into an expensive looking apartment building. I glanced sideways at her as she pressed the buzzer and got a response. "Hello?"

"Hey, Meredith. It's Mrs Allison." She spoke into the speaker and dropped her hand. Meredith responded quickly. "Linda!"

We both heard the buzz of the door unlocking and Mrs Allison chuckled and spoke into the speaker, mumbling a quick thank you. I opened the door and we both walked in and headed towards the elevator. "Mrs Allison, I-"

"This will be good for you. Remember, it's for the best results of your patient." She stated and I nodded slowly as she pressed the third level button. The elevator doors slid shut. "Meredith has been free from her illness for eight years now. She's a good friend of mine."

"Oh." I hummed and the elevator stopped. The doors slid open and we stepped out, narrowly stepping out of the way from a family waiting to get in. I moved a little quicker to catch up with Mrs Allison as we moved down a hallway. We eventually reached room 123.

Mrs Allison knocked lightly and after a minute it opened revealing a young woman. She had long rosy hair that was naturally crimped and welcoming gray eyes along with a kind smile. She looked about the same age as one of my patients, Joker. 

The two embraced and she gave Mrs Allison a toothy white smile. One a student would give a teacher, respectful. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I have an employee of mine that doesn't believe a certain practice of ours at Arkham." Mrs Allison gestured to me and Meredith smiled in response to seeing me. She held out a hand and shook mine. "What is your name?"

"Doctor Quinzel." I answered and she chuckled. "I don't do formalities, your first name."

"Amberly." I answered and she sent me a wink. "Mine is Meredith."

"May we come in Meredith?" Mrs Allison asked causing Meredith's smile to fall. But she quickly smiled and nodded, opening up the door. She gestured for us to come inside. Both myself and Mrs Allison walked into the small apartment. It was mostly empty and but fancy. The room was fancy except for the counter in the kitchen. I watched as she calmly grabbed the scattered papers and stacked them up. She placed them between the lose pages of a book. 

"Would either of your like some tea?" She asked, her Australian accent shining through slightly. I politely declined while Mrs Allison accepted. She quickly brought the tea over to Mrs Allison, not grabbing some for herself. She sat beside me instead of beside Mrs Allison, sitting across from her.

"So what practice do you . . not agree with?" Meredith asked me and I brushed a strand of hair back. I glanced at Mrs Allison before looking at Meredith. "Electroshock Therapy."

Meredith nodded after a moments and Mrs Allison spoke. "All of her notes point towards the therapy for one of her patients but she isn't giving him that therapy he desperately needs."

"Oh." Meredith hummed and I looked down at my hands. The room was silent until Mrs Allison spoke again. "You were a successful patient with this treatment like others and I wanted her to see this."

"Uh, yes." Meredith said and looked at me. "You might not agree with it and your patient might not be happy with you but . . in the long run. It's better."

"How long did it take you?" I asked and she looked up in thought. She then looked at me. "Three years, therapy every week."

I frowned, not believing it. Mrs Allison butted in. "Meredith had a similar . . physiological problem as your current patient but not as bad. It might take longer but it's doable."

"That is . . true." Meredith said and placed a hand over my own. I looked at her and she spoke. "I have a happy life now, I'm complete and have never been happier. But in the end it is your choice."

"It helped her." Mrs Allison said and I looked at her. She smiled. "It will help him. I promise."

I didn't agree. I didn't want to put someone through that. But I felt like I was being pushed by pressure. So I finally nodded. Agreeing. It's to help my patients. The practice will help him.


"Oh Harley. Why can't it be like the old days?"

I rolled my eyes at the Joker as he sit's in front of me. His fake smile dropped and he glared. Ever since I've found out about him threatening me -although he say's it was a joke- I've been only professional with him. I treat him like a patient and don't ask about his day. I only ask questions I need to know for his medication. I hadn't expected him to be so . . . aggravated and annoyed with this treatment.

"It is Doctor Quinzel, now for the next word. Fate?" I asked and he growled. I was a little startled but brush it off, this didn't stop him from noticing my reaction. He grinned in satisfaction.

"Again. Fate?" I ask him and he groaned, dropping his head on the back of his chair before moving it to the side and staring at me. I downcast my gaze to my notebook.

"Fine. If you wont cooperate then I'll just leave." I glared at him and he glared back as I grab my things. But as I got up he finally spoke. "This isn't you."

"What isn't me?" I ask as he leaned forward in his chair. He smiled at me and I harden my glare, seeing this he dropped the smile and scowled.

"I wan't the . . . fun Harley back." He groaned and I scoffed.

