{Tavern Time!}

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"Dream...?" I hear Nightmare say behind the tree. Once I make my way around, I see Nightmare sitting there.

He was bruised badly and he looked horrible. "Oh my god and you okay?!" I go sit down next to him. "What happened to you?!"

"I just tripped again Dream....it's no problem.." Nightmare's voice was shaky, like he was experiencing a type of trauma. Tripping wouldn't give him this feeling...

"Let me heal you!" I prepare my magic. He looks at me and frowns. "I could do it..don't waste your magic on me." Nightmare spat. "Nope. I'm doing it!" I say and I start the healing process.

"Does it hurt?" I ask. "Not the healing, but the bruises yeah...." Nightmare answered. He really looked scared. Had he faced the murderer?

"Did someone do this to you?" I question. He looked horrified for a moment but then calmed himself down. Must have been a flashback of something...

"N-No Dream...I just hurt myself, t-that's all..." Nightmare by this point, is almost healed. "I'm almost done, the pain will disappear soon..." I say with a reassuring tone in my voice.

I hug him. "I was so scared...there is this murderer in the town and I thought it had gotten to you...when I saw your shoulders behind the tree I.....I almost thought you were gone....!" I start sobbing.

"What? A murderer? In the village?" Nightmare seemed confused but he hugged me back. "Dream!"

I turn around and Blue is there. I'm done healing Nightmare so I make it over to him. "Blue! Hey! I haven't seen you since...wait didn't I say that to Ink already?" I still hugged Blue.

"Where's Nightmare?" Blue asked. I was happy the Blue had asked and took him over to the tree, where Nightmare had managed to get a book to read.

He puts the book down and looks at me and Blue. He smiles. "Your back!" He says. Blue goes over and hugs him. "So glad this isn't a bad timeline, those bullies will pay, don't worry..." Blue whispers in Nightmare non-existent ears.

Nightmare is shocked that Blue knows something but then he just nods. I am clueless at what Blue whispered. "Uh can I get some info? Are you guys keeping secrets from me!!" I stomped my way over there.

"Heh, no Dream...he just told me to be careful, that's all." Nightmare answered. "Then you shouldn't have whispered it! You know what? Whatever because I suddenly crave some food right now." I say smiling.

Blue and Nightmare laugh. "Ok, let's head to the tavern. Not the one with the drunk dudes, the one that has less bar vibes." Blue replies. "Oki!" Dream starts running.

—————At the tavern!

There are only a few people here, workers and townspeople who are scared for their life. "Is there something wrong?" Blue asks.

"Oh right, there is a murderer around.." I answer. "Oh crap, we probably shouldn't be here then." Blue tries to open the door but it is locked. "Oh no. Did we just get locked in here?" Nightmare face palms.

I give out a nervous chuckle and look at the townspeople. Blue turns around to reveal three guys standing there. "Oh hi—!! I didn't see ya there." Blue was frightened at first but then became his normal cheerful persona.

They were all skeletons. There was one, his eyes were black, no soul once however..then another one with a giant hole in his head, one with eccentric eyelights. Nightmare looked at them, dumbfounded by their looks.

"Hey there, you guys are princes correct~?" One of them asked. "Well yes and no....Blue here is just a friend." Nightmare stands in front of both of us. Bruh...

"Hmm.... protective huh, like that~but uh your not who I'm talking to." The one with the black eye sockets said. Nightmare glared.

"Of course I'm not the one you need, it's not like I ever was."Nightmare pushes me forward. "No please—!" I am now in front of this dude. "Hi....I'm Dream nice to meet you..." I said. "Killer. That's Dust and that's Horror." He points at his other friends.

"This is my brother Nightmare, and that's my friend Blue." I say. "Friend? Oh..though he was your boyfriend...you guys single cause—" He starts. "For god's sake Killer stop there." The one with the hole in his head, assuming that's Horror, said.

"Heh, fine..." Killer sits down on one of those stools. "These guys are hella cute Dream...hA." Blue joked. Nightmare continued to glare. "Nighty...it's fine." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Kill me please! That stupid one tried to flirt with you!" Nightmare yelled back at me. That attracted the last one's attention. "Ya jealous?" He said. Nightmare turned to face the one with eccentric eyelights, Dust. 

"No, why would I." Nightmare replied. "Oh well don't worry, I favor you over your brother. You seem braver~" He smirks.

"Jesus Christ what is wrong with you guys?!" Nightmare took a seat far away from Killer.

"Nothing. I'm just trying to make you feel better about yourself." Dust answered. I kinda shipped Nightmare with Killer and Dust for a second but then it disappeared when I realized he was my brother.

"Stop with the flirting. Why are you guys here. You don't look like you come from this place." Blue asked. "Great you asked, we got lost and found this village. We headed here first and then got ourselves trapped." Horror explained.

"Really sucks." Killer added on. "Pitiful." Nightmare asked for some food from the bartender. "Ok! I'll get you something!" The bartender replies. "Don't be like that Lust, just be yourself for goodness sake." Horror spat. It kinda scared the bartender, which is now called "Lust."

"Sorry Horror, I just get in this random mood.." Lust went into the kitchen. "Of being a slave? That sucks." Dust said after Lust was gone. "No not a slave, a bartender." Horror tried to believe the statement he said, but he knew that Lust was being treated like a slave.

"He seems nice." I say. Horror smiles. "He is when you get to know him." Horror says. "Well since we are great friends now...let's eat stuff!" Blue sits down next to Killer. I try to sit down next to Nightmare when Dust pops in and sits there.

"Oop, sorry." Dust grabs a drink. I sigh and sit in the seat in between Blue and Dust. "Why did you do that?" I hear Nightmare asks Dust. "I wanna get to know you more, ya seem like a nice guy." Dust answers, taking a shot.

Nightmare scoffs and gets his food from Lust.

Night turns to face him. "Come eat with us." Nightmare says. "Wait really?" Lust smiles. "Yeah why not?" Nightmare points at where Horror sat, where there was a free spot next to him.

Lust take a seat. "Thank you..." Lust says and starts to eat. He brought in a bunch of delicious food. Including spaghetti tacos, me and Blue's personal favorite.

An ink portal appears. "Hello!" Ink does jazz hands as he appears through the portal. "Who the fuck is that?" Dust asked. "Ink! Your back! How did you find us?" Blue interrupts. "Oh well I looked in every tavern lol." Ink took a seat next to Lust.

This tavern was big, big enough for many seats for an all lot of people which was convenient.

The lights are then turned off.

It's pitch black and I can't see anything...

"Guys?! Are you guys ok?" I ask. There is no reply. I grab someone's hand. They jump. But they continue to hold it.

I hear screams and shouting. The murderer was here...

"Night!!" I yell. Was he the hand I was holding? I couldn't tell. I was losing the grip. "Whoever you are, don't let go!" I continue. The screaming grew quieter, I was starting to hear voices I recognized.

"Back off bitch!" I hear Dust yell. My lights light up and create some light for me to see. There was someone there, I couldn't recognize their face, but it was trying to hurt Nightmare, Dust was trying to fight him off.

"Stop!" I yell. They look at me. There is too much of a shadow on their face so I still could make up who it was. "Dream?" I hear Nightmare say. He was behind Dust, that's where I wanted him to stay.

The murderer suddenly ran toward me, I felt impact, and then I blacked out.

That's the last thing I remember at least. When I fell, the person who was holding my hand lost the grip and then I probably fell off my chair. I couldn't see anything.

Please don't let anything bad happen....

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