{The Mafia Strikes}

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I woke up. "Is everyone ok?!" I yell. I see everyone behind me. They all were unconscious....like me a few mins ago. Then I look in front of me...

"OH MY GOD!" I scream. Countless dead bodies of people in the tavern. I seem to wake up someone. "Dream...?" It was Blue. "What happened?" Blue asked. He looks at all the dead bodies. "Holy crap!! Did someone do this?"

"Yes I believe so...it looks horrible...they were just having a good time and then this happened..." I reply. I was shaking.

"It's okay, Dream...what happened to the others?" Blue looked over at the other unconscious skeletons. "Wake them up." I say. Blue then gives Killer a small nudge. "Huuuuhh.....? What...? What happened?" Killer seemed confused.

He looks at me with those hollow eyes. I have to say...I felt something weird around him...

"Are you hurt?" Killer asks me. "No, I'm fine..." I answered. Was he the one holding my hand during the attack...? I am clearly confused. Like why would he try and help me? I get the random thought of the word help and suddenly think of...

"Night!!" I go up to his unconscious body. I give him a small tap on the shoulder. "Oh hey..." Nightmare says as he wakes up. "Did he hurt you?" I ask him. I get flashbacks of Killer asking me that but I ignored it.

"No...I don't think so...I feel dizzy though. Might be because of the fall or something..." He replies. I give him a nice warm hug. I see Dust next to him. Next to a broken chair.

He was protecting Night last time I saw him. Was he okay?

"Hey Dust!" Nightmare goes in front of me. Was he concerned for him? I mean...I wouldn't blame him...he tried to save his life. "Fuck..!!" Dust bolts up.

He looks at me and Night staring at him with worried expressions.

"Oh uh...sorry..I just got scared for a second there..." Dust continues.

Night puts his hand on Dust's shoulder. "Thanks for trying to help me..but I could have done it myself." Nightmare thanked him. I sensed something between them...

Like the feeling I was getting toward Killer..what was it..was it possibly—

"Dream!" I hear someone yell. I turn around and it's Ink. "Are you ok?" Ink looks around for any injuries. "Nope! All good. What about you?" I replied.

"I'm fine." Ink smiles. I get warm feelings and look away. What is up with me today?!

Dust looks at all the dead bodies. "Woah—!" He starts. Dust starts having a cough attack. "Oh hey!! Calm down!!" Nightmare struggles to help him.

"S-Sorry....I need..." Dust is having trouble saying words. Nightmare digs inside his bag. He finds an inhaler. "Bam." Nightmare mumbles. How did he know..?

Dust runs to the bathroom still having a cough attack. "Wait!" Nightmare yelled. Night then trips on Killer's leg. "Ow..!" He holds his knee. "Oh sorry...! I didn't mean to!" Killer tries to help.

I see Night's eyes. They reminded me of mine. Was he also feeling that feeling towards Killer? I thought he felt something with Dust? Well I felt that way toward Ink...

The looks of Night's face stops once he blinks and gets up to help Dust in the bathroom.

Dust is still suffering and probably having a panic attack seeing the blood or something..

"I-I'm...s-sorry...!" Dust kept saying that. What was he sorry for? He was in tears. Was this a mental breakdown? "It's fine Dust, no one hates you here...it's fine. This is a safe environment for us. It wasn't your fault ok?" Nightmare attempted to calm him down.

"I-I.k-killed...h-him...I....killed...e-everyone.!" Dust yelled. Nightmare looks at Horror who begins explaining crap.

"The poor guy killed his family..so did Killer. He tried to save everyone but it went all wrong...he's just a little traumatized.." Horror explained.

Night listens, and then turns back to face Dust. "Dust...'breath' focus your eyes on me.." Nightmare gave him his inhaler. He struggled to breath. He was also spitting out some purple stuff, probably his blood.

Was he going to be okay?

I go out to check on Lust, who is covering his nonexistent ears. "I don't want to hear that.." He says to me. "It sounds horrible..is he ok?"

"I don't know..I guess we have to wait.." I reply. It's almost silent, but there are still noises coming from the bathroom. "Maybe he's calmed down?" I say and head over.

I return to the bathroom seeing Dust lying down on Nightmares lap. "What happened to him?" I asked. "He passed out or fainted..I don't know. I guess that worked?" Nightmare looks at Killer.