"My name is Amberly-" I told his, exasperated.

"Nicknames doll." He sighed and I rolled my eyes as he placed his feet on the table. Getting comfortable.

"Alright puddin'." I reply sarcastically. He scowled and I storm out, feeling annoyed with his games. Can he not just cooperate!? Just answer the god damn questions! The guards don't ask questions as I stormed out because I've done it a lot recently. But they don't blame me. I'm guessing because they think it's the things he says but for me it's not that. Although his lack of answering questions is because I refuse to ask the usual questions he want's me to ask is annoying it isn't exactly that. I'm still mad at him, I refuse to call him Mr J. But part of me misses that adrenaline rush of being dangerously close when we get in a heated conversation or just the guilty excitement of going into our sessions. Maybe the fact that he threatened my well being was more hurtful then it should of been because I thought I was making him better. In reality he was probably plotting to cause me pain. I've had too much of that in the last week.


I jump, turning around and glaring at Jason as he maade a b-line for me. He faltered for a moment and I quickly smiled to make sure he knew I wasn't pissed at him.

"Hey Jason. . . What's up?" I smoothed out my jacket and he smiled awkwardly.

"I was wondering if you're almost done work?" He asked me and I thought about it for a moment. I'm done working with my patients and I left my session with the Joker rather quickly. I nod. "Why?"

"Well I'm done and I was thinking I could drive you to your place and then we could go to the club? I know you don't have a car since you always come in a taxi." He explained and I sucked in a deep breath before nodding. "Sure."

After grabbing our things, putting away our work stuff -jackets, notebooks, etc- and locking our offices we left work. It was already seven by the time we got in his car. A beautiful slick black 1967 Chevy Impala. I was about to call Mason and tell him what was going on, but I got a text just as I opened up my phone.

Name: Boyfriend

Message: I'm ready. With Elizabeth and she's driving me. What's the club name?

I stared at the message and couldn't help the feeling in my gut when hearing he was with Elizabeth. Why Is she driving him? I quickly texted back and ask why he can't wait for Jason and myself to get to the apartment.

"Your boyfriend?" Jason asked me and I nod curtly. He turned the corner and I stare out the window until we reach the outskirts of town. I finally get a text back.

Message: Because we are ready and thought it would be easier. Elizabeth drove me home after work so that's why she offered.

"What's the name of the club?" I sighed and after Jason told me I quickly text it to Mason. I take off my glasses and tug the elastic from my ponytail. I don't really need glasses anymore, it's just something to wear because the doctor says I should. I don't need contacts when I take them off. My vision is only a little bit better when I have them on.

By the time we had stopped so he could change and got to my house, it was eight. I rushed to get ready, pulling on a fitted black dress and styled my hair in a half up and half down style.

"You almost ready!?" Jason hollered from the kitchen as I finish off my mascara. I place it to the side and fluffed up my hair before quickly leaving the bathroom. "I'm ready!"

I hastily leave the bathroom and when I reached the kitchen Jason was tossing an apple he had already started eating. I quickly drop onto the couch and pull on my matching strap heels as he takes another bite. Jason's hair is in it's usual messy 'style' while he is wearing a dark grey top and jeans, vary casual.

"What do you think?" I asked after pushing myself up on my feet and tugging down my dress. He looked over my outfit and took a bite of his apple before nodding.

"Looking good." He grinned at me and I smiled in thanks. We stood in silence for a few awkward moments before I break it. "So, the club."

"Oh! Yeah, let's go." He smiled at me and took a bite of his apple as I left. We both walked to the car and it only took us five minutes to get to the club. So by the time we were there, it was 8:30. Thank god I have the day off tomorrow. We don't have to have sessions unless you decide to show up. I use to always go because I actually preferred it rather then being at home. But I think I'm just going to start staying home and spending the day to myself. Mason works all weekend and no Joker.

The two of us made our way to the club and I followed Jason awkwardly. I haven't been to the club in a long time and since Mason isn't the type to 'grind on the dance floors but I'm sure that changed when I'm at work.

As we were about to make out way to the back of the line, a whistle stopped me. Looking behind me, thinking it was probably someone calling for a taxi, I saw one of the bouncers staring me down. I quickly grab Jason's sleeve and he stopped.

"Hey girly!" He nods for me to come over and Jason gave me a look that I ignored. After a second I left Jason's side and my adrenaline started pumping as I made my way up to an obviously strong and tall man. "Yeah?"

He lifted the rope and I was surprised for a moment. I looked back at Jason who shrugged as they lets us in, only stopping Jason to check his ID. Completely 'forgetting' about mine.

