{The Beginning}

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It's quiet...I can't seem to hear anything. I'm in my room. I looked around, seeing the golden stars I put around my room for decoration.

"Nightmare? Are you up yet?" I ask. I live here with my brother in the village.
He seemed to be out of his bed.

I wonder where he went. I get up from my bed and go outside my balcony to enjoy the summer breeze! It was cold but delightful.
I could feel as the breeze made my cape float around.

"Dream?" I turn around to see my brother, Nightmare. He was wearing his normal attire, that amazing crown he wore with his purple coat, with hints of white and purple on it. He grabs my hand.

"What are you doing here? We need to head to mom!" Nightmare pulled next back inside the house. "Okay okay! I'm coming!" I reply. I giggle. "What are you laughing about? Hmm?" Nightmare said to me.

"You're smiling! That's making me happy right now...." I say to him.

Nightmare was almost always unhappy, but when he wasn't, he was either faking it for me, or he was actually happy. Today he was happy, and to me this was going to be the best day ever.

"Dream...." Nightmare starts.

"Boys!" We heard downstairs. It was our mother...I mean I loved her but I kinda hate it when she favors me. "We're coming mom!" I yell back. Me and Nightmare ran to the kitchen, where mother had prepared our breakfast.

"No running! You might trip!" Mother scolded us, so we took our seats at the table. She had made omelettes for us to eat for breakfast. "These look amazing! Thank you mom!" I exclaimed. She smiled at me.

"Your welcome Dream." She looks over at Nightmare. "Uh, thanks for the food mother..." Nightmare says. She smiles. "Thank you for answering." Mother replies. It seemed like she was in a good mood today.

"Dream, your friends have decided to come and meet up with you again." Mother said. I jumped up. "Really?! That's awesome! Can I go mom? Please?" I beg her to let me go. I haven't seen both of my friends in a long time, it felt like forever.

"Of course Dream." She replies. By this time I had finished my omelette, meaning I was free to leave. Nightmare however, wasn't finished so he couldn't come with me.

"Can I go with Dream mother?" Nightmare asked. "Not until you finish your food." She replies. "I'm full though..." Nightmare adds on. "You can't finish it again? Such a disappointment..." She says as she grabs Nightmare's plate.

"You could head off now. Go before I decide to punish you." Mother finished. "Ok..." Nightmare heads out.

"Where did you go?" I asked. "I had to finish my food...I had no appetite though so I couldn't really finish it.." Nightmare explained. "It's okay Night, you could hang with me and my friends!" I say. I felt ecstatic, I wanted to hug the frick out of my friends.

"No, it's fine...I want to chill near the tree." Nightmare answers. "Nonsense! Come with me!" I grab his arm. "Dream, I don't want to go with you." Nightmare states. I froze. "Okay, that's fine..." I sat and ran towards the village. "Wait Dream!" I heard Nightmare yell.

He tried to grab my arm, but he failed and tripped instead trying to run toward me. I wanted to help him, but....something was stopping me.


The village was quiet, no one seemed to be outside, it looked like everyone listened to the report...I should find somewhere to go too..but where?

"Dream? Is that you?" I looked behind me to see my artist friend. "Ink? OMG!" I hug the crap out of him. "I haven't seen you in ages! Where have you been!" I yelled. "Well I've been chilling with my parents trying to feel something new and crap." Ink explained.

"Where's Blue?" I ask. "He's still at home with Carrot I believe...why are you out here? Isn't there a murderer loose?" Ink answered. "I don't know, I was heading somewhere before you came..." I point at the TV. "That thing made me intrigued."

I suddenly think of Nightmare. He had gone to the tree, could that be where the murderer was? Could he be in danger? "My brother Nightmare! Do you think he's in danger?" I say. "Maybe, you should go and check on him." Ink replies.

I run as fast as I can to the tree.

"Nightmare!! Are you there!" I see no one until I look down. Someone was behind the tree, sitting down. "Night....?" I look behind the tree.

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