Final Plan

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While Taehyun and Chae were busy discussing when they fell for each other Jihyo and Rm were looking at them like proud parents, Jihyo quickly took a picture of both of them talking to each other with the biggest smiles on their faces, Jihyo showed the picture to Namjoon which only made him smile wider if that was even possible.

Present, One week Later, In the Meeting Room,

All the individuals were currently gathered in the meeting room to discuss their plan of action. The last week was pretty tough for all the girls and boys, they often had the thought to give up but then unconsciously the pictures of their loved ones covered in blood would appear in front of their eyes as if to remind them why they were doing this, Boys tried their best to train the girls in such a way that is simple but yet good enough to take down a group with years of experience. The training was not as smooth as they expected it to be, there were difficulties, there were problems, sometimes they even fought among themselves but at the end of the day they would resolve the conflicts as if they never happened, there were injuries- Lisa's wound on her neck was still under recovery, Rose had a deep cut on her thigh but it was also healing pretty well, Jennie got a bruise on her shoulder during a friendly fight with taehyung but these injuries just made them more stronger both mentally and physically. Jisoo's brother was now much better and helped others in any way he could. Now that their training had been successfully completed they were now focusing on developing a perfect plan to take down their enemy.

RM- So first of all congratulations girls for completing your training I know it was hard for you, I know we were hard on you but all of this was for you and I am 100% sure that we will win but now it is time for the most important thing, we need to evolve a plan.

Jihyo- Yupp we are finally qualified to fight AND before we get into all that serious stuff let's take a group photo to celebrate this moment!!!

She said with the biggest smile on her face while giving the camera in her hand to Soobin who happened to be the tallest in the group. Everybody agreed to her suggestion and gathered around soobin trying to fit into the frame while Soobin also adjusted the camera, he counted to 3 before finally clicking the picture and showing it to the rest of the people gathered around him, when all of them approved he took the picture and placed it on the notice board in front of them before all of them settled down.

Taehyung- Okay, now that everything is done, let's move on to planning.

Yoongi- Correct, so the first step will be to go to Delhi then travel to Gurgaon by road to avoid suspicion, then we have to get our weapons and stuff ready for attack, and then boom attack simple.

Soobin- I think the plan is solid till traveling to Gurgaon by road but then we should first go check out the locations and then think of a way to get in the building without causing much trouble.

Yoongi- But sneaking in is no fun, we should just go and kill every bustard present there.

Yoongi exclaimed while pouting and whining dramatically which made the others chuckle a bit Nayeon called him cute which made him pout even more if that's possible and fold his arms cutely.

Taehyung- I agree with Soobinie we should consider the fact that we have some newcomers with us and should plan accordingly.
Jennie- Even though I am very tempted to agree with Yoongi oppa and go kill every bastard but I think playing safe is the best option for us right now.

RM- Agreed, so I will arrange a flight for us to Delhi tonight so that we will reach Delhi by tomorrow morning and then we can execute further plans, for now, I want all of you to rest as much as you can cause we can not afford any silly mistakes for the next two days, it's either we kill or get killed there is no in between alright??

"No a little correction, it's either we kill or we kill, I won't let any bitch lay their hands on you, We will win and kill that bastard" Jihyo exclaimed with a sense of confidence which gave a boost of energy to the rest but what everyone failed to notice was her staring at Namjoon all this while and not even blinking once, this made the man who has never been shy his whole life blush so hard that it might be visible even in the dark. Jihyo's words were still roaming in his head even though he knew he was much stronger than her, her words still gave him a sense of comfort, a sense of safety, all his life being the leader of his group he was the one who gave reassurance to everybody but hearing comforting words for the first time in his life felt so good to him. Namjoon's train of thoughts was stopped by Jin who was now yelling his name, Namjoon came back to his senses and looked around only to find everybody staring at him, he looked at Jihyo who had her face covered with her hands but the big smile on her face was still visible that made him blush once more.

Jin- Joonie are you fine why is your face so red? Do you have a fever? Oh god, we can not afford you being sick at such a crucial moment, and Jihyo why are you laughing? Is this funny? Wait a minute Jihyo is blushing and Joonie is blushing DID I MISS SOMETHING??

Tahyun- Oh my god hyung, how could you be so inconsiderate? Just leave the love birds alone okay, and Chae let's go get some food I am so hungryyyy...

Jihyo- Okay tae I know you guys are a couple now but you both being all lovey-dovey in front of us singles hurts our pride, save your love for later.

Yeji- WHAT THE FUDGE? LEE CHAERYOUNG you are in a RELATIONSHIP!!!! why didn't you tell me? AND you Taehyun better treat my baby nicely otherwise I just finished my training, Anyway what all naughty stuff did you--

Yeji's words were cut short by Yeonjun who had his hand on Yeji's mouth preventing her from speaking further while his other hand was holding Yeji's waist very firmly. Seeing this opportunity Chae and Taehyun quickly escaped and joined the others who had already left after Jihyo's remark. Yeji glared at Yeonjun who was looking at her innocently which made Yeji angrier because not everyday one of her friends starts dating ofcourse she had to get all the juicy details but this bitch was stopping her, while Yeji was busy imagining how she will get all the juicy details out of Chaeryoung she felt Yeonjun lowering his face and slowly he whispered in Yeji's ear "So Chae is your baby now?? Mind it only I have the right to be called baby by you okayy?? Yeonjun's deep voice sent shivers down her spine as her ears were now a deep shade of red which always happened whenever she felt shy, seeing the effect he had on the girl in his hands made Yeonjun smirk proudly. Yeji took a deep breath to calm herself and then freed herself from Yeonjun's iron grip.

Yeji- Why-Why would I call you that?

Yeonjun- Call what?

"Oh come on you know" Yeji exclaimed but when she saw Yeonjun raising his eyebrows with his signature smirk on she understood he won't stop until she says that word so she again inhaled a deep breath and then spoke "Ba-baby", she was scolding herself for shuttering but she stopped this scolding session when she saw Yeonjun walking towards her, she stumbled but then firmly stood at her place. Yeonjun stopped just in front of her and again spoke with his unusually deep voice "Cause I suppose that's what you call your love interest", he left after completing his sentence while the girl was still frozen on her spot, the moment she processed his words her cat eyes widened themselves and she turned around yelling "What do you mean?" But Yeonjun was long gone, he was sitting in the bathroom trying to calm his heartbeat while his cheeks were so red afterall it is not easy to confess even though he didn't confess properly but still he was feeling like his heart was about to explode.









This is it for this chapter, hope you guys like it.
Please vote for the chapter and comment your views, I know this chapter is a bit short but the next few chapters are going to be very interesting and thrilling so please look forward to them.
Also guys, OUR HOBI IS GOING, hope he will do well.

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