The music was vibrating off the walls as we walked in and I turned to Jason.

"That's never happened to me before!" I tried yelling over the music and he laughed at me. I've only seen that in the movies. When they let you in simply because of your looks. I've never thought of myself as sexy non the less hot enough. Only pretty. So it's an understatement to say that I was feeling good about myself.

We walked into the club and I stopped to stare. The room was full and woman were dancing on both men and woman. I quickly follow Jason and started searching for my boyfriend although men's eyes were on me. I could say that I felt almost violated, trying not to make eye contact although it was unavoidable.

"Do you see him!?" Jason yelled.

"No!" I yell back but as soon as I say it I spot a familiar brunette.

"Elizabeth!" I yell and tried pushing through the sweaty bodies as she talked to a guy. I yell her name again and when she noticed me she waved the guy off and put a wide smile on her face. "Amber!"

I'm pulled into her arms and I can't help but relax, knowing I found her. But as soon as that feeling came it was gone. I looked around us, Jason meeting up.

"Who's this!?" Elizabeth giggled, grabbing my shoulder and bringing back my attention. I smiled as best as I could. "He's a friend from work, his names Jason. Jason! This is Elizabeth!"

The two of them shook hands and I looked over her shoulder, nibbling at my lips. I drop back on my heels and turn my attention to my best friend. "Where is Mase?"

"Uh. ." She looks around her and stopped for a moment but before I could follow her gaze she looked back at me. "The bathroom I think."

I look where her gaze had been and see the VIP rooms. In the room she was most likely looking in, there was a bunch of men and one girl giving a lap dance. The room gave an aura of authority and I made eye contact with one. He had dark hair and eyes, tan skin and a muscular build. I quickly look away, not hearing what my friends had been saying. I quickly look back and try looking more. Is Mason over there? Is Elizabeth covering for him? But just as soon as I went for a second look, Elizabeth had grabbed my arm.

"let's dance!" She giggled, holding my arms and beginning to do so. I immediately felt awkward as Jason watched, laughing as he had a drink.

"Come on Amber!" Elizabeth grinned, beginning to move her hips in a sexual movement and catching men's attentions.

"I cant dance!" I countered her calls and turn to leaved, but Jason cut me off and began to pull me back to my friend. Jason started moving my arms in attempts of motivating me and I began laughing until I saw a look of annoyance on Elizabeth's face, but she quickly covered it up and tried getting me to dance as well.

Jason began to dance and one girl came up and he began to grin on her. Elizabeth was doing whatever movements that looked good. Both calling for me to dance, I finally give in.

I started moving my hips, earning a cheer from Elizabeth. I get into it and moved my head side to side, going to the beat of the music and running my hand through it as I began to move my body. Elizabeth got closer and danced with me, the two of us moving our bodies. Men were watching us and I was actually having fun. That is until hands took a hold of my hips and pulled me out of the fun.

I jump, gasping in surprise and turning to look. But he just pulled me against his chest. I was about to scream at him. Shove him or even hit him. But then I heard his voice.

"It's me Amber." Mason.

He tried grinding against me, pulling my body closer to him but I couldn't do it. It felt unnatural and wrong. So I pulled away, turning to see him face to face. I felt guilty, guilt for feeling this way around my own boyfriend. But then again, he's the reason I feel that way. What's the sudden change? He never tried to dance with me like that. he doesn't dance. But then again, he apparently never had sex too and that's a big lie. I pull away and walk to the table and Mason followed. I stopped at the counter and ask for a drink, making a tab for me and my friends.

"You don't drink?" Mason laughed it off but it sounds like a question. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes I do. Just not often and I prefer flavored drinks." I shrugged and he frowned.

"I didn't know-" He began with a grin and I cut him off. "Yeah, well there's a lot of things we don't know about one another."

"What are you-" we were about to fight. I was going to scream and I wouldn't care who heard. But before it even began, it ended. Both Jason and Elizabeth walked up to us.

"You two okay?" Jason asked and I nod curtly, clearing my throat as the bartender gave me my drink. "Yep. We're great."

Mason stared at me, unsure but shrugging it off. He smiles at our friends. "Yeah, we're awesome."

We all then went to the dance floor and I didn't dance with my boyfriend. I danced with my best friend and if he tried to grind I would just face him and dance. Who knows what has touched his crotch.


"This is awesome!" Elizabeth giggled and I laughed too. We all had found a table to occupy, taking a break and letting our bodies relax for a minute. I was sipping at my drink; a Mudslide.