"Carry him to one of the couches." Nightmare instructed. I expected Killer to decline but he got up willingly to help carry Dust there.

"That scared the crap out of me." Lust said. "Yeah, me too..." Nightmare grabbed a towel. He had some blood on his hands. "This is really bad though...all those humans died from the murderer." I add on.

"Don't think it's a murderer anymore" Someone said.

He wore a fluffy jacket. He reminded me of clouds. He also gave me space vibes. Did he work here?

"Outer!" Lust called out. So he does work here...I suddenly remembered that all the employees had been kept here. I wondered if all of them were okay, and not in the dead body pile.

"Who else works here?" I ask. "Classic and Cross." Outer replies. "Who..?" I repeat.

Suddenly, the 'Employees Only' door opens revealing an achromatic skeleton and a....sans? "Classic!" I recognized him. So I gave him a hug. I met him once in the town.

He freaked out once he saw me. 'Damn alternate versions of me' he said. Great Times...

"Oh uh...hey Dream.." Classic replies. The achromatic skeleboi apparently named Cross brought out this gigantic sword. I looked over at Killer who looked intrigued.

He goes up to Cross. "Heya there, put that thing down. We're not trying to hurt anyone." Killer says. "Says a guy named Killer." Cross replied.

"Heh..smart guy aren't you?" I feel tension between them. Blue then pops up in between them. "No time for this stupid bullshit. We need to figure out how to get out of here!" Blue said a cuss word and the tension stopped. Oop—

Dust lets out laugh as he gets up from the couch. "Oh hey Dust!" Blue says. "Are you okay? You freaked us out earlier."

"Yeah I'm fine...like Kills said, past trauma." Dust heads over to where we were all talking and stands next to Killer.

"That so-called 'murderer' is not a murderer...it's one of us who's pretending to be a good person...." Cross says. "So like a Mafia." Killer adds on.

"Yeah...like that." Cross says. I feel fear all over the room. Everyone couldn't trust anyone anymore. "There is no way someone got in here...every entrance is blocked off...of freaking course he's here." Dust explains.

Am I scared? I don't like this idea of someone in this room killing everyone....

I look around the room to see people gazing at each other, probably trying to figure out who it was.

"Okay guys, let's not kill each other...that's what they want." Blue says. "What can we do anyways, we all seem to be great friends." Horror steps up.

"Trust me when I say, I'm not the Mafia." Blue pulls out a gun. "Woah—!" Killer yells. "I'm a cop, I work in the patrolling department, it's my job to try and keep you guys safe." Blue explains. Oh wow...

"I'm a healer....uh...I could save you if you guys are hurt, I don't think you want to kill me." I add on. Everyone was starting to believe that it wasn't me, which is true, I wasn't.....I don't want anyone hurt...

"I think the rest of you are just townspeople." Nightmare says. "What about you? What's your role?" Killer asks Night. Night stays silent for a moment.

"I...don't really have one, I could be a protector....? Or...." Night's face begins to become a face of sadness. I looked at Killer, I'm guessing he regretted asking that.

"You're as important as everyone here Night." Killer replies. Nightmare looks up at him. He then turns to take a seat next to Lust, who was just listening to the conversation.

"It's useless...I'm obviously no help...you guys don't need to pretend...I want to help, but I know I'm useless..." Night starts to hug himself. "It's fine, I'm like that too." Lust pats Nightmare's back. Lust also leans in for a hug. Nightmare accepts.

"It's okay..." Lust was acting like a mother, comforting a child. I felt safe around him. Everyone did. So he wasn't useless, he was the person that would comfort everyone.

"Thanks Lust. I didn't expect you to do that.." Nightmare smiles. "Your not useless, just remember that, Killer's just stupid." Lust says and laughs.

"Hey!" Killer yells. Dust elbows him. "Ack—!" Killer cries. "That's what you get. You don't ask someone what their role in life is if you know that they've been ignored their whole life. I mean look at him! He's FUCKING beautiful!!" Dust tries to be supportive.

Nightmare laughs. "Wow...I didn't know so many people actually liked me.." Nightmare says. "Broooooo...I luv you—!" I said and hugged the frick out of him.

"Ugh—Dream!" Nightmare yelled but then everyone came to do a big group hug. Then we all fell to the ground because the hug mountain was unstable. We all then started to giggle on the floor. This was a moment that I didn't want to lose, but it was almost nighttime...

They might strike again....

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