When I looked at Mason, I find myself rolling my eyes. I don't really care if your boyfriend stared at another girls boobs or ass because it's only natural. It also doesn't make me feel as guilty when I look at an attractive man or ogle over a character on a movie or show. As long as he doesn't act on it or she doesn't then it's fine. But Mason acts on it, so now when I see him do it, it just annoys me.

"Hey, mason." I call for him, making him break eye contact with Boobles. I noticed Elizabeth glare at him, noticing what I saw. "Yeah Am?"

"You having a good time!?" I yelled over the music as best I could. "We haven't gone out in forever!"

"Yeah!" He replied and when he took a sip from his drink, I rolled my eyes. He's probably been out more then once. Fucking dumb ass.

I was about to offer Jason a drink. Who had just finished but I'm stopped by a presence behind me. Someone tapped my shoulder and when I looked at him my buzz abruptly went away. His skin was dark and his eyes covered by sunglasses, like a bodyguard for a celebrity.

"Hello!?" I asked, instantly regretting it although he was the one to come over and probably wouldn't have left. Suddenly I could barely hear the music as my attention was on him as he nodded his head in the direction of the VIP section. "You four have been invited to VIP by Adam Davis."

Although I didn't know the name, I felt I should. I was going to deny and tell him we were good. But Jason had cut in. "Sure!"

Everyone else got up quickly and when I went to glare at Jason he gave me a look. As if telling me not to argue. This told me that whoever Davis is, won't take no for an answer. I know Jason, he wouldn't force it if he knew we'd be allowed to be left alone.

I follow my friends to VIP, curious to why Elizabeth and Mason are so calm. But the stumbling around made me think they were probably just drunk. The VIP was up a flight of stairs and I found it strangely quieter then the rest of the club. I couldn't describe it but my ears were still ringing from the music. But as we were about to walk in, he stopped Jason.

"Not you." The guard told him and my blood ran cold. I looedk at him and I'm about to say something but he held his hands up.

"Okay. I'll be at the table." He backed away and as we were lead inside I spared a quick glance at him. He mouths at me to be safe before pulling out his phone and walking down the stairs quickly.

"Welcome!" A gruff voice exclaimed and when I looked up, I'm almost frozen. They were the guys I saw earlier, the ones Elizabeth had looked at. I instantly walked closer to Mason and Elizabeth as we took our seats. I was about to take one but the guy I made eye contact with -earlier- held a hand up at me. I froze to the spot, my body abruptly unwilling to move.

"You. Sit here." He pats the spot beside him and I quickly looked at Mason. He avoided eye contact. Almost growling, I walk to him and sat down. He places his hand on my thigh, causing me to flinch. He was lanky but by the way everyone else stared at him, I know they will fight for him.

"I invited you here to drink." He gestured at the table and everyone went to take a drink from the table. The security guard stood at what looks like a door and I finally realized it wa a small room with a large window that showed the club. That's why it was so much quieter.

Adam's hand slid down my back and I instinctively jerked away. He chuckled at my action and I quickly look at Mason who wasn't looking at me. His eyes are on the window, not me.

"What's your name?" Adam asked and I pretended I didn't hear him. But a firm grip on my shoulder told me I should answer him. "Amberly."

"Hmm." He hummed and nodded at everyone. All at once most of the men leave except for three and my friend and Mason. I tried making eye contact with Mason but he wouldn't look me in the eyes.

"Names?" He nodded at the two sitting across from us.

"Mason." He answered, barely audible. He looked up but as soon as he saw me he looked away. Say something! Just say something!

"Elizabeth." She sounded nervous, playing with her short skirts. Adam cleared his throat and stood up from his seat. He then shut the curtains and turned to Mason and Liz.

"You can go now. Mason and Elizabeth." He nodded at the two of them instantaneously got up. My heart started hammering and I felt like I'm about to have a panic attack.

"I'll go with-" I stood up but when I looked up the three men had also gotten up. Mason and Elizabeth could be seen walking away, leaving the room.

"Oh no." Adam turned to me. "We have business with you."

I screamed when one man pushed me against the wall. Instinctively I kneed him in the crotch but as soon as he pulled back, two other men grabbed me. I saw Mason at the stares and I started screaming for him.

"Mason!" I scream as Adam walks up to me. I felt a hand on my back and the sound of the zipper going down was enough to make me scream again. "MASON!"

He finally stopped, hearing me. He looked and I saw his green eyes for a fracture of a second before my vision went blurry. I was beginning to shake. "Mason!"

He then disappeared, walking down the stairs to the club. Even when I was shoved onto the ground. Even when I was stripped down I had been screaming until my throat felt raw. But it was no use, because not a single person heard me.

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